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  For whatever reason, red eyes. What to do if your eyes turn red

Red eyes  (one or both) - it is always a reason to go to see a doctor. There are a lot of reasons for this phenomenon, from the most innocent and not requiring any treatment, to fairly serious conditions that can lead not only to loss of vision, but also pose a threat to human life.

Red eyes.

Red eyes: causes and treatment.

  • subconjunctival hemorrhage
  • pterygium
  • conjunctival or corneal foreign body
  • another injury
  • conjunctivitis
  • keratitis
  • uveitis
  • acute glaucoma attack
  • allergy
  • "Unsightly" pathology

Subconjunctival hemorrhage  - it is a rupture of blood through the damaged vessel under the mucous membrane of the eye (conjunctiva). Manifested in the form of a red blood stain on the mucous membrane of the eye, except for a cosmetic defect does not bring any anxiety. In essence, it is a bruise on the eye. In itself, it is not dangerous, it resolves within 2 weeks without any treatment. Occurs spontaneously for no apparent reason, either after eye surgeries or injections, amid stress, a jump blood pressure, diabetes, injuries, etc.

If subconjunctival hemorrhage often recurs for no reason, this is a reason to be examined to find out why the vessels have become so brittle.

- the growth of the mucous membrane of the eye (conjunctiva) on the cornea (see pterygium). Pterygium rises above the surface of the eye, while blinking the eyelids constantly rub against this area, due to this redness appears. In addition, worried about the feeling of sand and other foreign body in the eye, tearing, dryness. Externally, in a mirror a person can see a roller from a mucous membrane growing in the direction of the cornea. Such redness occurs within six months-year after surgery to remove pterygium (cm).

Foreign body of the conjunctiva or cornea.  It is quite logical that if a foreign object gets into the eye, a reaction in the form of redness will develop. In addition, a person notes pain, excessive tearing, inability to look at the light. Anything can be a foreign body. Most often it is metal shavings, wood chips, glass, pet hair, trimming hair or nails, pieces of dry grass stalk, etc. - depending on the type of human activity. In this situation, you should rinse the eye with clean boiled water.

If the foreign body was not washed off, in no case should you try to pull it out yourself with your fingers, cotton swabs, needles or toothpicks.

In addition to the fact that you can damage the cornea and cause an infection, you will lose time, and the sooner you remove a foreign body from the eye, the less risk of complications.

In addition to a foreign body, another injury may cause redness: eye contusion, penetrating injury, thermal and chemical burns, etc. Of course, this is an emergency situation requiring immediate hospitalization in the eye department of the hospital.

  Injection of sclera vessels.

Conjunctivitis, keratitis, uveitis -  this inflammatory diseases, which are accompanied by intense reddening of the patient's eye (about conjunctivitis). Depending on the type and degree of inflammation, a person may be disturbed to varying degrees by the following symptoms: pain, mucous or purulent discharge, lacrimation, inability to open eyes in bright light, sudden blurring of vision, etc.

Treatment of any inflammation of the eyes should be carried out by a qualified specialist, therefore, it is necessary to immediately consult a doctor, otherwise the risk of serious complications, up to a complete loss of vision, is high.

Acute glaucoma attack (see) - this is a sharp jump in intraocular pressure, accompanied by redness of the eye (with a bluish tinge), a very intense headache, blurring of vision. This is a very formidable condition that is hard for a person to carry, does not go away for a long time, and, most terrible, leads to the death of cells of the optic nerve, that is, to irreversible loss of vision. It is necessary as soon as possible to consult an ophthalmologist who will assist you either in the conditions of the treatment room or refer you to the hospital eye department.

Allergic blepharitis  and conjunctivitis other than redness of the eyes (as a rule, this is a two-way process) are accompanied by severe intolerable itching and swelling. Most often there is a connection with the season of the year, although if, for example, allergy was caused by animal hair or house dust, seasonality is not observed.

The main and most effective treatment  - identify and eliminate the allergen (factor that provoked the allergy). In addition, for faster recovery or if it is impossible to eliminate contact with the allergen, the doctor prescribes antiallergic drugs in the form of eye drops, ointments or tablets.

We considered some (not all) causes of redness of the eyes. There are also so-called extra-orbital causes, that is, those not related to eye diseases - these are neurological, dental, endocrinological, ENT diseases. Independently deal with such wide spectrum  reasons impossible.

In case of reddening of eyes, be sure to consult an ophthalmologic doctor.

What can not be done if the eyes turned red?

Summarizing and supplementing the article, we systematize everything that cannot be done if the eye is reddened. So, …

  • you can’t sit at home and think that»;
  • it is impossible to mask the redness of the vasoconstrictor and drops of the type of vizin and naphthyzine;
  • do not rinse eyes with tea, infusions and other liquids, except for pure boiled water without a doctor's permission.
  • you can not get into your eyes, it does not matter if you just want to scratch them or remove a foreign body;
  • if the eye becomes red, it is impossible to self-medicate (the most common mistake is to drop Novocain, lidocaine and other drugs of this group into the eyes: they bring temporary relief, but do not cure, rather, they have a toxic effect on the cornea and inhibit the healing process);
  • do not wear contact lenses on a red eye until you obtain permission from an ophthalmologic doctor;
  • you can not postpone the visit to the doctor for later, in some situations, the bill goes to the clock.

Follow these simple rules if you find your eyes are red. Causes and treatment can correctly install and pick an ophthalmologist doctor, do not waste time! Now you know what to do if your eyes are red. Take care of the health of your eyes!

Sometimes, looking in the mirror, we notice an unpleasant phenomenon in the form of redness of the eyes. This can happen at the end of the working day, and in the morning, after sleeping.

Redness of the eye is a frequent phenomenon, and there are many reasons for it. Both minor fatigue and serious ophthalmologic diseases can lead to its occurrence.

Causes of eye redness

Quite often, along with red eyes, a person feels dry eyeballs, experiences painful sensations. These unpleasant symptoms can be caused by exposure of the organs of vision to adverse environmental factors:

  • wind, cold air, dust, cigarette smoke;
  • allergic to pollen, dust, cosmeticsfood allergens;
  • improperly selected or worn contact lenses;
  • long work associated with the voltage of the organs of vision, including the computer, monitor, screen, etc .;
  • poor lighting, eye strain;
  • insomnia, overwork

Most of these causes can be completely eliminated by reviewing the attitude to your health. If, for example, the cause of discomfort is a long work at the computer monitor, it is necessary to take breaks for 5 minutes after each hour of work. It is useful to use this time for a special gymnastics for the eyes, which will relieve fatigue, allow the eye muscles to relax, eliminate the dryness of the eyeball.

But not always redness of the eyeball due to natural causes. This symptom can also be associated with serious ophthalmologic diseases.

  • Often a red eye symptom is observed in inflammatory and infectious diseasessuch as conjunctivitis, blepharitis. Causes of conjunctivitis can be very diverse: bacteria and viruses, chlamydia, fungi. Among non-infectious causes, allergic, autoimmune are more common. Sometimes conjunctivitis is secondary and caused by other diseases. Blepharitis is often a complication. inflammatory processes  mucous membrane, but may be an independent disease. One of the main symptoms of these diseases is eye redness.
  • The discomfort associated with redness of the eyeball can be a symptom of a serious disease, glaucoma, characterized by high intraocular pressure. This disease requires immediate medical attention, as there is a danger of blindness. After 40 years, it is important to regularly check intraocular pressure and visit an oculist.
  • Dry eye syndrome (xerophthalmia) is diagnosed according to the results of biomicroscopy, special tests, cytological studies. The disease is aggravated by dry indoor air, long-term operation behind the monitor, contact lenses, and vitamin deficiencies.
  • Redness of the eyes is one of the signs of the development of astigmatism. This disease is associated with impaired optical function of the organs of vision. An ophthalmologist will confirm or exclude astigmatism using visometry, refractometry, biomicroscopy and ophthalmoscopy.
  • Cornea ulcer on early stage  development of the disease may also be accompanied by redness of the eyeball. This is a serious disease that requires qualified medical care. The diagnosis is made on the basis of ophthalmic, cytological and bacteriological methods of research and ultrasound of the eye.


Through the organs of vision, a person perceives 80% of information about the world around him. Therefore, eye health must be taken seriously and it is obligatory to contact specialists in the following cases:

  • injury, blow, burn;
  • sharp decrease in visual acuity;
  • eye redness lasts more than 24 hours;
  • besides redness, there are other symptoms (pain, pain, discharge from the eyes, etc.)

An ophthalmologist will perform a visometry, refractometry, biomicroscopy, measure intraocular pressure. If necessary, will be assigned additional methods  Research: Schirmer tests, cytological and bacteriological examinations of smear, tomography, etc.

Based on a comprehensive diagnosis, a specialist will determine the cause of eye redness and prescribe appropriate treatment. For natural causes of redness of the eyeball, an oculist will give recommendations on how to eliminate this phenomenon. vitamin complexes, special drops and preparations for the eyes.

How to remove red eyes

Following the simple rules will help prevent eye redness caused by natural causes:

  • regular hygiene using hypoallergenic cleansers;
  • breaks when working with a computer or any other gadget;
  • maintaining the optimum humidity of the living space;
  • sleep at least 7 hours;
  • balanced nutrition, including vitamins A, E, C.

From home proven tools will help a tired eyes a compress of tea or chamomile. Regular performance of special exercises for the eyes will help get rid of fatigue, relieve redness, irritation, make the look clear, clean.

But remember that in case of any eye diseases, all these means can only serve as a supplement to the treatment prescribed by the doctor, but in no way replace it.

Redness of the eyes is an alarming symptom that should be carefully considered. Systematic irritation of the eye mucosa inevitably leads to a decrease in vision. Therefore, we will try to understand what causes the redness of the eyes and what kind of treatment is required in this case.

Causes of discomfort

Treatment of red eyes in a person may be required if such reasons are identified:

  • mechanical damage to the cornea, for example, as a result of or getting mote;
  • constant smoking often leads to increased irritability of the mucous membranes;
  • arterial hypertension with capillary rupture;
  • capillary rupture can also be caused by strained coughing, infectious processes, sneezing;
  • alcohol abuse often causes irritation of the mucous membranes, since the entire body is intoxicated;
  • diseases that result in impaired blood flow to the organs of vision - tumors, carotid-venous fistula;
  • the initial stage is characterized by redness of the mucous eyes.

If the cause of the redness of the whites of the eyes lies in excessive load, treatment can be carried out independently. Otherwise, consult an ophthalmologist.

Treatment of eye redness with folk remedies depending on the cause

Of course, if the discomfort arose as a result of trauma, a violation of blood flow or an infectious process, specific treatment is required. but folk ways  will quickly relieve symptoms and relieve your condition.

If redness is caused by fatigue, you can use chamomile or calendula buds.

Recipe for lotions


  • dry inflorescences - art. l .;
  • boiling water - a glass.

Preparation and use

Chamomile steamed with boiling water and insist 15-20 minutes. Cotton swabs are moistened in the infusion and applied to the eyes without squeezing. The procedure will take no more than a quarter of an hour.

If the cause of redness and itching of the eyes is conjunctivitis, treatment is carried out using honey.

Recipe drops


  • honey - 1 drop;
  • boiled warm water - up to 10 drops.

Preparation and use

A drop of honey is dissolved in 10 drops of water. They bury their eyes in the morning and in the evening. The next day, one drop of honey takes already 9 drops of water. And so on until the symptoms disappear.

Regular potatoes have no less effect. It is necessary to finely wipe the peeled tuber and, without squeezing the juice, divided into two parts. To wrap each part in the folded gauze and apply improvised compresses to the eyes. 15-20 minutes is enough to redness and tension of the eyes disappeared.

Sometimes it is enough to apply ice cubes wrapped with gauze to sore eyes for a quarter of an hour to get rid of protein irritation.

At the initial stage of glaucoma, it is recommended to relieve mucosal irritation with the help of herbal.

Compress recipe


  • coriander - 10 g;
  • dill - 10 g;
  • anise fruits - 10 g;
  • boiling water - 500 ml.

Preparation and use

Harvesting herbs steamed with boiling water. After 2 hours, the infusion is filtered and   used for rinsing eyes or compresses.

If the cause of redness and tearing of the eyes is unknown, treatment with home remedies will reduce discomfort. But in any case, you need to visit an ophthalmologist who will prescribe a drug therapy. Even if home remedies have helped to eliminate the symptom, it does not mean that soon the discomfort will not manifest itself with a new force. Therefore, do not delay while systematically irritating the mucous membranes of the organs of vision, but go through diagnostics to determine the cause of the unpleasant symptom.

When the whites of the eyes turn red, many people say that “vessels burst” in their eyes, but in fact the vessels rarely burst, and the reasons for this are quite serious. However, there are a lot of other reasons why proteins redden constantly, including diseases, fatigue, injuries, medications, etc.

In case of chronic reddening, it is necessary to see an oculist.: perhaps it is an allergy, a reaction to or even an infection - self-medicating and apply folk remedies  in this case, it can be dangerous for the eyes.

Sometimes the whites of the eyes can redden strongly due to heavy physical exertionor due to muscle tension strong cough  - then even small hemorrhages may appear. If there is no pain, then you can not worry too much - after a couple of weeks, this redness usually passes.

ABOUT eye diseasesincluding infectious, we will not tell in detail - in these cases, the treatment is prescribed by a specialist, and it is imperative to follow his prescriptions.

Causes of redness and red blood vessels in the eyes

The most common conjunctivitis is inflammation of the outer lining of the eyes.. The disease can be caused by allergies, but also by bacteria or viruses - then it is contagious, and anyone who is surrounded by the patient can become infected. In this case, the doctor prescribes treatment, depending on the cause, and the necessary condition for a speedy recovery is strict adherence to the rules of hygiene. Hands should be washed almost constantly, use only your toiletries, towels, linen, etc., and do not touch the eyes with your hands, otherwise the infection will develop and spread further.

Another common eye disease with redness is blepharitis., too, can be contagious, but not always - it depends on the reasons it is caused. It can be allergic, ulcerative, seborrheic - this is all too difficult, and serious treatment from an ophthalmologist is necessary.

Redness can be caused by corneal diseases, choroidal inflammations, autoimmune diseases, poisons, etc.

However, there are reasons for unconditioned infections — when vessels really burst., and these can be very serious diseases: vascular and blood pathologies, diabetes, hypertension, but the same consequences can be caused by a head injury - just hit or get a flashlight under the eye. An eye with such hemorrhages looks rather creepy, but it usually also passes without consequences; but this does not mean that you can calm down - it is necessary to treat the underlying disease, otherwise you can wait for more serious consequences.

They speak of “bursting” vessels even when they expand from lack of sleep or alcohol, and become more visible in the eye. Here it is only necessary to normalize the lifestyle, and the vessels will also return to normal.

It also happens that several vessels are constantly visible on the albumen of the eye, but this is most often a feature of the structure, and you should not worry either - the main thing is that the vessels do not become more and more noticeable and new ones do not appear. Eye drops  in this case, useless.

Red eyes can also cause episcleritis.  - inflammation of the so-called episclera, connective tissue. Most often, this disease is manifested in women 30-40 years old, and the reasons are also different: infectious - tuberculosis, gout, herpes, rosacea; non-infectious - ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease, lupus erythematosus or rheumatoid arthritis. However, there is not only redness, but also pain in the eye, especially when pressing on the eyelids.

There are other eye diseases.: keratitis, often caused by beriberi, serious illnesses, injuries and infections, and iridocyclitis - inflammation of the iris. In both cases, the eyes turn red, watery, and then there is pain and photophobia - these diseases are dangerous, so you should not pull on a visit to the doctor.

  may appear during supercooling, allergic reactions , foreign bodies, corneal injuries, poor blood clotting - including caused by the use of certain drugs; the cause may be an acute attack of glaucoma, when the intraocular pressure rises sharply - in this case you should consult a doctor immediately.

Independently you can cope with those reasons that are not due to disease, but you need to know this for sure. Work in a poorly ventilated area, cigarette smoke, air conditioning, and other appliances can cause dry eye mucosa. The room should be ventilated, more often go out, and use moisturizing drops for the eyes - for example, artificial tears.

How to get rid of red blood vessels in the eyes

You can also use vasoconstrictor drugs for the eyes.: these are Vizin, Ocmetil, Octilia, Naphthyzinum (not to be confused with drops in the nose), but they should not be abused by any means. Frequent use is addictive, and the walls of blood vessels become weak - then the redness increases and does not pass, as the blood vessels are constantly expanded.

It is better to try to narrow the vessels by other means, using ice, compresses, exercises, massage; Watch your diet - it should be enough vitamins and minerals.

Cooling causes vasoconstriction, and does not bring harm: at home you can make cold baths for the eyes - the water should be absolutely clean; apply ice; at work, you can keep a handkerchief soaked in cold water for a few minutes with your eyes closed. Useful compresses of herbs or tea. You can apply to the eyes dipped in cotton grass wadded disks: they help cornflower blue, mint, parsley, mallow, linden, chamomile. Compresses are well alternated - first apply warm, then cold, and change them several times. Tea should be taken leaf, without additives and flavors, but you can also use tea bags.

Food also provides eyes stamina and health: These are fresh fruits and vegetables, especially yellow, green, orange, red (carrots, parsley, all kinds of cabbage, grapefruits, etc.), nuts, seeds, eggs, fatty fish, blueberries and other dark berries. You can periodically take vitamin and mineral complexes for the eyes, after consulting with your doctor.

The simplest exercise for the eyes can be done at work  - take a few minutes. Sitting in a chair, relax, and “cast” a look up, then left, right and down; then vice versa. This must be done abruptly. For a few minutes, do with your eyes (not your head) circular movements - clockwise and counterclockwise.
  Take a look into the distance, and immediately transfer it to a close object.
  Blink your eyes quickly - 50-60 times in a row.

You can do massage, stroking the eyelids in a circular motion - your hands should be clean, or just close your eyes, press your palms to them and relax for a few minutes.

Much depends on the mode of the day. At night, you need to sleep around 7-8 hours - no less, so that the mucous membrane of the eyes can recover. During the day, your eyes should also rest: do not sit at the computer for hours - every hour you need to do a 10-15 minute break. Does not work? Then at least 5 minutes, and generally try to get up more often to bring something, carry it, walk to the window in passing, and look into the distance for a couple of minutes - your eyes will rest.

Protect your eyes from harmful radiation: In winter and summer, wear sunglasses to protect from the sun, always with protection from UV rays - ordinary dark glasses only impair vision. To prevent your eyes from straining, wear glasses with special coatings that reduce light reflection and protect against radiation when watching TV and working at a computer. Points must be selected by a doctor; if you have normal eyesight, you need to buy protection glasses not in the market, but in an optics store, where there are special devices for checking them.

Do not go to bed without removing makeup from the eyes; do not use your dirty hands to get speck in the eye; if you wear contact lenses, care for them according to the rules. Use only high-quality cosmetics for the eyes - as caring, and decorative, and do not buy inexpensive cosmetics - this is a bad savings.

If you still need to quickly disguise the redness, use a light blue pencil for eyeliner eyeliner; emphasizes the red green color - it is not necessary to use it.

The eyes are one of the most important and sensitive organs of a person, but people are not used to taking care of them. And they sound the alarm only when some problems appear.

The very first signal that the eyes are not all right - redness. After a hard day of work, and sometimes in the morning, you notice that the eye has reddened. Most often it is a sign of fatigue and eyestrain. Often, redness is associated with a lack of sleep - the eyes remain open for a long time, which causes the sclera to dry out. If the cause of redness in this, then you need to rinse your eyes with cool water and make lotions from tea leaves. You can use both black and green tea. After that, you need to give your eyes a good rest.

It is undesirable to use drops that remove redness of the eyes. Their treatment is ineffective, as they simply constrict the blood vessels. To reduce eye redness, you can make lotions from decoction of clover, parsley infusion or grated potatoes. If your work is associated with constant eyestrain, for example, at the computer, procedures for removing fatigue and redness of the eyes should be done every evening.

When the eye is red, it is useful to make baths of tea, for this, lower the face in a container with warm tea and blink your eyes. During the day, it is good to do this relaxation exercise: sit down and lower your head, feeling the stretching of the neck muscles, and relax well.

Often the cause of a flushing eye is pollution. Dust, smoke or sand can get into the eye. This happens more often in children, they rub hands with their eyes, run and play with sand. If you rinse it with cool boiled water and make a lotion of tea or decoction of chamomile. But if the redness does not go away the next day, or you notice a bloody stain, contact your doctor, you may have been injured or a serious disease begins - blepharitis or conjunctivitis.

If you have not only reddened eyes, but also an itch, do not try to treat it yourself, you may need to take antibiotics or antiviral drugs. But you can help your eyes by washing them with decoctions of chamomile, marigold or Althea. From the same broths you can make lotions. For people who are not allergic to honey, you can bury honey water in your eyes: dilute honey with pure water 1 to 10, or one-percent aqueous extract of propolis. Conjunctivitis is successfully treated with a decoction of flaxseed or dill seeds.

Redness of the eyes may also be associated with an allergy to pollen. In this case, without taking antihistamine drugs  not enough. Try to be less on the street during flowering and be sure to rinse your eyes after coming home. You can help reddened eyes by washing them with aloe juice, Kalanchoe or decoction of plantain seeds.

Redness of the eyes may also be associated with dry mucous membranes. This can occur from dry air, wind, or insufficient production of tear fluid. You can bury in the eyes and be sure to drink more clean water.

So that your eyes are always healthy, do not let them overwork and be more in nature, as this gives a great rest to your eyes.



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