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  Maple leaf drawing scheme. How to draw leaves

A detailed lesson will help you learn how to draw leaves in stages with a pencil. Leaves are an indispensable element of any summer or autumn landscape. The nature on our planet is incredibly diverse, and therefore there are many varieties of leaves, so drawing them is always very interesting. It’s not difficult to draw leaves if you have very little time at your disposal, as well as suitable materials. We show how to draw leaves in pencil in stages. Try to draw with us, and you will definitely like the process and the result.

So, to draw the leaves, we need a blank sheet of paper, a simple pencil and an eraser. First, mark up the sheet, draw the base, so that in the future it will be easy and convenient for us to draw. In this case, we draw a beautiful maple leaf, so the base will look like this. You will need only four lines to draw the base for the sheet.

Now we need the shape of the sheet so that the further drawing is neat and beautiful. Focusing on the previously depicted lines, we begin to draw cone-shaped figures, all in all, we should get five of them.

Next, we begin to draw the outline of the sheet on top of the sketch. The base lines should be barely noticeable, otherwise the leaf pattern will turn out dirty and ugly. Toothed outline of the leaves is not difficult to draw if you try. If it doesn’t work the first time, use the eraser, you can train on a draft until it starts to come out pretty.

Gradually draw the entire outline of the leaves. You should have something like this. Next, it will be necessary to arm again with an eraser and remove all unnecessary lines, leaving only the outline.

To make the painted leaves look natural, you need to draw a twig and veins. The veins will not be even, so just draw by hand, you should not use the ruler.

The final step will be coloring. You can draw leaves using colored pencils, watercolors, gouache and other materials, you can choose the ones that you like best. In the end, it turned out like this.

The following picture shows how to draw beautiful tropical leaves in the shape of a heart.

  1. First, draw a base resembling a heart. Draw a line in the middle of it.
  2. We begin to draw the edges. At the edges of such tropical leaves there are recesses, they must be marked.
  3. We draw veins with a double line, here they must be neat and repeat the shape of the leaf. I also add a few holes to the surface of the leaves.
  4. Colorize the drawn leaves in a tropical style. I use a turquoise green cool shade, you can get it by mixing green with blue. I add warm shades to the edges - they are easy to get by mixing yellow and green. Remember to leave the holes unpainted.

There are many more ways to draw leaves. For example, if you are a beginner, you will like the doodle technique. To draw such leaves, you need paper and a pen.

Early autumn is a wonderful time that both children and adults like. There is such beauty around that it’s time to take an easel, paints, pencils and go to nature to do creative work. In the shades of this season, yellow paint predominates. See how many golden leaves in the forest!

Autumn landscapes are one of the most impressive, and to depict them, it is worth starting small.

How to draw a maple leaf? Let's do it step by step. Draw thinly, without strong pressure. If something does not work, you have to wash it - then dirt will remain on the sheet. It is better to use a well-sharpened simple pencil.

It is not as difficult as it seems. Such a lesson will come in handy when you need to make decorations for the holiday of autumn or just capture a tree, a bird sitting on it, or any other autumn story. This drawing will be possible even for kids who have just learned to confidently hold a pencil in their hands. So, let's get to the phased work.

Streaks and sections

Draw a long vertical line - this is the axis of symmetry of the sheet. Visually divide it into three parts and, stepping back one third from the bottom, outline two more veins at an angle of about 45 degrees. At the bottom of the same point, draw two horizontal lines. Next, draw the lines between the veins. They are twice shorter than the previous lines.

Contour drawing

If the leaf in form is not quite even, it is not scary. On the contrary, the drawing will acquire originality and originality. Look at the real leaves - they are all different: small and large, symmetrical and not very. Show your imagination, do several curls between the veins. Starting from the point of their intersection, draw a short line down, then draw a sharp edge (denticle), curlicue, again a sharp edge, again a curlicue. On the tops of the veins, the edge should be depicted longer.

Sheet decoration

Small veins give the sheet a finished look. They need to be drawn in several pieces on each large vein at an angle to it.

Core design

To draw a maple leaf correctly, mark in the center (near the intersection of the veins) a core in the form of curls. They will cross the veins at the very bottom.

Maple leaf

Just depict a short stick extending downward. Do not forget to make it voluminous (mark the bottom with a circle).

Your drawing is ready! It remains only to paint this autumn leaf with paints. As the main color, you can use yellow with the addition of several red, green or brown spots. They will create bright accents and make the fall in the picture elegant and festive.

Hello comrades!
  We have already studied how to portray relatively simple leaves. But how do we draw a maple leaf? Beautiful and carved, it is clearly not so simple.

Of course, painting is best from nature.

Draw a maple leaf

Children, as a rule, having a sheet of maple in front of them, without any doubt begin to draw from the contour and carefully draw denticles: peaks and troughs like a cardiogram. Well, again, as a rule, the ends meet literally do not converge: starting to dance from the stove (petiole), you need to return to the starting point. And for this you need a PLAN! That is, you need to see the pattern by which these long and short cloves are distributed.
  If you listened to the wonderful rock opera Alice in Wonderland, then you probably remember Alice’s aria:
  In order not to fall into the trap,
  To not get lost in the dark,
  To never go astray
To land in the right place, splash down, -
  Draw a plan on the map.

And walk and sing blithely
  Meeting secured -
  Everything is marked in the plan
  Exactly, flawlessly
  So again, to draw a maple leaf, we need a plan. And this plan will be veins. They are fittings and clearly make it clear on what everything rests. We draw the veins of the maple leaf with a pencil.

We draw and carefully look: the petiole, then the middle vein, up and to the side, two veins are almost the same length as the middle and two more are almost on the same straight line, they are slightly shorter. Only five, and all come from one point. The main highway is. Having made sure that the angles between the veins are taken correctly and the proportions are also correct, we can proceed to drawing with a felt-tip pen.

Now you can draw the side ones: smaller veins extend from the upper three veins from about the middle. On the lower veins of these minor branches less.

The plan of the internal structure of the maple leaf is made. Now it is time to draw the outline. The ends of the veins go into the cloves.
  The maple leaf is scientifically called "palmate." It seems like a palm. On three “fingers” in the middle there are three denticles - the median and two lateral. But the lower “fingers”, or rather, the blades, are arranged more simply, there are fewer teeth.

Our sheet, in fact, looks pretty symmetrical, but in nature a complete pattern is rarely found, and if you look closely, it can be seen that the halves are not strictly mirrored.

And since we are drawing this particular sheet, we will make sure that the number and length of denticles and the depth of the depressions between the blades are exactly like that of our sheet.

So here we draw a sheet of maple from nature. Correct and similar.

Sooooh, and who else got stuck here? The sheet is carved, five-lobed ... again maple !?

If we were to draw a maple leaf in our imagination, we could well take this leaf as a maple leaf. But no, taking advantage of some external similarities, Hops are rubbed into our trust here! Hmm, if he promises to lead a sober lifestyle, then we will agree to draw his sheet as a warning to ancestors and descendants. In his own way, he is no worse than maple, beautiful and carved.
  The hop leaf is also five-lobed, but the shape of the blades and the contour of the edge are completely different. Well, we’ll draw from nature, as it is, and henceforth we will not mix up different plants. What is our action plan? Petiole - central vein - lateral veins.

Especially large cloves are not here and we will begin to draw a contour.

I note that the lower blades have such characteristic "ears".



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