the main - Infectious diseases
Herpes in the ears: photos, symptoms and treatment. Characteristics of herpes disease in the ear shell what to do if herpes appeared on the ear's urine

Unfortunately, such an unpleasant disease as herpes may occur anywhere in any part of the body. It looks like a bubble rash, which most often appears on the lips or genitals. The appearance of rashes in the ear or is connected, as a rule, with lesion by herpesvirus facial nerve.

There are two varieties of the presented disease:

  1. normal - it is also called a simple herpes in the ear;
  2. shing - Localizes in the outer ear.

Below about each form of pathology is described in more detail. Each of the presented species needs to be treated exclusively at the doctor. Otherwise, complications may appear in the form of serious hearing problems.

Simple herpes

In this case, the rash is usually on the so-called extreme sections of the ear shell.

Most often, this species arises if the patient fell ill orvi, since the immunity is reduced. At the first stages, the following happens:

  • the skin color changes;
  • protrude bubbles;
  • a few days later they dry;
  • the surface is covered with a crust;
  • subsequently, this crust is falling, most often without any scars.

With the exception of some cases, you can talk about a very fast course of the disease. Sometimes affected ear can hear worse.


In this case, the facial nerve is striking herpesvirus 3-type or variece-zoster. It hurts not only the skin of the ear, but also the ear shell itself from the inside. Orals often become a reason for cutting pain. This, above all, is different from simple.

Another difference is simple variety almost leaves no traces on the skin, and more than a hole remains from the lesion of the looking type.

Possible reasons

There is a certain list of provoking factors that activate the activities of microorganisms. Thus, the disease can occur:

  • if a person has a constantly unstable psycho-emotional state;
  • due to overheating (excessive insolation);
  • due to pregnancy;
  • due to the effects of critical temperatures (supercooling);
  • due to unprotected sex contacts, that is, without the use of contraceptives;
  • due to contact with a person who has such an infection;
  • because of menstruation.

Symptoms and treatment

If we talk about the symptoms, something like a furuncle is formed in the ear. Sometimes he causes a hearing impairment, sometimes no.

For treatment, local drugs are used, which the doctor will advise. Most often enough use of acyclovir and specially created creams against herpes. Do not use drops of combinil, because they are contraindicated in viral lesions of the ears.


If the patient in a timely manner appeals to the doctor, then after a couple of weeks it recovers. If not, the virus progresses in a severe form, expressed by the defeats, which are written below.

Their signs:

  • herpetic rash occurs in abundant quantities, on the ear and on the urine;
  • very severe pain, which is given, including in the field of nape, neck and face;
  • reducing the ability to clearly hear;
  • sometimes the pass timers of the face muscles are developing responsible for failing;
  • the vestibular device can be broken.

Complete disposal of these manifestations may occur even in a year. Therefore, it is better to turn to your doctor in time, than wait until the rash itself passes.

Does herpes happen in children

Yes of course. The child also may have ear herpes. Even recently born, the same virus can penetrate the body together with the blood of a mother or contact, during childbirth.

If we talk specifically about children, the infection can occur at the most significant reason. So to speak, against the background of imaginary well-being. This is explained by the fact that the immunity of the child has not yet formed and therefore any virus can infect it.

Many are familiar with the simpleness virus. It easily falls into the human body and remains in it forever. When activating this agent, a characteristic rash occurs. It spreads through the affected nerve, so it can appear on absolutely any parts of the body.

The most frequent location of the virus is considered the area of \u200b\u200blips and genital organs. Cases of ear herpes are diagnosed often. However, this does not mean that it is possible to ignore its manifestations. In the event of symptoms of the disease, you need to immediately seek help to the otolaryngologist.

Clinical picture

The disease causes a simple herpes virus. It penetrates the body through mucous membranes and open wounds. Moving together with blood flow, he settles in the nerve ganglia. There he remains forever.

Under the influence of certain factors, the east herpes virus is activated.

To favorable for its life, conditions can be attributed to pregnancy, colds, stressful situations, abuse of alcohol, etc. In such situations, the human body does not cope with the attacks of the agent. As a result, a characteristic rash appears in the sections of the virus.

Herpes on the ear is a fairly widespread phenomenon. Doctors explain this trend in that this area is innervated by the branch of the facial nerve. Directly on it occurs rapid spread of the virus. IN pathological process Not only the ear shell itself is involved, but also the auditory passage, the docket and the skin around the ear. The disease refers to the category of recurrent. Most often, the rash occurs in the same places, and the clinical picture is identical. In this case, the degree of severity of symptoms may vary.

Herpes in the ear begins its development with common symptoms characteristic of many diseases. Therefore, many ignore the primary manifestations of the ailment, writing them off their indiscrimination or cold. The initial symptoms of herpes can be attributed:

  • temperature increase;
  • deterioration of general well-being;
  • pressure in the ears;
  • eye pain;
  • dizziness.

About 2-3 days from the moment of infection on the surface of the auricle, ulcers begin to form. In a couple of hours, they turn into bubbles, which is accompanied by a strong itching. The ear swells greatly. After a few days, the bubbles burst, and their contents poured out. The secret is a yellowish liquid. The wounds are very quickly healing and covered with crusts. A week later, there are no traces from rashes.

With a complicated course of the disease, the rash can be localized in ear aisles. In this case, patients complain about strong pain, irradiating over the entire surface of the head. It is also possible to violate hearing functions.

If the listed symptoms appear, you need to immediately apply for help to a otolaryngologist. The diagnosis is established on the basis of the physical examination of the patient. If the virus nature is suggested, the slope may be required with rashes.

For treatment I. reliable organism From herpes Many of our readers actively apply a well-known technique based on natural ingredients, Open Elena Malysheva. We advise you to get acquainted.

Methods of treatment

Herpes in the ears is a serious illness that requires competent therapy and only under the control of the doctor. Patients with such a diagnosis are first prescribed tablets with severe antiviral action. The greatest efficiency among the variety of drugs is characterized by acyclovir.

If the pathological process affected not only the ear of the ear, the treatment scheme is complicated. It must be complemented by medicines for intravenous injections. The preference of the doctors gives the means to which there are antiviral components of a new generation. These include not only acyclovir, but also Valacyclovir and Tromantadine. The duration of treatment is usually two weeks. If necessary, this term increases.

Herpes treatment implies use local drugs. Outfits should be applied on the affected places (for example, Zovirax, Gerliraks) or handle the skin by eucalyptus oil.

The cotton disk, moistened in the solution, must be carefully inserted in the ear. This procedure is recommended to repeat every 4 hours.

Mazi needs to be used until the rash will not get a crust. Special attention should be paid to the state of immunity. The deterioration of his work provokes the activation of the virus and the emergence of new symptoms. In order to normalize immunity, patients are prescribed interferons (isoprosis or leukeinferon).

Herpes-prolocated viral diseasewhich can affect any part of the human body. For the most part, it is localized on the lips and genitals. Rarely, it may be herpes in the ear, which is due to the defeat of the facial nerve.

Description of pathology

Herpes in the ear is rare disease. A provocateur of development becomes, as a rule, herpes virus of the third type - Herpes Zoster. The disease is equally exposed to both women and men. Main transmission paths:

  • contact;
  • airborne drip;
  • vertical.

If you do not touch the affected place with your arms and not combing it, the symptomatics is harmless, if only not to take into account the unpleasant fatigue.


The human body is a single, balanced and interconnected system. If the general weakening of the body occurs or its individual organs are affected, then the possibility of penetration into the blood of pathogenic viruses is significantly increased.

Among the main reasons that contribute to the development of the disease are distinguished:

  1. Supercooling organism. This factor is a provocative of the manifestation of many pathologies, including herpes.
  2. Period pregnancy. At that time female organism Significantly weakens what processes occurring in it contribute. A weakened immune system contributes to penetration into many viruses.
  3. Nervous exhaustion. Stressful situations lead to the increase of heartbeat and violation of metabolic processes.
  4. Overheat Under the influence of sun rays or in the sauna. High temperatures violate the work of immune and nervous systems, against the background of which the body weakens.
  5. Unprotected paul contacts.
  6. Menstrual The cycle when the internal processes of the reproductive system are subject to change.
  7. Direct contact With a person who is a carrier of the virus.
  8. Abuse drugs and alcohol products that violates the normal functioning of internal organs.

The injection of the virus in the bloodstream is possible through the skin or mucous membrane. On the penetration of his nervous endings is evidenced by the manifestation of the first signs of the disease.


A simple form of herpetic lesions of the ear shell is characterized by a rash, the localization site of which the edge of the auricle becomes the edge of the outer shell.

At the same time, the rashes will appear on the lips and on the nose. The exacerbation of pathologies contribute to the fatigue of the body, a weak immune system and the presence of viral infection.

Among the first signs are distinguished:

  • change colors skin cover;
  • slowness Bubbles during the day.

Depending on how healing is undergoing, it is possible to observe the formation of brown crusts on the wounds, which, when disappeared, do not leave scars in the place of lesion. Diseases are characterized by a rapid flow. In rare cases, it can lead to the development of complications, such as hearing impairment.

For a shelling herpes, the presence of ZOSTER infection in the body, the location of which is the facial nerve. The rashes begin to form not only with the outer, but also from the inside of the ear.

Education of the Russian Academy of Sciences is accompanied harsh pools. When dried on their surface, a dense buggy crust is formed. After her outpad on the ear, small recesses are formed - scars.

If it is not timely taking the treatment of herpes in the ear, then pathology can lead to the development of a severe form of the disease, which is accompanied by such signs as:

  • severe pains;
  • abundant rash;
  • paralysis of the Mimic muscles, a few days after the formation of an ulcer.

Herpes of a shelling form leads to the affect of the middle and inner ear, which is accompanied by a decrease in hearing and impairment of the functioning of the vestibular apparatus. Restoration is usually required for at least a year.

Through one day after infection, the virus will show the following symptoms:

  • general deterioration of well-being;
  • headaches;
  • increasing body temperature;
  • constant dizziness;
  • violation of movement coordination;
  • redness of the ear and the tip of the nose;
  • swelling, turning on the face;
  • scratching formed bubbles that have a rough surface;
  • strong itch and soreness of rash.

Rarely when the manifestation of herpes is observed on the urine and in the ear. With timely treatment of the development of complications can be avoided.

The reactivation of the virus is accompanied by the appearance of characteristic irritation, which manifests itself in the form of bubbles with a view of acne. In no case cannot be crushed, especially naked hands. Any inflammatory process until the moment of disappearance passes three stages:

  1. Bubbles swell and filled with liquid composition. The process is accompanied by itching, which is recommended not to take into account, or apply special ointments to suppress the symptom. The course of this stage is observed for about 2 days.
  2. Overflow. The blades of bubbles and the release of a sticky liquid having a yellowish tint occurs.
  3. Healing. Over the course of three days there is an early wound and education on their surface of brown brown. It is also not recommended to touch it, because there is a recovery process under it. Over time, it will fall off on their own.

For launched form Herpes in ear bubbles can appear within a pass. It is quite dangerous to health and can lead to unpleasant consequences.


If there are at least one of the symptoms described above, you need to immediately apply for medical help. Overcome to the disease of the disease is a otolaryngologist. The specialist will conduct a general inspection, taking into account both the external signs of infection and the existing pathogenic symptoms.

Sometimes, to carry out more accurate diagnostics, the taking of the scraping from newly formed bubbles is required.

With a qualitative and timely diagnosis of pathology, the possibility of preventing damage to the facial nerve, manifestation of complications and related diseases is significantly increased.


Only a specialist in this area should deal with the therapy of ear herpes. Otherwise you can only harm the health of the body. Therapeutic process must be adjusted all the time on the basis of the results obtained. Therapeutic measures are to carry out several stages that require clear compliance with the sequence.

First of all, the patient who has been diagnosed with herpes ear, is better to fully isolate, since it is already a pedestrian of the pathological virus, and when contacting him a healthy person, the likelihood of infection is great.

In addition, it is better if the patient will be provided with bed and complete peace. Physical exercise will not lead to obtaining the desired result.

According to the results of the survey, the patient is appointed medicinal preparations several groups. It:

  • anesthetics - Their action is aimed at stopping pain symptoms, which allows the body to gain the forces necessary to combat the disease;
  • antiviral Acyclovir differs in particular popularity and efficiency. No less effective are such analogues as Famciclovir, Tromantadine. The means of this group are prescribed on the basis of contraindications and individual characteristics of the body. The duration of reception is about 14 days. In some cases, the course can be extended until all related pathologies will disappear;
  • for recovery Hearing and nerve fibers are prescribed dibazole or prozer.

To improve the patient's well-being, unnecessary can also be appointed antiviral drugs: Analgin, aspirin, naproxen. Paracetamol is used only if high body temperature is noted or for temporary relief pain sensations.

No less effective and special ointments are different:

  • The cream is greater popularity Zovirax, It must be affected by the affected seats in the ear of the ear at least four times a day. The duration of therapy is about one and a half weeks. To achieve as much effect as possible, you need to start using the drug yet on early stage development of pathology.
  • You can also apply ointment Like Thromantadin or Valcyclovir. They are also recommended to apply to the skin up to six times a day.
  • To process rashes, you can apply etheric Oils that have a drying and bactericidal property.

At the same time with medical treatment Assign reception vitamin complexeswhat contributes to restoring and strengthening weakened immune system. Among the preparations of this action, reaffeferon, leukinferon and isoprinosine are also isolated.

A large role in the treatment of ear herpes also plays compliance with the correct diet. For the period of treatment, it is necessary to use products rich in various useful trace elements and vitamins.

The approximate diet is developing a specialist. The patient can use only the methods of its adjustment, selecting products, taking into account their taste preferences. It is important to remember that the exception is carbohydrate, fatty and harmful food.

If you observe all the recommendations prescribed by the doctor, it is possible to achieve improvement in a short period of time. Already within two days, the patient has an improvement in well-being. However, it is not recommended to stop immediately therapeutic measures.

The restoration of a weakened immune system requires much longer time. Therefore, to completely defeat the virus, you must have a minimum for seven days after skin symptoms Disappeared, continue the main therapy.

Possible complications

In case of untimely, improper treatment or its complete absence increases the risk of serious complications. Among the most common experts are noted as follows:

  • paris of facial nerve;
  • manifestation of concomitant pathologies as a result of a decrease in immunity;
  • pain in the ear of a neurological nature, which are accompanied by strong rash, affecting the face, heads and neck.

Such changes were called Ramzaya-Khanta syndrome, for which the characters are incessant pain in the body, constant dizziness and violation of coordination of movement.


To prevent the development of such pathology as herpes in the ear, it is necessary to neglected by some uncomplicated rules that are as follows:

  1. Important to behave all the time healthy Lifestyle. Walking more on foot and more often to stay outdoors. This will significantly strengthen the immunity.
  2. Food Must be correct. To properly work and perform a protective function, the body requires constant flow of vitamins, proteins and trace elements.
  3. Before drinking vegetables and fruits, they are recommended wash and expose thermal processing.
  4. It is better if the bad habits are forgotten forever. Alcoholic beverages and nicotine primarily adversely affect human immunity.
  5. It is always necessary to follow the rules of personal hygiene. Hands should wash with soap as often as possible. In the absence of such an opportunity, you can use antiseptic means, For example, Miramistin or chlorhexidine.
  6. Temperature The room should be maintained at a comfortable level. In winter, it is important not to subjected to the body with supercooling, but in the summer - overheating.

Upon manifestation of the first signs and suspicion of ear herpes, it is necessary to immediately contact a specialist for a complete inspection and passage of the therapeutic course.

People who have a tendency to pathology should know what is herpes and what symptoms is manifested. If you do not seek help to a doctor in time or start yourself to try to get rid of the disease, it can only lead to its further progression that it may end in full hearing loss.

Herpes is a viral disease that can be localized in various parts of the human body. Most often, herpes is manifested in the form of rash / water bubbles. Herpes Ear may be associated with the defeat of the facial nerve ( nervous system) which indicates a violation of the normal functioning of hearing organs.

Causes of herpes in ear

  • The unstable state of the psycho-emotional system. The transferred stresses have a pathogenic effect on the whole organism - accelerate the heartbeat, the body is depleted, violate the operation of metabolic processes.
  • Pregnancy. The body of a pregnant woman is depleted and weakens. This is especially affected by the protective function of the immune system.
  • Supercooling. Long stay on the street at low temperatures, use of excessively cold food products And liquids provokes the appearance of herpes in the internal branch of the ear.
  • Overheating. Excessive stay in the sun, frequent hiking in the bath / sauna can also cause the development of pathology. Heat Occashes the immune and nervous system.
  • Unprotected sexual contacts.
  • Menstruation.
  • Contact with infected person. The spread of the virus takes place contact (through household items / organisen fluids).
  • The use of alcoholic beverages, tobacco products in an abnormal amount.

Localization of herpes.

Herpes in the ear testifies to the presence of an infection that affects the facial nerve. Rash, redness, ulcers are capable of forming directly on the surface of the ears of the sink, inside the outer auditory pass.

The infected areas are covered with a dense crust with tubercles, which, with time, is independently separated. There is a small scar with a deepening on the site of the hill peel. If the disease is complicated by the accompanying pathologies, on the ear of the ear or in own sink Basic rash is formed, which causes pain and discomfort in the patient. Painful feelings Feels in the field of the nape and neck.

Herpes in the ear can provoke parires of mimic muscles. There is a damage to the middle and inner ear, the ear is worse, the functioning of the vestibular apparatus is disturbed. Herpess rash is localized on ear shell, lips, nose wings and outer hearing canal. The period of rehabilitation after the pack of mimic muscles takes about 1 year.


Symptoms of pathology are manifested the next day after the infection of the body:

  • A sharp decline in activity.
  • Feeling noise, pressure, discomfort in the ears.
  • A sharp increase in body temperature indicators.
  • Headache.
  • Redness in the field of nasal passage, ears.
  • Increase in size, edema of hearing organs.
  • The formation of small bubbles on the surface of the epithelium. A few days later, bubbles burst, of which the liquid of the yellow shade will be allocated. Then a buggy crust is formed, which is independently separated after 2-3 days.
  • Disturbance.

Diagnostic methods

For accurate diagnostics, contact the local otolaryngologist (Laura).

With the presence of one of the above symptoms, you should contact the local otolaryngologist (Laura). The specialist based on the external indicators of infection and the presence of pathogenic symptoms, conducts a general therapeutic examination. In some cases, for more accurate diagnostics take scraping from newly formed bubbles.

Qualitative and timely diagnosis is able to prevent damage to the facial nerve, the development of complications, accompanying diseases. Experts differentiate 3 herpes stages:

  • 1 stage - the formation of a rash on the outside of the ear, a slight pain in the auditory department, a strong itching, there are concomitant rashes in the oral cavity;
  • 2 stage - defeat external and inner parts ear, the emergence of rashes in different parts of the face;
  • 3 Stage - Dysfunction of Mimic muscles, the formation of rash in the depths of the auditory passage, on the eardrum.


Herpes treatment should trust the doctor to avoid the deterioration of the overall condition of the body. The treatment process requires constant adjustment based on the resulting result. Treatment consists of several stages that must be performed in a clear sequence:

  • Patient isolation. As a state of human disease, it should be released from the fulfillment of workers and study duties.
  • Appointment of painkillers / antiseptic / anti-heher / anti-inflammatory drugs. The list of drugs should be based on the diagnosis of the disease, the individual characteristics of the body, the lesion stage of the body. Separately, the reception of medicines, restoring hearing and nerve endings.
  • Normalization of the diet. It is recommended to introduce products to the diet that are rich in various vitamins and trace elements. The exemplary diet is attending the doctor. The patient has the right to adjust and select products individually (excluding harmful, fatty, carbohydrate food).
  • Application of moisturizing / antiseptic / antimicrobial ointments on the affected parts of the body. It is permissible to use essential oils like eucalyptus or castor. It is forbidden to provide any mechanical impact on the rash that can damage its integrity. The crust on the rash should be separated independently (violation of this rule is fraught with infections in the body).

The duration of the course of drugs depends on the patient's individual indicators, the lesion stage of the herpes organs. Most often, treatment lasts about 7-10 days.

- already written-rewritten about him. But this problem associated with this disease has not decreased, and readers who are not familiar with this ailment has not become easier.

Especially when it comes to the type of disease, like herpes in the ear.

Causes of herpes in ear

It is necessary to immediately remind the reader that the "unprincipled guy" means that after infection, it can be in any part of the human body and from there, when there is a favorable conditions for him, he can hit any, the patient's body "like".

By what principle, he chooses them - it is difficult to say. However, there are a number general reasonsBy eliminating which you can avoid these extremely unpleasant problems.

These include:

  1. Cold, total prolonged overcooling of the organism - these negative circumstances are the root cause of "awakening" the activity of the herpes virus.
  2. But not only low temperatures provoke the occurrence of this disease. As it does not seem surprising, but also the sultry South Sun, "facing" an insatiable resting rest, can completely spoil further vacation, "putting" herpesy on the ear shell in humans. The same bear service can also have. In short, there must be a measure in everything.
  3. Effective psychological stresses and constant nervous loads are depleted and exhausted. Believe me - this is a direct path to ensuring for a long time you have such a hated sore.
  4. A woman very carefully needs to protect their body during pregnancy. This is explained, because during this period it is a significant part of its energy to create a new life, while significantly weakening its immune structure.
  5. Referring to a woman once again, it is worth telling it that we beat yourself from various contacts with possible sick and unfavorable life conditions. The active reproductive processes occurring during this period in its body significantly exhaust the resistance to various diseases, which is a herpes virus.
  6. Sexual contacts with violation of elementary sanitary etiquette can provide a bubble not only after the ear, but also on a more tender body area - an ulcer in the very intimate place You are almost guaranteed. Therefore, it is not necessary to play extreme health with your own health.
  7. Communication with a sick person, the carrier of this virus, as well as previously transferred diseases that weakened your immune structure can provoke herpes to its attack on your body.
  8. The ally of this malicious sore and your enemies are bad habits from which you do not want or can not get rid of is alcohol, tobacco and drugs. More simple way The destruction of immunity by man is not yet invented.

Video from expert:

Symptoms of herpetic rash

Knowing the first signs (symptoms) of the manifestation of the disease, it is possible and necessary to begin treatment in a timely manner, thereby ensuring the less painful course of these processes.

The main signals of the disease:

Diagnostic methods

As soon as you recorded some of the above symptoms, go to consultation immediately. Only a otolaryngologist, relying on modern tools, can correctly diagnose the disease.

It is timely and correct capable of preventing further complications, the most difficult of which is the defeat of the facial nerve.

Doctors tend to divide herpes to three:

Herpes Middle Eha

  1. The first stage. It is characterized by the appearance of rash on the outer surface of the ear shell, the presence of minor pain inside the ear. There are no cases when herpes on the ears is accompanied by the oral sprinkle.
  2. Second stage. Here visually stated an extensive damage not only to the outer and inner part of the ear, but also of various sections of the face.
  3. Third, the most severe stage. At this stage, there is a clearly visible violation of the functioning of the muscles of the person responsible for the facial expressions, the presence of abundant rash both in the depths of the auditory canal and on the eardrum itself.

Strategy for treatment

Given the stage of leaking the disease, which was mentioned above, the doctor appoints treatment.

For medical preparations of various purposes:

  1. - this is , .
  2. Mazi, creams, balms for outdoor treatment of affected areas of the skin - Gerlor and, essential oil Lemon and Eucalyptus.
  3. Medicinal preparations that strengthen the immunity of the patient - Refaferon and Leucinferon. The same medicines will be very useful for progress.
  4. Package medicines. Dosage and view of analgesics The doctor prescribes based on the severity of the patient's disease and age.
  5. . This extreme, but extremely effective measure of therapy is appointed by doctors when the disease struck and other organs except ear.

Do not neglect the age-old experience folk Medicine. , Romashkaya ointment - these unpaired medicinal forms Significantly weaken the suffering of the patient, especially if such is a child.

Possible complications

The most dangerous complication that may occur as a result of ear herpes is neuritis facial nerve.

As a result inflammatory process The muscles are defeated by one of the parts of the person, which is manifested in a paresay (decrease) or in paralysis ( complete absence) Mimic muscle functions.

In moral terms of the patient is experiencing significant suffering, since his face acquires completely asymmetric forms.

In addition to this complication, the further development of concomitant diseases is not excluded due to the complex (frontal) oppression of the immunity of the patient.

Beginning in the ear, herpes can continue his "annexation" on the head, neck and face in the form of painful abundant rashes.

Preventive measures

It is necessary to finish the article on a positive, because it is less costly than the treatment and more efficient and healthy pastime, than the oppressed mood during the fight against the ailment.

  1. Healthy and active image of being. What's new here? That's it - nothing! It remains only to begin its everyday implementation.
  2. Supplying the whole complex of useful ingredients in the body.
  3. Down with harmful habits is an axiom that does not need evidence.
  4. Implement in your apartment or home cult or if you want, sanitation and hygiene dictatorship. In this case, such dictate is only good.
  5. Do not overeat and not "reroach" the body that the herpes virus can "wake up" the same can "wake up".
  6. Do not refuse the frequent visit to the otolaryngologist - this is exactly the case when the demand for you will not finish them in the nose, nor in the ear, and the benefits of visiting will be omnious.

The main thing is not to start the disease and do not self-medicate. Herpes is exactly the disease whose cunning is concluded in subsequent complications.



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