the main - Infectious diseases
I hear the heart knocking what to do. Sensation of strong heartbeat with a normal pulse. How to treat this disease

The rapid heartbeat is the feeling that the heart beats too often or badly knocks - the reason to consult a doctor.

- This is a complaint of patients on a subjective feeling of rapid, arrhythmic or heavy heartbeat. Normally, we do not notice the beatings of your heart. But any deviation from the norm becomes immediately noticeable. The heartbeat is usually described by patients as follows: the heart is too strong (or "loudly") knocks in the chest, the heart "jumps out" from the chest is very rarely, "twigs", "turns" or "tremble." The reinforced heartbeat may be accompanied by a sense of pulsation on the neck, in the temples, a nap area or fingertips. The heartbeat can also accompany the pain in the heart of the heart, the feeling of constraint in the chest or the difficulty of breathing. Such symptoms may indicate the pathology of the heart, but in most cases complaints on reinforced heartbeat with related symptoms Instrumental studies of signs of heart lesions are not detected.

Heartbeat should be distinguished from. Tachycardia - This is an objective increase in cardiac frequency. The normal pulse in an adult is at rest - 60-80 shots per minute. If more than 90 shots are recorded per minute, tachycardia is diagnosed. However, the patient may not feel that his heartbeat is a rapid.

Common causes of rapid heartbeat

Even a healthy person can feel reinforced heartbeat. To the greatest extent, it is characteristic of people with increased nervous sensitivity. Lead to rapid heartbeats can:

  • significant physical efforts;
  • fast rise to height;
  • the physical activity in the conditions of hot and stuffed medium (the lack of oxygen leads to the strengthened work of the heart);
  • sharp mental tension (fright, excitation, etc.);
  • consumption of a large amount of food with high caffeine (coffee, tea, coca-cola);
  • some medications (in particular, the funds from the cold);
  • disorders of digestion (for example, due to which the diaphragm is somewhat raised).

Severe heartbeat can be felt when high temperatures (patients experiencing heat often feel heartbeat).

Heart Pent Patient

The rapid heartbeat is often accompanied. In this case, the more often the heart is reduced, the higher the pressure in the arteries. The dependence here is precisely such ... Therefore, it is incorrectly considered an increased arterial pressure of the reinforced heartbeat. Another thing is that the increase in pressure, accompanied by a general deterioration of well-being, can make it seems how much heart knocks.

Student heartbeat and raising arterial pressure Can be called the same causes. In this case, therapeutic measures aimed at normalization of pressure will contribute to the normalization of heartbeat.

Papered palpitation under reduced pressure

Increased heart rate is quite possible under reduced pressure. A sharp decrease in pressure can be observed at shock states (by traumatic, infectious-toxic, psychogenic and other varieties of shock). The body reacts to it, speeding up the reduction of the heart muscle to restore pressure. Such compensatory character of reinforced heartbeat occurs both with a large blood loss.

Papered heartset under normal pressure

However, reinforced heartbeat can be felt and regardless of pressure. Pressure can be reduced, and normal, and the patient complains of heartbeat. This is possible with a vegetative-vascular dystonia, and a number of other diseases. You should not try to determine what you are sick, and even more so begin treatment only on the basis of the comparison of heartbeat and pressure. In all cases when the heightened heartbeat is worried, it is necessary to undergo a survey on the prescription of the doctor.

When the heartbeat is a reason to consult a doctor?

The rapid heartbeat is a reason to appeal to the doctor if it is:

  • too intense;
  • wears a protracted character (not passes for a long time);
  • it occurs with an inclusion of the above factors;
  • there is no connection with the above factors;
  • it is uneven character (it can be assumed arrhythmia - a violation of the rhythm of the heart).

In these cases, the rapid heartbeat may be a manifestation of serious disorders and diseases, such as:

  • anemia (low hemoglobin and iron content in the blood);
  • tetania (condition due to lack of calcium);
  • endocrine diseases;
  • cardic pathologies.

However, as a rule, in the case of myocarditis, other diseases of the heart, as well as thyroid hyperfunctions, reinforced heartbeat is not the main complaint. With such diseases, first of all, complain of pain in the heart and.

Quickly need to react if against the background of reinforced heartbeat, the left of the skin, sweating is observed. In this case, you should call ambulance.

What will the doctor help with strong heartbeat?

With a complaint about heartbeat, contact a doctor or cardiologist doctor.

With complaints of a patient on reinforced heartbeat, first of all, it is necessary to establish its cause - whether it has a physiological or pathological origin. For this purpose, laboratory and instrumental research can be appointed, including (), radiography of the heart. After establishing the cause of increased heartbeat, a course of treatment is assigned aimed at eliminating pathological factors. The normalization of the heartbeat is achieved by treatment with antiarrhythmic drugs. Such drugs should not be made independently, they must be appointed a doctor in accordance with the state of your body established on the basis of a medical examination. Otherwise, the result of treatment may be negative.

It is important to know! exists! ...

Sometimes a person has a feeling of heartbeat with a normal pulse. It is impossible to say that when our heart beats, it is bad, but if it knocks too much, it causes some panic. After all, most people used to not hear the work of their hearts.

It is especially unpleasant when the pulse is normal, and the heart seems from the chest. It beats about the rib, puts in the ears, fingers and so on. Immediately the question arises: what is the cause of the feeling of heartbeat, and is it normal?

Ethiology of phenomena

The main causes of the feeling of strong heartbeat are as follows:

1. Cardiovascular diseases. 2. Diseases associated with the endocrine system. 3. Mental disorders And other diseases associated with the psyche.

Now you need to consider each of them in more detail.

Cardiovascular diseases.

Most cases of increased heartbeat are associated with heart disease diseases.So it is not surprising that when the heart suddenly the heartbeat frequent, the doctors can identify such diseases:

1. Extrasystole. This disease can be formed with significant physical exertion, sharp shifts of body position and so on. Manifests itself in the form of extraordinary heart abbreviations. As a result, cardiac work is constant and is much more often happening than in the usual reduction of the body. 2. Cleaning arrhythmia may occur if the heart works incorrectly, that is, the heart muscles are reduced not constantly, but gust. It turns out that at first it beats too slowly, and then too fast, but with pain and shortness of breath. 3. Paroxysmal tachycardia, directly associated with a significant increase in the work of the heart. The heartbeat can achieve large values, mainly from 110 to 170 shots per minute. These indicators are high enough so that a person felt something wrong with him.

To treat any of the above disease, you need to consult a doctor to examine, get a diagnosis and course of treatment.

For what reason does a person feel strong heart blows?

Diseases associated with the endocrine system.

It is possible that the violation of normal heartbeat is directly related to the disease of the endocrine system.

It is mainly manifested in the form of a disease of hypothyroidism, when the thyroid gland of a person does not produce the right amount of hormones.

This in turn is reflected in the heart, which responds to this lack of tachycardia and other diseases.

It is worth noting that it is not possible to postpone this disease in a long box, because the more time it takes, the situation with your heart deteriorates, the final result can be a fatal outcome. To prevent this, you need to do the treatment of hypothyroidism in time.

But this is not all diseases associated with the endocrine system. It is quite possible to appear the above symptoms and when climax, when women disappears a reproductive function.

In this case, a hormonal restructuring begins to occur in the body, which can cause strong heart blows or a feeling of heartbeat with a normal pulse.

Psychological disorders.

It is no secret that frequent psychosis, neurosis can cause interruptions in the work of a person's heart. Mostly, such problems may suffer young people who still have no psyche formed.

At this age, it is very easy to expose suggestion or self-sustainment, as well as asocial behavior.

Sometimes the reason for the increase in heartbeat can be the usual overdose by drugs. In this case, you just need to reduce the dose drugAnd everything will fall into place.

If you are overtaken by a strong heartbeat in a dream, then you should immediately consult a doctor to find out the reason for such night anxiety.

It is better to tighten with treatment, so that it was not too late to return to the normal state of your heart.

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The feeling of one's own heartbeat with a normal pulse and pressure can occur in different periods of life, to be an option for the norm or signal the failures in the work of the endocrine, respiratory and cardiovascular systems. This state is detected not only in adults, but also in children. Special diagnostic procedures make it possible to determine the etiology of the disease and choose the most appropriate treatment tactics in each case.

Causes of loud heartbeat

Rhythm, or an increase in the intensity of heart blows can be a natural reaction of the body to external stimuli or be a consequence of infectious damage to the organ, pathological changes in the structure of its tissues or vessels. Thus, the causes of the occurrence of this pathology are divided into organic and physiological. The latter can be attributed to:

strong overwork; transitional age; pregnancy; stressful situations; excessive consumption of caffeine and alcoholic beverages; lacking; treatment with drug drugs affecting blood pressure; Systematic overeating and obesity.

The occurrence of tachycardia in a child in transition is due to the rapid growth of the body, in which blood pressure indicators can also fluctuate. During pregnancy, the load on the heart increase repeatedly, which should pass through itself a much larger blood volume to provide the mother and the fruit with a sufficient amount of oxygen. Such an instant restructuring entails changes in blood pressure, rhythm and heart rate.

If the cause of loud heartbeat is the use of various doping drinks and means, then you should refuse to receive their reception, these symptoms will quickly disappear. With stress and stressful situations, a full-fledged rest is needed, the taking of light sedatives of plant origin (valerian or dyeing tincture) is recommended. If a failure heart Rhythm It happened as a result of long-term treatment with medicines, it is necessary to report this to the doctor and choose other drugs.

If with physiological causes to normalize the work of the heart muscle, provoking factors is sufficiently removed, then with tachycardia and organic arrhythmias helps only the treatment of the underlying disease. The following pathologies can cause intensive heartbeat without changing blood pressure and disorders:

1. Cleaning arrhythmia. With this disease, a person feels a loud and disorderly reduction of the heart muscle, which is caused by the atrial or stomachs. 2. Paroxysmal tachycardia. Accompanied by a sharp attack of the rapid heartbeat, the strong ripple of the veins in the neck and head. 3. Extrasystole. Most often, it is with this pathology that a person clearly feels how the heart beats loudly in normal blood pressure and absence of pulse. In case of extrasystole, the heart beats unevenly, extraordinary and premature reductions of the body that cause unpleasant feeling Heavy foreign object In the throat or stomach.

The above-mentioned diseases are a serious threat to a person's life, since with prolonged absence of treatment can lead to different complications and fatal outcome. Rhythm failure and loud heartbeat signals the critical state of the cardiovascular system. Alone these symptoms do not pass, and therefore it is necessary to contact the cardiologist for consultation as soon as possible.


If a person has noticed the frequent attacks of loud heartbeat, accompanied by painful sensations or other negative manifestations, it is necessary to undergo simple diagnostic procedures to which include:

electrocardiogram; auscultation; ultrasound procedure chest; X-ray.

The first two methods of assessing the state of the heart are quite sufficient, the remaining methods are applied in case of detection of serious pathologies or in suspected of their presence. Auscultation is listening to the patient using a stethoscope in different positions (sitting, standing, lying), and the electrocardiogram is performed using a special electrical device that registers the reduction of the heart muscle and instantly outstanding the graphical record of the results. Both surveys are absolutely painless and most informative.

If, after passing all diagnostic procedures, the cardiologist did not reveal the true cause of loud heartbeat, but it is systematic, it takes a more careful study of the problem. Calling such symptoms can hypothyroidism and other endocrine diseases, to determine which not only the external examination of the patient is required, but also the study of biochemical blood test.

In addition to visiting the endocrinologist, attention should also be paid to cured or sluggish diseases of the respiratory system (chronic asthma, pneumonia). Often, the pulmonary thromboembolism is accompanied by the same symptoms as heart disease (shortness of breath, darkening in the eyes, arrhythmia, a feeling of gravity in the chest, fainting), so it is better to visit the therapist and ask the direction of the lungs on x-ray.

Do heart pains torment?

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Treatment and prevention

If there were pathologies from endocrine, respiratory or cardiovascular systems during the survey, the treatment will be aimed at eliminating the underlying disease and relieve its symptoms. If a loud heartbeat is not provoked by organic damage to the heart, its nearby tissues or vessels, as well as infectious diseases Different genes, then a person is required:

increase the duration of the night rest; abandon the bad habits (including the use of power engineers, soda and sweet in large quantities); reduce the intensity of physical exertion, and in the case of their complete absence, on the contrary, increase; avoid stressful situations; Comply with a diet based on the principles of healthy nutrition.

In most cases, useful will use soothing in the form of decoctions, infusions that can be prepared by the prescriptions folk Medicine. Such remedies have a stuffing effect, help to normalize pressure and establish the work of the heart muscle. Do not forget that many homemade medicinal products in their pharmacological properties Very similar to medication drugsand therefore have pretty strong impact on the body. In view of this, the dosage and course of admission must be coordinated with the doctor to avoid unpleasant consequences.

In other cases, you can buy in any pharmacy funds in tablets released without a doctor's recipe, and drink them according to the instructions. Preferences should be given to light sedative vegetable medicines without the risk of side effects.

And a little about secrets ...

Have you ever suffered from pain in the heart? Judging by what you read this article - the victory was not on your side. And of course you are still looking for good wayTo bring the heart to normal.

Then read that Elena Malysheva speaks about this in his interview about the natural ways of treating the heart and purification of vessels.

It often happens that a feeling of heartbeat appears with a normal pulse. Such manifestations are also in healthy people, but sometimes they indicate the presence of a cardiovascular disease. To figure out this, you need to refer to a qualified specialist who can put the correct diagnosis.

Why can a strong heartbeat be felt with a normal pulse?

The feeling of strong heartbeat with normal pulse is typical for children until the age of 7 years.

There are many reasons because of which such a condition can be marked with a normal pulse. Among them are distinguished:

heart disease and vessels; problems with hormones; other reasons. Made to the table of contents

Heart disease and vessels

The most common cardiovascular diseases that provoke heartbeat with normal pulse are presented in the table:

Disease Note
Arrhythmia Pulse is more often accelerated. The electrical impulses in the heart are broken, because of this, the heart beats unevenly.
Heart infection Endocarditis or myocarditis, which are also accompanied by fever, changes skin Pokrov and mucous membranes, vices of other organs.
Changes in heart fabrics Changes may be associated with myocardiodystrophy or cardiosclerosis.
Heart disease Congenital or acquired.
Arterial hypertension Pathological state at which normal pressure is above 140/90 mm Hg.

But if it should generally be heard and how to behave when his own heart gives discomfort, consider below.

Do not hear your heartbeat: normal or pathology?

The very fact that a person does not hear the heartbeat is the norm. If the heart rhythm is tangible and "heard" is already considered a violation of the work of the heart, can talk about serious problems in the body. Often arrhythmia is harmless, and the patient does not even suspect her. There are certain symptoms that are brighter characterize arrhythmia. It:

  • rapid or, on the contrary, slowdown heartbeat and / or sense of fading, stopping heart;
  • sunshine attacks, a feeling of compresses in the chest;
  • dizziness, pre-corrupt state;
  • painful sensations in the field of heart;
  • pallor, tingling limbs;
  • pulsation arteries.

Tachycardia is one of the most common causes of increasing heart rate.

Why can a person hear the heartbeat?

Heartbeat - an attempt of the body to warn a person about problems.

Arrhythmia is one of the organism methods to reach the person. It should be perceived as the SOS signal. To the common reasons for changing the rhythm of the heart can be attributed:

  • excessive stress, emotional overload;
  • strong physical exercise;
  • smoking;
  • alcohol abuse, or caffeine;
  • use of narcotic substances;
  • leap of arterial or atmospheric pressure;
  • exposure to electric current;
  • squeezing the chest;
  • diseases of the heart and thyroid gland.

It can also be a rhythm of heart abbreviations to such an extent that his knock will be given in the head, temples, ears, peritoneum, disturb the feeling of compresses in the larynx. Such manifestations of arrhythmia are more common to the emergence of hypertension. To accurately determine the state of your health and choose the appropriate treatment, it is necessary to undergo a survey from specialists.

What to do with arrhythmias?

During a sudden heartset attack, you need to do the following:

  1. Drink a glass of cold or cool water.
  2. Wash your face with cold water.
  3. Take a comfortable sitting or lying.
  4. Make a measured, deep breathing action.

If after 10-15 minutes the condition did not improve, then it is worth adopting a medicine prescribed by a doctor. If it did not help, and the condition deteriorated sharply, it is necessary to call an ambulance. Saying such symptoms, you should not postpone the campaign to the doctor, and even more so engage in self-medication. It is worth considering that the violation of the heart rhythm is a secondary illness, which can lead to deposits. In addition to surveys by the doctor, you need to pay attention to food. In its diet, you must include food rich in vitamins, minerals and proteins that will enrich immune system and the body as a whole. Also, abandon alcoholic beverages and smoking. For the prevention of heart disease, it will not be superfluous to go through the course of therapeutic physical culture, where there will be balanced physical exertion.

Causes and symptoms of heartbeat disorders

Such states are considered the norm in children before seven age. At this age, this is due to the rapid growth of muscles and organs. Bone system "Do not have time" with the same speed to develop after the heart and light. This is one of the factors of failures in the work of the child's breathing organs. At this age, fainting.

The heartbeat is able to feel a completely healthy person. There are many reasons for this:

  • sudden physical overvoltage;
  • intoxication;
  • temperature differences and atmospheric air pressure;
  • emissions of hormones in blood;
  • squeezing sternum;
  • fright.

In adult, constant rhythm disorders can lead to arrhythmia, heart failure, left ventricular dysfunction, hypotension, hypertension, ischemic illness, heart attack, heart stop.

The basis of the violation of the rhythm of the heart in pathological cases is to increase the activity of the sinus node, which is responsible for the rhythm and the rate of abbreviations of systole. When the rhythm rises, extrasystoles begin to appear, the heart works in emergency mode, to wear. The left ventricle with greater intensity throws the blood in the aorta, which over time leads to its hypertrophy. In this case, the pressure increases, the load on the vessels and organs increase. However, not always when the extrasystole appears, the rhythm is broken, and "appear" heartbeat.

Ischemia as well as hypertension with hypotension can violate rhythm and eventually lead even to death. Diseases of the thyroid and pancreas provoke cardiac insufficiency. With heartbeat ischemia have a persistent character. The patient feels heart rhythm failures.

Causes of heartbeat disorders can be situational and pathological. For example, after a heart attack, the scarring of the tissue of the heart of the heart occurred. In this regard, the structure of the heart has changed.

An important factor in sudden heartbeat is the diet. What we eat has the ability to harm the body. Some people are so dependent on tonic drinks that they do not even have the opportunity to start the morning without such "doping" as coffee. They experience drowsiness and reduction of tone. The body saturation caffeine gradually makes his "black" work, forcing the heart to work for wear.

Some nutritional supplements, drugs, smoking, alcohol also do not give the heart to work fine. In addition, a modern person is in a state of stress, anxiety, disharmony. This affects the work of the heart and the general status of the body.


Sometimes it happens that the pathology of the hearts show themselves during inspection by the attending therapist, and the patient himself does not suspect anything. Symptoms of progressive diseases are very uncertain and chaotic. We should listen to your body and pay attention to the following states:

  • frequently studied heartbeat (tachycardia);
  • the heartbeat (bradycardia) is often slowed;
  • shortness of breath;
  • feeling stopping heart;
  • dizziness;
  • seizures of suffocation;
  • pallitude of the skin;
  • tingling in the limbs;
  • pulsation of arteries in the area of \u200b\u200bthe neck and the clavicle;
  • fainting or sensation of approaching fainting;
  • pains for the sternum;
  • fatigue;
  • insomnia;
  • mood swings;
  • gustful pushes of the heart at moments of sleep and rest.

Cardiologist can diagnose heart activity violations. The electrocardiogram gives a clear picture of what is happening. However, for the diagnosis, echocating heart (echocardiography), magnetic resonance tomography, monitoring for holder, electrophysiological studies are carried out.

What to do when you "hear" your heart?

Many patients, finding the symptoms of progressive disease, are in no hurry for advice from a specialist, starting spontaneous reception of drugs. It is not surprising that reinforced exposure has a television advertising of drugs on people. Few people think about side effects and contraindications "assigning" to themselves independent treatment. Most medicines bring relief only for a while, removing the symptoms of insidious diseases. Over time, patients admit that symptoms becomes more persistent and aggravated.

First of all, it should be borne by the fact that the heartbeat violation is a secondary disease, developing on the background of the main disease, which can remain hidden, progressing with the devastating force. In the failures of the heart, there will be a survey from a cardiologist, an endocrinologist, a gastroenterologist, a psychotherapist, an nephronologist.

In an independent order, you should change the food, refusing the "harmful" products. Greater damage to the cardiovascular system is embossed fried, smoked, pickles, spices, fatty. Fat animal origin is very important for the body, as they take part in the synthesis of proteins and the production of hormones, however, consumption of such food in large volumes can lead to early development of atherosclerosis and ischemia.

Filling out its diet with vitaminized products, as well as microelements, will provide the opportunity to work steadily easily. Of course, to avoid overeating, meals for the night. Food should be fractional and balanced. The colossal damage of the heart and lungs smoking and frequent reception of alcoholic beverages.


A modern person, especially a resident of the metropolis, falls into the risk group of cardiovascular diseases. Prevention is very important for such patients. It is necessary to regulate its physical exertion, avoiding extreme sports. Having impairment of the heart, at least once a year rehabilitation at the recreation databases, where it is possible to conduct comprehensive treatment.

I hurt when the heart knocks (what does it mean? Nowhere can I find the answer

Strong heart blows with normal pulse

It often happens that a feeling of heartbeat appears with a normal pulse. Such manifestations are also in healthy people, but sometimes they indicate the presence of a cardiovascular disease. To figure out this, you need to refer to a qualified specialist who can put the correct diagnosis.

Why can a strong heartbeat be felt with a normal pulse?

The feeling of strong heartbeat with normal pulse is typical for children until the age of 7 years.

There are many reasons because of which such a condition can be marked with a normal pulse. Among them are distinguished:

  • heart disease and vessels;
  • problems with hormones;
  • other reasons.

Back to the category

Heart disease and vessels

The most common cardiovascular diseases that provoke heartbeat with normal pulse are presented in the table:

Problems with hormones

When there are problems with thyroid gland, it may incorrect the hormones. The reason for this is not detected. This can cause constant voltage. Often, a person is diagnosed with diffuse toxic goiter is diagnosed - a disease that affects the sensitivity of vessel receptors and an increase in heart rate (heart rate) and blood pressure. A person is constantly experiencing stress and nervous. As soon as the hormonal background is normalized, all the symptoms go.

Other reasons

To other reasons, the rapid heartbeat can be attributed:

With an increase in temperature by 1 degree, the pulse may increase by 10 shots per minute. Loud heartbeat can be associated with stress, physical exertion, poisoning, fright. In this case, provoking factors do not carry pathological nature and are not related to diseases. Normal pulse will resume very quickly, if you observe peace and eliminate the stimulus.

Other symptoms

Strong heartbeat may be accompanied by other symptoms. Among them are:

  • dyspnea;
  • dizziness;
  • suffocation;
  • pallor skin;
  • chest pain;
  • insomnia;
  • increased fatigue.

Normally, the pulse is 60-90 beats per minute. If the blows are more often, it is worth consulting a doctor. Sometimes a person can hear a constant heartbeat when the heart muscle is broken, and the beat is felt through clothes. A person does not leave a feeling of anxiety, and the heavy heartbeat makes thinking about death. The patient in this state is very impaired, everything fears.


If a person is experiencing the symptoms described above, he must contact the medical institution. In order to deliver the correct diagnosis and assign correct treatment, the doctor will ask for the following procedures:

  • Ultrasound of heart and internal organs;
  • pass general analysis blood and blood on the hormones of the thyroid gland;
  • tracking pulse and blood pressure tests during the day.

The doctor must examine the patient himself, measure the pulse, hell, ask about the symptoms. If the reception is felt by the deterioration of the state, the doctor must have the first medical care And prescribe drugs that bounce attacks. The diagnosis of severe disease may, if necessary, include other procedures. These include MRI, general urine analysis, psychiatrist or psychoanalyst advice.

Treatment of the disease

Treatment depends on the diagnosis. Pathological state Engaged in the therapist, cardiologist, endocrinologist or arroga.

To overcome the symptoms of the attack, you can take sedatives.

If severe heartbeat is caused by overvoltage or physical exertion, this state does not require treatment. But, if there are problems, then the therapy prescribes a qualified specialist. Treatment is associated with the normalization of the hormonal background, and the normalization of the nervous system. Often patients attribute sedatives, such as Valerian and Glyciside. The feeling of anxiety treats a psychologist who prescribes strong tranquilizers.

In addition, a person needs to be balanced: enrich the diet with products containing magnesium, potassium and calcium. Often, drugs are introduced into the course of treatment with the content of such minerals. They are needed to strengthen the vessels and normalize the work of the cardiovascular system. In addition, it is better to eliminate fatty, fried and salty. Such products detain water. It is also important to get rid of bad habits.

How can I warn the problem?

In order to do not feel the pulse at rest, you need to engage in cardiovascular. It is better suited to walking, running, yoga and cycling. They are designed for endurance and well affect the cardiovascular system. In addition, in a calm state faster the heart beats in people with extra kilograms. If a person S. excess weight Worries that the heart thumps, badly knocks, then you need to urgently lose weight loss. It is important that the diet has been balanced. The body should have enough vitamins and minerals. Refuse to eat alcohol, smoking and spend more time in motion, from this heart work will accurately improve.

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The information on the site is presented solely for general familiarization. We recommend to consult a doctor for further advice and treatment.

The feeling of heartbeat is the norm or pathology?

Any change in the usual state scares a person with its unusualness and symptoms, especially when it comes to heartbeat. In the usual state, a person does not feel and does not pay attention to the fact that his heart is constantly beating.

If this attracts his attention, then we can talk about the physiological causes of frequency or reducing the heart rate or the existing disease. If the symptoms are repeated or enhanced, a visit to the doctor becomes a vital event.

Causes and possible diseases

Strong heartbeat can be physiological and pathological

The feeling of heartbeat man begins to experience when changing its condition, which is a physiological state and passes on its own.

It happens in the following situations:

  1. Strong excitement, stress. No in vain, people say, passing away that their heart pumped out of the chest. This is due to the enhanced cortisol stress hormone emissions. Having calmed down, a person ceases to feel so excited his rapid heartbeat.
  2. Fatigue, overwork. In this situations, the human body begins to experience the lack of oxygen, and the heart begins to work in reinforced mode, to drive it faster, delivering oxygen to organs and tissues.
  3. Large physical exertion. The condition is very similar to fatigue, it is also associated with the need to more actively supply the body tissue with blood enriched with oxygen.
  4. Sexual arousal. And in this state, people feel how their heart beats rapidly. This is the "work" of hormones, reinforcing blood flow.

If the readings of heartbeat is accompanied by a deterioration in well-being, nausea, dizziness, this may indicate the presence of diseases. Most often they are associated with impaired heart functioning, which can be a threat not only to health, but also the life of the patient.

Sometimes the reason that the heartbeat suddenly begins to be felt like strong discomfort, there may be intoxication.

It includes both ordinary food poisoning and overdose of medicines, alcohol or narcotic drugs, as well as inhalation or input to the body by any other by poisonous and harmful substances. In such a situation, immediate response and visits to the doctor for a full-fledged survey and identify the true cause of the appearance of unpleasant sensations are required.

Symptoms and dangerous signs

Symptom does not pass long? Need a doctor

The following symptoms can bear the threat of health and even life:

  • The heartbeat does not come normal on their own on their own, enhanced or accompanied by arrhythmia, chest pain, lack of air, respiratory disorders, dizziness, loss of consciousness.
  • The patient's condition is rapidly worsening, he pale or blushes, the limb trembling.
  • The patient is experiencing the strongest fear of death. This state most often indicates a developing infarction.
  • The deceleration of heartbeat (bradycardia) may be no less dangerous than tachycardia. It threatens with a heart stop.

These and other threatening symptoms require immediate response, in most cases it is necessary to immediately cause "ambulance". If after a while, such signs decrease or pass after taking nitroglycerin (attention, it can dramatically reduce the pressure!), The patient needs to visit the doctor for a full-fledged in-depth examination and identify the cause of the appearance of changes in heartbeat.

Heartbeat disorders associated with a variable of body position or atmospheric phenomena are characteristic of VD. It is rather a state than the disease, so the treatment here will need a complex, associated with the lifestyle and the strengthening of immunity, overall health and the state of the vessels and the nervous system.

What to do with enhanced heartbeat

Make ECG and looking for the reason!

If the feeling of heartbeat appears as a result of fright, stress, joy, fatigue, or other natural reasons, and then gradually disappears and carries pronounced painful state, worried about nothing. Everything will be held independently, with strong excitement and the appearance of discomfort, you can take a soft soothing agent.

In situations where symptoms do not disappear, but deepen and strengthen, you need to visit the doctor. First, it is necessary to turn to the therapist, and then it is already after receiving the results of surveys and analyzes will send a patient if necessary for a cardiologist, a neuropathologist, an endocrinologist or another profile specialist for appointing treatment from a particular disease.

Self-treatment, especially in the case of heart disease, can lead to irreparably missed situations when a precious moment is missed, which gives a chance to full cure.

Treatment technique

Treatment will hang on the cause of the feeling of heartbeat

Treatment of diseases in which the patient notes a bright feeling of heartbeat depends on what caused such a state. If it is provoked by developing pathologies of the cardiovascular system, the doctor should not only assign a patient with proper comprehensive treatment, but also to explain to his patient the importance of compliance with a rational balanced diet and conducting a measured lifestyle.

In addition to highly specialized treatment, it is necessary to strengthen the protective capabilities of the body, support immunity with vitamin drugs, moderately and set sports, is more in the fresh air, hardened. It is especially useful to change the type and rhythm of the life of people suffering from vegetative-vascular dystonia.

Much attention to the health of the nervous system should be given to people who are often nervous and scared on trifles, then suffering from a rapid heartbeat.

Control of its condition, the reception of soft sedatives on the recommendation of their attending physician and filtering situations provoking the nervous stress will help to cope with nervousness and reduce the number of cases of sudden heartbeat.

Possible complications

Ignoring heart disease can cause dangerous complications!

The most dangerous thing that might hide the feeling of heartbeat is the passage of this unnoticed dangerous disease as a heart attack. It may happen in the form of microindarkts, the symptoms of which can be easily skipped, taking for indiscrimination, overwork, heart pain due to a nervous and intense setting.

But the violation of the blood supply of the heart muscle does not go anywhere, they do not disappear, and the problem remains. As a result, the heart of the patient actually becomes a slow-acting bomb - at any moment every next voltage or excitement can lead to the development of a full-fledged heart attack. Its treatment is much more complicated, lengthy and more expensive than with the opportunity to "capture" the process at the very beginning. And if you still consider the high risk of disability or fatal outcome, it becomes clear that not to pay attention to the heartbeat disorders, as they say, "herself is more expensive."

Events for the prevention of heart rate changes are in compliance with a normal healthy lifestyle.

In order for the heart muscle to be in a tone, you need to load it, but do not overload. This will perfectly help regular sports without darling and fanaticism, taking into account age and physical opportunities.

Very important to prevent diseases of the cardiovascular, digestive and endocrine system is proper nutrition. Excess "bad" cholesterol and a lack of "good" leads to the climbing of vessels atherosclerotic plaques, reduction of blood flow and impaired heart supply, brain and other vital oxygen organs. All this causes a chain of disorders, which in the early stages can appear by acceleration or deceleration of heartbeat, arrhythmia, angina and other heart problems.

More information about the rhythm of the heart can be found from the video:

Nutrition should be not only harmonious, it is obliged to contain a sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals And be natural. Any "chemical" food itself can serve as a source of appearance of sudden heartbeat. This also applies to such bad habits as smoking, drinking alcohol and coffee. All these substances cause a sharp extension of vessels, then leading to the same energetic spasm. Gradually, such a "swing" strongly wear vessels, and there and to a heart attack with a stroke. Coffee is also also provoking a strong dependence, overloads the heart muscle, forcing it to work with a large voltage and overloads.

In addition to sports and diet, the day of the day and the absence of stress factors is very important for human health. Some of them can be avoided, for example, refusing to view the traumatic psyche of transfers or films. Guiding its own nervous system, you will provide a calm dream and a healthy body, protect yourself from hazardous consequences and diseases.

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I have a diagnosis of ICT since childhood. The feelings of heartbeat especially often began to be felt at night, wake up from it. The cardiologist prescribed me magnet B6 and recommended adjusting the day of the day. Due to the tense schedule, I go to bed late. Here I read about the mode. Perhaps I listen.

Permanent nervous overvoltage None when it was not useful for the human cardiovascular system, it is it that causes many diseases and arrhythmias, including. It is necessary to try to be calmer and easier to treat life, drinking sedative, if it is impossible to cope with nervous experiences.

In my opinion, each person can listen to his heartbeat, maybe it is an obsessive idea and just need to be distracted and not to pay attention, the heart works - so wonderful. If there is no pain and discomfort, then you should not look for any pathology in yourself.

Elena, fully agree with you, as your thought has found a confirmation. When I began to feel the heartbeat, I turned to the doctor. And he said that if I had no discomfort, you should not look for pathology. I'm not looking! And you?

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I feel how the heart beats, what's wrong?

Tachycardia - the main reason for increasing the frequency of heart rate

Feeling the heart beats, can completely healthy people after stress, heavy physical exertion, lack of oxygen in the air, receiving a large amount of caffean-containing products, alcoholic beverages. Tachycardia is considered the physiological norm in children under 7 years. If adult heartbeat occurs systematically, it is a reason to appeal to the cardiologist.

Pathological tachycardia is accompanied not only by the sensation of strong heartbeat, but dizziness, ripple of the neck vessels, fainting. Such symptoms can lead to instantaneous development of acute heart failure, headstock, heart attack and ischemia of the heart muscle.

The heart rate violation is based on the increase in the activity of the sinus node responsible for the rhythmic and the rate of heart abbreviations. The pathological increase in the number of heart abbreviations leads to a decrease in blood emissions. Golders do not have time.

When the heartbeat interferes interferes.

About "Live prevents" I've begged, of course, but we will consider it a highly artistic turnover. Let our heart beats many, many years and thank God! But sometimes, and many rings will understand me, I really want a "Motor" to work a little bit. Well, the droplet ... Immediately make a reservation - it's not about the frequency of heart abbreviations, which is often called a "strong heartbeat", but about the power of heart abbreviations, or rather, about the sense of own pulse.

Most healthy people are unknown this painful feeling - to feel every blow of your own heart. God, how I envy you! But there were times (well, at least it seems to me) when I also did not feel my own heartbeat and check the work of the fiery engine could only spinning the pulse somewhere on the wrist. Yes, and then except curiosity for ...

For many years now, many years I clearly feel every blow of my own heart. Moreover, I even see how it beats, especially.

Normally, a person should not feel his heartbeat. Stable heart work can not be accompanied by discomfort. People who regularly feel their heartbeat, deal with various cardiovascular ailments. However, heartbeats having a short-term, situational nature may be caused by stress, an increase in physical exertion, the characteristics of the ration, the lack of oxygen in the room. If the patient constantly "feels" the blows of his heart, we are talking about pathological phenomena.

The reasons for the heartbeat that we "feel"

The heart due to various reasons is knocked down from the rhythm, and the man feels every blow in his chest, temples, peritoneum. Sudden heartbeats give a feeling of violation of equilibrium, muscle weakness and loss of control over their body.

Such states are considered the norm in children before seven age. At this age, this is due to the rapid growth of muscles and organs. The bone system "does not have time" with the same speed to develop afterwards.

Disturbance of the heart rhythm (arrhythmias) occurs when the electrical impulses that control the work of the heart are broken. As a result, the heart beats too fast, too slow or irregularly. Arrhythmia is often harmless. Many people have moments of irregular heartbeat. However, some types of arrhythmias can be dangerous to health and even life.

Arrhythmia is often treatable. In addition, given that arrhythmia is enhanced (or even caused) a weak or damaged heart, you can reduce the risk of arrhythmia, leading a healthy lifestyle.

Arrhythmia may not have signs or symptoms. It often happens that the doctor discovers arrhythmia during inspection, and the patient did not suspect anything about it.

However, at arrhythmia there are noticeable symptoms, for example:

Heart Beats Sneorical Heartbeat Student (Tachycardia) Heartbeat slows down (Bradycardia) Breast pain shortness of breath Dry faint or proximity

These signs are not.

Anaprilin. There are different dosages - try 0.01% first, if it does not help 0.04% of the flight (I drink the second option when the same starts)

And still herbal tea before bed - with Khmele, Valerian and. t. d.

Stas Isovskiy Guru (3296) 7 years ago

Rials contains a range of organic and mineral substances and microelements, including those useful for the body of complex organic compounds (L-free and L-related amino acids, nucleic acids and free nucleotides, purines, pyrimidines, microcrystalline cellulose, lactose, stearate calcium). Microelements: iron, copper, coolant, manganese, selenium, zinc, molybdenum. Minerals: calcium, phosphorus, sodium, magnesium, potassium. All components are in an easily dismantled natural form, ready without additional transformation to join biochemical reactions.

The heartbeat at night is a frequent complaint with patients on a subjective feeling of arrhythmic, rapid or severe heartbeat. Normally, a person should not notice the beatings of his own heart. For a person, any deviation becomes noticeable.

Signs of rapid heartbeat

Patients usually describe the heartbeat as follows: the heart is loud and badly knocking in the chest, twitching, jumps out of the chest or tremble. The heartbeat at night may be accompanied by a feeling of pulsation in the temples, on the neck, on the tips of the fingers or in the opposite area.

Also, he can accompany the noise in the ears, owliness In the field of heart, the difficulty of breathing or the feeling of shy in the chest. These symptoms may indicate the pathology of the heart. But such complaints in most cases do not lead to the identification of serious violations in the work of the heart.

It is important to distinguish a palpitation from tachycardia, which is a significant increase in the frequency of abbreviations.

It is impossible to hear the normal work of the heart and feel. It beats rhythmically at a certain speed without delivering a person inconvenience. However, this is not always the case. In some cases, a person begins to feel the knock of his heart. It "beats about the ribs", knocking in the ears, fingertips. Is it considered a sign of serious illness or this symptom may arise from a healthy person? In what cases do you need to consult a doctor?

To hear a knock of his own heart can any healthy person after sports, energetic drinks or as a result of psycho-emotional overvoltage - fright, joy, insomnia. The heartbeat in these cases is not accompanied by pain in the heart area and passes independently after 5-10 minutes. If the feeling of heartbeat occurs alone or in a dream and accompanied by pain in the chest, shortness of breath, dizziness, it is worth consulting a doctor as soon as possible to pass a medical examination.


Do you have an audibility of the work of the heart - a knock, which is given by blowing to the head, in the ears or strongly brings the chest? This is a heartbeat. For a healthy person, the heart rate is 60. 90 shots per minute. And at rest, the heartbeat is not heard. Calm condition in life modern man It is extremely rare. Often, we constantly carry physical and mental loads, which cause loud heartbeat. A scientific, heartbeat is one tact of the heart of the heart (compression and pushing the blood). The term "heartbeat" in the people means loud work of the heart.

It is worth noting that the "hearing" of the heart is abnormal. However, loud heartbeat may be short-lived due to the above loads on the body. This is normal. The pension volume gives an increase in blood pumping volume by vessels. Those. It can be said that the heart pushes a larger blood volume, and, it means, a greater impetus is created. This impulse increases pressure on.

Neurologist, Candidate medical Sciences, Medical experience: 17 years old.

Professional Interest Scope:

Diagnostics, treatment and prevention neurological diseases (vegetative-vascular dystonia, discirculatory encephalopathy, consequences of strokes, arterial and venous disorders, memory violations, attention, neurotic disorders and asthenic conditions, panic attacks, osteochondrosis, vertebrogenic radiculopathy, chronic pain syndrome).

Patients with complaints about migraine, headaches, dizziness, ears, numbness and weakness of limbs, frustration of the vegetative nervous system, depressive and disturbing states, panic attacks, sharp and chronic pain In the back and hernia disks.

Functional diagnostics of the nervous system: electroencephalogram (EEG), ultrasonic doppler sleepy and vertibral.

Latest comments:

Hello, I am 17 years old, I am very often tormented with pain in the heart, about 3 months I hear my heart beat, without bad habits, I do sports. What should I do about it?

Good day. I took amphik, after the next reception I had a lot of friends, perhaps it was a passion, a strong heartbeat, sick, sick head, dried. And I was very frightened, because I was at work, I did not call an ambulance and did not say anyone, so the floor was blurted out, when it became easier to go home, then my mother said something with something, she gave me Kovalola, after.

Unfortunately, in recent years, not only the elderly people come to the reception of the cardiologist for whom changes in the work of the heart muscle are the norm, but also the young. The main reason for the appeal to the doctor is the complaint that the patient hears the sound of his own heart. Each time after intensive training or fast run, you feel how the heart is bad inside the chest. This is an adrenaline emission. The heart is intensively distinguished by blood for enrichment of oxygen of all tissues of organs.

Causes of feelings of heartbeat

The reasons for improper work of the heart there are many. They are divided into psychological or psychosomatic causes, cardiological and non-cardiological diseases.

Psychological reasons

The main psychosomatic reasons include:

  • emotional loads;
  • depressive condition;
  • panic attacks;
  • stresses.

Indeed, with an anxious state, the human heart begins to work faster, and therefore such symptoms appear as sweating, tremor, shortness of breath, and, of course, the body gives a signal in the form of tangible heartbeat.

If you feel the heart beats, and all possible diseases Excluded, there is another way to solve the problem - the exclusion of stress and conflicts. If the reason for the appearance of your rapid heartbeat is psychosomatics, it is worth changing your lifestyle. Refuse hard work, change or expand the circle of communication, try to exclude any stress.

Think over to gain new useful habits, such as walking in the fresh air, sports, visiting sanatorium organizations. If possible, select to the sea to breathe pickled air. Come down the course of massage, electrophoresis. Refuse bad habits: smoking, drinking coffee or tea, exciting the nervous system of power engineers, and, of course, overeating. If the cause of the rapid heartbeat has become diseases such as panic attack Or depression, contact a psychiatrist. These ailments are treated with medication.

Normal condition of the heart

Before you disassemble the main medical reasons, in which a person can feel his heartbeat, it is worth determining how much the heart should be per minute should be. The heart is a biological engine for distillation. In order to saturate the cells of oxygen organs, the heart works continuously throughout life. It has three states: relaxation, atrial reducing and reduction of ventricles. Normally, the heart rate is approximately 60-80 shots per minute.

Ending beside these indicators is a deviation. there is external reasonsThrough which an increase can occur or decrease the amount of heart blows. The way that the heart is knocking, you can feel, just putting the ear to the chest, or with the help of a phononendoscope. Measure the pulse is needed at rest. Before this you need to clarify the patient's well-being, its diagnosis. The pulse depends on the time of day, temperature and humidity, mood and mental state of the person, age.

As already mentioned, with an excited emotional state, the number of heart impacts per minute in humans increases. When the temperature is raised, the pulse is also observed, and when the temperature decreases, it slows down. In children, as a rule, the pulse is much more often than in adults. It can be up to 120 beats per minute, but with age it decreases in 15 years, during the period of adolescent sexual ripening, it comes to normal - 60 shots.

Cardiology diseases of the heart

Should a person feel his heartbeat? Speaking of medical reasons, you can highlight three main diagnosis. The most common is bradycardia. Viewing each type of deviation, we will allocate the main items:

  • symptoms;
  • causes;
  • physiological manifestations;
  • effects;
  • treatment.

Cleaning arrhythmia

The most common deviation from the norm in the field of cardiology is the fliccienatory arrhythmia. It is determined by the following symptoms: the heart is freezing, then sharply begins to fight, as if the cross was only run. Man hears the sound of heartbeat. The main symptoms also include difficulty breathing, dizziness, chest pain. Often the disease passes asymptomaticly, which is more dangerous for a person for a person, because the diagnosis of health or even life is not allowed on time.

If we talk about the physiological features of this disease, instead of a complete reduction in atria, flicker arises, that is, an incomplete reduction, while the ventricles of the heart are reduced to 160 beats per minute. It is very dangerous for the heart, as it is experiencing incredible overload. The first symptoms may occur during stress. The effects of the disease are manifested in the form of strokes, heart attacks and various heart diseases. If the sound of heartbeat does not even at rest, this is a serious body signal.

The main reasons for the appearance of arrhythmia are hereditary or congenital heart disease, valve vice. Another reason is ischemic heart disease. Also incorrect operation of organs responsible for hormones affect the heart muscle.

Like any disease, arrhythmia is better to warn than to treat. Heart health affects human lifestyle. Exercise, get rid of bad habits that have a detrimental effect on the heart, worry less and you will never know what it means to feel the heartbeat in a calm state.

Treatment of flickering arrhythmia

Before proceeding with treatment, it is necessary to determine the focus of the occurrence of the violation, namely, it is related to the operation of which valve or ventricle is connected. It is necessary to fully examine the entire cardiovascular system. The course of treatment is lifelong observation in the cardiologist, drug treatment, as well as in some cases carrying out surgical procedures. Most often arrhythmia refer to chronic pathologies, and surgical intervention It is rare enough. It is necessary for people with congenital heart disease and is carried out in children under 14, when treatment with drugs is ineffective.

Tachycardia - the main reason for a strong knock in the chest

The second to spread the heart disease is tachycardia. Normally, at rest in an adult, the number of blows per minute should be up to 80 times. But if you found that the number of shocks 100, then you most like the reception to the cardiologist. Due to intensive work and, as a result, more significantly for a person.

In case the number of shocks exceeds this standard, it is one of the signs of tachycardia. Naturally, the disease negatively affects the work of the heart - the ventricles do not have time to fill in blood, therefore there is a deterioration in the blood supply of organs and tissues, and as a result, the lack of oxygen is observed.

As a rule, the cause of tachycardia and the permanent sense of heartbeat are excessive physical exertion, solar strikes, organism diseases, both infectious and viral. Treatment is very simple if you turn to the doctor in time. When providing the necessary medical treatment There should be no problems with your heart. After a certain period of tachycardia, in the absence of treatment, it turns into a chronic form, which leads to a deterioration of the state, the person feels stronger how the heart beats, the heart disease and myocardial inflammation appears.

Summing up, we define that tachycardia is the main cause of strong heartbeat, as a result of which a person can hear his own blows. From here we conclude that in the normal one does not have to hear my own heartbeat.

Bradycardia as the cause of irregular heartbeat

Returns in its properties of Tachycardia is the disease bradycardia. The main symptoms of this heart disease is to deviate the number of shocks per minute at a smaller direction from the norm. So, when bradycardia, the average of the strikes with which the heart beats is 50 per minute. As a consequence, weakness arise, cold sweat, pre-corrupt state. The reasons are preceding diseases, such as infarction, stroke, hereditary diseases and inflammation of the tissues of the heart.

Other reasons

To the negrotiological reasons for the occurrence of the rapid heartbeat in chest Also include:

  • vegetiovascular dystonia;
  • anemia;
  • neurosis;
  • climax;
  • increased temperature.

These diseases are accompanied by the following symptoms: dizziness, shortness of breath, stroke, increased fatigue, sweating, chest pain. Treatment of these diseases is carried out by a specialist.

How to get rid of the feeling of heartbeat

In addition to special cases, there is a general treatment. First of all, contact the local clinic to the therapist, which will send you to a general blood test and urine. After conducting examination data, it can identify pathology in other organ systems, after which he will send you to the cardiologist. He will hold the following tests:

  • Ultrasound of the heart;
  • ECG with load.

When detecting deviations, the doctor can be directed to the following analysis of the monitoring of the heart for several days. The device will measure your pulse, pressure and respiration rate within 2-3 days, after which the data is diagnosed based on the data.

It is also necessary to exclude complications of diseases, determine and put an accurate diagnosis. It is important to observe therapy. With a worsening of well-being, it is necessary to re-consult a doctor. Most often, with the treatment of cardiovascular diseases, corticosteroids and medications of the Cardio group are prescribed.

Speaking of the most popular tablets that are used to treat cardiovascular diseases, you need to call "Aspirin", "Captive", "Nativatep", "Panangin". All drugs need to be drunk only after the doctor's appointment. As for the non-pharmaceutical ways of treating the heart, the examples of the effective phytotherapy are decoction of valerian grass, mint tinctures and tea with daisy flowers.


Summing up, it should be said that in the norm a person should not feel his heartbeat. If this problem arose, it is worth contacting a specialist immediately. On time has passed the treatment can keep health and save lives.

Any change in the usual state scares a person with its unusualness and symptoms, especially when it comes to heartbeat. In the usual state, a person does not feel and does not pay attention to the fact that his heart is constantly beating.

If this attracts his attention, then we can talk about the physiological causes of frequency or reducing the heart rate or the existing disease. If the symptoms are repeated or enhanced, a visit to the doctor becomes a vital event.

The feeling of heartbeat man begins to experience when changing its condition, which is a physiological state and passes on its own.

It happens in the following situations:

  1. Strong excitement, stress. No in vain, people say, passing away that their heart pumped out of the chest. This is due to the enhanced cortisol stress hormone emissions. Having calmed down, a person ceases to feel so excited his rapid heartbeat.
  2. Fatigue, overwork. In this situations, the human body begins to experience the lack of oxygen, and the heart begins to work in reinforced mode, to drive it faster, delivering oxygen to organs and tissues.
  3. Large physical exertion. The condition is very similar to fatigue, it is also associated with the need to more actively supply the body tissue with blood enriched with oxygen.
  4. Sexual arousal. And in this state, people feel how their heart beats rapidly. This is the "work" of hormones, reinforcing blood flow.

If the readings of heartbeat is accompanied by a deterioration in well-being, nausea, dizziness, this may indicate the presence of diseases. Most often they are associated with impaired heart functioning, which can be a threat not only to health, but also the life of the patient.

Sometimes the reason that the heartbeat suddenly begins to be felt like strong discomfort, there may be intoxication.

It includes both ordinary food poisoning and overdose of medicines, alcohol or narcotic drugs, as well as inhalation or ingress in any other means of toxic and harmful substances. In such a situation, immediate response and visits to the doctor for a full-fledged survey and identify the true cause of the appearance of unpleasant sensations are required.

Symptoms and dangerous signs

The following symptoms can bear the threat of health and even life:

  • The heartbeat does not return to the norm on their own after 10-15 minutes, is enhanced or accompanied by pain in the chest, a shortage of air, respiratory impairment, dizziness, loss of consciousness.
  • The patient's condition is rapidly worsening, he pale or blushes, the limb trembling.
  • The patient is experiencing the strongest fear of death. This state most often indicates a developing infarction.
  • The deceleration of heartbeat (bradycardia) may be no less dangerous than tachycardia. It threatens with a heart stop.

These and other threatening symptoms require immediate response, in most cases it is necessary to immediately cause "ambulance". If after a while, such signs decrease or pass after taking nitroglycerin (attention, it can drastically reduce!), The patient needs to visit the doctor for a full-fledged in-depth examination and identify the cause of the appearance of changes in heartbeat.

Heartbeat disorders associated with a variable of body position or atmospheric phenomena are characteristic of VD. It is rather a state than the disease, so the treatment here will need a complex, associated with the lifestyle and the strengthening of immunity, overall health and the state of the vessels and the nervous system.

What to do with enhanced heartbeat

If the feeling of heartbeat appears as a result of fright, stress, joy, fatigue, or other natural reasons, and then gradually disappears and carries a pronounced painful state, nothing to worry about. Everything will be held independently, with strong excitement and the appearance of discomfort, you can take a soft soothing agent.

In situations where symptoms do not disappear, but deepen and strengthen, you need to visit the doctor. First, it is necessary to turn to the therapist, and then it is already after receiving the results of surveys and analyzes will send a patient if necessary for a cardiologist, a neuropathologist, an endocrinologist or another profile specialist for appointing treatment from a particular disease.

Self-treatment, especially in the case of heart disease, can lead to irreparably missed situations when a precious moment is missed, which gives a chance to full cure.

Treatment technique

Treatment of diseases in which the patient notes a bright feeling of heartbeat depends on what caused such a state. If it is provoked by developing pathologies of the cardiovascular system, the doctor should not only assign a patient with proper comprehensive treatment, but also to explain to his patient the importance of compliance with a rational balanced diet and conducting a measured lifestyle.

In addition to highly specialized treatment, it is necessary to strengthen the protective capabilities of the body, support immunity with vitamin drugs, moderately and set sports, is more in the fresh air, hardened. It is especially useful to change the type and rhythm of the life of people suffering from vegetative-vascular dystonia.

Much attention to the health of the nervous system should be given to people who are often nervous and scared on trifles, then suffering from a rapid heartbeat.

Control of its condition, the reception of soft sedatives on the recommendation of their attending physician and filtering situations provoking the nervous stress will help to cope with nervousness and reduce the number of cases of sudden heartbeat.

Possible complications

Ignoring heart disease can cause dangerous complications!

The most dangerous thing that can hide the feeling of heartbeat is the passage of such a dangerous disease unnoticed as. It may happen in the form of microindarkts, the symptoms of which can be easily skipped, taking for indiscrimination, overwork, heart pain due to a nervous and intense setting.

But the violation of the blood supply of the heart muscle does not go anywhere, they do not disappear, and the problem remains. As a result, the heart of the patient actually becomes a slow-acting bomb - at any moment every next voltage or excitement can lead to the development of a full-fledged heart attack. Its treatment is much more complicated, lengthy and more expensive than with the opportunity to "capture" the process at the very beginning. And if you still consider the high risk of disability or fatal outcome, it becomes clear that not to pay attention to the heartbeat disorders, as they say, "herself is more expensive."

Events for the prevention of heart rate changes are in compliance with a normal healthy lifestyle.

In order for the heart muscle to be in a tone, you need to load it, but do not overload. This will perfectly help regular sports without darling and fanaticism, taking into account age and physical opportunities.

Very important to prevent diseases of the cardiovascular, digestive and endocrine system is the proper nutrition. The excess of "bad" cholesterol and the lack of "good" leads to the climbing of the vessels, reducing blood flow and impaired heart, brain and other vital oxygen organs. All this causes a chain of violations, which in the early stages can be accelerated by acceleration or deceleration of heartbeat, angina and other heart problems.

More information about the rhythm of the heart can be found from the video:

Power should be not only harmonious, it is obliged to contain a sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals and be natural.Any "chemical" food itself can serve as a source of appearance of sudden heartbeat. This also applies to such bad habits as smoking, drinking alcohol and coffee. All these substances cause a sharp extension of vessels, then leading to the same energetic spasm. Gradually, such a "swing" strongly wear vessels, and there and to a heart attack with a stroke. Coffee is also also provoking a strong dependence, overloads the heart muscle, forcing it to work with a large voltage and overloads.

In addition to sports and diet, the day of the day and the absence of stress factors is very important for human health. Some of them can be avoided, for example, refusing to view the traumatic psyche of transfers or films. Protecting your nervous system, you will ensure a calm sleep and a healthy body, protect yourself from hazardous consequences and diseases.



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