the main - Skin diseases
  Itching as a symptom of various diseases. Why does it itch

Pruritus  may have a variety of reasons and be of varying severity. In medicine, they believe that even slight pain can be hidden behind this sensation, since they have a common mechanism of origin. To alleviate the condition of the patient in this situation, there are many effective methods of therapy.

In addition to primary skin disorders, other diseases can cause itching of the skin. internal organs  - chronic renal failure, obstruction of the gallbladder, liver cirrhosis, scorching cholangitis, endocrine diseases - diabetes, thyroid gland diseases, hyperparathyroidism, hyperaremia, blood diseases (Hodgkin's lymphoma, leukemia, hypereosinophilic syndrome, polycetemia of the faith).

Among the causes of pruritus can be cancers: tumors that cause obstruction of the biliary tract, skin cancer, hematological tumors.

Pruritus may occur during pregnancy.

The psychological causes of pruritus are emotional stress, depression, delirium, and atopic dermatitis.

Some medications may be responsible for itching. Among them are contraceptives, methyldopha, chlorpropamid, antiarrhythmic drugs, phenytoin, aminazine, phenothiacin (sulpiride), antibiotics - erythromycin or sulfonamides. These drugs cause cholestasis - problems with secretion and secretion of bile.

Other medications can stimulate the release of histamine, which causes itchy skin. These include pilocarpine, atropine, codeine, antidepressant drugs, aspirin and vitamin B derivatives, as well as antibiotics: neomycin, clindamycin, miconazole, and other drugs.

For the treatment of pruritus, you must first know its cause and act on it.

In any case, when pruritus appears, in order to relieve the condition, the following rules should be followed:

It is necessary to control the observance of general measures of hygiene and prevention - to get rid of provoking itching cosmetic products: gel for body wash, nail polish, soap, shampoo or jewelry.

It is recommended to use clothes made from natural fibers, especially underwear and bed linen, which should be cotton. It should be very careful with the use of clothes made of natural wool, which often causes inflammatory reactions  skin.

You should limit the use of products that stimulate the production of histamine in the body or contain it: hard cheeses, seafood, canned fish, legumes, spinach, tomatoes, spirits, coffee, tea, chocolate, strawberries, pineapples, bananas, spices, etc.

No need to take any medication without a doctor's prescription. Many of them have side effect  in the form of pruritus.

It is recommended to soften the skin after bathing with oils, petroleum jelly, moisturizing and emollient creams, for example, based on products from oats and starch. The duration of the shower or bath for the body should not be more than half an hour once a day or two days.

Avoid staying at high temperatures, the use of hot food, alcoholic drinks - everything that causes the expansion of blood vessels. No need to dress too warm.

Creams and lotions containing phenol, menthol, ichthyol and resorcinol or skin cooling with wet compresses or a cold bath reduce pruritus. It is not recommended to use alcohol-based products for this purpose.

No need to strongly rub the skin after a bath, wiping with a towel.

You should always have short nails and try not to comb the skin.

Well help with pruritus antihistamines with a sedative effect. Tricyclic antidepressants and opioid antagonists, especially steroid, should be used only in extreme cases.

Therapy with corticoid creams is needed only for complications or for dermatosis with an inflammatory effect. It is not always effective. Antihistamines for local application  not recommended, as they cause photosensitivity of the skin.

Phototherapy or photochemotherapy helps to get rid of pruritus.

Bodily itching is not a cause for panic, if you pay due attention to this problem. Often the primary cause of itching is an allergy to a particular product, items of clothing or perfume. Such an itch is eliminated quite simply: it is enough just to exclude the provoking factor.

Itching is a bit more difficult as a symptom of a serious, hidden disease. Such cases necessarily involve a visit to a dermatologist, who will help determine the causes of physical itching and determine the necessary treatment.

Cause itchy skin

Most often, physical itching is caused by the following factors provocateurs:


The lack of insulin in the body quite often causes itching in patients. In this case, it can occur both locally and throughout the skin. Such bodily itching can constantly bother, but most often there are periods of recessions and exacerbations. Normalizing the hormone insulin helps to stop itching.


In the overwhelming majority of cases, pruritus is the only manifestation of jaundice, since in the early stages a change in skin tone is rather difficult to detect. A blood test is used to diagnose the disease: with jaundice, the level of bilirubin in the blood is significantly elevated.

Abundant accumulation of bile acids occurs during illness. Their effects on the body and cause irritation. skin integument  - itching. Since the accumulation of a stimulus occurs predominantly under the skin, even with severe bodily itching, the level of bile acids in the blood may be within the normal range. In this case, treatment of the underlying disease is required.

Liver disease

In addition to jaundice, there are a number of liver diseases that can cause bodily itching. Even the smallest deviations in the work of this organ have a primary effect on the composition of the blood, which in turn can lead to itching. The second to provoke itching liver disease (after jaundice) is considered cirrhosis: both alcoholic and normal.

Diseases of the genitourinary system

In cases where the normal functioning of the kidneys is impaired, there is a delay in waste in the body. When the level of toxins becomes critical, the body has to drain them through the skin. Contact of harmful substances with the epidermis leads to a number of problems, including physical itching.

Such an itch will be localized throughout the body, but more sweating: groin, armpits, folds of the neck, arms and legs are more affected. This itch is eliminated by the treatment of renal pathologies.

Diseases of the lymphatic system

Bodily itching, accompanied by an increase in the size of the lymphatic glands, usually indicates the presence of a disease such as lymphogranulomatosis. In this case, it is very important to consult with a physician in time, who will determine the necessary clinical tests.


Speaking about the causes of pruritus, do not forget about the overstrain of the nervous system. Thus, the strong manifestations of stress can lead to uncontrolled movements of the hands - the desire to constantly scratch, rub the skin. Against the background of the disorder, such actions not only do not bring relief, but also significantly aggravate the situation. Such a manifestation of pruritus is eliminated when a person ceases to be under stress.

Seasonal itching

This type of pruritus mostly affects people suffering from vegetative-vascular dystonia. Exacerbations of physical itching occur in autumn or spring, while in summer or winter manifestations may be minimal or absent altogether. The situation is aggravated by the lack of nutrients in the body, "spring vitamin deficiency."

Allergic itching

Allergy is currently considered the most common ailment. Almost every person suffers from this disease to a certain extent. In this case, the corporal itching can manifest itself in different ways: sometimes everything is limited to mild scratching, and sometimes a person is able to comb the skin to deep wounds.

The strongest, often unbearable itching provokes urticaria - the most innocent manifestation of allergy. In this case, the patient is prescribed antipruritic antihistamines. Their action reduces the attacks of allergic reactions. After that, you need to identify the allergen to stop its contact with the person.

The more complex neuroallergic diseases include neurodermatitis, characterized by severe itching  throughout the skin. Neurodermatitis usually occurs in childhood and weakens during puberty. However, recurrences of the disease persist.

Neurodermatitis is characterized by uncontrolled pruritus, so the patient is prescribed antipruritic agents. Treatment consists of long-term therapy, the purpose of which is to create a stable remission.


Itch mite, the culprit of the disease, is another common cause of physical itching. In the process of treatment, the tick is detected and eliminated. Not superfluous are drugs that increase immunity.

Medical pruritus

This type of itching appears as a result of the body's response to the administration of medications that are individual for each person. In addition, uncontrolled medication increases the risk of physical itching.

What to do if itching appears?

When the skin of the body is constantly itching, you should immediately undergo a special examination in order to completely eliminate or detect the causes of the disease. But remember that the diagnosis and treatment associated with the dermis is not only engaged in a dermatologist. It is often necessary to be examined and other specialists, such as: endocrinologist, general practitioner, gynecologist, allergist, etc.

Timely diagnosis increases the effectiveness of healing and speeds up the healing process. As a rule, procedures for combating the ailment include the detection of the causes of the disease, the use of local remedies and drugs, as well as general therapy. Proper compliance with all prescribed recommendations of the doctor will quickly help the patient regain lost health and return to a healthy lifestyle without hindrance.

How to deal with itchy skin?

  • Completely exclude from your diet: strong coffee and tea, various spices, alcohol, spicy, as well as salty foods.
  • To reduce the formation of itchy skin, eliminate insomnia, sleep disturbance will help the use of sedatives, including folk recipes: either motherwort.
  • Calcium-rich remedies are recommended to effectively reduce itching. But in case of senile itching it is allowed to use preparations based on iodine.
  • It is beneficial to take a cold shower, soothing irritant itching baths and special marine procedures. To do this, at home use broths, such as oak bark or train. These baths preferably take about half an hour before bedtime. Remember that the water temperature in no case should not be more than 37 degrees.
  • Trying to fight skin itching, many people suffering from intensively scratching the diseased areas with their nails are strongly discouraged. Since this will only aggravate the situation and cause a repeated desire to scratch, but with more force, including irritation or even infection of human skin.
  • Use soft natural detergentsthat do not contain soap. In extreme cases, wash with ordinary, but surely soft water.

Itching - This is an unpleasant sensation, causing desire, sometimes indomitable, to comb. Itching occurs in the surface layer of the skin and mucous membranes in the form of a slight burning sensation, tingling, or unresponsive sensation. Chronic persistent itching can disrupt the quality of life: lead to sleep disturbance, disability, depression, even suicidal attempt. Itching is local and generalized, acute and chronic. It is the dominant symptom of skin diseases and is often observed in systemic diseases. Pruritus itch prevails, but itching of the mucous membrane of the mouth, nose, pharynx, trachea, conjunctiva, anogenital zone is possible.


Some mechanical stimuli cause itching: light touch (for example, when contacting insects), pressure, vibration, skin contact with wool, synthetic fibers. Thermal and electrical stimuli can also induce itching. Common cause  itching - the effects of endogenous chemicals that are formed or accumulate in the skin or acting on the central nervous system.

Itching resembles pain. Both feelings are unpleasant. Both can disrupt the quality of life. However, the reaction to pain and itching is different. The pain causes a withdrawal reflex, itching - combing reflex. Opioids relieve pain, but increase (or cause) itching.

As possible chemical mediators of pruritus are considered: amines (histamine, serotonin, acetylcholine), proteases and kinins (tryptase, chymase, kallikrein, bradykinin, etc.), cytokines (IL-1, IL-2, FIO, etc.), neuropeptides ( substance P, endothelium, neurotensin, etc.), opioids (methanekefalin, leuenkefalin, β-endorphin).

Types of itching (by origin).

Like pain, itching can be peripheral and central in origin. R. Twycross et al. suggested to allocate 4 types of an itch.

Pruritoseptic pruritus. Itching that occurs in the skin during stimulation of C-fibers with one pruritogen or more. Examples: itching for scabies, urticaria, insect bites.

Neuropathic itching. Itching caused by damage to the nervous system in any part of the afferent path. For example, localized along the nerve itch with postherpetic neuralgia, one-sided itch with a tumor, brain abscess, thrombosis of its vessels.

Neurogenic itching. Itching central origin in the absence of signs of neural pathology. It is often combined with increased opioidergic (for example, cholestasis or with the introduction of exogenous opioids), serotonergic tone.

Itching often has mixed origin.For example, in uremia, it is pruritoseous, neuropathic, and possibly neurogenic.

Clinical syndromes.Itching occurs with skin diseases, frequent systemic causes of itching. Among all patients with itching, seeking medical attention, the share of systemic causes accounts for 10 to 50% of cases. Some systemic diseases and conditions, often accompanied by itching, are presented below.

    1. chronic renal failure.

  1. Liver, extrahepatic biliary obstruction:

    1. primary biliary cirrhosis;

      primary sclerosing cholangitis;

Itching of the skin of the body is a dermatological problem that can cause a huge inconvenience to a person. Itchy areas are combed, which leads to their redness and inflammation of the skin. Abrasions and ulcers can occur on the skin, and this is a favorable environment for the activity of pathogenic bacteria. They penetrate deep into the epidermis and cause various fungal and infectious diseases.

The itching of the skin of the body is manifested, as a response of the body to an external irritant, in which there is a desire to scratch an itchy area of ​​skin. Itching can be local (occur in limited areas of the body) and spontaneous (when almost the whole body is affected by itching). Sometimes discomfort  may persist and even increase at night, interfering, thereby, a person normally and calmly fall asleep.

Local itching is easier to treat. Often in the area of ​​its localization blisters, bumps, rashes can occur. These manifestations allow you to make a more accurate diagnosis, the cause of which was pruritus.

Causes of Itchy Body Skin

The reasons for which itching may occur, in medicine has a great many. Experts consider one of them psychological, since in most of all cases the cause of itching is stress, prolonged depression, and various nervous disorders. In addition, mental fatigue is also the cause of pruritus. The fact is that during excessive mental work in the human body produces an increased amount of the hormone adrenaline. Removal of its excess is possible only with physical exertion  (this is why psychologists and neuropathologists recommend their patients to alternate mental and physical labor). Otherwise. Excess adrenaline accumulates in the blood and contributes to the irritation of nerve endings and skin receptors. As a result, a person may feel discomfort in the form of itchy skin and other things.

The cause of pruritus can be excessive dryness of the skin, especially if the patient has been in the open sun for a long time. On average, skin cells have life cycle  about 30 days. When staying in the open sun, as well as when skinning the skin, it loses moisture, dries out and begins to peel off. Dead particles block the sebaceous ducts and do not interfere with the normal "breathing" of the skin. This leads to itching.

Allergic manifestations also cause itchy skin. Contact dermatitis is the result of the patient's interaction with toxic, toxic substances, skin contact with which leads to the formation of skin lesions, rashes and itching. Allergic reaction  taking certain medications can also cause damage to both localized skin areas and the entire body.

Another cause of pruritus are certain diseases of the internal organs and the endocrine system. These diseases are accompanied by allergic and infectious rashes on the skin, its redness, peeling and desiccation, as well as the occurrence of itching.

In rare cases, unfavorable living conditions (poor hygiene), irritation of the skin on decorative cosmetics and face and body creams, as well as pregnancy, diabetes and so on can cause skin itching.

For successful treatment it is necessary to establish an accurate diagnosis. To do this, seek medical advice from a dermatologist and infectious diseases specialist. If the examination of these specialists does not give results, then the problem should be approached more seriously and comprehensively: a visit to the therapist, blood and urine tests will determine the disease of which plan causes unpleasant sensations. And then either the therapist will prescribe the necessary treatment, or give direction to the right specialist.

Treatment of itchy skin

Treatment of pruritus involves strict adherence to certain rules. First, the patient is obliged to observe personal hygiene, while not using someone else's washcloths, brushes, towels, and so on. Bed and underwear must be washed at high temperatures, and then be sure to handle a hot iron. Secondly, you must follow a strict diet to eliminate the possibility of allergic manifestations on food. In the event that the cause of itching is a disease of the internal organs, dieting is of increased importance. And, thirdly, in no case do not self-medicate, since the cause of external discomfort can have deep-seated roots (internal diseases).

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In this article, we consider the topic "". Pruritus is a common ailment that causes discomfort and constant scratching, which is accompanied by a lot of inconvenience. In reality itchy skin  acts as one of the body's defense mechanisms against unpleasant stimuli. Treatment and reduction of skin itching  body is easy folk remedies . But if you form a habit of constantly scratching an itchy place, this will not affect the condition of the skin for the better. Reduce itching  can using home remedies, effective and fully accessible to everyone.

Skin itch causes video

Coconut oil as an aid against itchy skin

Pruritus can occur in one place or be generalized, spreading throughout the body, which is especially characteristic in the winter period and causes discomfort. Regardless of the various causes of itching (whether it is an insect bite or dry skin), coconut oil will help to overcome this attack. The best way  apply it - wipe directly the affected skin.

Lemon to prevent skin inflammation

This product, having a rich content of vitamin C, also has bleaching properties and is no less than effective way  to treat and reduce itching. Essential oilcontained in lemon prevents inflammation and makes it possible to get rid of unpleasant itchy sensations. To do this, cut a lemon in half, squeeze out some juice over the affected area of ​​the body, itchy. Let it dry - and soon you will feel relieved.

Vaseline reduces skin irritability

For sensitive skin This tool is best suited as it does not contain chemicals and has a smoothing and softening effect on the skin. Thus, the composition not only relieves itching, but also contributes to less irritability of the skin. Vaseline is an inexpensive, effective and, of course, safe way to reduce itching. Therefore, do not worry about how often you use this folk remedy.

Basil helps from irritations

Basil - useful plant, which contains thymol, camphor and eugenol, which reduce the irritability of the skin of the body. Wash a few basil leaves and rub them on the affected skin. You can also make tea by boiling a few leaves of the plant in a closed container, after which you need to dip a cotton pad there and apply it on the itchy area.

Apple cider vinegar and its usefulness against itching

Apple cider vinegar, also used to fight dandruff, has good antiseptic and antifungal properties. This folk remedy determines its usefulness to reduce itching. Dampen cotton pad a small amount  apple cider vinegar and attach to an itchy place.

Pruritus, which is a fairly common and unpleasant phenomenon, to overcome quite real. We reviewed causes and effects of folk remedies for treating skin itching. To feel relief, soothe the skin and get rid of the constant discomfort, you should use several folk remedies, which are not difficult to acquire.



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