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  Reward temporary forms. Daily teach to help and be grateful for help yourself

99 ways to reward yourself. Why is self-flagellation not a solution to your delay, mistakes, and even failure to fulfill your goals? Look and choose how you can reward yourself instead of self-flagellation. Love yourself !!!

2) Take a hot bath. Insist on a water bath lavender oil or any soothing oil that has a pleasant aroma and strength.

3) Launch a kite. Seriously. If the weather is nice and there is enough open space where there is little chance of getting entangled in trees or power lines, go for it. See, you will feel better.

4) Accept a compliment. Do not discount it. Accept and allow yourself to feel good at the same time, just for a few minutes.

5) Get a massage.

6) Visit the garden of your own farm or garden, where there is a crop of sunflower, strawberries, apples and more. Vegetables, fruits and berries grown at home, well treat the psyche.

7) Watch bloopers and funny videos on You Tube.

8) Creating a personal corner - a patio, a sunny room, or a specific room in the house - where you go to relax.

9) Decorate your home or workplace with fresh flowers.

10) Play with the child.

11) Buy yourself a chic scarf and wear it.

12) You can swim. If you really deserve a big reward, swim in the moonlight.

13) Listen to music that inspires, nourishes or relaxes you.

14) Dance at home with your favorite music, or in a club.

15) Make a face mask, at home or in the salon.

16) Wear a fragrance that you like.

17) Solve a crossword puzzle or search for words.

18) Make a day trip to an interesting and fun place in your area, like an aquarium, a zoo or a theme park.

19) Spend the day, that is, wander in the bookstore.

20) Visit a store with fashionable clothes and accessories.

21) Watch a play, concert or other artistic performance.

22) Attend a sporting event.

23) Take a bike ride.

24) Play a sports game.

25) Play at night old works in which goodies and charades with friends.

26) To retire in a quiet place to sit and do nothing for a while, soaking up the sun or enjoying the gentle breeze.

27) Take a nap.

28) Watch the movie.

29) Watch the sunrise or sunset.

30) Take a leisurely walk through the park.

31) Get a manicure and / or pedicure.

32) Play bowling with friends.

33) Play the Wii game.

34) Take part in a flash mob. Be sure and check the events, make sure that he is in a safe place and take a friend with you.

35) Enjoy the flowers in the botanical garden.

36) Engage yourself a little in gardening.

37) To the museum.

38) Organize a trip, even if it is for the whole weekend, to the destination within a few hours of driving. Find out a new place.

39) To the park.

40) Drink coffee or tea with a friend.

41) Lie in a hammock.

42) Buy and hang a feeder, sit and watch the birds use it.

43) Mash your favorite ingredients and slowly savor each sip.

44) Listen to relaxation CD.

45) Have a picnic.

46) Play a musical instrument.

48) Watch your favorite TV shows or rent a range on DVD.

49) Sing karaoke.

50) Tell your “I love you,” and keep this in mind. Love is the greatest gift of all. To love is as good as to be loved.

51) Now tell yourself, “I love you,” and I mean it. Or pretend you mean it. Just for a while, be it 30 minutes or several hours, rejecting negative thoughts about yourself and the practice of self-compassion associated with what you perceive as flaws.

52) Draw or write.

53) Make ceramics or apply paints yourself on clay or ceramic products from the store.

54) Knit, crochet, cross stitch, embroider or sew.

55) Play in the pool.

56) Play poker or other card game on the computer without money. Losing money is not good for you!

57) Do yoga.

58) Find an exercise that you enjoy.

59) Meditate.

60) Go rollerblading, rollerblading or skating.

61) Volunteer at a local nonprofit organization to help those in need. Giving can be very helpful.

62) Play with your pet.

63) Visit an entertainment store. There are many pleasures available here, from shiny toys, candles to sweets. Saving is a reward in itself!

64) Take a picture of something beautiful, something that you love, that excites interest, sparks of inspiration or your heart beats.

65) Give someone an unexpected gift - a bouquet of flowers, cooked at home, food, or something else. Genuine gratitude from a loved one is a great reward.

66) Take a river or sailing trip.

67) Take a mini vacation. Take one or two days from work and do whatever you need and want with your time.

68) Practice writing.

69) Work on a craft project that you like. Find websites that focus on do-it-yourself projects.

70) Define a carefree day. When worries and fears about the future threaten your peace of mind, just take a deep breath and exhale, imagining that your worries go away into distant clouds, and pay attention to the present. Do not worry, you can pick them up again tomorrow!

71) Assemble the puzzle.

72) Go camping.

73) View an antique or thrift store.

74) Lighting candles. Candles make the world unusual, it seems magical

75) Eat at your favorite restaurant.

76) Ride horses.

77) Play cards.

78) Watch the stars. Often, local astronomical clubs hold events that are open to the public. Or, visit the nearby planetarium.

79) Relax in the jacuzzi / bathtub.

80) Cook kebabs and tell stories with friends.

81) Take a short break during the working day. Even a ten-minute delay can be anti-aging.

82) Call a friend or family member who makes you smile.

83) Browse the Internet.

84) Sit on a swing. Adults can play swing!

85) Visit the winery, take a tour and try the product.

86) Find a roof where you can admire the city. (Do not sin!)

87) Take part in a carnival, festival or show arts and crafts.

88) Visit the flea market, find a treasure.

89) Buy yourself a good magazine to write thoughts, emotions, goals, dreams.

90) Go to the beach or lake.

91) Define a lazy day and do nothing that falls within the definition of work or responsibility throughout the day.

92) Kindle the fire and enjoy its meditative flame, comforting warmth.

93) Participation in a show that you like.

94) During emotional stress, you can cry, beat a pillow and do whatever you need to feel sorry for your feelings. Allow yourself this courtesy. It may not seem like a reward, but when combined with emotion and truth, it can be really helpful, even if it hurts. Ignoring these feelings can be very destructive.

95) After calming the emotions, do something comforting for yourself, be it to remember someone for your support, hug the pillow that you previously beat, or give yourself any other reward listed here.

96) Wear something pretty sexy or unique, something that makes you feel confident.

97) Chat with friends on Facebook, Twitter or other social media.

98) Is this a thing that I have long wanted to do, but constantly put off? Do it. Or run it. "Until we strive, there is indecision, a chance to retreat, is always present. Courage is genius, strength and magic in it." - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

99) Do not delay the achievement of your goals and dreams. Give yourself a rewarding living life, as much as possible, for the time being. In the present, it is all there. Do not wait, or until you reach your goals, you cannot afford one of the following rewards.

  Stop self-flagellating. Do not forget to reward yourself! "Do not be afraid of perfection - you will never get to it. "- Salvador Dali

Gender stereotypes are a serious problem today. Many people raise their children according to the traditional system, which most often prepares the boy for the role of a man who must earn money, watch football and drive a car, and the girl for the role of a housewife. As a matter of fact, now there is more than one movement fighting to eradicate gender stereotypes and freedom of choice - so that a small child can choose whether he wants to play with toy cars or dolls, wear pink or blue clothes. You should also educate your child accordingly so that the boys receive exactly the same care and the exact same treatment as the girls. It is worth paying attention to a number of phrases that you should avoid under any conditions.

"What a good boy you are."

Most often, parents themselves begin to impose stereotypes on their children and prepare them for the roles intended for them, without even noticing it. When they praise their child, they diligently emphasize gender, that is, the praise sounds like "What a smart boy" or "What a beautiful girl." All this leads to the formation of stereotypes in the child’s head - he begins to think of himself not as a person, but as a boy or girl. You need to try to get rid of the use of gender-related messages in your speech with the child.

"Let's invite only the boys"

Many parents have the idea that boys can only be friends with boys, and girls - exclusively with girls. Accordingly, they immediately share the sphere of relations of their children, excluding the opposite sex from them and not allowing their son, for example, to be much more comfortable with girls than with other boys. But social stereotypes dictate to them that they should play cars with other boys, even if they like playing dolls with girls more. Parents need to get rid of this kind of stereotypes.

“A woman should stay home and look after the children / do household work”

Very often, children come home with statements “All girls are stupid,” and parents simply ignore this behavior, instead of asking what exactly happened and explaining that it is not worthwhile to unite everyone by gender. As a result, from early childhood, the child forms the basis for the stereotype, after which he begins to believe that a good wife will sit at home, cook dinner for him and take care of the children, at the same time putting things in order, washing things and so on. You should not allow this, because both sexes are equal, and you do not need to give the boy an idea that a good girl will stay at home - she, like any boy, also wants to do what she is interested in, and not what society has prescribed for her.

"Touching and sensuality is for girls"

One of the most stupid stereotypes that is brought up by the parents themselves - men do not cry, and girls can be moved by any little thing. Therefore, the boy has to restrain himself and drive himself into an uncomfortable framework in order to adapt to this statement. The boy cannot cry, he cannot be moved by how a kitten runs plainly, he cannot be interested in touching stories, and so on. Do not limit the expression of emotions in your child - it will only harm him.

"Boys don't cry"

It is worthwhile to dwell in more detail on this widespread statement, which prohibits the boy to cry. He is raised as a man (which is already a stereotype), so when he is hurt, unpleasant, upset, and tears come to his eyes, he is not allowed to cry and calm down - he is taught to be strong. Otherwise, he will be known as "sissy". It would seem that such a situation has long been formed in society, but if you step aside from habits and look at it from the side: do not you think this is absolutely absurd? Parents do not allow the child to cry, because it is not in accordance with the standards. Your child should have the right to manifest any emotions, as this is absolutely normal.

"Art is for girls only"

It is not clear where this stereotype came from. Most likely, he appeared in order to motivate men to go to men's work as a result - to factories and enterprises. Therefore, they are told from early childhood that various visual arts are just the vagaries and whims of girls. A real boy should go play football or war. But boys can also be creative, and it is better to give vent to this creativity, as the result may be something incredible. After all, a huge number of composers, artists, actors are men.

"Men should not be able to cook"

Another stupid stereotype, which in no case should not be taught to children. Parents drive their children into the framework of the stereotype that a man is a breadwinner and a woman should serve him. Therefore, a good girl from early childhood should learn to cook, then to please her husband, and the boys should not do this. As in the case of art, the best chefs of famous restaurants are men, they can have an innate talent for cooking, so it makes no sense to say who should do what.

"Girls always look beautiful."

The abnormality of this stereotype is that at the same time it forces girls to strive for external beauty in attempts to meet the standard and allows the boys not to care about their appearance at all.

"Don't play with these girls toys"

Toys are one of the most extensive items affected by stereotypes. Girls should not play with boys 'toys, while boys should not play with girls' toys. But what really is the difference? If a toy gives a child pleasure, why should not this play a decisive role, but is this a machine or a doll?

"Boys must protect girls"

Naturally, this goes without saying, but you should not put this stereotype into the child, because the floors are absolutely equal, and if the family has such a way that a man protects a woman, adults will decide for themselves.

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Many parents are already tired of hearing that modern technology spoils their children. From all sites, they are streaming information about the latest methods and strategies for education in the digital age. However, no matter how far progress has gone, there are several time-tested simple truths that will help to grow a full-fledged, kind, confident and mentally healthy child.

site  shares with you 6 wise and such simple advice from Harvard scholars on parenting.

1. Spend time with your children

This is the basis of everything.  Spend time regularly with children, be interested in their affairs and problems, and most importantly - listen carefully to their answers. You will not only learn about the individual characteristics of your child, but also show him how to take care of another person.

2. Always tell your child what he means to you.

According to research by psychologists many children do not know that they are the most important thing in their parents' lives. They just need to hear these words.  Therefore, do not forget to tell their children more often - this way they will feel more confident.

3. Show how to solve problems, not run away from them

For example, if a child decided to quit football, ask him to explain exactly why he wants to do this and what obligations he has  in front of the team (joint match, general training, etc.). Then, if he still decides to leave, help him with this question.

4. Daily teach to help and be grateful for help yourself

The study showed that people who are used to expressing gratitude are more prone to compassion, easier to forgive, they are generous and love to help. Therefore, it is important to come up with a daily list of household chores for the child, for which he needs to be thanked throughout the day. Psychologists also recommend that parents reward children only for exceptional manifestations of kindness and zeal.

5. Help your child deal with negative emotions.

Psychologists say that the ability to care is suppressed by negative emotions such as anger, anger, shame, and envy. Helping children to recognize these feelings, parents push them to resolve the internal conflict. With such introspection, their long journey will begin to become indifferent, caring people. It is also important to establish a reasonable framework for their psychological safety.

6. Show them that the world is much bigger than it seems

According to the studies of psychologists, almost all children are interested in only a narrow circle of their family and friends. It is important that they are also interested in people outside this circle who differ socially, culturally and even geographically from them. You can help them with this: to teach you to be a good listener who knows how to put himself in the place of another person and can feel empathy through touching films, photos and news.

In conclusion, psychologists assure us: “Raising a polite, caring and moral child- hard work. But this is exactly what each of us can do. And not a single work in the world can be compared with this award in importance and pricelessness. ”



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