the main - Pain in the eyes
  Why does a person have dark circles under his eyes. Salon procedures for women. Mask of parsley and fresh cucumber

Eyes are the mirror of the soul. Therefore, communicating with the person, we look at them, trying to understand the interlocutor and find out what he thinks. Very often, people can see black circles under the eyes, which significantly reduce the impression of him and suggest that he is sick with something. Do we think correctly - that is the task that we have to solve in this article.

Often the main reason that causes the formation of dark circles, is the lack of oxygen in the body or lack of sleep. However, it is possible that you simply do not care for the skin around the eyes.

Circles around the eyes have several main reasons:

  1. There may be certain diseases. internal organs  (eg, impairment Very often, impairment of the cardiovascular system becomes a factor causing the appearance of these circles. If such causes are the basis for their formation, local preventive methods will not help in this situation. It is necessary to eliminate the original source of the disease.
  2. Brown circles around the eyes may appear if a person becomes allergic to a substance in the air.
  3. Sometimes, the natural aging of the body is to blame, when the vessels from the subcutaneous layer begin to be seen. The older a person becomes, the stronger the effect becomes. As the skin becomes thinner, black circles under the eyes will become more noticeable.
  4. Often the reason is that only a doctor can diagnose. This can be corrected by taking a complex of vitamins and eating more fresh apples.
  5. If a similar problem occurs in young mothers, this is the main sign that they are not getting enough sleep, spending all the time at the baby's cradle.
  6. Cyanotic circles can be the result of dehydration. This should be avoided because lack of fluid can lead to more serious problems.
  7. Particular attention should be paid to rest the eyes, in particular, this applies to those who work at the computer. Black circles under the eyes can appear in those who have work associated with small details, which leads to severe fatigue of the organ of vision.
  8. If a person smokes, then black circles will become his constant companions.
  9. One of the reasons, which concerns the female half of the population, is the improperly chosen cosmetics, in particular, means for the care of the skin of the face and the area around the eyes.

The negative impact of all the above factors can be limited and to prevent black circles under your eyes darken your life. Remember that their appearance can also provoke improper diet: you can not abuse fatty, smoked and spicy food. You should ensure that sleep time takes you at least 8 hours, and during the day you need to spend a lot of time walking in the fresh air.

In the diet should include more foods that are rich. In addition, there are a number of recommendations for the prevention of dark circles under the eyes:

  1. It is necessary to sleep so that the head is raised above the level of the body.
  2. Limit alcohol, especially beer.
  3. Exclude from your cosmetic products  fat creams.
  4. If the sun is shining outside, be sure to use sunglasses.
  5. Do not abuse salty foods. Salt leads to swelling of the skin around the eyes.
  6. Remember that smoking often leads to the formation of dark circles. At the same time, the skin ages faster, and nicotine contributes to the development of those irreversible processes in the body, which are then very difficult to stop. Therefore, it is easier to get rid of the cause than its often irreversible consequences.

A well-groomed and attractive face begins with beautiful skin around the eyes, but not every woman can boast of it. The most common problem of modern women - dark circles under the eyes. Their presence can ruin even the cutest face, and from a young girl - to make a gaunt aunt of advanced age.

Causes of

An unpleasant phenomenon delivers a lot of frustration and grief. What are the causes of dark circles under the eyes? The skin on this area of ​​the face is very thin and sensitive, and immediately under it lie capillary vessels, so any abnormal actions provoke puffiness and bruises. Consider the main causes of dark circles under the eyes:

1. Lack of night sleep.

In order to always look fresh and rested face, a woman needs a full sleep, at least 8 hours a day. In the case of lack of sleep, it acquires an unpleasant pale gray color, against which the capillary channels become strongly visible. Removing the effects of a short sleep is easy. Review your daily routine and allow plenty of time for rest. Popular methods will help to quickly remove unpleasant symptoms:

  • tea leaves - pour 3 tablespoons of any tea (green or black) with hot water, let it cool, and then wiping cotton pads in the resulting tincture, put them on tired eyelids (hold for 10 minutes to half an hour). After the procedure, the bags and circles under the eyes will disappear, discomfort  rezi and redness. The method has no contraindications, it is used without restrictions as needed;
  • tea cubes - freeze the brew in a container of ice for drinks, add a couple of drops of lemon juice or herbal tincture to it to enhance the effect. Such a remedy is always available in your refrigerator;
  • potatoes - rub one tuber and put the resulting mass on the place of formation of dark circles, hold for about 20 minutes, and then wash it off with weak tea leaves.

2. Chronic eyestrain.

Usually occurs in women whose work is associated with constant sitting at the computer. Prevention will be short breaks every 40–50 minutes, during which you can do eye exercises and just relax. At home, completely give up on modern gadgets - this will help to improve the skin of the face and maintain good vision. In order at home, try herbal cleansers and the following products:

  • refreshing mask - finely grated cucumber mixed with half a tablespoon of sour cream and put a thick layer on the problem area;
  • warm compress - warm the milk and moisten cotton pads in it, attach it to dark circles and hold it for 10-20 minutes.

3. Bad habits.

It is about alcohol and smoking. There is no need for extra words, just look at the bright representatives of the addictions: huge bags on half of the face, deep dark circles, red eyes. The reason is that harmful substances destroy internal organs and all external tissues. Due to the constant etching of your own body, it is not necessary to speak in an attractive and fresh skin. In this case, both cosmetic and folk remedies are powerless. Dark spots  under the eyes will pass only after the irrevocable rejection of bad habits. What is more important to you: the next portion of poison or a beautiful well-groomed face, decide for yourself.

4. Unbalanced nutrition.

Eating unhealthy fast food, completely devoid of useful minerals and vitamins, too sharp and smoked products invariably leads to the unfortunate consequences that result not only in problems with the figure and the digestive organs, but also cause imperfect skin on the face.

Dark circles and puffiness under the eyes are a direct consequence of the lack of essential nutrients and the use of salt in unlimited quantities. As with bad habits, all known means are powerless, you need to completely revise the diet and go to healthy foods. Include a diet rich in vitamin K in your daily diet. It has a rejuvenating effect, tightens the skin and prevents wrinkles and dark circles, and also has a beneficial effect on blood vessels. A large amount of vitamin K is found in parsley (masks from it are very useful for fighting dark circles), green vegetables, lettuce and fruits. In addition, it is used in the composition of biological additives, the daily intake - about 65-80 mg.

5. Incorrectly selected cosmetics.

As already noted, the skin around the eyes is highly sensitive. Any external influence is immediately reflected on it. Dark circles under the eyes of women can be caused by the use of poor-quality cosmetics, allergies to some components in the composition, as well as individual characteristics. Observing the following rules will help get rid of them:

When a woman has such problems, you need to contact a specialist, he will select the right makeup and give good advice on skin care.

6. Black circles as a symptom of diseases of internal organs.

The eyes are not only the "mirror of the soul", but also of the whole organism. Some diseases appear dark circles and bags on the face. This happens when problems occur:

  • with kidneys - if the shadows under the eyes are accompanied by edema, this means serious diseases of important organs, you need to undergo a full examination;
  • with gall bladder - indicate circles with yellowness, to related symptoms  include: an unpleasant bitterness in the mouth and recurring sensations of pain in the right side;
  • with the pancreas - such signs as constipation, diarrhea and other discomfort associated with the digestive tract are a plus;
  • with the endocrine system - these are mainly problems with thyroid hormones;
  • with heart and vessels - they can be guessed by the blue shade of the circles under the eyes;
  • with blood - simply put, anemia. It is accompanied by a drop in hemoglobin level and a lower supply of oxygen to all vital cells of the body. It is easy to ascertain by the general state of health. Increased fatigue, frequent dizziness and weakness should make you pass general analysis  blood.

Less commonly, bruises and eye shadows are a symptom of other diseases. Cosmetics will not bring the desired effect without the successful treatment of concomitant disease.

7. Heredity.

If the parents or close relatives of the woman have dark circles and bags under the eyes from a sufficiently early age, it is likely that they were transmitted to her from her relatives. This family feature says that the vessels are too close to the surface of the skin. Folk methods  against heredity are powerless. Do not despair; skin imperfections can be easily removed with the help of special salon procedures (for example, laser therapy or acupressure).

Another reason for the appearance of dark circles under the eyes - age changes. If a woman has reached her mature age, and youth has long been left behind, the bruises on her face are a sad pattern. The skin around the eyes becomes thinner and less elastic, and the vessels begin to shine even more. Professional procedures and constant care will help slow down time.


In addition to all sorts of folk drugs with dark circles on his face, industrial products are successfully fighting. Its main types:

1. cream - very effective if it contains: hyaluronic acid, natural extracts ( horse chestnut, heather, linden and green tea), essential oils  sandalwood, as well as retinol and vitamins K and C. The following products received the best reviews: Parabenfree from Advanced Line (Germany) and Bio-gold Pearl Eye Serum (China);

2. gel - has a cooling effect and copes with puffiness. It is worth trying the quality products of the brands La Roche-Posay (France) and Black Pearl (Russia);

3. Serum - gives the skin a fresh look and has a regenerating effect on the skin. This year's sales leader was Mary Kay Timewise;

4. mask - tones and rejuvenates sensitive skin  around eyes. One of the best customer comments is Crystal Collagen Eye Mask with the addition of glycerin. The component has a noticeable lightening effect on the circles already from the first application.

The appearance of bruises and bags under the eyes is a very disturbing symptom. Its detection requires a full examination by a doctor who is able to identify in time. dangerous disease. If the reasons for the origin of the circles is not in this, a professional cosmetologist will quickly deal with your problem.

Shadows and black circles under the eyes can be not only among tired and sleepy people. Often they can be caused by factors for which we do not have much influence, such as anatomy, skin features and metabolism. But circles under the eyes may also indicate the aging process of the skin or the presence of certain diseases.

The skin around the eyes is very thin and tender, it has much less sebaceous glands and fat than in other parts of the face, which is why black circles under the eyes are not uncommon.

It is not surprising that the eyes and the area around them are the first to indicate our state of health.

Bruises and swelling make the face tired, they often occur after a sleepless night, and also as a result of physiological factors.

This edema associated with impaired blood circulation during fatty hypertrophy in the lower eyelid becomes changes, often referred to as the “valley of tears.”

Unsightly shadows

When you are tired and have not slept, skin fatigue occurs, which is why black circles often appear under the eyes. This is because stagnation of blood and lymph occurs in these places. To solve this problem best means  is a suitable dose of sleep.

This secret of beauty came to us from antiquity: if you want to look fresh and beautiful - be sure to get enough sleep, you need to sleep at least 7-8 hours a day.

It will be harder to remove dark circles under the eyes that are permanent. They appear most often on the lower eyelid as a result of the loss of fat in it.

Through thin skin, tiny capillaries simply shine and are visible as blue-violet shadows. In addition, with age, the skin under the eyes becomes thin and less elastic, and fat atrophy makes it weak and transparent.

These reasons provoke the fact that the light under the eyes is reflected in a negative way, as a result bruises appear and deepen.

There are many other causes of black circles under the eyes of women:

  • Excess salt. The effect of dark eye circles can also occur due to excessive salt intake, because as a result, the circulation of fluid slows down and the capillaries become more visible, so you should pay attention to your diet, eliminate spicy sauces and salty foods;
  • Drinking water . Insufficient fluid intake leads to the fact that the body does not remove harmful toxins, resulting in swelling. To improve blood circulation in tissues, it is advisable for an adult to drink approximately 2 liters of water per day;
  • Allergy. Shadows can also be the result of allergies (both from food and from specific cosmetics), so it is worth busting your cosmetic bag and consult with a dermatologist.

Valley of Tears

Different types of aesthetic defects may appear around the eyes, emphasizing the appearance of dark circles and a tired face.

These changes are called the "valley of tears", they arise as a result of deep defects in adipose tissue, passing in the transverse direction from the nose under the orbit.

This manifests itself in the form of depressions under the eyes in the form of a long and narrow cavity, having the form of a valley, hence the name of this phenomenon.

A woman with a "valley of tears" constantly seems tired and looks older than her age. "Valley of Tears" occurs regardless of age, sometimes it happens in young people.

Of great importance in the intensity of its manifestation is the shape of the bones of the face, the thickness of fat on the face, as well as the intensity of the aging process and the lifestyle of women.

How to get rid of black circles under the eyes by yourself

Tea tincture

If you want to get rid of the shadows under the eyes with home remedies, then, first of all, you should try using black tea lotions. Just soak a cotton swab in the infusion of black tea (without sugar) and place it on the eyelids for 10-15 minutes.

Vegetable masks

Cucumbers and potatoes can also give an effect, in addition, these vegetables improve skin color.

  • A face mask with a cucumber to remove bruises is probably the most famous. To prepare
      vegetables should be rubbed half a cucumber grated with small holes and put in the fridge for 20 minutes. The cooled mask is applied under the eyes and forever. After 20 minutes, the mask of cucumbers is washed off, and the face will look fresh and young;
  • Bags under the eyes also disappear after a mask of potatoes. To do this, rub half of a raw potato on a fine grater and cool for 20 minutes. Mass is applied to the area around the eyes. This will help remove the fluid that accumulates there and thereby remove the swelling.

Mask with milk

Mix 1/4 cup of milk with 4 teaspoons of soda. Cool the mixture in the refrigerator for 20 minutes, then distribute it around the eyes and leave on the skin for a quarter of an hour, then rinse the mixture with cold water.

Day and night cream

Very important in the care of the skin of the face are the tools that you use. It is necessary to choose a cream that improves the lymph flow and blood circulation, moisturizes the skin and has astringent and soothing effects.

Decorative cosmetics

You can remove black circles under the eyes with the help of decorative cosmetics. The most important will be a cream-corrector under the eyes (it is important that it was not too bright).

On dark bruises, you must first apply the cream-based, and then, the proofreader. Some light emulsions contain vitamins, nutrients, and extracts that make bruising control more effective.

When applying makeup, you should pay great attention to the eyes, carefully make up the eyelashes to divert attention to them.

Massage around the eyes

A gentle massage around the eyes can also bring good results. To do this, warm up on the palms with a little cream and with the pads of the fingers, iron the upper and lower eyelids, in the direction from the nose to the temples.

Professional help

If, despite the many tried and tested methods of fighting bruises, they do not disappear, then it is worthwhile to approach the solution of this problem in a complex way. There are hardware cosmetic procedures  to combat bruises, based on radiofrequency techniques, consisting of tingling and simultaneous heating of the skin.

Due to this, the skin becomes more durable, dense and elastic, which helps to hide unsightly translucent blood vessels. Needle mesotherapy and the use of small amounts of hyaluronic acid can be used to compensate for fat loss.

The clinics also suggest the introduction of hyaluronic or polylactic acid. Hyaluronic acid injections can directly affect the problem area and fill the “valley of tears”, the effect will last for about one and a half years.

In contrast to hyaluronic acid, polylactic is not a typical filler. The effect of the treatment in this case does not come immediately, but it is more natural and durable. Polylactic acid stimulates endogenous collagen synthesis, which is why it allows you to regenerate tissue in a natural way.

Lower eyelid edema can occur at any age. It is often caused by a hereditary predisposition, but sometimes it also contributes to certain diseases, such as pathologies of the kidneys and liver, thyroid, allergies, or hormonal disorders. The most common are small swelling, which appear at night during sleep in a horizontal position.

The facial muscles, which usually help the blood flow, are relaxed at night and the blood circulation slows down. Thus, water and toxic waste of tissue metabolism remain in the subcutaneous tissue, and swelling and dark circles occur. The epidermis in the eyelids is very thin, so that the accumulated water is very noticeable.

To remove puffiness under the eyes, it is best to use massage and lymphatic drainage to improve circulation. Mesotherapy can also be used when drugs are injected into the tissue with a needle, which reduce swelling and improve blood circulation.

You can also use radio frequency contact procedures that heat tissue with a special probe, which allows you to remove swelling and get rid of toxins.

It is worth remembering that, despite all the cosmetic procedures and procedures, the shadows will not go away if a person leads an unhealthy lifestyle.

Do not abuse coffee and black tea, be sure to get enough sleep, move a lot, regularly take walks in the fresh air and drink at least two liters of fluid a day.

As known, skin covering  the person performs not only a protective function, but also participates in metabolic processes that continuously occur in the human body. In this regard, the color and degree of elasticity of the skin is a bright evidence of a person’s health / unhealthiness, even if there are no abnormalities in his well-being.

The causes of the "mourning frame" around the eyes

Pathological discoloration of the skin around the eyes occurs in violation of the circulation of lymph and venous outflow, which is a kind of indicator of human health.
Often, the cause of bruising under the eyes are:

  • genetic predisposition;
    Dark circles around deep-set eyes may be due to hereditary factors. In the process of natural aging, the skin under the eyes becomes noticeably thinner, as a result of which the blood vessels become even more visible. The UV rays of the sun weaken the skin, gradually draining and thinning it.
  • water balance disturbance;
    Dehydration or water retention in the body causes dark circles to appear with a pronounced bluish tint. The cause of the imbalance is a surplus of sodium salts, iron deficiency (anemia), as well as cardiovascular diseases, diseases of the organs of the excretory system, etc. Blood vessels dilate and appear more clearly under the thin skin around the eye.
  • allergic reactions, hay fever (pollinosis);
    Bruises under the eyes are the result of swelling, which occurs under the action of allergens moving through the air or entering the body with food. Hay fever sufferers also notice the appearance of “shadows” under their eyes, especially during the high season.
  • wrong lifestyle;
    Lack of sleep, severe fatigue (fatigue syndrome or CFS), constant stress, unbalanced nutrition - the effect of these factors is one of the causes of puffiness under the eyes (the so-called "bags"), blanching of the skin in the eye area, on which bluish or dark gray circles.

Diagnosis and treatment

The diagnostic procedure does not require special skills to identify the pathological darkening of the skin around the eyes, as this is easily determined by visual inspection.

Treatment of pathologies associated with a change in the color of the skin around the eyes cannot be directed solely at eliminating a cosmetic defect in the form of dark circles. As it turned out, everything can be much more serious, so a thorough medical examination will establish the true causes of darkening of the skin under the lower eyelid.

If, as a result of laboratory tests, no abnormalities in health (diseases of the circulatory system, the presence of stones in the kidneys and biliary tract, and other causes) are identified, then the lifestyle should be reconsidered. Most likely, the problem is precisely in its wrong organization. Otherwise, it is necessary to treat diseases that cause swelling and darkening of the skin under the lower eyelid.

Medical cosmetology offers several methods to eliminate such skin defects:

  • lipofilling is one of the radical methods that involves filling the eyebrow with its own fatty tissue (the fence is made from the surface of the thighs) or the restylain. The effect of the procedure is unstable, so it must be repeated from time to time;
  • lymphatic drainage - microcurrent therapy, which can be performed in a comfortable home environment (with an apparatus);
  • mesotherapy is a rather painful and expensive procedure, which is not particularly effective;
  • laser technology - effective method  getting rid of bruises under the eyes.

Conducting a variety of anti-aging procedures using a laser, including getting rid of bruises under the eyes, is considered the most effective way to combat age change  facial skin. That is why such procedures are shown at a more mature age.

Preventing the occurrence of dark blue circles under the eyes

A common cosmetic defect in the form of dark circles under the eyes due to the action of many factors. However, daily massage of the area around the eyes, gymnastics during the day and a balanced diet will help to get rid of the problem associated with the appearance of bluish circles under the eyes.

Daily morning massage - “finger shower”

It is necessary to massage the area around the eyes with your fingertips for 3 minutes, gently pressing and tapping them on the skin, avoiding stretching of the skin.

The movement of the fingers in the direction of the “temple-line of the lower eyelid-nose” will “wake up” the circular muscles of the eyes, as well as stimulate the work of the lymph nodes and venous nodes located in this area, which will cause an influx of interstitial fluid.

It is extremely important not to put pressure on the upper eyelid, so as not to create unnecessary strain on the eyeball. After lymphatic massage, it is recommended to apply a special cream to the skin around the eyes, gently hammering the tool with your fingertips along a similar trajectory, starting from the temples and to the nose along the lower eyelid line.

Gymnastics for the eyes

This is a great way to relieve fatigue, preventing the appearance of bruises under the eyes. Such gymnastics is shown to those whose work is connected with the computer. You can always organize a short break to relax and make your eyes a few movements left-right and up-down.

Gymnastics is effective if you try to draw geometric shapes with your eyes (eights, triangles, circles, etc.).

Fixing the skin on the outer corners of closed eyes with pillows of index fingers, you should alternately squeeze your eyes for 6-7 seconds and completely relax the eyelids. The procedure is repeated at least 10 times to 4 times a day.


Moisturizers containing hydroquinone, caffeine or kojic acid, which are necessary for reducing the vascular network and compressing blood vessels, are suitable for skin lightening. Apply the cream should be immediately before bedtime.

It is extremely useful to reduce puffiness under the eyes and bruises cream, which included the presence of epidermal growth factor. You should add to the daily skin care application of cream with vitamin A (retinoic acid).

The above methods can successfully deal with the occurrence of dark circles under the eyes. However, it should be borne in mind that age-related disruption of the activities of internal organs, as well as the harmful effects of unfavorable environmental conditions, contribute to the appearance of defects in the form of circles and "bags" under the eyes due to thinning of the skin.

Get rid of the cosmetic lack of dark circles under the eyes offer popular tools traditional medicine. Such recipes of "beauty" do not require large financial expenditures, but only a little effort and patience.

Compresses contrast, soothing

Recipe number 1

Contrast herbal compress from chamomile, cornflower, rosemary or dill is an excellent tonic that helps to eliminate bruises under the eyes, smoothes shallow wrinkles. Freshly prepared and infused for 10 min. decoction (1 tsp. grass 0.5 st. boiling water) must be divided into 2 parts. The alternation of hot and cold 10-minute compress allows you to achieve the desired effect after a week of use.
Course - 1 month, apply every other day.

Recipe number 2

A decoction of 1 tbsp. l Parsley (1 tbsp of water) is used to remove puffiness on the face. Infuse for 15 minutes, then strain. Wet soaked in warm broth should be applied to the eyelids for 10 minutes.
The course is daily, for 1 month.

Refreshing, whitening masks

Recipe number 1

Raw fruit potato rub, put in cheesecloth and hold on for centuries. The procedure takes about 10-15 minutes.
Course - 5 times for 1.5 months.

Recipe number 2

Recipe number 3

Softening mask of 1 tsp. parsley with 2 tsp. sour cream. Grind the resulting mixture in a glass (porcelain) dish and put on eyelids. Rinse the compress with cold water after 20 min. You can not use a knife or metal utensils to avoid the destruction of vitamin C.
The course is at least 1.5 months, daily.

Recipe number 4

Apply freshly cooked gruel of chopped parsley root on the eyelids and hold for 20 minutes, then rinse with water at room temperature.
Course - 4 times during the 1st month.

Recipe number 5

Recipe number 6

Prepare a pasty mixture of fresh mint leaves with a few drops of lemon juice. Apply to the skin under the eyes every day for 10-15 minutes. (right on dark circles). The effect will be noticeable after 2-3 weeks of application.

It should be remembered that any folk remedy  It may be ineffective if the skin under the eyes is very thin and the venous mesh is close to the epidermis.

In this case, to help smooth unwanted cosmetic defect caused by the characteristics of the structure of the skin, can make-up.

Fine and delicate. It is permeated with a multitude of capillaries through which blood flows. As a result of breaking a tiny vessel, blood flows out. Due to the process of freeing the body from leaked blood and dark circles arise. The composition of the blood is hemoglobin, in the process of oxidation, it breaks down into smaller components and becomes purple or blue. The same process is observed after the strike, when a bruise appeared.

Causes of dark circles under the eyes

An allergic reaction can cause black circles under the eyes. When watery and itchy eyes, it is impossible to resist and not scratch them. Due to the constant rubbing and capillary damage occurs, which entails such consequences.

There is an opinion that fatigue, lack of sleep, overstrain can appropriately change the appearance. But this way of life is not the cause of the appearance of black circles, it only makes the skin pale, which further emphasizes the blackness under the eyes. But poor diet, lack of vitamins and lack of rest in the aggregate can adversely affect the skin around the eyes.

Talking with a person, you always look into his eyes. Having noticed black circles at the interlocutor, you change the impression of him. One gets the feeling that he is somehow sick. It may be so. Impaired kidney function, cardiovascular diseases, lack of oxygen can affect the color of the skin around the eyes. To correct this, cosmetic procedures will not help, it is necessary to cure the disease.

If black spots are found under the eyes, it is necessary to consult a doctor to determine the cause. Perhaps this is the first sign of a serious illness.

Blame can be old age, which does not spare anyone. The skin becomes thinner, the blood vessels become more visible. And the older a person becomes, the process is increasingly aggravated. By identifying the cause of black circles under the eyes, the doctor can diagnose iron deficiency in the blood.

To increase the level of iron in the blood, you need to eat right, eat more fresh fruits, vegetables and natural juices.

Especially carefully it is necessary to monitor the vision, eyes and condition of their skin for people who work a lot on the computer. Strong overstrain of the organs of vision is the cause of the appearance of circles under the eyes.



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