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  Folk remedies for hair dandruff. How to get rid of dandruff. Folk remedies.

The appearance of dandruff on the scalp is perceived hostile, regardless of gender and age. Needless to say, an enviable little: the hair is covered with small white particles, which at the slightest movement showered on clothing. What kind of attack, where it comes from, and how to determine for yourself effective remedy  dandruff, let's try to find out.

   Dandruff is not difficult to defeat, the main thing after treatment is to take good care of the hair and scalp

Causes of dandruff

The ratio of men and women suffering from seborrhea is approximately the same, but the age differences are evident. appears only with the beginning of puberty, which is associated with the restructuring of the body. After 50, and signs of dandruff are reduced (plus old age!). The main causes of this unpleasant disease are divided into internal and external.

Doctors dermatologists focus on the fact that the main culprits of seborrhea are failures in the work of the organs as a whole, and to treat, first of all, you need hidden symptoms, and dandruff preparations should be used as a health measure.

A pathogenic microscopic fungus, which is the main cause of this trouble, lives and stays idle on the body of almost all people. It is activated when the occurrence of favorable factors:

  • Violations of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Constant stress.
  • Malnutrition.
  • Overwork.
  • Metabolic disease.

Tip: before choosing an effective one, it is advisable to consult a doctor and maximize the health of your body.

It is important to pay attention and external reasons  occurrence of dandruff:

  • Improper care of hair and scalp.
  • Frequent exposure to hot air or hypothermia.
  • Using someone else's combs or hats.
  • Incorrectly selected shampoos.

How to treat dandruff for men, women, children and adolescents

The best, caused by the problems of failure in the body - is a healthy sleep, an active lifestyle, a full and healthy food, confronting stressful situations. Dandruff remedies are three main groups: cosmetics  with the addition of drugs that reduce the amount of fatty flakes, medicinal shampoos for dandruff and folk, no less effective, means.

Cosmetics for itching on the head

Ordinary shampoos, balms, hair care masks with the inscription "dandruff" contain medicinal ingredients and herbal extracts intended to reduce discomfort. The main function of these products is care, not treatment. If the problem has not gone far, properly selected, even dandruff will return the hair volume and shine, and the scalp calm. These shampoos are selected according to the type of hair and the degree of oiliness or dryness.

Special medicated shampoos from the pharmacy - quick disposal of seborrhea

Dandruff are categorized drugs. They must be used in accordance with the attached instructions. a large selection of therapeutic drugs, but do not think that the most expensive and the most advertised will help everyone. Before buying it is important to determine exactly your hair type and, and directly in the pharmacy, do not be lazy to read the instructions and annotation. What you need to know when choosing a drug for the treatment of dandruff?

  1.   this is the result of a cycle failure necessary for the renewal of skin cells on the head. Such components as ichthyol and tar are able to restore this cycle.
  2. The same tar paired with salicylic acid helps exfoliate dead cells.
  3. Struggling with microbes: climbazole, ketoconazole, selenium disulfate, zinc pyrithione.
  4.   oily hair needs completely different remedies.
  5. Permanent use of special equipment is not recommended. They, like other medications, are designed to heal, so they are consumed for a certain time, until symptoms are eliminated.

Folk recipes: cooking at home

Specialists of domestic and foreign pharmacology have created many preparations for healthy hair on the basis of chemical components, without neglecting the gifts of nature. Many pharmacy tools dandruff include extracts and plant extracts, natural ingredients. Popular experience in the treatment of skin fungal diseases, including dandruff, is based on the use of the most familiar elements that are at hand.

Therapeutic oils

Oil extracts of various plants can be purchased at the pharmacy, in specialized cosmetic stores or departments. The most common use is a mask, but 5-6 drops added to a portion of the usual shampoo will have a smaller effect.

  • Essential oils with particles of cedar, peppermint, eucalyptus, rosemary, ylang-ylang accelerate the process of metabolism, produce a refreshing and soothing effect.
  • Burdock and castor oils are indispensable in the treatment of dandruff, as they contain insulin, which eliminates seborrheic plaques.
  • Nourishing and moisturizing oils from peach pits, wheat germ and olive.

Based olive oil  it is not difficult to prepare a medical composition for masks at home. This is a very simple action: 2-3 tablespoons of herbs chosen by you, pour a glass of oil on it, put it in a dark place for a few days. Everything! Oil mask is ready. Home recipe!

Mix one tablespoon of peach oil and calendula tincture, add 3 drops of ylang oil - ylang and 5 drops of rosemary. Put this mixture in a jar, preferably dark glass and store in the refrigerator. Every morning, rub a few drops of this compound with massaging movements into the scalp.

Herbs for oily seborrhea and head itching

Wise nature rewarded us effective drugsthat grow right under your feet. Herbal decoctions and infusions are a worthy competition to industrial shampoos. Yes, and many shampoos contain extracts of herbs and flowers.

  • Nettle - the unsurpassed doctor of many skin diseasesincluding dandruff.
  • Chamomile, calendula, lavender, mint - soothe irritated skin, reduce itching.
  • Burdock, birch buds and leaves, rosemary, sage - fight against fat, and therefore are especially effective for oily seborrhea.
  • Mother and stepmother - helps strengthen and grow hair.

Herbal dandruff shampoo of its own production. For its manufacture 8 tbsp. chamomile, 1 tbsp. Mint, 2 tablespoons of rosemary, pour 600 ml of water. Bring to a boil and cook for 10 minutes. Strain, add 5 tablespoons to the decoction. grated baby soap, stir until dissolved. It remains to add 2 tbsp. vodka and 3 drops of eucalyptus oil. Pour into any bottle with dispenser, store in a dark place, use as usual shampoo.

Spoon of tar against dandruff and hair loss

Birch tar is an antibacterial and antifungal agent known since antiquity. With it, healers healed the most severe forms of eczema, boils and boils. Modern tar soap has many useful properties. In the treatment of dandruff soap as tar and economic use in cases oily skin.

  • Soap perfectly degreases and dries hair and scalp.
  • Effectively washes away dirt.
  •   laundry soap - a strong antimicrobial agent.
  • Useful substances of birch tar strengthen hair and promote rapid growth. This is important in cases where seborrhea is accompanied by hair loss.

The effect of the use of soap does not come immediately. The procedure must be repeated during the month - two. An obstacle to the use of soap for many is its unpleasant pungent smell. The second negative characteristic is that hair loses shine and volume. To avoid this, use a few simple rules:

  1. Soak the soap in a small amount  water and create foam. Wash your head with this foam, not a whole piece.
  2. Water should be only slightly warm.
  3. For rinsing, use conditioner or water with vinegar.

Sea salt is an effective remedy

Iodine, zinc, phosphorus, selenium, potassium - these and other trace elements, so necessary for the good condition of the hair, completely contain sea salt. Salt is part of many cosmetics. To combat dandruff, it can be used in its pure form and as part of a mask, after reading some precautions:

  • You can not use a mask of salt, if the head is even the slightest scratch.
  • Salt is applied on washed wet hair.
  • Abuse of it useful tool  will lead to a dramatically opposite effect. Use a salt mask no more than once a week with dry skin and two - with oily. Stop the procedure after a month.

Soak two small pieces rye breadmix with 1 tsp. sea ​​salt and two yolks. This mask should be rubbed into the scalp and left for 40 minutes. Head at this time to wrap. After the time the mask is washed off with shampoo.

Dandruff onions

Onions are in any home. It is difficult to imagine a kitchen without this useful vegetable in every respect. The antimicrobial action of its phytoncides is also used in the fight against dandruff. At the same time, onion masks help strengthen the hair, make it soft and silky.

The easiest way to use is to rinse the hair with broth of onion peel. Blondes this tool does not fit! Husk is able to give redhead hair.

Another option: squeeze out the juice of grated onion grated on a fine grater and rub into the scalp half an hour before washing.

Lemon - the best means of traditional medicine

Very useful and affordable fruit has an effect on the scalp, similar to special dandruff shampoos. Lemon juice eliminates itching, normalizes PH-balance, removes fat. For rinsing just one teaspoon of squeezed juice, diluted with a glass of water. Also effective exposure to lemon in the composition of the mask.

Mix lemon juice with beaten egg or medicated oil (suitable olive, castor, coconut, burdock). The mask is applied for 15 minutes before washing.


To get rid of dandruff drug acetylsalicylic acid do not need to be taken orally. For cosmetic purposes, aspirin is used only externally. The principle of aspirin in our case is based on the ability to suspend the reproduction of the fungus Pityrosporum ovale - the main causative agent of seborrhea.

For treatment, it is enough to add two tablets of aspirin to a single portion of shampoo, or to herbal decoction to rinse.

An obstacle to using this method of treatment may be:

  • individual intolerance to the drug;
  • very dry hair.

Apple vinegar

Known culinary product is at least simultaneously known drug. Apple cider vinegar is used to treat dandruff disguised as a rinse aid, and as a component of therapeutic home masks. For rinsing, add 3-4 tablespoons of vinegar to a glass of boiled water.

A mask based on vinegar looks like this: dilute two tablespoons of vinegar in 0.5 cups of warm boiled water. Add any medicated oil  or decoction of herbs. Apply this composition on the head, put on a plastic cap and wrap with a towel. To sustain a mask from 30 to 60 minutes, several times warming up the hair dryer.

Masks with aloe: 2 simple options

Mask 1. For dry hair. Mix one tablespoon of aloe juice, castor oil and kefir. Add one capsule of the oil solution of vitamin E and one beaten egg yolk. Apply to hair before washing for 30 minutes.

Mask 2. For greasy hair. Equal parts of aloe juice, honey, castor oil, lemon juice mixed and applied to the scalp. Hold for 30 to 60 minutes.


Take care of your hair and scalp!

Dandruff appears as a result of hair dyeing, perm, hormonal disruptions, stress, depression, malnutrition, medication, use cosmetic preparations  low quality due to temperature fluctuations.

You can get rid of this problem with the help of medical shampoos and other special preparations that are sold in the pharmacy. But there is a more economical, with no less effective method  cure scalp. At home, available ingredients can be used to make effective anti-dandruff remedies.

In general, what is dandruff? The scalp consists of 25-35 layers of the epidermis. In its depth, cells appear that gradually rise to the skin surface and then peel off. Their life cycle  makes about a month. On the problem skin, the epidermis is thinned, and the cells die off, stick together, forming flakes.

The dandruff Pityrosporum Oval can live on the skin without any signs. But if a person's immunity decreases or excessive skin fat is formed, then the microorganism multiplies vigorously, which leads to problems of the skin.

There are dry and oily dandruff. In the first case, the hair becomes split, brittle, dull. When oily dandruff, they look untidy, and the skin feels itchy, appear inflammation.

Flushing the scales with water, you do not get rid of the main problem, because in a short time the cells will begin to exfoliate again. Really effective will complex treatment, which includes the use of dandruff remedies, taking vitamins, respect for sleep and wakefulness. There are many simple, yet affordable, recipes that can help solve this problem. Not to be unfounded, let's consider how to get rid of dandruff folk remedies.

Natural Lotions:

* Mix juice 1/2 lemon with olive oil (3 tbsp. L). Put the mixture in a water bath, cover with a lid. If possible, add parsley juice or nettle. Rub the resulting lotion in the hair roots. Put a cap on them, wait an hour, and then rinse.

* Squeeze the juice from onions, apply it on the skin. Wrap the hair with a towel and wash it off with shampoo in an hour.

* Combine the juice of half a lemon with a beaten yolk and two spoons burdock oil. Applying the composition on the head 30 minutes before washing, wrap with a towel.

* Squeeze juice out of half a lemon, add 2 tbsp to it. l vodka, brandy and 1 tbsp. pharmacy castor oil. Apply lotion, rinse after an hour.

* For dry dandruff. A solution of half lemon juice from 2 tbsp will help. l castor oil. Rub it into the skin, leave for 30 minutes, then rinse.

* Remedy for oily dandruff. Mix equally kefir, lemon juice, honey, aloe juice, castor oil, add 2 chopped cloves of garlic. Apply everything on your head 30 minutes before washing.

* Defeating dandruff folk remedies will help a mixture of equal volume of alcohol tincture of calendula and castor oil. Rub it into the head, then wrap it with a towel for 1-1.5 hours.

Dandruff Shampoo:

* Beat a glass of kefir with the yolk of one egg, stir 1 tsp. honey

* Connect 2 tsp. honey with egg. After washing the hair with this mixture, rinse them with water and lemon juice.

* Squeeze juice from 1/2 lemon, dissolve in it 1 tbsp. honey, throw the crushed leaves of nettle.

* Pour 1 tbsp. l dry flowers of tansy 0.5 liters of boiling water. After 2 hours, filter, pour the juice of half a lemon. Use this shampoo no more than 1 time for seven days.

* 1/2 cup of meadow geranium crushed very finely pour a liter of boiling water. Squeeze lemon juice, soak for 30 minutes. After washing, do not rinse or wipe hair.

* Fill with a liter of boiling water 1/4 l of hop cones. Boil for 5 minutes over low heat. Close the lid, wait 1 hour.

* With the same volume of boiling water, brew 1/2 cup of dry chamomile. Boil for 5 minutes over low heat. Strain, use as shampoo.

Anti-dandruff masks:

* Perfectly relieve the mask of basma, henna, bergenia leaves, decoction of pine and walnut nuts, as well as dry onion peel from the peeling of the scalp.

* It can be applied for 30-60 minutes in the pharmacy castor, sesame or olive. Head then need to cover with a towel.

* Oily dandruff is treated with calendula spirit tincture. After applying the mask, cover with a cap or plastic bag for half an hour.

* Rub the skin with lemon juice, wrap with a handkerchief for 30 minutes, then rinse.

* Liter of boiling water pour 2 handfuls of fresh birch leaves. After half an hour, apply on the partings, wrap with a towel for 45-50 minutes.

* Prepare the composition of a glass of Cahors, 1/2 aloe juice and 100 g of honey. After placing the drug in a dark dish, place it in a cold place. Take orally 3 times a day for 1 tbsp for 40 min. before meals, then apply on hair for 30 minutes.

* Fill 1/2 liter of water with 100 g of dry nettle roots. Keep simmering for about 15 minutes. Then strain, pour a glass of vodka. Every day, put a mask on the partings. When treating this tincture, for 14 days, do not use shampoos.

* Apply a mask of beer or kvass about the entire length of hair for an hour. Then rinse with warm water.

As you can see, these folk remedies to get rid of dandruff is not difficult to make yourself. But taking some time to prepare them according to the above recipes, you will get natural formulations for the treatment of skin fungus and you will be sure to be satisfied with the result of their use!


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The problem of dandruff exists for more than one century. Dandruff is one of the most common diseases of hair today. According to statistics, dandruff annoys every third inhabitant of the planet over the age of twelve. The cells of the scalp are renewed every 28 days, while the old cells remain on the skin surface with dead keratinized scales. This is pernot and often we do not even notice it. But the use of poor-quality shampoos, regular use of a hair dryer, stress and illness can lead to too frequent cell renewal of the scalp and, as a result, to the appearance of a large amount of dandruff. What to do? By what means to get rid of it? We offer you folk remedies for dandruff.

Egg shampoo with linseed oil and rum

Combine 2 egg yolks with 2 dessert spoons of linseed oil and 2 dessert spoons of rum. Wet your head and hair. Leave for one hour. Wash off with warm water. This is very good remedy  for dry hair with dandruff.

Vaseline against dandruff on dry hair

If dandruff appears on very dry skin, dry hair with split ends, then 2-3 times a week it is necessary to rub some vegetable oil (but not an animal!) Oil or petroleum jelly into the hair roots. Before applying Vaseline head must be washed. This tool sometimes saves the effect after a few days.

Rubbing infusion of coltsfoot

When dry dandruff is useful to rub at bedtime infusion of coltsfoot (1 tablespoon of herbs per 1 cup of boiling water).

Rubbing infusion of nettle

2 tablespoons of crushed dried nettle leaves pour 2 cups boiling water, leave for 1.5-2 hours, drain. Use for rubbing into the scalp with dry dandruff and to strengthen the hair.

Rubbing garlic juice

To eliminate dandruff and improve hair growth garlic can be applied 1 time per week for 2 hours before washing your head. With dry hair, it is better to rub gruel or garlic juice, squeezed through gauze, in half with any vegetable oil. This should be done for a long time - at least 2-3 months. After applying gruel or garlic juice on the scalp, it is not necessary to cover it, so as not to cause irritation.

Rubbing a mixture of onion juice with vodka and castor oil

1 tablespoon of onion juice mixed with 2 tablespoons of vodka and 1 tablespoon of castor oil. Rub the mixture 1 hour before shampooing with dry seborrheic hair.

Massage castor oil with calendula tincture

50 g of castor oil and 50 ml of alcohol tincture of calendula medicinal mix and rub into the scalp with dry scalp and dandruff.

Massage castor or burdock oil

When dry dandruff every day, rub into the scalp (while performing massage) castor or burdock oil.

Massaging castor or olive oil

It is very useful to rub castor or olive oil into the scalp and hair. You can do the rubbing for 10-20 minutes before washing the hair, and to enhance the effect to wrap the head with cellophane and a towel. Castor oil and olive oil prevent dandruff and defatting of the skin, make hair silky and shiny.

Massaging vegetable oil with lemon juice

1 tablespoon of castor and olive (you can also take sunflower oil) mix with the juice of half a lemon. Rub 20-30 minutes before washing your hair. This tool can only be used for dry hair.

Rubbing sea buckthorn oil

When dandruff is useful to lubricate the scalp with pure sea buckthorn oil. The oil should be wiped with a cotton swab into the skin on the partings, and then wrap the head with a plastic scarf and on top with a warm towel. After 1 hour, wash your head and rinse after washing herbal decoctionwhich consists half of chamomile or lime blossomand half from dried sea buckthorn leaf.

Rubbing nettle vinegar

Prepare an infusion of nettle leaves (1 tablespoon of nettle brew 1 cup of boiling water, leave for 40 minutes, drain). To the infusion of nettle, add vinegar (for 1 part vinegar 8 parts of infusion). Mix nettle vinegar with hot water (for 2 tablespoons of vinegar 6 tablespoons of water). The resulting composition rubbed with a cotton swab in the skin of the scalp. Treatment is carried out 2 times a week. The course of treatment is 3 months.

Rubbing a mixture of onion juice or garlic with vegetable oil and lemon juice

In equal parts, mix the juice of onion or garlic with vegetable oil and lemon juice. This mass should be massaged to apply on slightly damp hair, leave for 20-30 minutes, then rinse with warm water, adding citric acid or vinegar to it.

Rubbing onion-honey mixture

For dry hair and dandruff, chop the onion finely, mix with honey in a 4: 1 ratio, add a little vegetable oil, mix well, rub it into the hair roots, put on a rubber cap, stand for 1 hour and wash your hair.

Egg yolk compress with castor oil

For dry, brittle and depleted hair, once a week you can use a compress of well-whipped egg yolk and 1 tablespoon of castor oil. To enhance the effect, you can add 1 teaspoon of alcohol tincture of calendula, rum, brandy or vodka.
  The compress is left on the head for 3 hours, well wrapped with a towel for warming, after which the hair is washed with neutral shampoo. This mask is effective against dandruff.

Compress of eggs, honey and vegetable oil

When thin, brittle hair  with dandruff, a compress from eggs, honey and vegetable oil is recommended.
  Beat 1 egg, add 1 teaspoon honey and 2 teaspoons vegetable oil. Rub the mixture into the scalp, wrap with a towel. After 30-40 minutes, wash your hair.
  Wrap improves blood circulation, promotes dandruff discharge. Hair becomes supple in styling and looks very beautiful.

Rinse from the infusion of rosemary leaves

To eliminate and prevent the appearance of dandruff, it is very useful to rinse the hair with an extract of rosemary leaves or rub vegetable oil into the scalp with a few drops of rosemary essential oil. Rosemary eliminates dandruff and gives the hair a beautiful shine.

Rinse from the infusion of calamus root

4 tablespoons of calamus root pour 0.5 liters of water, boil for 15 minutes, then infuse and filter for 30-40 minutes. Use an infusion to rinse after washing dry hair with dandruff.

Dandruff treatment with folk remedies - for dry dandruff

Drying of tansy for hair washing

1 tablespoon finely chopped stalks and flowers of tansy ordinary pour 400 ml of boiling water and leave for 2 hours. Strained steaming is used to wash hair (without soap) every other day for one month.

Nettle leaf lotion for washing hair

100 g of finely chopped nettle leaves, boil for 30 minutes in a mixture of 0.5 l of vinegar (6%) and 1/2 l of water. Hair should be washed with strained broth (without soap) every day for 10 days.

Rubbing broth roots calamus swamp

2 tablespoons of rhizomes of calamus swamp, pour 1 liter of water, boil for 15 minutes, drain. Broth rubbed into the scalp and leave for 15-20 minutes. Then the remaining part of the broth rinse hair and dry without washing. This contributes to the disappearance of oily dandruff and strengthen hair.

Massaging nettle infusion

In case of increased sebum secretion and dandruff, it is recommended that after washing the head and drying the hair, rub the infusion of nettle leaves into the scalp (1 tablespoon of leaves brew 1 cup boiling water, leave for 1.5 hours, drain). Apply once a week for a long time.

Rubbing alcohol tincture of calendula

Thoroughly lubricate the head and hair with calendula alcohol tincture, wrap with a towel for 30 minutes, then rinse with warm water. Alcohol tincture of calendula is very useful not only for dandruff greasy hair, but also with hair loss.

Rubbing lemon juice

With dandruff on oily hair helps fight lemon: rub the scalp with lemon juice. Most likely, the first session will cause discomfort, so for the first time, withstand rubbing until there is an opportunity to endure. Gradually increase the time to 30 minutes. After that, rinse hair with warm water.

Rubbing apple cider vinegar

Natural apple cider vinegar with light massaging movements to rub into the scalp. After the procedure is used air conditioning. It has a peeling and softening effect. It is used in the presence of dandruff. The course is 1-2 weeks, after which, if desired, you can take a break until the problem escalates.

Rubbing garlic juice

To eliminate dandruff and improve hair growth garlic can be applied 1 time per week for 2 hours before washing your head. For oily hair, it is better to rub gruel or garlic juice, pressed through cheesecloth, without adding oil. This should be done for a long time - at least 2-3 months. After applying gruel or garlic juice on the scalp, it is not necessary to cover it, so as not to cause irritation.

Massaging a mixture of onion juice with vodka

1 tablespoon of onion juice mixed with 2 tablespoons of vodka. Apply for 3-4 months as a rubbing before washing the head with greasy hair, dandruff, hair loss.

Rubbing infusion of flowers of tansy, nasturtium juice or parsnip

For oily dandruff, an infusion of tansy flowers, nasturtium juice or parsnip juice should be rubbed into the scalp daily.

Rubbing a mixture of castor oil with kerosene

Mix castor oil with purified kerosene in equal amounts. In case of severe dandruff, it is recommended to wipe the scalp 2 times a week with this mixture.

Massaging calendula tincture with castor oil

When oily scalp and dandruff, rub well a mixture of 10 parts of alcoholic tincture of calendula and 1 part of castor oil.

Onion Husk Lotion with Cloves

For dandruff and hair loss, it is recommended to use lotion prepared from 25 g of onion peel, 5 grains of crushed cloves, 200 ml of alcohol. The mixture is infused for two weeks in a sealed vessel, in a dark place.
  Use for rubbing into the scalp. For dry hair, add 3 teaspoons of castor oil to the lotion. In a month, the effect will exceed all your expectations. Hair will become healthy and shiny.

Rubbing a mixture of honey, sour cream, aloe juice, lemon juice, castor oil and garlic

Mix in equal quantities honey, sour cream or mayonnaise, aloe juice, lemon juice, castor oil, add two cloves of pounded garlic. Rub into the hairy scalp half an hour before washing hair. Use only for greasy hair.

Cornflower lotion for rinsing hair

A mixture of 0.5 liters of vinegar (6%) and 0.5 liters of water to put on fire before boiling. Boiling liquid pour 50 g of cornflower flowers, then insist for 1 hour. Rinse hair with strained liquid every day for 1 month.

Lemon rinse

Pour 1-1.5 liters of boiling water over the peel of 6 lemons and simmer for 15 minutes. Strain the broth, rinse your head once a week.

If your numerous attempts to get rid of dandruff still do not bring the desired result, or if you notice symptoms of seborrhea in yourself, then you should consult a specialist.

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There are a lot of causes of dandruff: it is a perm and dyeing of hair, being without a hat in the cold or sun, hormonal disruptions, stress and depression, medications, climatic temperature changes, unhealthy diets, bad habits, poor-quality cosmetics. Along with well-known brand-name drugs, there are effective folk remedies for the treatment of dandruff, which are not complicated and do not cause allergies and irritation on the scalp.

The scalp consists of 25-35 layers of the epidermis. Skin cells are born in the depths of the epidermis, in the course of their vital activity they rise to the surface of the skin and gradually peel off. The cells of the scalp live for about a month, during this time and they carry out their life cycle. When dandruff, exfoliation of cells is accelerated, the epidermis is thinned and has a total of up to 15 layers. On healthy scalp dying cells skin cover  not visible, then, as in dandruff, skin cells stick together in flakes.

In recent years, it was discovered that dandruff is caused by a fungus. Pityrosporum ovale. With high immunity, this fungus lives on the skin without detecting the consequences of its vital activity. With a decrease in immunity, the excessive formation of sebum, the microorganism begins to multiply actively, accelerating the rejection of not yet dead scalp cells.

Dandruff can be either dry or oily. When oily dandruff, epidermal flakes stick together in large flakes, hair becomes untidy, appears severe itching. There may be inflammation of the epidermis, the formation of pustules.

When dry dandruff rejection occurs dry scales of the epidermis, hair split and fall out, become dull and brittle.

  Anti-dandruff lotions, folk recipes:

1) Mix the juice of half a lemon with three tablespoons of olive oil. Heat the mixture in a water bath under the lid, you can pour a tablespoon of freshly squeezed parsley juice or nettle. Lotion with your fingertips or brush rubbed into the hair roots. Wear a warming cap on his head, rinse in an hour;
2) Fresh Juice  onions with fingertips to drive into the scalp, a means to keep an hour, shook his head with a towel. Then wash off the hair with a mild shampoo, rinse the hair with acidified water;

3) Beat the egg yolk, mix with the juice of half a lemon, add to the mixture a couple of teaspoons of burdock oil. Apply the mask with a brush on the partings, half an hour before washing, wrapping a towel;
4) Mix the juice of half a lemon with two tablespoons of brandy, hawthorn tincture or vodka, a tablespoon of pharmaceutical castor oil. Means to rub the scalp and hair for an hour before washing;

5) Recipe lotion for dry hair and dry dandruff: two tablespoons of castor oil mixed with the juice of half a lemon. Apply at partings with a brush, after half an hour, rinse with shampoo;
   6) Dandruff lotion greasy: Mix in equal parts honey, kefir, aloe juice, lemon juice, castor oil, add a couple of grated garlic cloves to the mixture. Carefully rub into the skin, after half an hour to wash your hair, you can without a shampoo;
   7) Equal parts of pharmaceutical castor oil and calendula alcohol tincture are mixed. Carefully put on partings, wrap tightly with a towel, wash your hair in an hour and a half;
   8) Shake a tablespoon of pharmaceutical burdock oil with a glass of onion peel broth (0.5 liters of water - a handful of dry peel), rub into the scalp, and hair an hour before washing. This tool can be used once a week.

9) 1 tbsp. rubbed roots of burdock pour a glass of refined vegetable oil (any). Mixture insist a couple of weeks, better in the closet, away from light, at normal room temperature. Then strain, put in the fridge. Once a week, thoroughly coat the roots of the hair, wrapping it tightly with a towel, and after an hour, thoroughly wash the hair with a soft shampoo.

10) Egg yolk, one tablespoon of honey, two tablespoons of brandy mix, apply on the scalp with a brush, wrap with a towel for 1 hour. After the time, wash your hair, do not use shampoo with dry hair.

  Shampoos for washing hair with dandruff according to popular recipes:

1) One glass of yogurt or kefir whipped with one egg yolk and honey, 1 tsp. This product is suitable for washing both normal and dry hair;
   2) Beat a chicken egg with a couple of teaspoons of natural honey, wash the hair with the mixture. When rinsing the water is acidified with lemon juice.
   3) A handful of finely chopped nettle leaves mixed with the juice of half a lemon and a tablespoon of honey, wash your hair;
   4) Pour a tablespoon of dried flowers of tansy with 400 milliliters of boiling water, leave for 2-3 hours, strain thoroughly. Add the juice of half a lemon. Wash hair with a mixture once a week;
5) Approximately half a glass of crushed meadow geranium should be poured with a liter of boiling water, add the juice of half a lemon, infuse the mixture for half an hour under the lid. A mixture of hair wash up to two times a week, without rinsing and not wiping his head;
   6) Pour a glass of hop cones with a liter of boiling water, boil over low heat for five minutes, then remove from the stove, close the lid tightly, wrap with a towel, insist 1 hour. Wash your hair 1 time in 2-3 days;
   7) Brew half a glass of dry chamomile with a liter of boiling water, put on a small fire, boil again and boil for 5 minutes, drain thoroughly. Broth, without shampoo, wash your hair every day. To chamomile, you can add a few calendula flowers.

Folk recipes  dandruff masks:
   1) For the treatment of dandruff, as well as for painting dark hair  You can use masks from henna, basma, dry onion peel, bergenia leaves, decoction of walnuts and pine nuts once a week.
   2) Sesame, table olive or pharmacy castor oil to rub into the hair, lubricate the skin, covering the head with a warming cap. After half an hour - an hour, wash your hair with a mild shampoo.
   3) For oily dandruff, apply calendula spirit tincture to the scalp. This mask can be used effectively and with oily abundant dandruff, and from strong hair loss. Apply the mask, wrap the head with a towel, after half an hour or an hour, rinse with warm acidified lemon and water without using shampoo;
   4) Freshly squeezed lemon juice rub the scalp, wrap the head with a warm scarf for half an hour or an hour. The mask can be used every 2 days or every other day.

5) Infusion of fresh birch leaves (take two full handfuls of leaves for 1 liter of boiling water, leave for half an hour under the lid) cleanses the scalp, relieves inflammation and itching, strengthens hair well and helps fight dandruff. Broth applied to the scalp parting, hair to the ends, you can every day, wrap a towel, hold for one hour;
   6) Half a glass of freshly squeezed juice of aloe leaves, mix thoroughly with one glass of Cahors and 100 g of natural honey, mix, put in a refrigerator in a dark dish. The remedy can be drunk three times a day, as a medicine to increase immunity, one tablespoon 40 minutes before a meal, however, you can lubricate the hair and scalp for half an hour with a brush and wash it without shampoo.
7) Pour 100 g of dried nettle roots with half a liter of water, bring to a boil, cook slowly over low heat for 10-15 minutes. Strain into the mixture, add a glass of vodka. Daily applied to the roots of the hair with a brush on the partings, tightly wrapped with a towel. You can use this mask daily for two weeks, at which time hair should not be washed with shampoos;
   8) From dandruff and hair growth can nourish the hair roots with beer or kvass. Wrapping, hold the mask for one hour, then rinse with warm water.

It should be noted that folk remedies for treating dandruff should be applied regularly, changing recipes to avoid habituation of the scalp to only one remedy. During treatment, you need to minimize the use of hair coloring, perm and use of hair dryers, varnishes, gels for hair.

Shampoo can be replaced with natural detergent compositions.

Doctors call dandruff seborrheic dermatitis. Among the causes of the disease can be - excessive use of hairspray, gels, paints, cold headgear, not enough warming the scalp in the winter. It can also be hormonal and infectious disorders in the body. Dandruff is dry and oily.

Get rid of dry dandruff

When the skin of your head and hair coat  excessively dry, dry dandruff usually appears on the head.
  Getting rid of dandruff is possible with the help of folk remedies, it does not depend on the type of scales.
  You can fight dry dandruff with moisturizing masks that treat the skin on your head. They will clean it from scales.

  Make a mask of honey with mayonnaise, aloe juice, egg yolk, sunflower oil. Your hair will be softer and moisturized.

Each of the ingredients is pounded, mixed together, then you put the resulting mask on your hair, cover it with plastic. Twenty minutes pass, you rinse the mixture off the scalp.
  You will notice how dry dandruff disappears with occasional wraps from the oil.

For this suitable burdock oil. Use it alone or with sunflower.
   Oil is heated, being warm applied to the head. Then put on a plastic cap, cover the head with a towel and wrap it in it.
  There are other remedies for dry dandruff. Take the juice of half a lemon, a spoonful of burdock oil, two yolks, mix.

Rub the mixture into hair roots, close with a compress. It will take one hour, you will wash the mixture from your hair, you will wash your head - the skin will become softer, the amount of dry dandruff will decrease.
  The disappearance of dry dandruff can be achieved with the help of decoctions medicinal herbswith healing properties.

  You can boil it onion peel  and oak bark (equal parts). Boil them for at least thirty minutes, rub the composition into the roots and distribute over the entire length. This decoction dyes hair in a light chestnut color. Use a wool scarf to wrap your head, wait thirty minutes, then rinse.
  It is possible to get rid of dry dandruff with the help of these tools in one month.

Plants that you use to combat dry dandruff should be owners of anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties.

Chamomile is used together with linden flowers or autonomously. It is necessary to take 2 tablespoons of linden flowers and chamomile, pour 1 liter of boiled water. Infusion should be infused for half an hour. What we have, we pass through a sieve, gauze and rinse our heads with what we have.

You washed your hair, rub a burdock root extract into your scalp. 20 grams of burdock need to pour 200 ml of water. Cook what turned out 20 minutes on low heat, cool, use as directed.
  Tincture of burdock root will moisturize the scalp and prevent dryness after you wash your hair.

  If the head is often itchy and dandruff, you can use a mint decoction and carrot tops. You fill the fresh grass with boiled water, draw the mixture. Add lemon juice and use the decoction as a rinse solution. Moisten the skin and scalp with decoction, leave the hair to dry. Do not use a hairdryer.

Dry dandruff will not, scalp will not itch with a decoction of nettle (100 ml) with one yolk, vodka (50 ml) and vegetable oil (50 ml).

Apply the mask on the roots, massage.
  You will get a great result after applying a mixture of a glass of pureed sea buckthorn and 1/3 cup of olive oil. Slightly heat the composition, now apply it on the scalp movements, as during a massage.

Wrap up your head, wash off the mask after one hour. After these manipulations should rinse the hair with acidic water.

Also in the fight against dry dandruff will help such drinks as sour milk, whey, kefir, sour cream, or rather their uniform distribution over the surface of the head. After thirty minutes, we remove the compress from my head and wash my hair.

    To stimulate the body's defenses:
  • Aloe leaves rinse, chop, squeeze the juice.
  • 150 g of juice;
  • 250 g of honey;
  • 350 grams of Cahors.

Mix everything thoroughly and refrigerate. Take 1 tbsp. l three times a day 30 minutes before meals.

Dandruff mixture

For head itch, dandruff, rub a few hours before washing the head a mixture of 100 ml of alcohol, 20 ml of castor oil, 10 grams of birch tar.

How to deal with oily dandruff

With the active work of the sebaceous glands of the head, the hair is salted, as a result - oily dandruff on the head.

In a few months you will get rid of oily dandruff. For this you will need lemons, alcohol tinctures, masks from fresh vegetables and fruits. These ingredients have a healing effect on the skin, help get rid of excess sebum, regulate the sebaceous glands.
  Before shampooing, you can use different formulations:

  In the tank with bodody (1 tsp.) Must be poured. boric acidmixed with water or hydrogen peroxide (diluted with 1 spoon per 1 tablespoon of water). Mix, heat, smear the mixture with the head. You can rub this mixture to a burning sensation (small). Thirty minutes later wash your hair. Perform this procedure 2 times a week.

If you treat dandruff in this way for two or three months in a row, you will get rid of scales and increased sebum secretion.

This compress will clean your hair, make it shine, eliminate dandruff. Make a compress with vinegar. Take eight spoons of nettle, boil, mix the broth with 1 tablespoon of vinegar, rub into the head.
  Cover your hair with something for two or three hours. Rinse off the hair.

The mask of beets is designed to clean the hair from dandruff, eliminate the increased itching of the head. Beet juice is rubbed into the scalp, leave the hair for thirty minutes. This folk remedy should not be used by people with blond hair, otherwise they will turn pink.

Garlic is a universal anti-dandruff remedy.
  Yes, his smell is not the most delicious. But garlic is effective.

With the help of it you will get rid of dandruff without acquiring expensive drugs at the pharmacy. Crush a pair of garlic cloves. What happened, rub in the head.
  It will take a couple of hours and you can wash your hair with shampoo.

If you decide to carry out this procedure, first make sure that on this day you will not need to go anywhere. Smell from you will be for a few days.

  You can also fight oily dandruff with the help of an infusion of burdock roots, hop cones, marigolds. The proportion of the mixture is 4: 3: 2. Insist the mixture for thirty minutes, cool, put as a mask.
  Do this procedure every other day for 8 weeks, and you will be surprised - dandruff will leave you, and your hair will get better and healthier.

Prepare compositions for rinsing hair of Hypericum, chamomile, tansy, hop cones, nettle, thyme.
  If you have problem skin  - It should be treated with fresh pulp of fruits or vegetables. It can be a squash mask, strawberry, pumpkin, currant, cucumber. They have an astringent effect, eliminate greasy dandruff.

Also, oily dandruff is perfectly treated with natural dyes. Grandmothers and young women often use vintage dye - henna. It gives a good result in the fight against dandruff, henna also heals hair.
  Similar effects have Basma, walnut shells, chamomile decoction.

Apply to the scalp aloe juice, it is an excellent antiseptic, astringent.
  Onion juice is very often used among the population in the difficult struggle with dandruff. Onion juice is diluted with water in half, smeared on the scalp, covered with a towel, do not wash the head for thirty minutes.

Also, fatty dandruff is treated with nasturtium juice and apple cider vinegar.
  Do not try to use oily substances, such as mayonnaise, etc., to combat oily dandruff. You exacerbate the situation.

  The best remedy for dandruff is a substance that has a disinfecting, astringent and antiseptic effect on the skin.

Lemon & Dandruff Coffee Peeling

Peel a couple of lemons, grate it and dry it in the oven, or simply leave it in a saucer with the zest on the table. K 2 Art. l dry zest add as much coffee grounds, mix and apply on the scalp, dividing the hair into partings.

After the massage, rinse the hair well, if necessary, use a shampoo.
  Oily dandruff shampoo at home

Mix the yolk of two eggs with 1 tbsp. l vodka or brandy, add 5 drops essential oils  eucalyptus and rosemary. Apply the mixture to the scalp and the entire length of hair, massage, then rinse with warm water.



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