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  If the nail moves away from the nail bed. Why exfoliate toenails

The first impression of a person directly depends on the beauty of nails, hair, hands: whether he is neat, attentive, responsible. Appearance depends on everyday habits and cleanliness. Hand problems are mostly related to health, for example, often the nail moves away from the skin due to the disease, and not just bad habits.

Why does the nail go away

Every girl at least once in her life faced the problem of peeling the nail plate from the bed. This process has the medical name of onycholysis. Onycholysis is a disease of the nails that is accompanied by inflammation, pain, and possibly even bleeding of the bed. Exists several types of disease:

  1. Kylonhiniya - when the nail moves away in the middle;
  2. Onychosis - plate exfoliates across its height;
  3. Onychomadesis is the most unpleasant form. The nail comes off from the base, near the cuticle, which can cause severe inflammation. The whole process is accompanied by suppuration and severe pain.

In addition to this common cause, the nail can move away from the skin. from tight shoes. This is the scourge of young girls, fans of studs or running shoes. Nowadays, the tendency to build up toenails is becoming more and more popular; in sandals it looks beautiful, but wearing closed shoes or sneakers on such a creation will create an unfavorable environment for nails. They will start to bend and break due to unnatural pressure.

Play a very important role in the exfoliation of the nails physical exercise . If you are engaged in weightlifting, then you need to be prepared for such sad consequences. Also, the plate can move away from hitting the finger (for example, something is dropped on a hand or an angle is touched by the little finger). In this case, there is a change in the color of the nail, but very rarely the process is accompanied by pain.

The worst case is onychomycosis or fungus. Most often, with proper and clean living, it appears on the little finger, like the finger itself, gradually moving to all the others. On his legs, his spread is much faster than on his hands, and on this limb the disease is also more difficult to treat. When the fungus is rarely felt pain, often itching, unpleasant smell   or discomfort, nails change colors.

Symptoms of onycholysis:

  1. Under a certain part of the nail appears emptiness. Depending on where it appears, you can diagnose the type of disease;
  2. The plate above the empty spot changes color. Most often there are yellowish shades. But at the same time, if there was a bruise, the nail becomes blue, and with a lack of minerals it turns white;
  3. A lesion can start from the tips of the nails (more often) and from the bed (much less often, but more problematically), so any detachment by a couple of millimeters should be suspicious;
  4. Often the process is accompanied by itching. The pain occurs only in the advanced form of onycholysis or onychomadis.

Photo - Complete exfoliation of the nail

Video: nail fungus treatment

How to treat

Before you treat the nail, if it moves away from the skin, you need to consult a specialist. If he has already turned yellow, the treatment must be professional and prompt. Often used various baths with useful mineral components. They are suitable for the prevention of disease.

Photo - Fingernail on hands

Step-by-step treatment regimen:

  1. Using sterile scissors, cut off a sore finger or toe nail. This should be done only if the operation is possible, i.e. when peeling off the tip of the plate;
  2. After this, treat the cut place with “Yoditserin”, which will not bake;
  3. Prepare a mineral bath based on tea tree and sea salt. It is best to use Himalayan or Dead Sea salt. On a glass of water we take two spoons of mineral and about 5 drops of ether;
  4. In the solution, hold your hands for about 20 minutes, then carefully wipe with a towel;
  5. Now it is necessary to apply only a soothing cream to regenerate and protect the skin in an open place at the nail. This may be "Bepanten", "Panthenol."

This is an option with the simplest form, which appears due to tight shoes, or the cause of the detachment has become a bruise. If you develop a fungus, it may be dangerous to trim the nail because of the likelihood of spore spreading. It is better to immediately put your fingers in the bath on the basis of chamomile broth and sea salt. After that, on a clean and dry nail plate you need to apply an antifungal drug prescribed by a doctor. We do not recommend wrapping the nail in such a case so that it can “breathe”. It should be noted that even if the symptoms stopped bothering you, the treatment cannot be stopped. Anti-fungal cream ("Dermazole", "Clotrimazole" and others) should be used for at least 3 months, and sometimes a year.

What to do if the nail moves away from the skin - secondary causes:

  1. Track your diet, try to limit the maximum fast food and synthetic additives;
  2. Often the disease itself is a symptom of psoriasis of the nail plate, eczema, atopic dermatitis;
  3. At first, avoid taking strong antibiotics;
  4. Get rid of uncomfortable shoes. Believe me, even the most beloved shoes will not be a joy if your nails constantly move away from the skin or a gouty bone appears;
  5. This part of the body is greatly influenced by the general background of the body. Constant stress or lack of sleep can in itself cause the destruction of the plate.

Peeling of toenails is a cosmetological problem, which, in addition to an unattractive appearance, can carry a risk to human health. In medicine, this phenomenon is known as oniholysis. Nails perform a protective function in the body. When damage to their integrity, they can not fully ensure the safety of soft tissues. Therefore, it is important to monitor the condition of the nails.

Causes of the problem

Exfoliation of the nail can occur under the influence of various factors. In some cases, onycholysis is only a symptom of a more serious disease. In general, the main reasons why the toenails peel off include:

  • mechanical damage to the finger or nail plate - may occur as a result of a fall or strong impact;
  • negative effects of chemicals - for example, aggressive detergents   violate the integrity of the nail plate;
  • fungal diseases affect the nail plate, making it very fragile and vulnerable to mechanical damage. Usually this disease is accompanied by peeling of the skin;
  • psoriasis;
  • wearing shoes of inappropriate size - as a result of this, blood circulation is disturbed, which leads to flaking;
  • avitaminosis, lack of calcium and other trace elements in the body;
  • allergy, atopic dermatitis.

In addition, strong emotional upheaval, stress, unhealthy diet, drinking alcohol, smoking can provoke nail detachment. In women, often cosmetic problems occur on the background of hormonal disruption.

It is important to know that onycholysis is not accompanied by painful symptoms. This problem appears only externally.

Drug treatment

If the problem of detachment of the nail plate from the bed to see a doctor, he, first of all, will find out the causes of onycholysis. To do this, you must pass the basic clinical tests of blood and urine, as well as scraping to determine the presence of a fungal infection. If the results are positive, it is necessary to undergo a course of anti-fungal therapy. Most often, in this case, prescribe ointments and creams. Topical preparations quickly and effectively cope with the disease.

In cases where the fungus was not found, the doctor prescribes a multivitamin complex. Of course, it is better to first determine which micronutrients are missing in the body, because hypervitaminosis can be dangerous to health. Also shown is the intake of drugs containing calcium, iron.

If the cause of the detachment of the nail on the big toe were problems in the circulatory system, then in this case it is necessary to undergo a course of massage. In severe cases, prescribe special drugs that improve blood flow. You can even perform the massage yourself. To do this, just gently knead the feet and toes for 15 minutes, 2 times a day.

When the detachment of the nail plate is the result of exposure to household chemicals or arose along with other manifestations of allergy, then first of all, the body should be protected from further contact with aggressive substances. Along with this, the doctor may prescribe antihistamines.

In general, the treatment of detached toenails is a long process. In some cases, it may take at least 6 months to recover. If you ask for help in time, you can speed up this process significantly.

Treatment by folk methods

Peeling nail on the leg is a problem that can be solved at home. Some funds traditional medicine   quickly relieve onycholysis symptoms. Among the most common recipes should be noted:

  • bath with sea salt - strengthens the nail plate. For its preparation it is necessary to dissolve a few tablespoons of sea salt in warm boiled water. The duration of the procedure is 30 minutes;
  • potassium permanganate bath - has strong disinfecting properties. Potassium permanganate diluted in warm water and steamed feet for 15 minutes;
  • iodine - prevents the development of pathogenic bacteria. The solution is covered with a nail plate, which is exfoliated. It is important to remember that iodine has drying properties, so do not use it too often. It will be enough to cover the nails every 2 days;
  • propolis lotion is effective against fungus and other infections. For treatment you must use alcohol tincture. It is applied on cotton wool and applied to the nails, which exfoliate;
  • essential oils - soften and moisturize the nail plate. You can make an ointment from olive, orange, eucalyptus oil. If a fungus is suspected, add tea tree oil. It has disinfecting properties. Oils can be applied as an ointment or as a compress;
  • oak bark bath - very effective remedy   to strengthen the nails. In warm water you need to add a strong decoction of oak, and then well steamed feet.

Folk remedies will not be able to solve the reason why the nail exfoliates, but they will help to return it with an attractive appearance.


To avoid re-occurrence of the problem after treatment, some preventive measures. First of all, you need to pay special attention to the choice of shoes. It should be as natural and comfortable as possible. Shoes should be chosen that match the size of the feet. The thumb should not be hard on the sock. Shoes made of dubious artificial materials can provoke the appearance of a fungus, so its purchase is better to refuse.

Underwear (socks and tights) should be made of cotton. Synthetic fabric leads to increased sweating, and in a humid environment, the fungus quickly develops.

  Partial or complete detachment of toenails may occur due to onycholysis, a disease in which between the nail plate and soft cloth   a gap is formed. If on early stage   development of pathology slight detachment can disguise nail polish, then running forms   the nail comes off completely and disfigures the finger.

The causes of onycholysis can be disorders of the cardiovascular, digestive or nervous systems, or fungal diseases that are the most dangerous in terms of damage. To pick up the fungus is quite simple - just walk barefoot inside the sauna or swimming pool, or try on other people's shoes. The danger of a fungal disease is that it affects not only the nails, but also the skin of the legs, and the areas between the fingers. The disease is recognized by the color of the deformed nail, which varies from dark blue to yellow-brown, and bruising.

Non-infectious and infectious nature of nail detachment

Wearing uncomfortable shoes is one of the most common causes of peeling nails. If fingers rest on a toe of a shoe and hurt after walking, and nails darken, it is better to refuse such shoes completely. The deformation of the nail plate, fraught with its detachment, can also result in injuries of varying severity. The treatment of such a nail can not be - it is necessary to wait for its complete rejection.

It happens that the causes of nail detachment are such skin diseasesas dermatitis and dermatosis, psoriasis and eczema. And their cause, in turn, can be a long-term use of certain antibiotics, oniolysis is just the side effect of which.

How to speed up the process of rejection of the damaged nail?

The problem of peeling of the toenails can be solved by applying kombucha, for what its small piece is tied to the nail. The procedure is performed at night, and in the morning the softened nail plate is carefully cut off. So do until the nail does not move away completely.

For the application of lotions and applications to the affected nails, garlic gruel, fir oil, wine vinegar, St. John's wort broth and milkweed decoction, as well as water tincture prepared from the resin of wild apricots are used. The sick plate can be moistened with strong coffee brew and treated with salicylic ointment.

The prevention of nail peeling is the disinfection of shoes and keeping feet clean. If lower limbs

Toenails overlap for reasons very diverse. Affects as an unhealthy diet, and fungal diseases. Any failure in the functioning of the body is manifested by external signs, and the state of the nail plate becomes an indicator of "breakdown". If you identify the causes in time, then it will be easy to eliminate them.

Nail plates are a kind of indicator of health. Beautiful, natural color, smooth nails indicate good health. Having an unnatural shade, fragile, brittle indicate the presence of problems inside the body or the impact of negative factors from the outside. So, why are the toenails exfoliated?

Probable causes

The first reason that they become fragile, break down and stratify is the deterioration of human health. If peeling begins, there is probably a lack of protein and vitamins in the body. For a clearer idea of ​​the processes that occur, it is necessary to know the structure of the nails.

Keratin - a substance that is a protein, which is based on amino acids. It is the material from which the nail is formed. Sulfur, which is part of the amino acid cysteine, provides the hardness of the nail plate. The amount of cysteine ​​determines the level of strength. Each person has it different. But, if the nails break and flake, then it is probably a matter of sulfur deficiency.

In addition to sulfur, strength nail plates   obligated to chromium, zinc, calcium, phosphorus and selenium. Their lack also provokes the appearance of fragile and brittle nails.

The lack of iron in the body leads to the fact that the nails exfoliate and break. It is necessary to replenish iron stores only under the supervision of a physician.

The second place to exert a negative impact occupy chemical compounds. And as a consequence of their influence, the loss of moisture. Fats, located in the nail, are displayed under the influence of various substances of chemical origin (synthetic detergents for washing and cleaning). The use of poor quality cosmetics also leads to flaking due to the drying of water in the nail under the influence of toluene, formaldehyde and acetone contained in it.

In third place among the causes of detachment are mechanical effects. This may be work in the garden with open legs, which provoke the appearance of cracks and chips. To protect the nail from such damages, adjusting the length is necessary to use a file, and not to use clipping.

In addition to the above reasons, can cause the appearance of fragility:

  • Diabetes;
  • fungal infections;
  • anemia;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • disruptions in the endocrine system.

If the matter is still not in serious diseases and internal failures in the body, then brittle and fragile nails can be strengthened by adhering to certain rules and carrying out procedures for their health.

Strengthening and recovery

To eliminate nail problems, the following principles should be observed:

  • Eat right and balanced.
  • Get enough sleep.
  • Get rid of bad habits (smoking, alcohol).
  • Avoid stressful situations and experiences.
  • Carefully and daily care for them.

If there is a shortage of vitamins, then replenish their stock easily, adjusting your menu, and starting to take multivitamin preparations, produced specifically for strengthening and.

If calcium and phosphorus are deficient (they are synchronized in their concentration), calcium supplements are recommended, which should include vitamin D, which improves the absorption of the element.

Using food, you can also adjust the flow of necessary substances. When eating cottage cheese, eggs, cheese, seafood, nuts, meat dishes, legumes, soybeans, almonds, dried fruits, the lack of calcium and phosphorus will be replenished. Dates, plums, cherries, nuts and seeds will reduce chromium deficiency. Zinc in the body will appear due to shrimps, sea kale, soybeans, cheese, citrus fruits, tomatoes, garlic, berries, ginger.

The best remedy is prevention. By composing and adhering to a balanced diet, you can prevent nail problems.

When visiting the pool nails should be protected with a special coating from chlorine. When removing nail polish, it is necessary to use products that do not contain toluene or formaldehyde.

To get rid of problems, it is necessary to provide the cuticle with nutrients, treating it with special oils or creams. Through this procedure improves blood flow in the tissues, which stimulates the growth of a healthy nail.

It is useful to do foot baths using sea salt for a course of ten days. Then once a week as a prophylaxis. Such procedures relieve well from nail lesions. thumb. It is also useful to add a few drops. essential oils   in baths.

Mixture of warm olive oil   with the addition of lemon juice, applied overnight, perfectly nourishes and strengthens.

Especially on the thumb, it is possible only in the direction of the center, without touching the side portions, to prevent the appearance of cracks.

If the toenails are strongly exfoliated, have an unhealthy color, then it is possible that fungal disease. In this case, you need to visit a dermatologist to determine the extent of the lesion and the purpose of treatment.

Especially often the fungus appears on the nail of the thumb. At home, you can apply some recipes of traditional medicine to get rid of the defeat.



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