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  Acne on the face of what a disease. Acne treatment with proper nutrition. Nose and nose

Why every year is so relevant information on the treatment of acne on the face at home? Because, many people face this problem. If earlier acne was a scourge of teenagers, today adults also suffer from rashes. The reason for this is unhealthy diet, life in the city, constant stress, hormonal changes.

Important! Besides the fact that acne on the face just spoil the appearance, they are also extremely dangerous. The rash may hurt, cause itching. Often, foci of inflammation spread further, affecting more and more areas of the skin.

What to do to eliminate acne on the face

If you need a quick treatment of acne on the face at home, then without integrated approach   and getting certain

knowledge is simply not enough. In no case acne should not squeeze out: you can only provoke inflammation. But how to act in a situation when acne appeared on the face and they interfere with normal life activity?

Determine the cause

Face rash does not appear just like that. It will be necessary to find out exactly the reason why acne appeared, then the struggle will be complex and effective. In addition to the age factor, the cause of the formations is often a change in hormonal levels, poor diet, disruption of the sebaceous glands, a state of prolonged stress, and even problems internal organs.

Important! It is unlikely that you yourself will be able to accurately determine the cause of this skin condition. So, be sure to make an appointment with an endocrinologist to find together the cause of the problem and ways to fix it.

How to eliminate the causes of acne on the face:

  1. Improper functioning of the sebaceous glands is eliminated by restoring the water, air and vitamin balance of the skin.
  2. Problems in the endocrine system are eliminated by determining the exact pathology and disease. The disease should be treated under the supervision of a physician.
  3. If the reason is nutrition, then the diet should be changed dramatically. Stop eating salted, smoked, stop frying foods. The proportion of fresh vegetables and fruits in the diet should be increased. Fresh greens are extremely useful.

Effective recipes of traditional medicine

Treatment of acne on the face at home in adolescents and adults is often carried out using recipes. traditional medicine. Mixtures, decoctions and tinctures help eliminate inflammation, relieve painful symptoms. If the exact causes of the rash are identified, then folk recipes often also help to cope with these causes.

What will help from teenage acne:

  1. Onion.   It is used in a situation when the pimple begins to break, but can not break. The onion should be cleaned and baked in the oven. Then take one blade and put it on the affected place overnight (fasten with plaster, gauze).
  2. Bagulnik berries (can be bought at the pharmacy). On a large spoonful of berries (finely chopped) pour 0.5 liters of boiling water. Insist 24 hours, and then once a day to take orally.
  3. Herbal decoction based on birch leaves and nettle, with the addition of burdock, field dandelion roots. You will need to drink broth 50 ml three times a day before meals. Decoction perfectly relieves inflammation.
  4. Ginger root. Clean 2-3 cm of ginger root, apply to affected areas. Ginger pulls out toxins from under the skin, eliminates purulent discharge.
  5. Calendula decoction can be safely used as a lotion. Rubbing can be carried out up to 3-4 times a day. Dry flowers in the dessert spoon just pour 0, 25 liters of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes.
  6. Aloe juice you need to squeeze out of the leaves. Leaves pre-picked leaves for three days in the fridge. Juice is also suitable for rubbing.

Folk recipes for the treatment of acne in adults

Of course, the treatment of acne on the face at home folk remediesThe above can also be carried out in adults. Here it is important to understand that the recipes for adolescents are like when the cause of the rash is a change in the hormonal background. But what to do in other cases?

Baking soda

To a large spoon of soda add a spoonful of water. Apply the mixture to a pimple for a few minutes. Soda contributes to the narrowing of pores, it eliminates excessive oily skin.

Green tea

For treatment, you can use green leaf tea. You will need to brew a drink, insist it and strain. Then wet the gauze in the tea and apply it on the face. Such a mask reduces the number of bacteria and prevents inflammation from spreading to new areas of skin.


You need to buy fresh lemon and cut it into rings. Apply ringlets to affected areas for 5 minutes once a day. The popular recipe   perfectly cleans the face.

Egg white

For home treatment   pimples need to take only homemade chicken eggs. In store eggs there may not be those necessary nutrients that, by acting on acne, can eliminate them. It will be necessary to separate the protein from the yolk, beat it into a foam and apply for 15 minutes on the face. This tool perfectly relieves fat.

Honey bee

Also in the treatment of acne on the face at home is actively used bee honey. A thin layer of grease on the face and leave for 10 minutes, rinse with warm water. Honey copes with inflammation, kills harmful bacteria. It will help reduce the number of acne.

Do not forget that when the problem is resolved, it does not mean that you can eat anything and not take care of the skin. Must use the right makeupstick to healthy eating   and just monitor the condition of your body.

Acne on the face are of different types, each of which differs in the cause of its occurrence and the characteristic appearance. Usually such small defects of the dermis bring anxiety and make you think about their disguise. But without finding out the cause of the onset and fighting it, the rash will appear constantly, increasing in quantity and capturing new areas of the body. Let's see where most often you can find acne on the face for which organs are responsible and what they are talking about, as well as how to quickly clean the dermis and prevent the reappearance of pimples.

Acne is inflammatory process   in human skin, which occurs most often in the sebaceous glands or hair follicles. In appearance, they may vary. Experts identify several types of acne responsible for the organs, including ulcers, acne, comedones and others.

The main reasons for their appearance on the face may be the following factors:

Accurately determine the cause and choose the most appropriate way to combat the rash of the skin of your face can only be an experienced specialist. Independently taken measures can only worsen your condition and lead to complications. However, by accurately determining which organs are responsible for acne (the photo will help you to correctly determine the areas of the face), you can pay attention to your health in a timely manner.

Experts subdivide the rash on the face, responsible for several types of organs, depending on the zone of their appearance:

  • forehead and temples;
  • lip area and dermis around the eyes;
  • cheeks and cheekbones;
  • chin;
  • nose and nose.

Acne on forehead and temples

Acne in the area of ​​the forehead and temples occur quite often. This is due to the fact that there are a lot of sebaceous glands here and active sweating occurs. BUT greasy hair   only aggravate the situation. Usually, women try to squeeze them out faster and disguise them with foundation, but this is fundamentally wrong and can lead to serious consequences.

Cosmetologists say that rashes on the forehead and temples can have different shapes and sizes, and acne is responsible for organs such as the stomach, the digestive system and the problems of the gastrointestinal tract. Also, such foci of inflammation may occur against the background of intoxication of the body and with frequent constipation. Normalization of the gastrointestinal tract and toxins will help to quickly and permanently get rid of acne, responsible for digestion, sometimes even without the use of special medical and cosmetic products.

Nose and nose

The entire T-zone of the face, which also includes the nose and nose, is most susceptible to the appearance of inflammation and black spots. There are many pores and sebaceous glands in this area, which are sensitive to pollution, the negative effects of external factors, such as temperature changes, wind, frost, and ultraviolet rays.

Also, rash on the nose and nose can be responsible for the fact that a person has problems with the endocrine system and the digestive tract, his immune system is weakened, or there are pancreatic pathologies. Frequently occurring painful inflammations at the very tip of the nose may be responsible for serious diseases of an organ such as the liver and the entire excretory system. And the poor work of the circulatory system, blood diseases, iron deficiency are the causes of acne on the face in the nose and nose.

Pimples on cheeks

Pimples on the cheeks and cheekbones may be responsible for problems with the organs of the respiratory system, overheating of the body, allergic reactions. You can cope with them by following a special diet that excludes harmful products, smoked meat, sweet, fatty, salty and peppered.

Lip area

Acne in the lips, both outside and inside the mouth, can be responsible for hormonal disruptions, talking about individual intolerance to certain hormonal preparations used by a woman, inflammation of the mucous membranes. In this case, it is worth distinguishing them from stomatitis and herpetic eruptions.

Dermis around the eyes

If inflammations on the face often occur above the eyebrows, then you should contact a specialist in identifying cardiovascular diseases. Of course, the appearance of acne is not a reason for making a diagnosis, but you should not lose sight of this symptom, even if it does not bring you serious anxiety.

The entire area over the centuries and below them is responsible for the malfunction of such organs as the kidneys and the excretory system. They can also appear on the face with an insufficient amount of fluid intake, after a debilitating disease. Inflammations near the eyes at their outer corner can be a symptom of problems with such an organ as the gallbladder.

Chin area

and which authorities are responsible in this area? Most of the acne on the chin is caused by problems with the organs of the digestive system and hormonal disruptions. To combat them, try to facilitate the work of your body, consuming a lot of foods rich in fiber, vitamins, beneficial microelements. Also drink a variety of herbal teas, especially those that help eliminate toxins and normalize digestion.

If acne in the chin area you often have, then you should consult a gynecologist, who will conduct a routine examination and identify existing diseases of the organs. Often it is the increase in the level of male hormones in women is responsible for such inflammatory processes.

Also, the cause of the formation of acne on the chin can be a decrease in immunity, problems with blood supply, hypothermia, or overheating.

Integrated Acne Control

Only external relief from acne on the face never gives the desired result. To effectively remove foci of inflammation and prevent their reappearance on the face, you need to approach this issue comprehensively. Only a specialist will help solve the problem without the risk of negative consequences. Moreover, in some cases, when problems in the organs of a person are responsible for acne, an additional hardware examination and delivery of various analyzes are required.

Experts in the fight against acne on the face are recommended to adhere to the following rules:

Homemade recipes to fight acne

Disposal of acne on the face at home can be carried out both with the help of medicines and popular methods:

In addition to the use of home remedies for combating organs responsible for rashes, there are also a number of salon proceduresthat will help get rid of the ugly red spots and ulcers. But, remember that even deep cleansing of the face, chemical and laser peels, mesotherapy and other methods, including folk, will not help to cope with the rash, if the initial cause of their appearance is not eliminated.

A lot of disorders cause a pimple, jumped up on the nose, forehead, chin, temples, cheeks. Because of this trouble, you cannot feel confident and natural during a business meeting or a date. How to quickly get rid of acne on the face, and cure the skin at home, as well as to prevent the recurrence of a cosmetic defect?

Types of Acne

Before undertaking the elimination of acne by this or that means, it is necessary to determine the type of rash on the face:

  • Comedones   or black dots   - Nothing but grease plugs that clog pores. oily skin.
  • Common (vulgar) eelusually appears in adolescence, looks like a red pimple with a small abscess.
  • Sore acne, and boils   and carbunclesare formed by the penetration of infection. They are rather large and painful, emit thick pus when opened, sometimes with blood impurities, leave scars, pits, scars on the skin. Eliminating this type of acne in one way or another, it is often necessary to state after some time that new or new faces appeared near or in the same place.
  • Whiteheads (millioms) look like dark nodules with poppy seed, often formed on dry skin with small pores as a result of accumulation of sweat and sebum.

Causes of Acne

Hormones. Eliminate acne is due to the unstable ratio of male and female sex hormones in the body. This is exactly what happens in adolescence and youth, when there is an excess of male hormones in the body of girls and young men.

Endocrine, metabolic disorders. As a rule, hormonal changes in transitional age only provoke an aggravation of these disorders in the body, causes acne on the face, as well as neuroses, autonomic dysfunction of the heart and cardiovascular system, and other symptoms. With the completion of the restructuring of the body, the violations go away if they are not serious, otherwise they continue to periodically manifest.

Wrong skin care. Excessive use of alcohol-based lotions overdries the skin, causing the sebaceous glands to produce even more sebum, causing clogged pores.

Staphylococcus and Streptococcus. Even on healthy skin, these bacteria can cause an inflammatory process, especially when it is contaminated, cuts, insect bites, excessive sweating, microtrauma when shaving, etc.

Violations of the liver, gallbladder, pancreas, kidneys. In case of malfunctioning of the internal organs, the harmful substances go out through the skin, which makes it necessary to get rid of acne, blemishes, pustules on the face and in other parts of the body.

Insulin deficiency. According to Bolotov B.V., the need to treat acne on the face is caused by insufficient insulin production by the pancreas, which is necessary for the complete breakdown of fatty substances into simple sugars. Insulin production stimulates the flow of bitterness: mustard, wormwood, elecampane, aspen bark, yarrow.

Subtle world. Treat acne on the face in case of unwillingness to accept the violation of the plans. As a rule, a cosmetic defect on the cheeks, nose, forehead, chin indicates a fear of not being at a high level in any given situation, or fear of being hit by a face. It is necessary to reduce the level of self-demanding, to learn to understand the changes in the situation with understanding, to see in them the source of the necessary experience, a more optimal way to solve the problem than planned.

How to avoid acne

1. For effective pore cleansing apply steam baths   (bowl of hot water). Hot humid air softens the cornea of ​​the skin, stimulates blood circulation, as well as sweating, which removes dirt from the pores.

To clean the skin in this way is not often, once every two months.

Dry skin soar 5-10 minutes, oily - up to 15 minutes. You can add a tablespoon to the hot water. daisies.

At the beginning of the procedure, be sure to wash your hands with soap, clean your face with cream or oil, cover your hair with a handkerchief.

After the procedure, rinse your face with cool water, preferably with the addition of lemon juice.

In case of dull porous skin, on which dilated vessels are easily formed, the procedure is contraindicated.

2. In the case of oily skin after morning rinsing face is useful to wipe integuments   3% solution hydrogen peroxidethen rinse with cool water.

Fast squeezing acne at home

Treat acne, especially on the face, only after consultation dermatologist   or cosmetologist.

The slightest negligence in self-treatment, especially in the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle, can lead to a dangerous situation - even blood poisoning.

Some use the following home remedy for acne:

  1. Hold the face over the steam, rinse and blot the skin, lubricate the pimple with 3% hydrogen peroxide.
  2. Pre-boiled gauze with a thin needle to pierce a cosmetic defect.
  3. Use a sterile cloth or bandage to gently squeeze a ripe pimple.
  4. Smear with diluted with water alcohol tincture marigold, plantain   and the like, remove blood with 3% hydrogen peroxide solution.

It is not worth this method to treat pus acne, because heat   steam causes the spread of infection.

Home Acne Face Masks

Soda mask Prepare a thick gruel from 1 ch.l. soda, apply it on the affected areas, gently massage. After 5 minutes, rinse with cool water. The mask softens and dries the skin.

Sour milk Impose on acne gauze soaked sour milk. After half an hour, remove the mask, rinse your face. To be treated within a week.

Cabbage mask. Cabbage leaves   mince (or use sauerkraut), mix with whipped protein. Apply to eliminate acne, causing 15 minutes once a week. Rinse with warm water.

Blue iodine (iodinol). Regular lubrication data simple means   help in the short term to get rid of acne on the face. Some during treatment also take iodinol inside, in order to normalize the metabolism - on 1 tsp. in one day.

Mask with aloe. Dilute 1ch. juice aloe vera   5ch.l. water, insist 2 hours, bring to a boil, boil for 5 minutes. Apply to affected areas. It is especially recommended to treat with this method acne on the face in the case of oily porous skin.

Calendula. Dilute 1ch. alcoholic calendula tincture   0.5 cups of boiled water, wipe the irritation site. Purulent pimples, small pimples, you can try to cauterize undiluted tincture of claws, or dilute it in less water.

Trays with sea salt. Dissolve in 3-5 liters of warm water 1ch.l. sea ​​salt. Wash your face with soap and place it in water, slowly releasing air through your mouth. When the air is over, repeat the procedure. Take a bath for 3-5 minutes. At the end, blot the remaining moisture, in case of dryness, apply the cream.

Viburnum berries. To quickly get rid of acne, wipe your face 2-3 times a day with fresh juice of viburnum berries.

Vegetable juice. Cook in equal parts mixture cucumber, carrot, lemon juices. The tool treats purulent acne, reduces skin pores on the face.

Garlic Grind clove garlic, gruel put on 2-3 layers of gauze. Lubricate acne petroleum jellyApply a garlic mask to them for 10 minutes. When severe burning   the procedure should be terminated. To be treated every other day to complete elimination of acne.

Kalanchoe. Fresh leaves of the plant withstand several days in the refrigerator to increase therapeutic effect, mince and squeeze juice with gauze. Dilute with water and treat acne on the face.

Celandine Eliminating acne on the face helps diluted with water juice celandine.

Some use a mask: mix egg yolk, 1ch.l. olive oil , 10 drops celandine juice. After 15 minutes, rinse with warm water. Apply daily for five days. Often, after the first session of getting rid of acne is not observed - on the contrary, their number increases. But then the face quickly becomes clean.

Lavender In the form of oil treats acne on the face and body, reduces inflammation, prevents the penetration of bacteria, prevents the formation of marks on the skin - scars and scars.

Facial Acne Facial Remedies

Along with masks for the treatment of acne is useful to take a variety of infusions inside.

Infusion of birch buds. Boil 1ch. birch buds   in a glass of boiling water for 30 minutes, strain. Take 2-3s.l. per day 3-4 times a day. The composition can be used externally for lotions.

Decoction Hypericum. Brew 1ch. hypericum herbs   a glass of boiling water, boil in an enamel bowl for 10-15 minutes, strain. Take 1/4 cup 10 minutes before a meal for two weeks, then a break of five days, then again a course of two weeks. The tool normalizes metabolism, helps get rid of acne on the face.

Decoctions and infusions   strawberry leaves   purify the blood, help with various cosmetic defects.

It is useful to prepare and take a decoction of parsley, as well as brewer's yeast, which must be diluted in warm milk.

Acne nutrition treatment

Eliminating acne and prevent their appearance helps proper nutrition. It is necessary to reduce the consumption of starchy foods with a large amount of sugar and fat, spicy, pickled and smoked dishes, cakes, alcoholic beverages, causing stains and other cosmetic defects on the face.

  • It should be included in the diet more fresh fruits and vegetablesthat normalize metabolic processes, restore kidney and liver function, act on the skin better ointments   and acne lotions.
  • Elimination of cosmetic defect helps inclusion in the diet fish oil.
  • It is necessary to include the root in food ginger -he cleans the blood.

Vitamins and minerals to eliminate acne

Calcium. The formation of itchy pimples indicates a calcium deficiency. The lack of a mineral is often caused by a sedentary lifestyle. Calcium is poorly absorbed in dysbiosis, renal dysfunction, pancreatitis, hyperthyroidism.

It should be included in the diet of dairy products, hazelnuts, almonds, dried apricots, sunflower seeds, walnuts, peanuts, pumpkin seeds, raisins.

Zinc Lack of appetite, allergies, impaired visual acuity and memory, apathy, depression, stomatitis, peeling of the skin, delamination nail plates, acne, dermatitis - signs of zinc deficiency.

Too salty or sweet foods, kidney disease, worm infestation, loss of absorption in the intestines.

Useful oysters, brewer's yeast, blueberries, mushrooms, cereals, beef, sunflower, green peas, lentils, pumpkin seeds, pine nuts.

Vitamin A . To get rid of acne on the face it is sometimes enough to eliminate the lack of vitamin A intake, which is manifested by "night blindness", dry and pale skin, hair loss, loss of strength, deterioration of attention. The reason for the lack of vitamin A may be the abuse of canned food.

To eliminate the deficit, you should eat more apricots, carrots, sea buckthorn, peaches.

Vitamin E. To eliminate and prevent the formation of scars (acne scars) at the site of acne, you need an adequate supply of vitamin E, which contains peas, buckwheat, apricots, peaches, corn and sunflower oil.

Quick elimination of acne

Single acne on the face is treated with creams ( Aven, Azelik, Klerasil, Clindovit, Metrogil, Vichy, Ovante, Baziron) or ointments ( zinc, salicylic, streptocide, synthomycin, sulfuric).

It is necessary to clean the skin with a large accumulation of black spots on an outpatient basis, but this procedure is contraindicated for eczema, herpes, hypertension, and other diseases.

Major acne (pimples) is treated promptly in cosmetic clinics.

Acne scars also eliminate as a result of an operation called dermoabrasion.

White acne (millimeters) eliminate outpatient, slightly cutting the skin of the face with a scalpel to squeeze the contents of the grains.



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