the main - Emergency states
  Means for relieving allergies. Types of allergies, depending on the substance-allergen. Other medical ointments and home remedies

For effective treatment  allergies can take advantage of simple households at home. There are many such recipes in traditional medicine.

Allergy Bay Leaf

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Allergy Talker's Recipe

If a modern drugs  do not help or do not fit due to the nature of the human body, designate a talker for allergies. It is made on water or alcohol based. This talker consists of white clay, zinc oxide, glycerin, medical talc and starch. This drug can be purchased at the pharmacy, but if desired, it can be easily prepared at home. True, the composition will be slightly different, but the effect of this will not change at all.

The metal binds to enzymes, nerve cells, neurotransmitters and membranes. Molecules change their structures and therefore no longer work. Especially mercury is excreted in the liver, kidneys, connective tissue, nervous system and brain. Mercury poisoning affects brain metabolism, formaldehyde degradation, fat metabolism, vitamin content, protein and carbohydrate content.

Allergy to antibiotics

The patient receives medicinal carbon powder to protect the mucous membranes and the gastrointestinal tract, oral cavity "Sealed" rubber, so that no amalgam does not enter the body. Amalgam is removed from the teeth by marginal incision. After removal, the doctor uses sodium thiosulfate to bind and neutralize residual amalgam.

For the preparation of talkers distilled water is mixed with ethyl alcohol. In the resulting mixture is dissolved anesthesin cube, add white clay  and zinc oxide. In the absence of zinc, you can always use high-quality baby powder. The mixture is stirred for two minutes, and the drug is ready. To the efficiency was higher, you can add there dimedrol. It relieves irritation, perfectly eliminates puffiness, redness, and also significantly reduces the number of rashes.

Who should pay special attention?

The teeth are then filled with a substance that is tolerated by the patient, with pre-filling usually being used for several months. Red spots, wheezing, itching - when jewelry is a problem, nickel allergy is at hand. In many other cases, nickel can also hide the cause of a nickel allergy problem. Nickel is a trace element and widely distributed - so it can be found in the air, in water and on the ground. Today, nickel is often a component of metal alloys because of its strength and heat resistance.

Mummy from allergies

Mumie is a surprisingly strong allergy remedy. It should be used within 20 days for the effect to be greatest. For treatment allergic diseases  Mummy is added to milk, cow fat or honey. It is taken 2 times a day. It should be noted that in some cases the throat and nostrils are smeared with a mixture containing mummy. Good remedy  is the use of a solution of mummy in water. It is prescribed not only adults but also young children. For recovery may require 1-3 course of treatment.

Many everyday items contain nickel.

Nickel is also found in many everyday needs, so nickel allergy sufferers easily resist their allergies. Cosmetics, home appliances and numerous products may also contain traces of metal. High-quality alloys of silver and gold also contain nickel particles.

Repeated contact with nickel leads to contact of energy in many people. Nearly one in ten responds to metal allergies. Thus, nickel allergy is the most frequent contact energy. The body's immune system masks nickel as a dangerous foreign substance and begins to fight it, which ends with a nickel allergy.

Allergy Soda

From the manifestations of allergies can get rid of and such an improvised means, like baking soda. To do this, one teaspoon of soda must be mixed with a glass of warm enough water. Then the mixture is applied to all places of redness and rash. Soda has a good soothing and incomparable anti-inflammatory effect, therefore, with regular repetition of this technique, the rash quickly disappears.

Special white blood cells, lymphocytes, recognize nickel as not belonging to the body, and are called scavengers, so-called macrophages, to help remove metal. There is an allergic reaction. This does not happen at the first contact - until the protection passes, it can take months. If the body is in contact with nickel again, the symptoms do not appear immediately, but usually only after 12-72 hours.

Nickel Allergy: Symptoms and Symptoms

Nickel is easily soluble in water. This is also the reason that allergic reactions  on metal in summer are more often observed in nickel allergy: body welding can dissolve nickel in jewelry, zippers, or trouser heads. When acute allergies  Nickel has skin contact with symptoms such as redness, wheezing, blistering and leakage. Itching and swelling of the skin are also one of the possible symptoms of nickel allergy.

Allergy Lemon Juice

In some people, when treating such a disease, lemon juice can be used as an ingredient in an allergy medicine. So, the aforementioned egg shell treatment method involves mixing egg powder with lemon juice. This method is used by many, and quite successfully.

In addition, there is a chronic form of nickel allergy, in which the skin becomes dry, flaked and painful cracks. As a rule, an allergic reaction occurs with contact allergies, such as nickel allergy on areas of skin that have been in direct contact with the allergen.

If nickel is not specified, this is by no means a guarantee that the product actually does not contain nickel. Nickel-free coating is often not enough to prevent marking, but it does not provide reliable protection against nickel allergy, since the coating can wear out over time and nickel is released.

To combat allergies, it is not necessary to spend big money on advertised products. With painful symptoms will help cope simple recipeswhich is easy to cook at home. The article will offer the most effective ways  of traditional medicine  for getting rid of allergies.

In each house there are spicy leaves of laurel, which are used to prepare various dishes. But few people know that such seasoning is an excellent anti-allergic agent, which is not inferior in efficiency to expensive pharmaceutical preparations.

Nickel allergy: treatment and diagnosis

If nickel allergy is suspected, a dermatologist will attach a patch prepared with nickel on the back, and after 2-3 days check how the skin has reacted to it. If nickel allergy is present, the symptoms should be treated with a mask of cortisone. The ointment is applied only for a few days. In this way, side effectscaused by

Allergies to pets with fur or feathers are common, especially among people who have other allergies or asthma. 15 to 30% of people with allergies are allergic to cats or dogs. Allergies to cats are about two times more likely than allergies to dogs.

Laurel leaves are used to make a decoction, and then using it to make lotions and medicinal baths. Such a composition for local application  suitable even for small children. A decoction of leaves of laurel is useful to drink with allergies, but only for adults. Powerful tool  Immediately enters the fight against allergens, relieving a person from intolerable itching, painful eczema and hyperemia of the skin.

Why are people allergic to pets? The immune system is responsible for the detection of foreign substances in the body, such as viruses and bacteria, and eliminates them. Usually this answer protects us from disease. People who are allergic to pets are hypersensitive. immune systemwhich reacts to harmless proteins of saliva, urine or pet dander. These proteins are called allergens.

What causes cat allergies? These allergens accumulate on fur and other surfaces. Contrary to what is commonly believed, pet hair does not cause allergies. However, it can accumulate dandruff and also contains other allergens, such as dust and pollen.

Use of eggshell for allergies

A great eggshell has a great healing effect. From it, prepare the powder, and then use it inside. But before crushing the shells, you need to wash them well, preferably in soda solution. Then they should be rinsed in clean water and wait for them to dry properly. Dry shells need to grind as much as possible to a fine state.

It is also found in wide range  internal tissues, including brain, muscle and visceral organs. Recent studies have shown that the main source of this allergen is skin. There is also preliminary evidence that secretions may be higher in men than in women. What are the symptoms of an allergic person?

Clinical manifestations range from local skin reactions to typical rhinoconjunctivitis, to severe asthma. Skin reactions range from contact urticaria to severely itchy papular macular rashes on the face, neck, and chest. These reactions are usually associated with respiratory symptoms during exposure to air.

This powder is intended for internal use, and they can be treated for allergies in both adults and children. The daily rate for an adult - 1 teaspoon, for children 3-14 years - 1/2 teaspoon. Calcium composition need to drink a stack of boiled water.

In order for the purest calcium contained in the powder to be well absorbed, it is necessary to drip a little lemon juice on top of it before taking it. The course of treatment for eggshells ranges from 1 month to six months, it all depends on the severity of the pathology.

Exterior Products

How do I know if I am allergic to cats? Allergies should always be diagnosed by an allergist. A general practitioner should refer us to a specialist, the mere presence of a pet at home does not mean that the animal causes symptoms. Many animals are abandoned without confidence in the persistent diagnosis, that is, specific tests that determine that we are allergic, but not.

To find out what we are suffering with, a specialist can perform skin tests, consisting of a series of twenty small incisions in the hand, testing various types of allergens and checking whether they produce a reaction on the skin. Another way of conducting these tests is a blood test that can test more than 500 components of the allergen. In the case of food allergies, products suspected of finding symptoms should be avoided. Spirometry, consisting of a test that measures lung volume and is a useful tool in diagnosing cases of allergic asthma, can be added to these tests.

Medicinal plants fight allergies

Earth gave humanity an amazing and diverse world of flora, thanks to which people got the opportunity to heal many ailments. Medicinal plants  include a number of essential biologically active components that help to cope even with running forms  allergic pathologies. With the primary signs of damage caused by any antigens, such herbs as:

As soon as the agent responsible for the allergy has been identified, treatment begins. I was diagnosed with allergies, and now what? One of the first recommendations for combating allergies to cats is the elimination of the animal. From the point of view of an allergist, this is usually the most practical recommendation. However, before making such a decisive decision, you can try some control measures related to the treatment prescribed by a specialist, and, of course, make sure that it is the cat that causes allergies.

In almost all cases, the question of eliminating or not having a cat talisman is emotional. The final decision usually depends on the person suffering from the symptoms, except when children are. If you suffer from allergies and do not want to get rid of your cat, you can follow these guidelines.

  • calendula;
  • celandine;
  • peppermint;
  • st. John's wort;
  • field mate;
  • deaf nettle (ashberry).

Of these, decoctions and infusions are prepared for local procedures, and also as remedy  for ingestion. The best therapeutic effect will be if you make a complex mixture of the above components, and from it to prepare a healing solution. In the case when there are severe forms of pathology, the herbs already stronger in terms of the therapeutic effect will be required. Next, consider what kind of plants will be needed to eliminate a serious allergic focus?

Prevent cat from getting into the bedroom: you spend there from 30% to 50% of your life. Keep the bedroom door closed and wipe it clean. Avoid carpets, as they can accumulate allergen, as well as avoid recharging the rooms that decorate the elements in which it can accumulate equally. If you want to have a carpet, often choose it with short hair and steam. The best option is to use moving mats that can be washed with hot water.

Use a dust mask for vacuum: vacuum cleaners remove allergens found in carpeting and aggravate allergies. Forced air heating and air conditioning can spread allergens around the house: cover the ventilation holes in the bedroom with a thick filter made of a material such as gauze.

Stinging nettle

Nettle leaves are excellent helpers in the fight even with severe allergic lesions. They should be used in the form of decoctions and infusions. Medicinal drug has a great effect on the stomach and intestines, helps to correct the disturbed metabolic processes, puts in order the immune system. It is very useful to put fresh nettle leaves instead of cabbage in borscht.

An air purifier should be used at least four hours a day. There are other types of air purifiers that have an aerostatic filter that removes the size of an animal's allergens from air particles. However, no cleaner or filter removes allergens from the surface.

Bathe the cat every week: this can reduce airborne allergens, although its effectiveness in reducing symptoms in humans is controversial. Ask someone who does not suffer from allergies, clean the animal outside the house to remove dandruff, and then clean the garbage box or cage.

A series of three-part

If you ask any person what is good for bathing babies, the right answer will be immediately given - in the decoction of the train. The grass of the series - best remedy  from any dermatological problems, including allergic dermatitis. From the dry raw material, a decoction is prepared in which a soft flannel is moistened and a damp cloth is applied to the area affected by the allergy. In addition, the broth is good to use inside, so it will have the maximum anti-allergic effect. Both external and internal use is allowed for all people. For young children, it is necessary to dilute the broth with boiled water in the same volume.

Take it to the hairdresser: if your cat is long-haired or half-haired, you can periodically transfer it to the hairdresser, a haircut will cause the allergen to accumulate in smaller amounts in the coat. This is an aerosol that is applied to pets to remove dirt from the surface, especially those that can cause allergies, thereby reducing allergic reactions.

Weekly use of the drug in many cases reduces symptoms. In some cases, there are effective vaccines for treating pet allergies, consult your doctor about this possibility. Sterilize a cat: it can help reduce the production of an allergen, especially in men, in addition to providing your animal with a number of health benefits.

Chamomile flowers

From the medicinal chamomile prepare broths, they are used for local procedures and drink inside. Due to the fact that chamomile is the best antiseptic, inflammation of the epidermis is removed, skin rashes  pass, eczema-affected skin is quickly regenerated. That steamed cake from the flowers with the broth does not need to throw out, it contains a lot of medicinal components! It is recommended to apply to the inflamed skin.

Thanks to these management measures and always following the advice of your doctor, you can continue to live with your cat without serious consequences for your health. In some cases, unfortunately, this is not possible, and your health can be very offended. At this moment and, having tried all possible solutions, you can always find a new home for your feline companion.

Author: Irene Guerrero Roldan. They are in the unimaginable corners of your house, because any corner can be your den, so it's time to look and eliminate the sources of allergies. An excellent measure is to wash sheets, pillowcases and all clothes that cover the bed at least once a week with hot water. It also includes cleaning curtains as well as blinds.

Red viburnum

In folk medical books it is noted that viburnum is used for a long time, as the most effective antiallergic agent. But only for cooking therapeutic infusion  not the fruits of the plant are taken, but its fresh young shoots together with new buds. Therefore, it is possible to be treated with this remedy in springtime. But the effect of taking the infusion is simply amazing - all the signs of allergy disappear already on the 3rd day.

Glycerin Zinc Ointment

When no pharmaceutical drugs and none of folk ways do not help relieve irritation, relieve intolerable itching, there is a correct effective remedy for allergies - this is glycerin ointment with zinc. Very often, dermatologists write it to people with serious skin diseases. After receiving the prescription, a person goes to the pharmacy, where they prepare an antiallergic agent. By the way, this ointment can be made at home, you only need to purchase 4 important components in the pharmacy:

  • distilled water - 100 ml;
  • glycerin - 20 ml;
  • zinc oxide - 30 g;
  • talcum powder - 30 g;
  • dimedrol in ampoules - 10 ml.

All the ingredients are simply mixed together. The resulting mass should then be thoroughly grinded so that it acquires a uniform, lump-free consistency. Antiallergic ointment is ready for use. It should be applied to the affected areas with a small layer up to 3 times per day. Treatment with a potent ointment formulation will help in the shortest possible time to get rid of the painful itching and painful inflammations, relieve puffiness, heal the dermis damaged by rash, prevent the appearance of new rashes.

Mummy treats allergies

Mumiyo is a mountain resin, which includes in its natural composition healing organic and inorganic compounds. Mumiye is successfully used as effective means  for all types of allergies. It must be taken orally for 1 month, after which you should take a break of 3 weeks and then resume treatment again. To permanently get rid of allergies may require about 4 courses of treatment with mountain resin. Prepare the medicine as follows: dilute 1 g of mummy in 1 l of water.

It is necessary to accept means strictly on an empty stomach and only since morning. Both adults and children can use this solution. The dosage is calculated taking into account the age indicator: adults drink the mummy solution in the amount of 100 ml, for children from 3 to 7 years old, 50-70 ml is appointed inclusively; the dosage for children from 8 years and older corresponds to the portion of an adult.



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