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  Peeling for oily skin at home. Peeling for the face at home: the most effective recipes. Peeling with oatmeal.

Peeling a face at home differs from professional peeling with lower concentrations of active ingredients, which in the case of application errors will not allow you to cause irreparable damage. remember, that improper conduct  peeling can lead to burns to the skin of the face and the subsequent appearance of superficial scars, as well as hyper- or hypopigmentation of the skin.

Apply it on your face in a circular motion and leave for 5-10 minutes. This will help us to open the skin pores a little. Then we remove it very carefully. Apply it on the face with cotton, leaving it for 5 minutes. We use the resulting paste to leave a good time, the longer the better. This mask is recommended at night.

This peeling is performed in 4 stages. With clean water and soap, the area in which you will be doing the peeling, always use water at room temperature. You have to extract the papaya seeds, with a spoon you take out the seeds that are in the center, and as you can put them in a blender, remove the eyelashes long enough until it has a sandy consistency. Then apply them on the skin to exfoliate with a gentle massage for 4-5 minutes.

In the peelings, acids are used as active ingredients that lower the pH of the skin and “burn” the upper layers of the skin in a controlled manner. Professional cosmetologists can quite easily manage the depth of skin changes during peeling, choosing the right concentration of acid and the right time to apply peeling on the skin. But at home it will be much more difficult to manage these processes.

Now with papaya and pineapple meat without a heart and without a peel in equal quantities and depending on the area of ​​the skin on which you are doing the peeling. In a liqueur blender, leave the mixture to stand for 5 minutes and then apply it to the skin; it may burn a little, and depending on your guess, leave it between 8 and 10 minutes and remove it with water at room temperature.

Remember that always use fresh ingredients and do not store them. To moisturize the skin, you apply olive oil  and leave it for a long time. Also, do not forget to do it at night and protect your skin from the sun with the help of a protector. This is one that seeks to remove the top layers of dead skin cells.

Face after peeling: photo Before and After

Types of facial peels -

  • Average and deep peeling  faces
       with average peeling, active components penetrate through the epidermis up to the middle layers of the dermis (Fig. 4). Usually this type of peeling is performed under local anesthesia. Median facial peeling is effective for the treatment of:
       → significant pigment spots on the skin,
       → senile keratosis of the skin, photo-aging,
       → surface scars caused by acne,
       → Allows to reduce the depth of fine wrinkles by increasing the amount of newly formed collagen in the skin.

    With the help of deep peeling, which is carried out only under anesthesia or local anesthesia, you can effectively deal with scars, scars and wrinkles. The chemical components in this peeling penetrate into the lowermost layers of the dermis.

    By eliminating this dead skin, peeling promotes the growth of new skin, thus, disappears. If you have lupus or damaged capillaries, peeling is not recommended. To do a homemade peeling, you should wash your face with a low-fat cleansing cream. Then the natural peel is applied with fingers across the face. Be careful not to get in your eyes or mouth. It is normal to burn a little, but if it burns badly, rinse immediately.

    This peel is very easy to use, as this requires only one small apple and two or three strawberries. Rinse after 5 minutes. Peel is used to renew the skin. Mix a slice of papaya and a slice of pineapple in a blender. Then mix the puree with raw honey.

Important:   Peeling the face of the house should be only superficial, i.e. active ingredients should not penetrate deeper than the surface layer of the skin (epidermis).

Preparations for surface peeling at home -

Facial peeling at home is best done with products based on alpha- or beta-hydroxy acids, i.e. intended specifically for surface peeling, and not for medium or deep. In products for peeling manufacturers use acids derived from organic sources, such as citrus, sugar cane, willow bark.

Purification of coffee grounds and salt

This peeling is a bit strong and designed to fight deep wrinkles. Mix equal parts and distilled water and apply. Leave on for five minutes and rinse. After removing the peel, you can apply a moisturizer that does not contain oil. This peel can be repeated three times a week. Within two weeks after using it, you can increase two parts of lemon juice to one part distilled water. The results look like after three months.

Throw herbs in hot water and let stand 15 minutes. Before use, make sure that it is no longer hot. Put a hot, wet towel on your face for at least five minutes to open facial pores. Remove the towel and dry the face with a clean towel.

  • Alpha hydroxy acid
       used for surface peeling. Glycolic acid is most commonly used, but other fruit acids can be used: citric acid, lactic acid, malic acid and tartaric acid (the latter is produced from the skin of grapes).

    It should be noted that face peeling with glycolic acid can be either surface (at an acid concentration of 25-40%), or medium (at higher concentrations). Alpha-hydroxy acid peels are mainly indicated for patients with dry and normal skin.

    Preparation for peeling

    Apply a thin layer of the mixture of papaya, pineapple and honey to your face. Leave on face for at least 15 minutes. Avoid contact with eyes or hair. Rinse the face mask with cold water and wipe it with a dry, clean towel. Facial peelings are used to exfoliate a large face. These are the procedures that apply. in a simple way  and prepared even more easily. These four natural facial scrub options can be very helpful if you want to remove skin layers.

    Facial exfoliators, also known as skins, can be useful for removing dead skin layers from skin. Know in depth that this is a peeling, and four options can sit on you from miracles to leave your skin in optimal condition. Performing a homemade facial cleansing is very simple, but first you need to learn more about this treatment and the secrets for your skin to be renewed, clean and smooth.

  • Beta hydroxy acid
       This type of acid is, for example, salicylic cyst. Beta hydroxy acids have some advantages over alpha hydroxy acids, because they have the ability to penetrate deeper into the pores of the skin, which means the ability to use lower concentrations of acid (which reduces the risk of complications)

    In addition, salicylic acid has anti-inflammatory properties, which means that it is preferable to use peeling based on it in people with sensitive skin. In addition, salicylic acid is fat soluble, and therefore peels based on it are especially indicated for people with oily skin, in the presence of acne on the skin.

    First you need to choose which type of pen or home scrub you want to perform. If you want to conduct a chemical peel at home, purchase an online kit, perfume or beauty store. Instead, if you want to do a natural homemade scrub, you have to go to a supermarket, vending machine, or organic goods store to buy ingredients and then prepare it.

    If you decide to do chemical peeling, you should know that there are different types, and it is very important to choose the one that is specified according to your needs. The reality is that best personTo advise on this is a dermatologist, but it is also true that if you go to him and pay for the meeting, it is advisable that you agree to this treatment practiced by a professional. In specialty stores that handle these types of products, you can also ask for advice and recommend the treatment that best suits your needs.

Professional brands of products for surface chemical peeling, containing alpha and beta hydroxy acids: “MD Forte”, “Agera RX”, “Skin Obsession”, “Dermaceutic”, “Jan Marini”, “LA Peel”, “ICP”, “Mene & Moy”, “Skinceuticals Gel Peels”, “Mandel”, “Cosmedix”, “NeoStrata”.

Then you must follow the directions of each treatment, as they may vary depending on the ingredients that they contain, if the goal and depth. As with the whole skin treatment, it is recommended to try it in small pieces in order to observe the effects that can be caused. Usually these homemade chemical peels require the following steps.

You will have to mix it with distilled water, the amounts will be clarified in the instructions and will depend on the treatment you intend to implement. What never changes is that you must first apply water and then acid. At this stage it is also important that you prepare a neutralizer that you will apply after peeling. Apply acid. When you are ready, you should brush with acid, start from the forehead, avoid the eyes and lips. You should take special care in the area of ​​the nose folds that form in the nostrils; this should be the last place to apply the product, since it will accumulate and may cause burns from excess acid. You may feel a mild itching if it becomes unbearable immediately removed with a neutralizer. Leave the time specified by the manufacturer. Apply a neutralizer. Without removing the acid, use this product with cotton. You will notice a slight itch and blisters will start to appear on your face, this means that the acid is neutralized. Allow it to act for about two minutes and remove with cold water. Hydrate your skin. Choose the essential oil you like to complete the treatment and give your skin hydration that it lost during the treatment. Although peeling is very useful in removing dead skin cells, this step is necessary so that it does not dry out.

  • Cleanse your face with a cleansing cream.
  • This product is included and removes makeup and surface dirt.
  • It dilutes the acid.
Home facial peels can be 100% natural and without the need for chemicals.

Preparing for home peeling -

  • Choose a peeling preparation
       taking into account the type of skin (dry or oily), the absence or presence of acne, the level of skin darkness and the results you want to get - choose a preparation for peeling. You can also prepare your own peeling from products that are always at home (see the recipes below).
  • Prepare skin for home chemical peels
       using a facial scrub - perform exfoliation of the superficial dead skin layer approximately 24 hours before the peeling procedure.
  • Perform a drug test on a safe skin area.
       if you use peeling preparations with high content  acid or allergenic ingredients - you must first test the composition on a small area of ​​skin on the forearm or just below the ear (on the hairline). Leave the test solution for 1 minute.

    After 24 hours, you need to check the condition of the skin area: if the skin looks normal, then you can go to the peeling on the skin of the face. If signs of an allergic reaction, intense irritation or redness appear (moderate redness is normal), then try a lower concentration of active ingredients in the peeling solution. After this, take another test.

    There are many self-made exfoliating means for the face, its application is simple and with less risk. Steps for exfoliating the skin are one of these exfoliants. You can also make couples on the face to open the pores and help the peeling to reach deeper. Do it with circular motions from your forehead. Let it act for a few minutes, this time depends on the ingredients of each home treatment. Rinse with cold water. After that, rinse thoroughly with cold water. Apply essential oil. As with chemical peels, it is important to moisturize the skin after application.

    • Cleanse the skin.
    • Take a shower, and then wash your face with warm water and mild soap.
    • Use shrub.
    • Bypassing the preparation of treatment time to apply.
    No matter what type of peeling or peeling you use, it is important that you avoid sunlight the next day because your skin will be more sensitive and you should not use creams for one to three days, depending on the depth of treatment.

  • Facial cleansing before chemical peeling
       Use warm water and only a gentle cleanser to avoid drying out of the skin before the procedure.
  • Treat your eyebrows, eyelids, nostrils, and lips with petroleum jelly before applying the peeling to eliminate chemical burns of these very sensitive tissues.

Home Peeling: Recipes

Below we give four good recipe  facial peeling at home, the last of which we recommend especially.

Homemade facial scrubs

Instead, they use essential oils to keep your skin hydrated.

Moisturizing peeling of sugar and olive oil

This recipe can also be effective for those who want to cleanse the skin, as well as give you a moisturizing collection. Two tablespoons of sugar Two tablespoons of olive oilMedia a tablespoon of lemon juice. Preparation Mix all ingredients and apply after cleaning and moisturizing the face with warm water and neutral soap. Leave for 10 minutes.

Homemade Tomato and Lemon Peeling

In addition, their ingredients are so common that, of course, you already have them in your home. One tomato Two tablespoons of sugar Polulinovy ​​juice. . Prepare machaku tomato, add lemon juice, mix and finally turn on the sugar. Apply on a clean surface in a circular motion and let it work for 15 minutes. Rinse with cold water. natural facial scrub.

1. Recipe for homemade peeling with alpha hydroxy acids -

2. The recipe for home peeling with beta-hydroxy acids -

Aspirin is nothing more than acetyl salicylic acid, which refers to beta hydroxy acids. But remember that this peeling can not be used for allergies to aspirin. .

Knitting exfoliation of cornmeal and lemon

It combines these ingredients where it adds the astringency of lemon with the exfoliating ability of flour. Frame: two tablespoons of rose water and a few drops of lemon essential oil.

  • Lemon juice.
  • Spoon corn flour.
  • One spoon of sugar.
Preparation Mix all ingredients to form a paste, apply on a clean surface and let it work for 5-10 minutes.

Regenerating peeling yogurt and sea salt

It's great, and the soothing effect of yogurt interacts very well with the roughness of sea salt. Two tablespoons of natural yogurt One tablespoon of sea salt. . Preparation Mix the two ingredients and apply on clean skin, let it work for 20 minutes, rinse with cold water. This is a gentle peeling thanks to yogurt, it is ideal for treating your skin, and is also recommended if you have sensitive skin.

  • Step 1  - mix baking soda and water in a separate container, and mix. You will need this solution to neutralize the acid after the end of the peeling procedure.
  • Step 2  - Place Aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid) in a shallow dish.
  • Step 3  - Mix aspirin with lemon juice to make a slightly thin paste.
  • Step 4  - Apply the paste to the face cleaned with mild detergents, avoiding the area around the eyes.
  • Step 5 - allow the paste to dry for 10 minutes, and then wipe the skin with a cotton swab dipped in a solution of a neutralizer of soda and water.

You will need: pineapple, papaya, plain gelatin, honey (optional). Fruit peeling of the face - the reviews about it are only positive, but remember that to achieve the effect you need a course of 6-8 procedures.

As you have noticed, lemon is a very real ingredient in peeling, it is because of its binding force. But he also has other interesting properties like his lightening power. But better to know about lemon in the next video. But home peeling is not the only cosmetic treatment that you can practice so that your skin is smooth, smooth and healthy. There are many other beauty tricks that combine to help you put off wrinkles, reduce them, smooth out and balance your skin tone.

From coffee grounds

Exfoliation is one of the important steps to maintain a beauty routine that always makes us beautiful. And when it comes to our face, this is necessary, as it helps us to emphasize our natural beauty and maintain healthy skin. Best of all, that exfoliating lotions do not necessarily need to buy in stores, you can make them at home in a simple way and with very economical products.

  • Step 1  - using a knife, clean the pineapple and papaya, cut the fruit into pieces, then half a glass of pineapple and papaya pieces - mix in a blender to a state of mashed potatoes.
  • Step 2  - Put the fruit puree in a small bowl, then add 2 tablespoons of gelatin to the puree. Gelatin will allow the mixture to keep well on the skin of the face.
  • Step 3- Optionally, you can add 1 teaspoon of honey.
  • Step 4- Heat the mashed potatoes in the microwave for a minute or less, or until the gelatin is dissolved. After that, you must put the mashed potatoes in the refrigerator.
  • Step 5- when the mixture has cooled - it can be used for application to the face. Clean your face with soft detergents. Do not apply the mixture to the eyes and lips.
  • Step 6  - after applying, leave the mixture on the skin of the face for 10-15 minutes.
       Next, the mixture must be washed off.

4. How to make professional glycol peeling at home -

You will need a preparation containing 30% glycolic acid. "Skin Obsession 30%". We do not recommend starting peeling with more concentrated solutions. Increase the concentration should be gradually. This product is 100% consistent with the peeling, which you can get in the salon.

Application scheme
To achieve an optimal result by using superficial peels, a course of treatment is necessary, and one procedure will not be enough. The first 2-3 procedures are used. "Skin Obsession 30%"which is applied to the skin strictly for 1 minute. The time of application of the drug on the face during the next 2-3 procedures can be extended to 3 minutes. The following procedures can last no more than 5 minutes.

Then you need to decide whether you are satisfied with the result. After you have reached the 5-minute application of 30% glycolic acid  - it is possible to increase the concentration of glycolic acid in the peeling up to 40% by purchasing the preparation "Skin Obsession 40%". Next, a similar treatment is performed, as for 30% glycolic acid.

After the course of peeling with 40% acid - you can again increase the concentration of glycolic acid up to 50%. Remember that glycolic acid solutions more than 50% can not be used at home!

The multiplicity of procedures
   Between repeated procedures, 2-3 weeks should pass, which depends largely on the sensitivity of the skin of the face. As a rule, you will see the first consistent results after a course of 4 procedures.

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How to hold this peeling at home -

  • Step 1  - cleanse your face with a mild detergent.
  • Step 2- wipe the skin with alcohol for degreasing.
  • Step 3- prepare soda solution in a separate container, which you will need to neutralize the peeling.
  • Step 4- Smear eyebrows, lips and nostrils with petroleum jelly to protect against peeling solution.
  • Step 5- pour a small amount of  glycolic acid in a glass container.
  • Step 6- using a brush or brush, quickly apply the solution to the skin, starting from the forehead, moving down to the nose and chin, and then the cheeks and then to the cheeks.
  • Step 7- apply one coat evenly, avoiding application to the eyes, lips and neck, and note the time.
  • Step 8- as soon as the time is over - wipe your face soft clothsoaked in neutralizer solution. After 1 minute, wipe your face again. At the time of flushing the solution can strongly pinch the skin. Then rinse the skin with water.
  • Step 9- dry the skin, then apply a thin layer of moisturizing oil, or you can apply a soothing, nourishing mask.

What to expect in the process of glycolic peeling on the face –
1)   Skin will tingle - this is a good sign! After 30 seconds, tingling, as a rule, decreases, but this does not mean that the peeling has stopped working.
2) In no case should it be painful or severely tweaking, but slight discomfort is possible. If this happens, immediately flush away the solution with a neutralizer.
3)   Skin may turn red, this is normal.

How to behave after peeling face -

To avoid side effects  and complications, which may include burns, superficial scars, hyperpigmentation, hypopigmentation - carefully follow these guidelines.

How to care for face after superficial peeling –

  • clean the skin only with mild detergents
  • moisturize the skin 2 times a day,
  • you can not tear off the flaky skin, because this can lead to depigmentation of the skin and even the appearance of small scars,
  • within 4 weeks you can not appear in the sun without sunscreen, otherwise there is a risk of hyperpigmentation (brown spots on the face).

How to care for face after medium or deep peeling –

  • if necessary, use analgesics (paracetamol or nurofen),
  • cleanse the skin with warm water and mild detergents
  • use a thin layer of antibiotic ointment (usually included) several times a day to reduce the risk of infection;
  • often in the healing process itching may be troubling; antihistamines will help to cope with it,
  • 2 days after treatment, go to your doctor for a re-examination,
  • avoid physical exertion  in a few weeks
  • avoid scratching the skin to avoid the risk of scarring;
  • avoid direct sunlight and use sunscreen (after skin healing) for 6 weeks,
  • you should immediately consult a doctor if you notice signs of infection or pigment changes.

We hope that our article on the topic: Peeling of the face at home - turned out to be useful to you!

It is not always possible to visit the beauty salon. Make a deep peeling face at home is quite possible. Currently, a large amount of exfoliating agents for home use are being produced. Procedures that used to be done only in salons can now be done independently.

Carrying out the procedure

With deep peeling, the upper layers of the epidermis are peeled off, right down to the lowest basal layer. Removing a significant number of dead cells allows the lower tissues to be exposed and to cause rapid skin renewal. Together with the outer part of the skin, the defects are also removed. The depth of wrinkles, scars and scars decreases while dark spots  turn pale.

Deep peeling at home is done with acids. They dissolve the surface of the skin, creating an extensive burn. Burnt fabrics form a crust and eventually disappear, revealing a more toned and refreshed face. The stunning effect persists for 5 - 10 years.

For deep peeling use phenol. It causes a burn of 3 degrees. Phenol exfoliation improves blood circulation in the upper layers of the skin, normalizes the activity of the sebaceous glands, improves the elasticity and firmness of the skin. The procedure stimulates the production of collagen. Collagen threads provide strength and elasticity of the skin, allowing it to look young.

On the video, deep facial peeling at home:

1 - 2 weeks before the procedure, pre-peeling preparation is carried out. Apply a chemical exfoliation agent with weak acids to the skin (Base AHA with an acid concentration of 16%) and after 5-10 minutes wash off. Treatment with weak acids levels the skin, facilitating the penetration of the compound with phenol deep into the tissues. Before phenol peeling can not sunbathe.

  The result of deep peeling face at home

Recipes means for deep exfoliation may vary from different beauticians. Most often, the composition contains 30 ml of phenol (88%), 20 ml of bidistilled water, 5 ml of hexachlorophene and drops of croton oil (10 per 100 ml of mixture). It is also necessary to prepare a neutralizing compound and a syringe with water. Water is needed to quickly flush eyes in case of accidental ingress of acid into them. The acid is neutralized with sodium bicarbonate solution (10% -15%) or neutralizing lotion.

Phenol peeling

The face is washed with soap, cleaned with alcohol and degreased with acetone. Hair hiding under the cap. Vaseline is applied to sensitive areas (the corners of the palpebral fissures and nasolabial folds). During the procedure, the head should be raised to 45 degrees, and the eyes are closed. To avoid getting an aggressive agent in the face, the container with the composition must be opened away from it.

The composition is applied with a brush on the forehead, then on the right cheek, nose, left cheek and chin. The area near the mouth is processed if necessary. The last to cover the composition of the upper and lower eyelids. So that the demarcation line does not appear at the junction of the treated and non-processed areas, a tool is applied on the edges of the face with pen strokes.

On the video procedure of phenol peeling:

The composition on the basis of phenol is neutralized after 3 minutes. But if a grayish-whitish bloom and bubbles appear, the agent must be removed immediately. Then rinse the face with water.

Post peeling events

Immediately after deep peeling, the face looks swollen and red, like a baked apple. If the procedure does not cause complications, it will appear in public in 3 to 4 weeks. In some cases, the consequence of skin treatment with acids is allergic reaction  or the occurrence of scarring from burns. After injury, there remains a high probability of infection and the appearance of foci of inflammation.

Make a deep peeling of the skin at home can only with the help of a professional beautician. One should follow all his recommendations during the procedure and after it. It is better not to go out and not to contact with strangers in the first weeks after peeling.   It is advisable to carry it out in the autumn or winter, when the activity of the sun is minimal.

It is strictly forbidden to strip off the crusts, trying to expose the renewed skin as soon as possible. Its surface is very delicate and sensitive. Under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, hyperpigmentation may appear on it.


Phenol is very toxic. It is a poison that negatively affects the nervous system and irritates the airways. As a result of the absorption of phenol into the bloodstream, a chemical reaction may occur. Its consequence may be arrhythmia. Before you make a deep peeling, you must consult with a beautician. People who have heart, liver and kidney disease, do not need phenol peeling.

If used incorrectly, phenol exfoliation can cause severe skin burns. It is strictly forbidden to make it pregnant and lactating women, as well as people with cancer and skin diseases.

What you can do yourself

Exfoliate the skin with trichloroacetic acid. It does not penetrate so deep into the layers of the epidermis, as phenol, and does not significantly reduce deep wrinkles. But it is not so dangerous to use.

You must purchase a ready-made peeling agent or prepare a solution of trichloroacetic acid yourself. Products containing from 5% to 40% trichloroacetic acid are commercially available. It is not recommended to do peeling with a concentration higher than 20% at home due to the risk of burns. For the first time, it is desirable to purchase a more benign composition of 5% - 8%. More concentrated product can be reused.

For 1 - 2 weeks before peeling you need to carry out pre-peeling preparation with weak acids. Do not replace the chemical procedure with scrubs. You can make enzyme instead of acid peeling. In the pre-peel period, you can not sunbathe. It is recommended daily, before going to bed, to apply on the areas where peeling will be carried out, alpha-hydroxide lotion (5%).

On video peeling with weak acids:

Before use make a test for sensitivity. The finished solution is applied to the inner part  hands with a cotton swab. After 3-4 minutes, rinse off with cold water. If during the day at this site there was no reaction (rash, itching, redness), you can start the procedure.

Trichloroacetic acid procedure

You need to wash your face with a cleanser and gently soak the skin with a napkin. Purified skin must be disinfected and degreased. It is better to use witch hazel tincture for this. It does not dry the skin.

Hair is hidden under the cap, head tilted at 45 degrees. At hand should be neutralizer. As a neutralizer, you can use a solution of baking soda. It is prepared from 2 teaspoons of baking soda and 1 cup of water. Sensitive zones in the corners of the eyes and under the nose are protected with Vaseline.

A cotton swab or sponge is applied a solution of trichloroacetic acid on the face, starting with the forehead. Then the cheeks, nose and chin are covered. It is important to spread the composition with a small uniform layer. Large amounts of the product can cause severe burns.

Peeling solution is kept on the skin until frost appears (about 3-4 minutes). Frost in cosmetology is called coagulative necrosis of the skin of different depths (eschar). Externally, it looks like a whitish coating of the treated area and resembles frost. During exposure to acid on the skin, a mild burning sensation may be felt.

On video peeling with trichloroacetic acid:

After the appearance of frost, the composition is neutralized with a solution of baking soda or a special agent. Then rinse your face with cold water, gently soak it with a napkin and apply a cream with a triple antibiotic (Neosporin or Triple Antibiotic Triple Antibiotic Ointment).

Post peeling events

The skin will be covered with frost for about half an hour after the procedure. A crust will appear on the face over the next few days. All these days it is recommended to apply an antibiotic ointment to prevent the appearance of inflammation and infection. Crusts should disappear on their own. Prematurely rip off their impossible.

  The result of peeling with trichloroacetic acid

Immediately after the procedure is to make a compress with infusion of the train. One tablespoon of raw material is poured with a glass of boiling water and infused for 15 - 20 minutes. The cooled and filtered liquid is dipped in gauze folded in several layers and applied to damaged skin. After 10 minutes, the compress is removed.

It is advisable not to go out for a few days and minimize contact with others. Do not apply makeup, wash with soap, shave and pull out hair on the injured areas of the skin. When going outside you need to use a face cream with UV protection (at least 30 SPF).

Trichloroacetic acid peeling is not performed for pregnant and lactating women, as well as for people with cancer, endocrine and dermatological diseases.

Glycolic acid peeling

Glycolic acid refers to alpha-hydroxy acids (fruit). It easily penetrates the upper layers of the epidermis and does not cause serious damage to the skin. This type of peeling is more gentle, but less deep.

10 - 15 days prior to exfoliation, it is recommended to apply a remedy containing a small percentage of glycolic acid to the face code. This may be Sesderma Serum (6%) or Reviva Labs Cream (5%).

In the pre-peeling period, it is necessary to avoid sunlight. On the eve of the procedure, it is necessary to test for sensitivity to the agent. For the first peeling is better to use a tool with a concentration of glycolic acid 10% - 15%. It is applied to the inner surface of the arm and washed off after 3 minutes. The result is estimated in a day.

Before peeling, the face is cleaned with liquid ichthyol soap. A lotion with a concentration of 5% glycolic acid is applied to the skin dried with a napkin. It will remove residual dirt and grease. It is washed off with cold water and dried to the surface.

After that put the main structure, starting with the forehead and ending with the chin. The eyelids are last treated. The composition is left to affect for 10 minutes and neutralized with cold water. If the procedure caused skin irritation, burning or redness, it is better to use a special composition to neutralize. Even discomfort  appeared in one place, it is necessary to neutralize the tool on the entire treated surface.

On the video procedure glycolic acid:

Lactolan peeling - face cream will help soothe the skin. It is gently hammered with fingertips into the surface. On the cream stack stacked in several layers pieces of gauze, moistened in warm water. After 10 - 15 minutes, rinse your face with warm water and apply a moisturizer.

After the procedure, there is a slight redness and peeling of the skin. Skin covering  will recover in 1 - 3 days. After peeling, you should avoid the sun's rays and use creams with ultraviolet filters.

The procedure is contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women, in addition, people with dermatological and oncological diseases.

Other species at home

You can peel the skin of the face with fruit acids.contained in the products. Fruit peeling recipes are simple and affordable. To improve the complexion, you can use pineapple. 200 g of pulp ground in a blender are mixed with 2 tablespoons of honey.

To the mixture acquired the necessary consistency of thick cream, it adds a little flour. It is better to take oatmeal. It can be obtained by grinding in a coffee grinder oatmeal. The mask is applied for 10 minutes, then washed off.

In the composition for fruit peeling, you can add a banana and kiwi. They are ground by a blender and mixed in equal proportions. To 100 g of the mixture add 200 g of pineapple puree. Mask applied to the skin for 10 minutes and wash off. Such exfoliation does not significantly rejuvenate the skin, but can safely improve its appearance.



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