the main - Healing herbs
  Saskatoon fruit benefits. Saskatoon useful properties. Useful properties of grapes.

Like any blue colored fruit, irga in its composition is rich in vitamins, macro-and micronutrients  and its consumption and input into one’s own diet will help the body in eliminating such problems as vascular fragility, atherosclerosis and vitamin deficiency, as well as in diagnosing problems with the cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal tract.

Infusion irgi for external application

As food is extremely small, so it is easier to use as a supplement or concentrated juice. There is also as an ingredient in many anti-aging cosmetic Products  and capsules can be used for outdoor applications. Particular yeast grown in black or green tea sugar solution and “yeast” means, as a rule, liquid from previous fermentation. Thanks to fermentation, many nutrients are released, including vitamins, enzymes, organic acids and probiotic bacteria.

In addition, the fruit itself, presented to the viewer's argument, is shown as prevention of heart attack and varicose veins.

As an astringent decoction, the fruits of irgi are shown to be used in diagnosing inflammatory processesoccurring in the gastrointestinal tract - in this case, shows the application fresh juice  berry fruits.

At the same time, tincture prepared from the flowers of the plant itself is shown when increased pressure, as well as in the case of diagnosing heart failure, it is these berries that doctors and traditional pharmacists recognize as an effective cardiological and hypotensive agent of natural origin.

However, due to a strong laxative effect, the use of additional attention. Cleaner vascular "Traditional Japanese food NATO", derived from soybeans fermented. This is an extremely rich source of protein with all essential amino acids, fatty acids, vitamins B and K, iron, fiber and indigestible plant estrogen. It also contains a peptidase that many studies have shown that it has the ability to prevent the formation of blood clots that cause heart attacks and strokes, and even dissolve existing ones.

Along with these broths from the bark practice for external use as an effective wound-healing agent, an effective rinsing oral cavity  in case of diagnosing periodontal disease.

The decoction itself is also shown when gargling when catarrhal diseases  - such as angina,  Acute respiratory infections, as well as dental problems, as a means to fight against pressure sores, burns.

When consumed as normal food is usually mixed with soy sauce  and cooked rice has a sticky texture and a typical heavy smell of yeast rather unpleasant cheese. Noni "fruit of the gods" Fruit is consumed for thousands of years the people of the South Pacific. It is also very popular in Australia, China and India, and in recent years gained in the US and Europe. Today beat little wild plants and pack juice. The juice is considered a very nutritious and antioxidant because it contains wide range  ingredients, partly rare in other foods.

Contraindications and harm irgi

Oddly enough, with all the benefits of the game in its consumption, and it has its contraindications, failure of which may cause some harm to man.

This is very serious property berries as reduced pressure can harm all patients from whom and so diagnosed with hypotonia.

Nonite or fruit juice, or as a concentrate, it helps protect the body from toxins and free radicals, strengthens immune systemImproves blood circulation, it has a mild anesthetic effect, while ensuring the proper absorption of nutrients from the intestine. Chia seeds are "ancient food of the future" belongs to a group of grain and is more commonly known as food pet songbirds. American Indians, who used them for centuries, is believed to increase endurance and prolong life.

Chia seeds are a rich source of digestible fiber, polyunsaturated fatty acids, antioxidants, calcium, boron, and proteins. When mixed in water and let about 30 minutes to get the form of gelatin is almost solid. It provides thickened digestible protein rich nucleic acids, vitamins, minerals, trace elements and enzymes. In connection with high content  Cellulose plays a role in the detoxification of the body: cellulose, which does not decompose in the digestive system, adheres and binds to heavy metals and other toxic substances and is discharged with them from the body.

With low blood pressure, you should not take this fruit into your diet,  avoiding it in its own menu in any form - fresh, dried, or as a component of a particular dish.

On a par with this, all those who work at work associated with the risk of injury and injury are also very cautious about the consumption of the game - in the case of injury and bleeding it is understood that this berry lowers the ability of blood to clot and the effect itself is akin to hemophilia.

In addition, the advantage of digestion, struggling with constipation, stimulating the growth of intestinal flora and natural strengthens the immune system, stimulating the production of interferon, increasing the production of white blood cells. Aloe "plant of immortality" One of the plants with the most scientifically proven healing properties. In warm countries, more than 200 different species thrive, while in Greece and slightly between aloe vera. The extracts are known for their use in cosmetics, is not known for their beneficial effects on the skin. Drinking aloe extracts, in the form of a juice concentrate or capsules, containing more than 200 active ingredients, such as vitamins, enzymes, minerals, amino acids, polysaccharides, etc. and are mainly used for laxative and purgative properties as well as detoxification programs.

Also, in case of excessive consumption of both dried and fresh fruits, a certain inhibition may appear - in this case, the effect of its sedative effect takes place and therefore, if you are a driver or operator at the station, it is not recommended to consume irgu.

All this, of course, is relative - a spoonful of fresh fruit, dried or jam will not harm, while, roughly speaking, a keg of honey can also become poison.

Aloe has antibacterial, antifungal and toning effect, strengthens the liver, helps to control the level of sugar in the blood, improves digestion, relieves irritation of the digestive system and relieve the symptoms of irritable bowel.

It is a highly concentrated food rich in proteins, carbohydrates, fats and good antioxidants, phytonutrients, minerals, trace elements, vitamins, enzymes and probiotics. Spirulina boosts energy, improves digestion, improves bowel function, strengthening and balancing the micro flora, strengthens the immune system, detoxify the body, promotes healthy skin, helps to reduce appetite and indirectly to weight loss, in addition, promotes the absorption and bioavailability of the components involved in other products power, thus contributing to a more adequate nutrition of the body.

In addition, the berry and its consumption is contraindicated in certain forms of vascular dystonia,  and if there is an individual intolerance to the irgi berry itself.

Allergic to the very berry irgi manifests itself almost instantly  - a feeling of sore throat and flowing snot from the nose. In this case you should immediately contact the doctors - in this case, there is a serious reaction to the very berry games.

In accordance with the new studies on spirulina attributed to anti-cancer properties, regulating effect on cholesterol levels, increasing effect on the immune, anti-aging effects and anti-aging effect on the overall organism. Amaranth "forgotten fruit of life" Legend of amaranth can be found in the era of the Incas, who believed that the seeds were supernatural forces. For four centuries, no one talked about it, while scientists again found him with the help of research and confirmed that tiny amaranth seeds contain a considerable amount of advantages.

Nevertheless, such a reaction is a single case, not being a massive manifestation when it is used as a negative sign.

Application of the treatment

Extracts from the berries themselves irgi both fresh and dried, is indicated for the prevention of blood thinners and blood clots, but all this will take place only if it is cooked properly.

This makes amaranth protein is extremely valuable and has been established to benefit the metabolism and that age-related slowing, which makes a lot of carnitine in their turn, can benefit the balance of energy and strength. Amaranth is also rich safe fatty acids, of which the main ones are high linolenic acid, which are useful for bodies were found in terms of optimal performance and well-being of metallic magnesium and iron, calcium at levels which may contribute to the body's daily needs for these metals.

All infusions and decoctions can be prepared from the berries and leaves, flowers and bark, and in this respect, in practice there are some of the most effective recipes  and recipes:

  1. For this recipe take 1 tbsp. l dried shadberry fruits  and pour them a glass of boiling water, to give, extracts about half an hour and take for healthy tea  - it is indicated in disorders of the gastrointestinal tract.   Moreover, such an infusion can be successfully prepared in cold water.  - time infusion volume zaparivat berries, in which case there will be more, but the infusion of nutrients will have more.
  2. It is this recipe and prepared on cold water - it is enough to take 2 tbsp. l dried fruits and poured cold boiled water, brought to a boil, but not heated. Sam infusion should take in the morning and evening, for 30 minutes. before meals 100 ml. This serves as an excellent infusion multivitamin infusion helping resolve problems with work digestive tract  and in particular the weakening of vision at night.
  3. Fresh and dried leaves irgi used in traditional and alternative medicine because their binders, fixing properties - so if you have diarrhea, indigestion prepare very simple broth. For its preparation is to take 1 tbsp. l leaves and steamed them a glass of boiling water  - take half a cup three times a day. And as an external agent - such broth is very effective wound-healing agent.
  4. The bark of the plant itself, which contains a lot of tannins, is also used as an effective astringent, as well as being used as an excellent decoction for gargling with a cold, for washing wounds and their quick healing. In addition, the crust is used as a decoction for problems with the gastrointestinal tract - is sufficient to prepare a decoction of 1 tsp.. powdered bark, steamed in a liter of water, boiled at low heat for 20 minutes. After that, the broth to cool, strain and take half a cup of morning and evening.
  5. Juice themselves irgi fruit helps with colds - acute respiratory infections, flu and colds, and so on.  In this case, it is worthwhile to dilute the freshly squeezed juice itself in equal proportions with water and gargle them with throats, although with this solution you can wash the wounds, and taking 1-2 c. l - help calm the nervous system of the patient, relieve tension and give a restful sleep for insomnia.
  6. To overcome high sugar  blood use an infusion of fresh leaves of this plant  - enough to insist for half an hour steamed 2 cups of fresh foliage or glasses of dry raw material with 1 cup of boiling water and insist about half an hour. Take it three times a day for half a cup.

Recipes from irgi - culinary delights

Quinoa "golden food of the Incas" quinoa was the Inca truly golden food, "mothers of all grain" valuable, like corn and potatoes. Anything that is not grain, despite the dried fruit of plants of Bolivia and Peru. It contains more protein from any grain at 16, 2% compared with 14% wheat and 7, 5% rice. It's on high level  the amino acids lysine, methionine and cystine, and further contains all the essential amino acids. The nutritional value of protein in conditions approaching red meat and milk. but in addition, it has a much lower fat content of these products and valuable natural fibers.

Among the recipes, preparing from this berries can be identified 4 - sweet, tasty and simple in its preparation:

1. Marmalade from irgi

Useful and tasty, rich in vitamins and useful macro-and micronutrients.  It shows its use not only as a dessert dish, and the diagnosis of problems with the heart and blood vessels.

Potassium also contains iron, zinc, and various vitamins. This food is light and digestible, very good for the elderly, as well as an increase in hematocrit, it helps a good supply of blood to the brain, but also has a low glycemic index.

The University of Denton, Texas, and the University of Michigan discovered that blueberry polyphenols shrink animal fat cells, protecting even the creation of new fat tissue. Promotes positive anti-aging, prevent cancer, improve heart and brain function and vision. It even stimulates the function of the endocrine glands and increases metabolism. Normalizes blood pressure, preventing and treating cardiovascular diseases, strengthens connective tissue, reduces the level of stress hormones and detoxify the body from heavy metals.

Its components are a pound of sugar, 1. 5 kilos of washed fruits of irgi, a glass of water and 1 tbsp. l gelatin.

The very process of cooking is simple - it is itself collected, ripe fruit should wash thoroughly go through and then problanshirovat for 2 minutes, discard them after a colander and allow excess liquid to drain from them.

After that, it is worth all the blanched fruits of irgi should be mashed to the consistency of puree, add sugar to it and mix thoroughly.

Soaked gelatin pre-soak for a certain time in warm, boiled water and after it swells, add it to the berry puree with sugar. After thoroughly mix all the ingredients, put it on low heat for 10-12 minutes. and pour it into forms - your marmalade is ready.

2. Stewed fruit irgi

The compote itself of these fruits has a sour taste and tones well, especially on hot summer days.

To prepare such a drink, it is enough to scald boiling water over the course of 2-3 minutes.  and then decompose them into a glass, sterile container.

Pour their sugar syrup, and a metal lid covering, roll, placing then in a dark, cool place.

4. Jam from fruits irgi

To prepare this delicacy should thoroughly wash all fruits and sort out irgi and then mix them in equal proportions with sugar.

Water is added to this mixture and set on fire so that the mass itself will not burn. The entire mass during cooking periodically stir - readiness check dropwise syrup when ready is such, wherein it will not spread on a smooth surface.

Recipe itself does not require that it is hermetically sealed, but keep it optimally in a dark, cool place, in order to prevent the fermentation process.

4. Morse irgi of fruits

In this case, the fruits of this plant are sorted and washed thoroughly, then mash with a fork and then squeeze the juice from the resulting pulp.

The very obtained spin at the very beginning is used to make a decoction - they are boiled over low heat for at least 15 minutes.

After that, dissolve a glass of sugar in a liter of water and add squeezed juice there, and then filter the previously cooked cake, let it brew for 10-12 hours - your juice is ready.

Irga is widespread in many countries of Europe, Asia, Africa and North America, but its homeland is Canada. Gradually, a plant with dark blue berries was brought from other countries and transplanted; therefore, today the Irga grows almost throughout the entire territory of our country, as well as in the Crimea and the Caucasus. Beneficial features  irgi became the reason that it began to grow on garden plots  and fruit nurseries.

Especially it helps people in those parts of the country where other berry bushes do not grow. Irga contains a whole vitamin warehouse, filling up the deficiencies of vitamins during illness or poor nutrition. This is despite the fact that it can also be an excellent ornamental plant, bunches of its berries look very original on any background.

Chemical composition

A whole set of necessary for human microelements and vitamin complex  contained in these berries, and it is in the irga that a very rare vitamin P is contained. It is necessary that people with vision diseases be used, and in particular it can prevent the development of cataracts.

Useful properties irgi

The substances that are part of the irgi return the former elasticity to the vessels, which helps to solve the problem of high blood pressure. Doctors recommend that irish jam be included in the diet for people suffering from disorders of the cardiovascular system.

Irrig is also useful for intestinal motility, especially if this causes recurring problems. Pectins contained in the berries normalize the digestive process, helping to resolve issues of violation of normal stool.

Irga fights against diseases such as anemia, and can become an indispensable aid in the treatment of varicose veins.

The benefits of irgi can be useful in the fight against respiratory diseases  upper respiratory tract. The juice of the berries perfectly soothes the sore throat, eliminating the symptoms of angina.

The benefits of irgi are invaluable in large cities, where the ecological situation is very complicated, its berries help to remove radioactive substances and heavy metals from the body.

Irga will also help during the seasonal flu epidemic, strengthening the body's immune system. If you are tired at work, a cup of tea with jam from irgi will help you relax and restore your mental balance.

Doctors also recommend this berry to be used with increased mental stress, with active work, as well as with stress and insomnia. healing properties  possess not only the blue berries of irgi, but also the leaves of the plant.

Added to the usual tea leaflets irgie fill it with vitamins. They can be used both fresh and dried, healing properties  this does not get lost.

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