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  Ascorbic acid in any products. Food sources of ascorbic acid. How to increase the absorption of vitamin C?

When planning a diet, you need to take into account the content of vitamin C in foods. is one of the most significant compounds for the human body. The component is actively involved in the processes of tissue respiration, increases the body's resistance to various pathogens.

In nature, it occurs in the form of dehydroascorbic acid and ascorbigen. More of it is contained in food of plant origin.

Dark green leafy vegetables

Green leafy vegetables, in addition to being an excellent source of calcium, are vegetables that contain the highest concentration of vitamins, including vitamin C; in particular, raw cabbage provides the highest concentration of vitamin C from 120 mg per 100 g, 80 mg sliced ​​in a cup, it is not less than mustard, which provides 70 mg per 100 g and 29 mg cups cut in each.

Kiwi is an extraordinary fruit that finds countless uses in the confectionery and culinary sector. It can be used to decorate cakes, as well as add to any fruit salad or delicious dessert. A portion of 100 g will provide 93 mg of vitamin C, 164 mg per cup, or 84 mg of fruit.

Vitamin C also has other beneficial functions in the body:

  • participation in amino acid metabolism and carbohydrate absorption;
  • increase the body's resistance to intoxication, high and low temperatures;
  • preventing oxygen starvation;
  • participation in the development and preservation of the most important collagen protein;
  • strengthening bone and dental tissue;
  • normalization of cholesterol in the blood;
  • improvement of iron absorption, normalization of blood formation.

Factors contributing to the reduction of vitamin C in the body:

Oranges, Clementines

In addition to being an excellent source of vitamin C, papaya is rich in vitamin A and folic acid. Papayas provide 62 mg per 100 g, that is, 87 mg in cubes for each cup, and 188 mg for each average papaya. Oranges, tangerines and other citrus fruits, as a rule, contain large amounts of vitamin C, especially the zest of vitamin concentrates inside, oranges provide 59 mg per 100 g, 98 mg per cup, and 83 mg per fruit, instead of Clementine and tangerine, yield 49 mg every 100 grams or 36 mg per fruit.

Strawberries are delicious and healthy to add to desserts, drinks or ice cream, but their goodness should not be misleading the fact that this fruit is so beautiful, it provides 59 mg per 100 grams. Studies show that passive smokers and smokers have lower levels of vitamin C in the blood, which is believed to be associated with an increase in oxidative stress. Also, people who do not follow a rich and varied diet may have a deficiency of this vitamin, in fact, vitamin C is mainly found in fruits and vegetables Fresh aces from malabsorption, cancer, end-stage and kidney disease are added to these people.

  • penetration of pathogenic microbes;
  • smoking.

Foods containing ascorbic acid should be included in the daily diet. This biologically active substance is not synthesized in the body. The incoming component with food begins to be absorbed in the oral cavity. Its main absorption occurs in the small intestine. The body of a healthy person contains 4-6 g of vitamin C. The daily intake is 70-100 mg.

Essential to the proper function of our immune system, since it is useful for the production of antibodies, vitamin C has a history associated with scurvy disease, a pathology associated with a deficiency of this compound in the diet, known since ancient times in Greece.

The population of time has cured this disease by consuming fresh fruits and vegetables or relying on pine extracts. For decades and in most cases, modern medicine has increasingly sought to develop methods with greater scientific certainty in order to cure scurvy over all marine populations and airborne brigades among the people most affected by this evil. And he also suggested that other diseases will depend on the lack of specific vitamins.

The need for ascorbic acid increases in the following cases:

  • living in adverse climate conditions;
  • intense exercise;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • frequent stress;
  • the presence of diseases.

Ascorbic acid deficiency

Lack of vitamin C is possible for several reasons:

According to experts, vitamin C helps prevent seasonal diseases, it is important for the development of scar tissue of blood vessels and cartilage. Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant, helps reduce oxidative stress and, consequently, the risk of developing cancer at any age, helps to absorb iron and prevents the risk of cardiovascular diseases and high blood pressure. According to some studies, in addition, daily intake of about 500 mg of vitamin C can increase the number of blood vessels, which contributes to the process of vasodilation, which helps to reduce blood pressure.

  • ingestion of foods containing little ascorbic acid;
  • impaired absorption in the body due to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • protein-lean diet;
  • winter-spring period, when fruits or vegetables are almost completely absent from the daily diet.

The vegetable food sold on the shelves in spring and winter does not contain enough beneficial vitamins, including ascorbic acid. Insufficient content of vitamin C in the human body leads to disruption of its functioning.

Exotic fruits, thyme and parsley

The ideal dose for a person's well-being is 60 mg per day. But how do you do it if you don't want to eat only oranges? You could choose, for example, the season of your dishes with red and green chilies. Translation: One red pepper contains 65 mg. And the number of species varies depending on its color. Each green pepper contains 132 mg. In Italy, his plant is also cultivated, prevailing in Sicily, from late October to mid-December. It is impossible to find it even after the summer, when it will be beautiful, like fruit on the beach.

Signs of failure:

  • low resistance to infections;
  • the development of scurvy;
  • deterioration of the health of the teeth and gums;
  • various bleeding;
  • loss of muscle mass;
  • lowering the concentration of iron in the body;
  • upset stool;
  • frequent fainting, dizziness;
  • reduced mental and physical performance.

Such symptoms lead to serious complications. Therefore, you need to eat foods containing ascorbic acid.

Even thyme and parsley, the spices used to flavor many dishes, are very rich in vitamins. Thyme, in particular, is the one that contains the highest amount of vitamin C, with 160 mg per 100 g and 1, 6 mg per teaspoon. However, parsley provides 133 mg of vitamin C per 100 g, 5 mg per spoon, and 13.3 mg per 10 sugars. Equivalent to 84 mg per fruit.

A part of exotic papaya, besides rich in vitamin A and folic acid, is also rich in vitamin C, 62 mg every 100 g, 188 mg for each medium-sized papaya. Finally, large amounts of vitamin C can also be found in green leafy vegetables, such as cabbage and cress, with 120 mg of vitamin C per 100 g and 69 mg per 100 g, respectively. Broccoli and cauliflower no less. The first contains 89 mg of vitamin C every 100 g, 28 mg each half. Raw cauliflower, however, contains 46 mg for each cup.

Ascorbic acid content in foods

Fresh fruits, vegetables, berries contain large amounts of vitamin C. It is almost absent in food products of animal origin. Ascorbic acid is abundant in rosehip, bell pepper, and black currant.

In short, the ancients were right, although they had not yet understood: to take so much vitamin C, you should eat mostly fruits and vegetables. It is a substance that is absorbed by the human body, so you need to take it consistently, it accumulates in the adrenal gland and liver, and its absorption decreases in old age or when taking certain drugs: contraceptives The body's ability to absorb vitamin C is also reduced during smoking, stress, heat or injection petroleum gas.

The level of ascorbic acid in the blood reaches a peak two to three hours after taking the average amount, then decreases with urination and sweating. Vitamin C is absorbed in the intestine by a rich active transport process: this means that the absorption rate decreases with increasing dose. Approximately 50% of a single dose from 1 to 1, 5 g is absorbed. Level of the intestine Up to 500 mg of absorption occurs for active transport, then diffusion mechanisms begin to act.

One medium size contains about 70 mg of vitamin C. This amount is enough to get a daily dose. The table shows which foods contain ascorbic acid. The component is more in fresh products than in processed ones.

It is found in fruits and vegetables, offal. This vitamin plays an important role in the well-being of the body, it is vital to maintain a high and active immune system, as well as ensure the proper synthesis of collagen, which sets the task of strengthening the skin, bones, blood vessels and bones.

It increases the body's resistance, enhances the function of phagocytes, increases the production of antibodies, stimulates the synthesis of interferon, carnitine biosynthesis, anti-cholesterol, antistress, destroys free oxygenated radicals, radical oxidizers, superoxide radicals, oxygen radicals, participates in cellular respiration, intervenes in the development of fibroplasts, in the formation of fibroplasts, in the formation of fibroplasts, and in the formation of fibroplasts. Collagen, in the formation of adrenal hormones, promotes the absorption of iron by increasing the levels of hemoglobin, zinc, calcium, magnesium, etc. toxic effects of nicotine, benzoate, nitrogen compounds, cytotoxic substances, ionizing radiation, inactivation of bacterial toxins, interference with the transport of oxygen and electrons, indispensable for the vital activity of all cells necessary for energy production, especially muscle, prevents the accumulation of histamine, modulates prostaglandins, prevents it and the cellular degeneration, prevents damage caused by the drug, protects the eyes and lungs, turns cysteine ​​into cysteine, etc. etc. Vitamin C plays an important role in the healing of wounds and burns, as it contributes to the formation of connective scar tissue.

A glass of strawberry or one will also cover the daily need. According to scientists, the best source - rose hips. 100 g of the product is about 900 mg of vitamin C, or even more.

Fresh fruits have the maximum value. But in dried berries useful properties are preserved. Almost all fruits contain an ingredient. But ascorbic acid decomposes under the action of high and low temperatures. It is not recommended to store food with its content in metal dishes.

It counteracts the toxic effects of tobacco smoke, exhaust gases, etc. Quickly destroyed by light, exposed to air and heat. And in fact, extremely labile vitamin: the cooler and less cooked food, the greater the amount of vitamin.

Among the preferred methods of preparation: microwave, steam and rapid frying. They are necessary for our well-being, which, as in the case of mineral salts, must be consumed through the supply, because our body is unable to synthesize them.

Ascorbic acid is rich in plant products during the flowering period. It is found in corn, wheat and other cereals. Lack of ascorbic acid can be compensated by eating green onions. Enough to add it regularly to the salad.

In food, the vitamin concentration decreases dramatically when the plants are treated with poisonous substances. The component is destroyed when exposed to oxygen, light, heat treatment. Therefore, in the process of cooking it is recommended to reduce the access of oxygen using a sealed lid.

Often, however, due to unregulated nutrition, we have a shortage, and we tend to underestimate this fact, not considering that this may mean in the end serious health problems. Then we learn better about vitamins and, above all, find out what products they contain the most.

The first major classification of a vitamin is one that sees fat-soluble vitamins on one side and water-soluble vitamins on the other. It goes without saying that when we eat foods with fat-soluble vitamins, it would be useful to bind the fat together in order to better absorb it, while in the case of taking water-soluble vitamins it is good to bind with water. But let's look at it now.

All plant products contain the enzyme ascorbinase. It is intensively synthesized during storage. The compound destroys beneficial biologically active substances. For the prevention of deficiency, it is necessary to regularly eat foods containing this biologically active substance.

Excess Ascorbic Acid

Among its functions - to help digestion and stimulate the appetite. Lack of this vitamin can cause fatigue, irritability, tachycardia, lack of appetite and memory impairment. People who smoke, consume a lot of sugar or are under stress should take more. Especially this vitamin is crucial for the metabolism and health of the eyes, skin, nails and hair, because it helps cell respiration and the formation of new red blood cells.

B2 can be found in yogurt, brewer's yeast, almonds, whole grains and legumes. Among its main functions, it promotes the metabolism of fats, carbohydrates and proteins, helps the nervous system to function, improves circulation and reduces the level of cholesterol in the blood. It is difficult to be in deficiency of this vitamin, because it is found in many foods: whole grains, seeds, legumes, brewer's yeast, vegetables and fruits.

With regular consumption of foods high in vitamin C, the risk of overdose is minimal.

But with the simultaneous use of pharmaceuticals with ascorbic acid, overdose symptoms may appear:

  • allergic reactions in the form of pruritus and rash;
  • urinary tract irritation;
  • weakness, dizziness;
  • nausea, gagging;
  • violation of the heart and central;
  • upset stool;
  • headache;
  • sleep disturbance.

In the presence of these manifestations, it is better to refrain from eating foods that contain a lot of vitamin C.

This vitamin is naturally present in many foods, including some fish, eggs, cereals, legumes, broccoli, and cabbage. But there are many other functions of this vitamin, including muscle development assistance, red blood cell production and good skin health.

The foods that contain it most are whole grains, bananas, avocados, hazelnuts, brewer's yeast and carrots. Deficiency can occur with excessive hair loss, apathy, muscle pain, or anemia. This vitamin is naturally present in oats, cabbage, mushrooms, legumes, whole-grain rice, brewer's yeast and eggs. Therefore, he understands how important this vitamin is during pregnancy, preventing, among other things, neonatal malformations, such as spina bifida.

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What foods contain vitamin C

The benefits of vitamin C on the human body can not be overestimated. This substance is necessary for us, like air and water. With its deficiency can develop extremely unpleasant and dangerous diseases, including scurvy. In order for the body to receive the necessary substances, including ascorbic acid, you need to properly organize your diet and diet. Of course, in the period of colds it is best to take vitamin complexes, but you should not refuse products that contain vitamin C, which is so necessary for us. So what products contain vitamin C?

Products containing vitamin C

As you know, most of all vitamin C is found in vegetables, fruits and berries. Some of these products are 100 grams exceeded, sometimes several times. For convenience, we will take the amount of ascorbic acid in mg per 100 grams of product.

In fact, the content of vitamin C in products has a very large variation: from 1 to 1500 mg per 100 g of product.

For example, with meat, we practically do not get vitamin C: the content of ascorbinka in animal products is minimal - the same 1 gram, which we mentioned a little higher. More ascorbic acid is found in beef, chicken and pork liver - about 33 mg. To provide the body with the necessary daily intake of vitamin C, you need to eat unrealistically a lot of meat and meat products. By the way, some peoples of the Far North receive a sufficient portion of ascorbic acid from meat, due to the lack of vegetables and fruits, they are forced to eat mainly meat and fish in quantities that are unlikely to be mastered by residents of the European side of Russia. True, the northern peoples have the opportunity to feast on unpretentious berries of cranberries, lingonberries, blueberries, bearberry, cloudberries, which contain the daily norm of ascorbinka.

Fruits and berries where there is vitamin C

Fruits are very rich in vitamin C, but many vegetables are ahead of them in its content. The amount of vitamin C per 100 grams of fruit leads guava: 230 mg. The daily standard of ascorbic for children (45 mg) contains 100 grams of kiwi, pineapple, melon, papaya, apples, mango.

But the berries, which are very common in our country, are much richer in vitamin C. Sea buckthorn and black currant contain 200 mg each, which is an approximate norm for pregnant and lactating women, and cold people of both sexes.

Is lemon the richest in vitamin C product?

Argued that most ascorbinka is contained in lemons and oranges. But this is nothing more than a delusion. Despite the fact that tea with lemon is very useful for our body, citrus fruits are not champions in the content of “ascorbinka” in the composition. You can even say that in the list of products that contain vitamin C, citruses trudge almost in the tail. Of course, there are foods containing much less ascorbic acid in the composition than it is contained in lemon, in some products, this vitamin is completely absent. But the fact remains: 100 grams of lemon contains about 45 mg of ascorbinka (with an average daily rate for a person of 70 grams). In addition, rarely can eat whole lemon, like an apple. Most often we put on a small slice of this fruit in tea, therefore, the dose of vitamin C, which enters our body with lemon, is quite small. In this sense, even oranges are more useful. They contain more ascorbic acid - 65 mg, which is the daily norm of an ordinary person. We recommend reading the article listed on the link above to find out what is the daily rate for an adult, depending on a number of factors.

But the leader in the content of ascorbic acid in the composition of wild rose, more precisely, the fruits of this plant. Moreover, the dried fruit contains as much as 1500 mg of vitamin C, and fresh - 700 mg. Therefore, wild rose is very useful for colds, to improve immunity, for healthy skin, hair, nails and a variety of systems of the human body.

Vegetables and mushrooms

The list of vegetables containing vitamin C in large quantities is much wider than the similar list of fruits. This includes pepper (hot, red, sweet), Brussels sprouts, white cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, even sauerkraut, and lettuce leaves, and greens. These products contain the daily norm of ascorbing for an adult. Record from this list are all types of pepper - they contain 200 mg of vitamin. Therefore, in the cold season, fresh salads with a lot of pepper will be especially useful.

A lot of vitamin C is also found in mushrooms, moreover, ascorbinka is more dried in this product than in fresh form.

Table of products containing vitamin C

The list of products where there is vitamin C can be continued indefinitely. For convenience, we present a table that displays this data in a convenient ascending order.

Product Vitamin C mg / 100 g
Meat 0,1-1
Seafood 1,3
Milk, cottage cheese, river fish 2
Cheese 2-3
Sea fish 2-3
Peanuts, pistachios 5
Watermelon, carrots, cucumbers, grapes, eggplant, pear 5
Kidneys beef, avocado, pomegranate 10
Peaches, bananas, beets, plums, boletus, onion 10
Cherries, cherries, cherry plum, mushrooms, salad, zucchini 15
Potatoes, cranberries, quince 20
Radish, green beans, asparagus 20
Pork liver 21
Chicken liver 25
Radish, red tomato 25
Green pea 25
Sauerkraut white cabbage, patison 26
Apples, white mushrooms, swede, garlic, mango 30
Fresh white cabbage, chanterelles, leek 36
Tangerines, green onions 30
Beef liver 33
Melon 40
Lemon, grapefruit, strawberry 40-45
Red cabbage, spinach, pineapple 50
Currant red and white 50
Sorrel, cranberry, strawberry 30-50
Orange, kohlrabi, papaya, pomelo 50
Green onion 60
Cauliflower, Rowan 70
Longan 80
Broccoli 90
Dill, Kiwi 100
Brussels sprouts, horseradish 120
Sweet bell pepper 140
White dried mushrooms, cloudberries 150
Parsley 166
Black currant 190
Sea buckthorn 200-500
Dried orange-cap boletus 220
Red pepper (sweet and spicy) 250
Chilli 220
Guava 230
Cilantro 500
Rosehip fresh 500-700
Dried rosehip 1200-1500

In drawing up your diet, based on the list of products containing a lot of vitamin C, remember: an overdose of ascorbic acid is no less dangerous than its deficiency. However, in order to regularly receive huge doses of ascorbine from products, you need to eat a lot of wild rose, pepper and greens combined.



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