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  Experienced pain and discomfort. Pain - definition and types, classification and types of pain. Non-drug treatment of pain

Pain in terms of medicine

From the point of view of medicine, pain is:

  • reaction  on this sensation, which is characterized by a certain emotional coloring, reflex changes of functions internal organs, motor unconditioned reflexes, as well as volitional efforts aimed at getting rid of the pain factor.
  • an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with actual or perceived tissue damage, and at the same time an organism's response, mobilizing various functional systems to protect it from the effects of a pathogenic factor.

Prolonged pain is accompanied by changes in physiological parameters (blood pressure, pulse, dilated pupils, changes in the concentration of hormones).

Sometimes after amputation of a part of the body, it is felt that this part still exists. This is called phantom sensation. This is the normal part of healing after surgery. A ghostly sensation is not pain, but it is “tina”, cramps, or an itchy sensation, when there used to be a missing part. This is not a very unpleasant feeling. For some people, the phantom sensation goes away with time.

Recommend wrapping or bandaging limbs Prescribe medication Recommend desensitization. Very often, people who recently had an amputation had ghostly pain or sensations. Talk with your doctor about treatment options. Ghost pain is pain in a part of the body that is no longer present, usually as a result of amputation. After amputation, most sufferers continue to feel limbs that are no longer present, for example, their length, circumference and often also a certain posture. Some painful sensations, such as tingling, touch, and twitching, are reported.

International definition

Nociception is a neurophysiological concept denoting the perception, conduct, and central processing of signals about harmful processes or influences. That is it physiological mechanism  transmission of pain, and it does not affect the description of its emotional component. The fact that the conduction of pain signals in the nociceptive system is not equivalent to the perceived pain is important.

Phantom pain is usually reported after amputation of limbs, such as hands or feet; but it can also occur after a mastectomy or tooth extraction. In addition, for other parts of the body, there is often pain in the part of the amputated part of the body, or the phantom limb is perceived in an unusual position, or it is shortened in perception and “wanders” to a stump. It is important to distinguish between phantom pain and hemp pain or unhealthy stump sensations that occur in the rest of the body. Although ghostly and stinging pains often occur together, they still have different causes.

Types of physical pain

Acute pain

Acute pain is defined as a brief pain manifestation with an easily identifiable cause. Acute pain is a warning to the body of the current risk of organic damage or disease. Often persistent and acute pain  accompanied by aching pain. Acute pain is usually concentrated in a certain area before it somehow spreads wider. This type of pain is usually well treated.

Important ghost pain and stump pain or unhealthy stump sensations in a still existing part of the body can occur simultaneously, but these are two different types of pain that also have different causes. It used to be that amputations "imagine" phantom pain. Finally, part of the body was no longer available. How should I feel the pain? A later explanation showed that changes in the stump, such as poor scarring or impaired blood vessels and nerves, or nerves that go to spinal cordplay a role.

Scattered pains, as well as combined

Although these factors may be important and should be investigated, it is now believed that phantom pain is due to changes in the brain. In the so-called sensorimotor cortex, the internal map of the body, on which all areas of the body are represented according to their sensory input, i.e. a lot of transmitted messages about sensations, the amputated part of the body is additionally displayed in patients with phantom pain. However, this area of ​​the brain is also reorganized, also known as tears, in which touches and painful stimuli are processed, because the proportion of the “sensory card” that received nerve impulses before amputation remains without influx after the procedure.

Chronic pain

Chronic pain was originally defined as pain that lasts about 6 months or more. It is now defined as pain that persists for longer than the corresponding length of time during which it should usually end. Often it is more difficult to cure than acute pain. Special attention is required when referring to any pain that has become chronic. In exceptional cases, neurosurgeons can perform complex surgery to remove parts of a patient’s brain to cope with chronic pain. Such an intervention can relieve the patient from the subjective sensation of pain, but since the signals from the painful focus will still be transmitted through the neurons, the body will continue to respond to them.

However, it does not remain empty, but receives impulses from neighboring regions after amputation. The greater this reorganization, the more painful the phantom pain. In addition, areas in the brain that are more associated with the emotional component of pain, i.e. estimate how uncomfortable the pain may change. This reorganization in the brain is especially pronounced when the pain has already occurred in the affected part of the body before amputation and has left behind a type of central pain. Then, after amputation, there may be a loss of mechanisms that prevent pain, and, therefore, the onset of previous pain in the phantom limb.

Skin pain

Skin pain occurs when skin or subcutaneous tissue is damaged. Skin nociceptors terminate just below the skin, and due to the high concentration of nerve endings, they provide a highly accurate, localized sensation of pain of short duration.

Somatic pain

Somatic pain occurs in the ligaments, tendons, joints, bones, blood vessels and even in the nerves themselves. It is determined by somatic nociceptors. Due to the lack of pain receptors in these areas, they produce dull, poorly localized, longer pain than skin pain. This includes, for example, sprained joints and broken bones.

Pain remedies

In addition, stress or depressed mood can adversely affect the perception of phantom pain. Phantom pain treatment. Like other neuropathic pain syndromes, phantom pain also responds to medications that affect the function of the central nervous system. However, the success of drug treatment is limited. There are positive reports of antidepressants, opioids, and medications that change the excitability of the brain. If there are changes in the stump, injections or even local stimulation procedures can be successful.

Internal pain

Internal pain arises from the internal organs of the body. Internal nociceptors are located in organs and internal cavities. An even greater lack of pain receptors in these parts of the body leads to more painful and prolonged, compared with somatic pain. Internal pain is particularly difficult to localize, and some internal organic damage is “attributed” to pain, when the sensation of pain is attributed to a part of the body that is not related to the part of the injury itself. Cardiac ischemia (insufficient blood content in the heart muscle) is perhaps the most famous example of pain attributed; the sensation can be located as a separate feeling of pain just above chest, in the left shoulder, arm or even in the palm. The attributed pain can be explained by the discovery that pain receptors in the internal organs also excite spinal neurons, which are excited by skin lesions. After the brain begins to associate the stimulation of these spinal neurons with the stimulation of somatic tissues in the skin or muscles, the pain signals from the internal organs begin to be interpreted by the brain as originating from the skin.

Biofeedback may be useful for influencing temperature and perfusion in the stump area. As negative and even harmful, attempts were made to eliminate the pain by further amputation. This would only make sense if the pain in the cult was caused. It is not as described above, but it develops only in the brain. This is possible with the help of different methods. Myoelectric prosthesis: when wearing prostheses, the area of ​​the brain that has been altered due to amputation is activated again. The function of a lost limb is partially restored, the brain receives stimuli, and negative remodeling processes are reversed. Learning sensory perception: stump irritation is combined with conscious perception of stimuli, which favorably affects pain and transformation processes. When the patient moves the remaining limb in front of the mirror, he is perceived as a movement of the amputated limb. Visualization: Exercises on phantom limb movements lead to similar success. The tray view normalizes; Ghostly pains are reduced. . What form of therapy is most appropriate in individual cases should be clarified in an interdisciplinary hospital or clinic.

Phantom pain

Phantom pain in the limbs is a sensation of pain that occurs in a lost limb or in a limb that is not felt by ordinary sensations. This phenomenon is almost always associated with cases of amputations and paralysis.

Neuropathic pain

Neuropathic pain (“neuralgia”) can occur as a result of damage or disease of the nerve tissue itself (for example, toothache). This can interfere with the ability of sensory nerves to transmit the correct information to the thalamus (a division of the diencephalon), and hence the brain does not correctly interpret pain stimuli, even if there are no obvious physiological causes of pain.

Whenever possible, optimal restoration of dentures is the starting point for successful treatment. In addition, it is important to develop a positive attitude towards amputation and related changes in the body, as this contributes to the healing process and also has a positive effect on it in the long term.

This is an unpleasant sensation that makes your eyes moist and steals your air. He spills you into waves and makes you speechless. From time to time we find ourselves in very painful situations. How can we consciously react in these situations despite the pain? Stay with us and what is important to us?

Psychogenic pain

Psychogenic pain is diagnosed in the absence of an organic disease or when the latter cannot explain the nature and severity pain syndrome. Psychogenic pain is always chronic in nature and occurs against the background of mental disorders: depression, anxiety, hypochondria, hysteria, phobias. In a significant proportion of patients, psychosocial factors play an important role (job dissatisfaction, the desire to gain moral or material benefit). Especially close links exist between chronic pain and depression.

My goal in this article is to get acquainted with new ways to deal with pain specifically - in contact with you and what is important to you. No pain around pain. But through some relationships, principles, and habits we can get rid of pain. “Low pain” is also called this pain in English. Because of this, the pain does not really become sweet, but it loses this “all-end-world” symbol. It will be sustainable and useful. In the end, pain helps us to live a full life. Because of this, the pain is not because of this - painful events can frighten us greatly.

Pathological pain

Pathological pain  - altered perception of pain impulses as a result of violations in the cortical and subcortical parts of the central nervous system.

Violations can occur at any level of the nociceptive system, as well as if the connection between nociceptive ascending structures and the antinociceptive system is broken.

However, pain in general, as a feedback competency, is absolutely necessary. Our task is to use the pain feedback function and suffer a bit. It sounds paradoxical, but possible. The strategies in this article are not adapted to chronic pain, although some of them may be helpful in chronic pain. How can you provide emotional help in a difficult situation?

Mental pain is like physical pain. In the brain, these areas are activated by mental pain, as well as physical pain. Both types of pain are very similar to experience and differ only in how they work. How do we usually react to physical pain?


Mental pain is a specific mental experience that is not associated with organic or functional disorders. Often accompanied by depression, mental disorder. More often long and associated with the loss of a loved one.

Physiological role

Despite its trouble, pain is one of the main components of the body's defense system. This is the most important signal of tissue damage and the development of the pathological process, a permanent regulator of homeostatic reactions, including their higher behavioral forms. However, this does not mean that pain has only protective properties. Under certain conditions, having played its informational role, the pain itself becomes part of the pathological process, often more dangerous than the damage that caused it.

If you put your finger on a hot stove, bring it back reflexively. The natural reaction of our body is to avoid physical pain. We would also like to avoid mental pain, which often does not work. Take, for example, the end of a relationship as a trigger for heartache.

Once a relationship is over, any thought about past relationships causes pain for the first few weeks. There is pain everywhere: at home, shared memories, or places you have visited together. We cannot escape this pain by avoiding a trigger like we do with physical pain.

According to one hypothesis, pain is not a specific physical sensation, and there are no special receptors that perceive only pain irritation. The appearance of a feeling of pain can be caused by irritation of any type of receptor, if the strength of the stimulation is large enough.

According to another point of view, there are special pain receptors characterized by a high threshold of perception. They are excited only by stimuli of damaging intensity. All pain receptors have no specialized endings. They are present in the form of free nerve endings. There are mechanical, thermal and chemical pain receptors. They are located in the skin and in the inner surfaces, such as the periosteum or the articular surfaces. Deeply located internal surfaces are weakly associated with pain receptors, and therefore the sensations of chronic, aching pain are transmitted only if organic damage has occurred directly in this area of ​​the body.

After we cannot control and avoid a trigger, we try to avoid pain in a different way: we begin to suppress or overwhelm our feelings. For example, they spend days making films, losing us in other worlds or beating our pears with alcohol.

Training for women

Our preferred solution to avoiding pain becomes a problem. We are stuck in a stuck state — a frozen state in which feelings are unconsciously frozen and prevent us from solving pain and constructively coping with the situation. Feelings cannot be selectively stunned. If you start to overwhelm the pain, you will also feel less and less pleasant feelings.

It is believed that pain receptors do not adapt to external stimuli. However, in some cases, the activation of the painful fibers becomes too strong, as if the painful stimuli continue to recur, which leads to a condition called hypersensitivity (hyperalgesia). In fact, there are people with a different threshold of pain sensitivity. And this may depend on the emotional and subjective characteristics of the human psyche.

Only when we perceive painful feelings without resistance and pricelessness, do they take their natural course. They rise, fall and disappear again. But as long as we want to avoid feelings, suppress them or stun, feelings cannot be processed.

# 1 Focus carefully on one spot.

Whatever you do, try not to avoid pain, be it pain. Tibetan book of life and death. I managed to catch myself on my knees and hands before striking my floor upper part  and helmet. My first impulse was to ride my bike and move on. Tears formed in my eyes.

The nociceptive nerves contain primary fibers of small diameter, having sensory endings in various organs and tissues. Their sensory endings resemble small branchy bushes.

The two main classes of nociceptors, Aδ-, and C-fiber, respectively, pass through quick and slow pain sensations. Class Aδ-myelinated fibers (covered with a thin myelin coating) conducts signals at a speed of 5 to 30 m / s and serves to transmit signals of fast pain. This type of pain is felt in one tenth of a second since the onset of pain stimulus. Slow pain, the signals of which pass through slower, unmyelinated (“bare”) C-fibers, at a speed of 0.5 to 2 m / s, is aching, throbbing, burning pain. Chemical pain (whether it is poisoning through food, air, water, accumulation of alcohol, drugs, drugs or radiation contamination, etc.) is an example of slow pain.

It was too funny, I had to laugh. Thanks to my attentive focus, the pain intensified and then completely disappeared. I like this story because it shows how a careful approach helps us to feel our pain and move from hard to a more open state of consciousness. The sensation of pain quickly rose, and then fell completely. Due to careful consideration, the pain quickly rose, and then completely fell.

This is the first way to provide first aid in a painful situation. Understand that he does not want to evaluate, explain, or disappear. The pain increases, sinks and passages. The pain only freezes when we resist and suppress the pain. Mindfulness is the key to breaking the vicious circle of resistance and judgment.

Other points of view

The study of pain in recent years has spread in various areas from pharmacology to psychology and neuropsychiatry. It was impossible to even imagine that the fruit flies would be used as an object for pharmacological studies of pain. Some psychiatrists are also trying to use pain to find a neurological “substitute” for human awareness, since pain has many subjective psychological moments other than pure physiology.

# 2 Be attentive to all your body sensations.

This is especially useful when you are shocked or feel depressed. You can achieve the same effect by connecting with all the sensations of your body. Scan your body from the top down and feel every cell, even those cells that feel or hurt. Pay attention to the sensation of pain. Is the feeling of piercing, tingling or tingling? Once you have turned to the physical sensations of pain, turn your attention to all the sensations of the whole body — from the little finger to the top.

Interestingly, the brain itself is devoid of nociceptive tissues, and therefore cannot feel pain. Thus, a headache can not occur in the brain itself. Some suggest that the membrane surrounding the brain and the spinal cord, which is called the dura mater, is supplied with nerves with pain receptors, and these dural (dura mater) nociceptors are stimulated, and they can probably be involved in “production” headache.

Alternative medicine

Surveys conducted by the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine of the United States (NCCAM) showed that pain is a common reason why people turn to complementary and alternative medicine. Cam). Among adult Americans who used KAM in 2002, 16.8% wanted to cure back pain, 6.6% - neck pain, 4.9% - arthritis, 4.9% - joint pain, 3.1% - headache, and 2.4% tried cope with intermittent pain.

One of these alternatives, traditional Chinese medicine, regards pain as an obstruction of the energy "Qi", which resembles resistance in an electrical circuit, or as "blood stagnation", which theoretically looks like dehydration, which worsens the body's metabolism. It has been established that traditional Chinese practice, acupuncture, is more effective for nontraumatic pains than for pain associated with injuries.

In recent decades, there has been a tendency to prevent or treat pain and diseases that create painful sensations, with help proper nutrition. This approach sometimes consists in taking dietary supplements (BAA) and vitamins in large quantities, which is considered from the point of view of medicine as a harmful attempt at self-treatment. In the works of Robert Atkins and Earl Mindela much attention is paid to the relationship between the activity of amino acids and the health of the body. For example, they claim that the essential amino acid DL-phenylalanine contributes to the production of endorphins and has an anesthetic effect that does not cause addiction. But in any case, they urge you to always consult with your doctor.

see also



  • Virtual reality relieves Compulenta phantom pains

Pain I

In the description of patients, the pain in their nature can be acute, dull, cutting, stabbing, burning, oppressive (compressive), aching, pulsating, According to the duration and frequency they can be constant, paroxysmal, associated with the time of day, seasons of the year, exercise , body posture, with certain movements (for example, breathing, walking), eating, acts of defecation or urination, etc., which makes it possible to suspect localization and pathology causing pain. Features of the accompanying pain of emotional reactions, such as the feeling of fear of death, accompanying chest B. with angina, myocardial infarction, pulmonary thromboembolism, have diagnostic value.

A definite diagnostic orientation is given by the distinction between somatoglia, i.e. pains caused by irritation of the somatic nerve fibers, and vegetalgy (sympatalgia), arising from the involvement in the sensitive fibers of the vegetative innervation. Somatalgia (permanent or paroxysmal) are located in the innervation zone of the peripheral nerves or roots and are usually not accompanied by vegetative disturbances or the latter (with very intense pain) have a character (general, increased blood pressure, increased heart rate, etc.).

In vegetalgia, disorders of the vegetative functions are observed as a rule and often have a local character, as expressed by local spasms of peripheral vessels, changes in skin temperature, "goose" skin, impaired sweating, trophic disorders, etc. Sometimes vegetalgia reaches causalgia (causalgia) ,   Often with reflected pains of the type of repercussion (Repercussion) with the appearance of pain in the Zakharyin-Ged zones. Perhaps the appearance of pain in one half of the body (), which is observed, in particular, with the defeat of the thalamus. The high frequency of repercussion with the appearance of pain in areas remote from the affected organ should be borne in mind in the differential diagnosis of diseases of internal organs, blood vessels, bones and joints. for example, in myocardial infarction (myocardial infarction) B. is possible not only in the region of the sternum with irradiation in left hand, but also B. in the thoracic spine, B. in the lower, in the forehead, in right hand, in the abdomen (abdominal form), etc. With all the variety of manifestations of painful repercussion, the total B. characteristic helps to identify features that are typical or atypical for any process in the area of ​​internal organs. for example, dissecting aortic aneurysm in many of B.'s characteristics is similar to myocardial infarction, but B.'s spread along the spine with irradiation to the legs, which is characteristic of dissecting aneurysm, is not typical of myocardial infarction.

The behavior of the patient during painful paroxysms also has diagnostic value. for example, in myocardial infarction, the patient tries to lie still, the patient rushes about with a bout of renal colic, adopts various postures, which is not observed when B. is similarly localized in a patient with lumbar radiculitis.

In diseases of the internal organs of a bladder, it occurs as a result of blood flow disorders (, thrombosis of the mesenteric or renal arteries, atherosclerotic stenosis of the abdominal aorta, etc.); spasm of smooth muscles of internal organs (stomach,); stretching the walls of hollow organs (gallbladder, renal pelvis, ureter); the spread of the inflammatory process in areas supplied with sensitive innervation (to the parietal pleura, peritoneum, etc.). brain substance is not accompanied by B., it occurs when the irritation of the membranes, venous sinuses, intracranial vessels. Pathological processes in a lung are followed by B. only at their distribution on a parietal pleura. Strong B. occur when a spasm of heart vessels. B. in the esophagus, stomach and intestines often occurs when their spastic condition or stretching. Pathological processes in the parenchyma of the liver, spleen, kidneys do not cause pain, unless they are accompanied by acute stretching of the capsule of these organs. Muscle pain occurs with bruises, myositis, convulsions, disorders of the arterial circulation (in the latter cases, B. proceeds as sympathalgia). With the defeat of the periosteum and bone processes B. are extremely painful in nature.

It must be borne in mind that pain in cases of diseases of internal organs may not persist for a long time and will only grow in an avalanche-like manner during the incurable stage of the process (for example, malignant neoplasms). After the cure of a somatic disease, persistent pain is possible due to the consequences of damage to the nerve trunks, their ischemic changes, adhesive process, changes in the functional state of the preganglionic vegetative innervation nodes, as well as psychogenic pain fixation.

The elimination of pain as one of the most painful for the patient manifestations of the disease refers to the priorities that are solved by the doctor in the process of determining therapeutic tactics. The best option is to eliminate the cause of the pain, such as removing a foreign body or squeezing, repressing dislocation, etc. If this is not possible, preference is given to influences on those pathogenesis links with which pain is associated, for example, alkali intake to relieve pain during ulcer duodenal ulcer, nitroglycerin - with angina pectoris, antispasmodics (see. Antispasmodics) and anticholinergics (see Holoblokiruyuschie means) - with hepatic and renal colic, etc. With the ineffectiveness or impossibility of causal and pathogenetic therapy, they resort to symptomatic treatment of pain with the help of analgesics (Analgesics) ,   the effect of which can be enhanced by the simultaneous use of neuroleptic agents (Neuroleptic agents) or tranquilizers (tranquilizers) .   However, with the unspecified nature of the somatic disease, especially with unclear abdominal pains, the use of analgesics is contraindicated due to the possible modification of the clinical picture that makes it difficult to diagnose the disease, in which urgent surgical intervention may be indicated (see Acute abdomen) . With local pains, incl. with some neuralgia, local anesthesia is sometimes advisable. .   For persistent debilitating pains in patients with chronic diseases and low effectiveness of analgesics, symptomatic surgical B. is used - radicotomy, chordotomy, tractotomy and other methods.

  Bibliography:  Waldman A.V. and Ignatov Yu.D. The central mechanisms of pain, L., 1976, bibliogr .; Grinshtein A.M. and Popova N.A. Vegetative syndromes, M., 1971; Erokhina L.G. Facial pain, M., 1973; Kalyuzhny L.V. Physiological mechanisms of regulation of pain sensitivity, M., 1984, bibliogr .; Karpov V.D. nervous diseases, M., 1987; Kassil G.N. The science of pain, M., 1975; Kryzhanovsky G.N. Determinant structures in the pathology of the nervous system, M., 1980; Nordemar R. Back pain,. With Swedish., M., 1988; Shtok V.N. , M., 1987, bibliogr.

Fig. 1. Scheme of occurrence of projected pain. Nerve impulses caused by direct stimulation (indicated by an arrow) reach the corresponding zone of the cerebral cortex along the afferent fibers in the spinotalamic tract, causing a sensation of pain in that part of the body (arm), which is usually caused by irritation of the nerve endings: 1 - a part of the body with pain receptors; 2 - the sensation of pain at the location of the respective receptors of pain; 3 - the brain; 4 - lateral spinothalamic tract; 5 - spinal cord; 6 - afferent nerve fiber.

Fig. 2. Diagram of the occurrence of reflected pain. Pain from the internal come to the spinal cord, the individual structures of which are synaptically in contact with the nerve cells of the spinothalamic tract, on which the nerve fibers innervating a certain segment of the skin end: 1 - skin; 2 - the trunk of the sympathetic nervous system; 3 - rear spine; 4 - lateral spinothalamic tract; 5 - spinal cord; 6 - front spine; 7 - internal organ; 8 - the visceral nerve.


unpleasant, sometimes intolerable sensation, which arises mainly during strong irritating or destructive effects on a person. Pain is a signal of danger, a biological factor that ensures the preservation of life. The emergence of pain mobilizes the body's defenses to eliminate pain stimuli and restore normal functioning of the organs and physiological systems. But at the same time, pain brings severe suffering to a person (for example, Headache, Toothache), deprives him of rest and sleep, and in some cases can cause the development of a life-threatening condition - Shock.

Usually, the pain is stronger than the heavier skin, mucous membranes, periosteum, muscles, nerves, i.e. the higher the intensity of the stimuli. When the internal organs function are impaired, the pain does not always correspond to the extent of these disorders: relatively small intestinal function disorders sometimes cause severe pain (colic), and serious diseases of the brain, blood, kidneys can occur with little or no pain.

The nature of pain is diverse: it is assessed as sharp, dull, piercing, cutting, pressing, burning, aching. The pain can be local (felt directly at the site of the lesion) or reflected (occurs at a part of the body more remote from the site of the lesion, for example, in the left arm or shoulder blade in heart diseases). A peculiar form is the so-called phantom pain in the missing (amputated) parts of the limbs (foot, fingers, hand).

Often the cause of pain of a different nature are diseases of the nervous system. The so-called central pain may be due to diseases of the brain. Special severe pain observed after a stroke, when located in the visual hill; these pains extend to the entire paralyzed half of the body. The so-called peripheral pain occurs when irritation of painful endings (receptors) in various organs and tissues (myalgia - muscle pain, arthralgia - pain in the joints, etc.). Accordingly, the diversity of factors acting on pain and causing them is high and the frequency of peripheral pain during various diseases  and intoxication (myalgia - with influenza, arthralgia - with rheumatism, rheumatoid arthritis, etc.). With the defeat of the peripheral nervous system, pain is the result of compression, tension and circulatory disorders in the root or nerve trunk. The pain associated with lesions of the peripheral nerves, usually aggravated by movements, with the tension of the nerve trunks. After pain sensationsAs a rule, there is a feeling of numbness, a violation of sensitivity in the area where the pain was experienced.

Pain in the heart, in the left half of the chest or behind the sternum can be stitching, aching or compressing, often gives to the left arm and shoulder blade, it appears suddenly or develops gradually, sometimes short-term or long-term. Sudden acute compressive pain behind the sternum, extending into the left arm and shoulder blade, arising from physical exertion  or at rest, characteristic of angina pectoris (angina pectoris). Often, pain in the heart area is caused by functional disorders of the nervous system of the heart during neurosis, endocrine disorders, various intoxications (for example, in smokers and alcohol abusers).

Pain in the heart can also occur in school-age children, for example, due to the heightened emotional stress of the child. The pain, as a rule, not strong and short-term, arises suddenly. A child who complains of pain in the heart should be put to bed, give him a sedative (for example, tazepam, sibazon 1/2 pills), analgin 1/2 -1 tablet, but 1-jib by 1/2 -1 a pill. In cases where these measures have no effect, you should call an ambulance. When pains in the region of the heart recurring among seemingly complete health, you need to consult a doctor and examine the child.

Abdominal pain occurs in many diseases, including those requiring urgent surgical treatment  (see belly).


1) a kind of psycho-physiological state of a person, resulting from exposure to superstrong or destructive stimuli, causing organic or functional impairment in the body; is an integrative function of the body, mobilizing a variety of to protect the body from the effects of a harmful factor;

2) (dolor; painful sensation) in the narrow sense is a subjectively painful sensation reflecting the psycho-physiological state of a person that results from exposure to superstrong or destructive stimuli.

Anginal pain  (d. anginosus) - B. of a pressing, compressing or stinging character, localized behind the sternum, radiating to the arm (usually left), shoulder girdle, neck, lower jaw, occasionally to the back; a sign of angina, focal myocardial dystrophy and myocardial infarction.

High pain  - B. in the muscles, joints and behind the sternum, which occurs when flying at high altitude without special equipment as a sign of decompression sickness.

Headache  (cephalalgia; syn.) - B. in the region of the cranial vault, resulting in various diseases as a result of irritation of pain receptors in the membranes and vessels of the brain, periosteum, and superficial tissues of the skull.

Golded pain  - B. in the epigastric (epigastric) region, occurring on an empty stomach and disappearing or diminishing after a meal; observed, for example, in duodenal ulcer.

Two-wave pain  - B. with two periods of pronounced increase in intensity; observed, for example, in intestinal dyspepsia.

Pain arched  (d. retrosternalis) - B., localized behind the sternum; a sign of coronary insufficiency or other diseases of the mediastinal organs.

Pain radiating  - B., transmitted to the area remote from the pathological focus.

Alpine pain  (d. alveolaris) - B., localized in the alveoli of the tooth during inflammatory processdeveloping after tooth extraction.

Pain intermenstrual  (d. intermenstrualis) - B. pulling character, localized in the lower abdomen and in the lower back; It usually occurs during ovulation.

Neuralgic pain  (d. neuralgicus) - paroxysmal intense.

Pain  with sensitive and mixed nerve neuralgia, often accompanied by hyperemia, sweating and swelling skin integument  in the area of ​​its localization.

Pain surrounding - B. in the epigastric (epigastric) region, radiating left and right, encompassing at the level of the lower thoracic and upper lumbar vertebrae; observed in cholecystitis, pancreatitis, duodenal ulcer and some other diseases.

Pain fast  (d. acutus) - B., suddenly starting and rapidly growing to maximum intensity.



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