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  Causes and symptoms of uterine prolapse - the extent, diagnosis, prompt and conservative treatment. Prolapse of the uterus in old age - what to do

For a woman, especially one who has not given birth, uterine prolapse is a problem that must be started immediately when the first symptoms are detected. During this period, you can get by with conservative methods and preserve reproductive function.   When the pathology goes into the advanced stage, the likelihood of having to lie down for surgery will increase.How to prevent this situation?

What is uterine prolapse

Among all gynecological pathologies that can be diagnosed in women, uterine prolapse is considered the most common and affecting patients of both young and old age. It manifests itself in the displacement of the bottom of the uterine body relative to the anatomical line. In the later stages, when there is pressure on adjacent organs, prolapse is accompanied by incontinence of urine and feces (the bladder and the renal pelvis are lowered in parallel, the rectum is strangled). The number of symptoms increases with the development of pathology.

What threatens a woman

The organs that fill the pelvis are located close to each other, so any displacement of one of them inevitably affects the rest. In uterine prolapse, urination is impaired due to pressure on the bladder, inflammatory processes can develop in it. Similarly, they can affect the urethra, the renal pelvis, the rectum, which will lead to colitis, constipation, fecal incontinence. Violation of innervation in the small pelvis increases the risk of infectious complications.  In case of a strong fallout, the organ will:

  • get injured;
  • get infected;
  • become covered with sores.

Prolapse of the uterus - the degree of pathology

According to how low the organ has shifted, gynecology talks about the stages of development of the disease: at the very beginning, the muscles of the perineum and ligamentous apparatus keep the uterus almost within the anatomical norm, but as they weaken, it moves down to the vaginal area, and gradually gradually goes out. The clinical picture develops as follows:

  • 1 degree. The omission is minimal, with respect to the anatomical border, the cervix shifts slightly - no further than the vestibule of the vagina. The omission of the walls of the uterus is minimal; on examination, the gynecologist sees only a gaping genital slit.
  • 2 degree. The body falls below, there may be a displacement of the neck before entering the vagina. If you strain the muscles, the prolapse will be noticed not only by the gynecologist, but also by the woman herself. At this stage, doctors are already talking about partial fallout.
  • 3 degree. The omission is visible to the naked eye - there is a prolapse of the cervix and part of the organ beyond the limits of the genital tract, even without muscle tension.
  • 4 degree. It is characterized by the full exit of the organ to the outside.

Signs of uterus prolapse

In the initial stages of the disease, the prolapse almost does not make itself felt: if the omission is slight, the anatomical line is not crossed, the woman does not experience discomfort. However, the stronger the omission, the more pronounced are its signs (even until the moment when the uterus appears in the lumen of the vaginal entrance). The most pronounced symptoms of uterine prolapse in women:

  • pain in the lower abdomen, radiating to the area of ​​the sacrum and lower back;
  • feeling of pressure in the pelvic cavity, a foreign body between the walls of the vagina (with the progression of pathology);
  • spotting (not the most common symptom);
  • disruption of the menstrual cycle (up to the complete disappearance of menstruation);
  • severe pain during menstruation, large blood loss;
  • frequent urinary incontinence;
  • constipation.

Sex with uterus prolapse

When the pathology is characterized by a slight displacement of the reproductive organ, during sexual intercourse the woman will experience only mild discomfort or soreness, the degree of which is determined by the individual internal structure  body and force of omission. However, if he leaves the vaginal cavity or even just the neck reaches the perineum, sex becomes impossible.

Causes of pathology

The omitted uterus always indicates a poor tone of the muscles that support it, but there may be many factors that led to the problem of weakening the ligaments. Doctors note both the natural (and easily eliminated) causes of uterine prolapse, and those associated with serious diseases or pathologies of the reproductive system. Prerequisites may include:

  • weakening of the muscles supporting the uterus, due to age (mainly in women who have entered menopause);
  • problems with innervation of the pelvic floor tissues (which resulted in reduced muscle tone);
  • hormonal disorders in menopause;
  • excessive exercise associated with weight lifting;
  • neoplasms (fibroids, cysts);
  • injuries during surgery on the organs of the reproductive system (including cesarean section during childbirth);
  • congenital malformations of the reproductive organs;
  • hereditary weakness of the uterine ligaments and the muscles that hold the uterus.

Diagnosis of the disease

A simple gynecological examination helps to diagnose uterus prolapse, during which the patient needs to create tension in the vaginal muscles - if the prolapse is at the 2nd stage or is more severe, the problem will be immediately visible. However, in addition to the movement of the reproductive organ itself, the gynecologist will assess the displacement of the vaginal walls, bladder  and the rectum. If you suspect pathology, will be additionally assigned:

  • colposcopy;
  • hysterosalpingoscopy - ultrasound assessment of fallopian tubes;
  • diagnostic curettage of the uterine cavity;
  • cT scan;
  • excretory urography;
  • swabbing of flora, atypical cells, bakposev and purity of the vagina;
  • urine analysis for bacposa;
  • visit to the proctologist and urologist to assess the cystocele and rectocele.

What to do with the omission of the uterus

A doctor will describe the treatment regimen for prolapse, but a woman who has received such a diagnosis is obliged to take care to prevent a worsening of the situation before prescribing medical therapy. She needs:

  • Physiotherapybased on special Kegel exercises for intimate muscles and exercises for deep abdominal muscles (begin to practice under the supervision of a physician).
  • Changes in working conditions, if they involve physical exertion: doctors forbid weight lifting weighing more than 10 kg. From professional sports  also need to give up.
  • Use of pessaries - rubber rings that are inserted into the vagina. The pessary fixes the cervix, preventing its descent.However, the duration of use of such rings can not exceed 4 weeks, after which you need a break. Additionally, during the use of pessaries, daily douching with herbs decoction (mainly chamomile) should be carried out.
  • Wearing a bandage to strengthen the fixation of the uterus (especially when performing therapeutic exercises). Such an effect relieves the symptoms characteristic of genital prolapse, but is not a treatment method. When choosing a bandage, remember - it should not press on the stomach, but only firmly hold.

What determines the treatment of uterine prolapse

What actions to take, if uterine prolapse was diagnosed, to prevent the progression of the disease and restore the anatomical position of the organ, the doctor will decide based on the following points:

  • the age of the patient (elderly women try to be treated without surgery);
  • the presence and degree of difficulty of problems with bladdercolon and rectum;
  • the degree of omission of the genitals;
  • whether a woman needs to preserve reproductive function;
  • the magnitude of the risk of using anesthesia in the presence of comorbidities (when deciding to perform an operation)

Treatment of uterine prolapse without surgery

If among the signs of prolapse, neither a woman nor a doctor observes the symptoms of obvious omission, there are chances to cure the patient with extremely conservative methods. They will involve local procedures aimed at strengthening the muscles and ligaments, and the internal use of drugs that help eliminate the cause of prolapse. How long it will take to treat the prolapse of the uterus, even after all examinations, the doctor will not tell, but the approximate period is 6-12 months.

Gynecological massage

When the uterus prolapse is not characterized by a serious exit of the organ beyond the anatomical line, the doctor may order the patient to attend massage sessions that improve the condition of the ligamentous-muscular system. Treatment involves a course lasting several months, but with mandatory breaks. Only a highly qualified specialist can perform massage to strengthen deep muscles - you can not try to repeat the same actions at home. The procedure is carried out on a massage couch or in a gynecological chair, lasts 10-15 minutes.

Estrogen replacement therapy

In case of ovarian dysfunction, which is a consequence of uterine prolapse, to restore it, doctors prescribe natural estrogens. This treatment is of particular importance with age-related causes of bias. In addition to the general adjustment of hormonal levels, estrogen replacement therapy will help the overall strengthening of the ligaments of the pelvic organs.

Local Therapy

Under conservative treatment necessarily means the use of ointments / creams that are introduced into the cavity of the vagina. They are based on estrogens and metabolites, and their main task is to normalize microcirculation of blood and metabolic processes in tissues. This group may include drugs Ovestin, Klimara, however, the doctor should select the medicine, as well as to describe the scheme of use.

Surgical treatment

At 3-4 stages of omission, when the doctor can see the cervix or uterus completely, to cope with the pathology is really only surgically. By surgical treatment is meant the procedure for complete removal of the uterus or strengthening of the ligaments. The choice between them depends on the symptoms and causes of prolapse, the state of health of the woman. It is impossible to say which operation is the most effective - for all variants, excluding hysterectomy, a relapse remains possible due to the natural stretchability of ligaments. Before surgery, the doctor assesses the degree of surgical risk and contraindications for:


In the absence of a cystocele and when manifestations of omission are minimal (that is, the organ has not gone beyond the perineal line), doctors advise resorting only to surgery on the vagina. This is especially important for women who have not given birth, as the childbearing function will continue in full. After pregnancy, ligaments can be affected already. There are 2 schemes of vaginoplasty:

  • Removal of the mucosa in the volume of the damaged fascia, muscles and skin are stitched together. This option is prescribed, if the omitted organ came out only at the neck length, or there is a prolapse of the vagina with eversion.
  • With prolapse of the uterus with the bladder, if there is a prolapse of the walls of the rectum, to the main scheme is added mesh implant  and anterior colporrhaphy (plastic of the anterior wall of the vagina).

Shortening and strengthening the muscles supporting the uterus

The highest risk of relapses of re-omission is the main minus of such an operation, and the patient must practice Kegel exercises to reduce it. The shortening of the cruciform muscles is carried out by means of a laparotomy: through an incision in the abdominal wall. The surgeon pulls a round ligament to the back uterine wall and leads it through the opening in the wide ligament, after fixing them with synthetic threads. The advantage of this operation is the possibility of pregnancy, so it is prescribed to young women who have not given birth.


The operation of lowering the uterus with a slight deformation of the walls can only involve stitching the bundle bundles that support it. To perform a surgical procedure, a specialist performs an alternate dissection of the layers of the vagina (the back wall is affected) and the perineum, and after their similar stitching. Due to the fact that the ligaments are shortened, there is a rise of the collapsed organ, however, such an operation does not save from relapse.

Fixation of the displaced organ to the walls of the pelvic floor

Ventro-fixation differs from the above-mentioned methods of surgical intervention by influencing the fertility function: uterine mobility decreases and the state of the placenta changes, which can provoke a missed abortion or prevent its occurrence. Doctors often combine ventilation with vaginoplasty. The essence of the operation lies in fastening the uterine body to the rectus abdominis muscles, which is guaranteed not to allow it to come into contact with the pelvic floor, i.e. denies the likelihood of a relapse. Ventrofiksatsiya so:

  1. The transverse incision opens the peritoneum.
  2. Examined the pelvic organs.
  3. The uterine body is partially excreted beyond the edges of the wound and stitched to the peritoneum (fixation to the pubic joint, sacrum bones possible).
  4. Knotty sutures are fixed edges of the aponeurosis.

Alloplasty surgery

Endoprosthetics helps to support the ligaments and muscles, the weakening of which led to prolapse, and is a fixation of the mesh, which, together with the fascia, will hold the organ in the correct position. The prosthesis is attached to the sacrum, the operation itself is performed laparoscopically, under general anesthesia. The advantages are a short rehabilitation period - about a month, minimally invasiveness and the absence of a negative impact on the child-bearing function. Repeated prolapse of the uterus after endoprosthetics is rarely observed.

Uterus removal

Hysterectomy (extirpation) is prescribed only as a last resort, since even it does not deny the possible prolapse of the vagina after and can provoke a gynecological disease affecting the remaining pelvic organs. The disadvantages include tissue innervation and damage to the ligaments, displacement internal organs. Among the postoperative complications is a violation of urination. Doctors prescribe hysterectomy only when such pathology is diagnosed with complications on the organ itself, and there is no point in treating it.

Pathology Prevention

The main way not to face the diagnosis of genital prolapse and partial prolapse of the vagina and uterine body - regular gynecologist examinations and exercise for intimate muscles. Additionally, you should comply with the requirement to limit heavy work, especially in old age and for women who have undergone surgery on the pelvic organs. Correction of nutrition should be carried out and the prevention of constipation. If a woman has an increased risk of uterine displacement due to frequent delivery, you may need:

  • electrostimulation of the pelvic floor muscles;
  • laser therapy.


The occurrence of prolapse of the female organs is considered a serious progressive pathology. Such a change in the body should be treated with due attention. Initially, the level of the uterus and its omissions are insignificant. However, due to the impact of aggravating factors - frequent constipation, chronic cough, lifting unacceptable for the woman weights, the uterus and the walls of the vagina gradually descend and often fall out of the genital slit. The pathology can be eliminated by resorting to surgery.

Perhaps the following materials will be useful to you: uterus prolapse treatment, uterus prolapse surgery cost, uterus prolapse surgery price, sacrovaginopexy price.

Changes in the level of the uterus threaten the proper functioning of the urinary tract. Influencing the bladder and ureter, the reproductive organ causes incontinence or, on the contrary, urine stasis, which provokes inflammation and the development of infectious diseases. Due to the difficult outflow, the ureteral tissue dies off, which can be fatal.

The prolapse and prolapse of the uterus is dangerous because it entails the displacement of adjacent organs in the pelvis. For example, with the concomitant lowering of the rectal wall in a woman there is discomfort during bowel movement. There are cases of fecal incontinence and malfunction of the sphincter of the large intestine, frequent interruptions or complete failure of the digestive system.

As for the reproductive organ, “falling out” beyond the borders of the orifice, the uterus and vagina are seriously injured, often accompanied by severe pain. There is a deformation of the mucous membranes of the genital organs, accompanied by inflammation, erosion, abscesses, atrophy. Sometimes in women with such a pathology, the vaginal mucous membranes break. In such situations, the reproductive function is completely “undermined”, the ovaries stop stable operation, due to which the menstruation cycle is lost. The entire body suffers from such critical changes, experiencing severe stress and nervous tension. Headaches, migraines, irritability appear.

Prolapse of the female organs in the last stage can threaten with abundant bleeding, and in case of late treatment to death. With adverse developments and running form  diseases, even sacrovaginopexy (hemming of the descended uterus to the bones of the pelvis in the sacrum area) is not able to save the situation. Before a woman there is a question about the complete removal of the reproductive organ. That is a disappointing fact for women of childbearing age.

So as not to have to resort to surgical methods of treatment, should be given female health  increased attention. One of the important points here is the annual examination by a gynecologist. In this case, the doctor will be able to notice the pathology in time, give recommendations, advise treatment.

Consultation gynecologist

Remote online gynecologist consultation on uterine prolapse.
For individual counseling, please describe your situation in detail. Write about previous treatment (if any).

The topic on the women's site “Beautiful and Successful” is today the most feminine one. We will talk about prolapse of the genitals, and in the common people - about the prolapse (prolapse) of the uterus.

This problem is faced by women of all ages and at all times. According to statistics, every third woman before menopause notices this problem, and every third woman after 30 years has an early stage prolapse.

The first signs are not ignored.

Most often, childbirth leads to this pathology. Muscles of the uterus after carrying a child weaken and soon begin to fall out of the vagina out.

The consequences for a woman’s health after a prolapse of the uterus is very dangerous.

The disease itself will not pass. Therefore, it is impossible to disregard prolapse and it is necessary to start treating it as soon as possible.

Fallout does not happen at one moment. To understand the symptoms that indicate the onset of the disease, it is important to know which organs the uterus contacts in the pelvis.

Keeps the uterus in the pelvis on special ligaments. It is suspended, as it were, and the muscles of the pelvic floor keep it underneath. Its “close neighbors” are the bladder and rectum. In front of the body in contact with the bladder, and behind - with the rectum. Therefore, pay attention to the first (indirect) signs that may signal that you have a uterus prolapse after giving birth.

  1. Impaired urination Urine may leak when you sneeze or lift weights. This is a very important symptom.
  2. Urinary spraying when urinating.
  3. Discomfort during sexual intercourse (squishing sounds) is also referred to as signs of prolapse.
  4. Air entering the uterus during exercise.
  5. Attentive gynecologist can detect prolapse at an early stage.. On examination, the gynecologist may note that the entrance to the vagina is open, gaping. If you squeeze, then the front or back walls of the vagina become clearly visible, which should not be normal. This is the first sign that indicates that the patient begins cervical prolapse.

Many women have been living with these symptoms for years, not giving them serious meaning, and do not associate them with such a serious effect after childbirth as uterus prolapse. A doctor is consulted for recommendations only when discomfort is felt and the uterus is felt as a foreign body.

If someone has these symptoms, then you must begin to act immediately.

Why does the uterus begin to fall and fall out?

As we have already figured out, the uterus holds the muscles. If these muscles weaken, the organ begins to descend and sag. This leads to a number of factors.

  • Many women note that uterine prolapse occurs after childbirth.
  • Also, the prolapse of the walls of the uterus can occur due to the lack of physical activity during pregnancy and in everyday life.
  •   may fall due to excess weight.
  • This problem is faced by women who carry heavy loads.


The prolapse of the uterus pulls the proliferation of both the bladder and the rectum. After all, the organs in the pelvis are located very close to each other. The consequences of uterine prolapse cannot go unnoticed for women's health:
  • If the anterior wall of the cervix falls out, then the bladder can sink with it. This will lead to urinary incontinence or to the prolapse of the walls of the urea - cystocele.
  • If the back wall of the cervix falls out, then the rectum falls. This leads to fecal incontinence.

As a rule, having noticed these signs, a woman turns for help to a doctor. But, as the doctors themselves say, this is 10 years late. You should consult a doctor as soon as possible.

How to help?

There are a number of ways to help solve the problem of cervical prolapse or the prolapse of its walls, as well as to avoid the consequences associated with this disease, without surgery. Any disease should begin to be treated with conservative methods. So what to do if the uterus is down?

Keep weight normal

An important step in getting rid of this problem is the normalization of weight. The more fat you have, the more it puts pressure on relaxed organs.

Urination "with stops"

You can train the muscles of the uterus without leaving your home, or rather, without leaving the toilet. Just delay the urination process several times when you go to the toilet “in a small way”.

Sports for the uterus

Observe the proper physical activity. Not pulling weights, which leads to omission, and the implementation of proper physical exercise, which all doctors recommend that women do in order to strengthen the vaginal muscles.

  • Clamp the ball between your legs, as close as possible to the crotch, walk around the room with it. This exercise stimulates the uterine muscles and strengthens them.
  • Follow the "birch" and "bicycle".
  • Keep your legs flat.
  • Very popular, which train the vaginal muscles well. You can perform these exercises with a special Kegel simulator, then the result of training will be very effective.

Simulators (perineometry) for the uterus

There are a number of devices that help train intimate muscles.

  • Kegel vaginal simulators have helped many women with prolapse after childbirth. The simulator helps to do the exercises correctly. The action of the device is aimed at resistance. Modern simulators allow not only to do the exercise correctly, but also to control the strength and correctness of the training.
  • The Magic Kegel Master simulator is the most modern drug for the treatment of prolapse. It has both voice commands and an exercise scheme.
  • The vaginal cones also train the vaginal muscles well. Training should be done a day for 15 minutes at least 2 times. After 2 months you will notice the first results.
  • Eggs from jade. Good reviews we also met about jade eggs. A whole set of exercises has been developed with jade eggs, which train the muscles of the pelvic floor very well and bring them into tone.

Here's how Elena talks about jade eggs:

  • I was diagnosed with a prolapse of the uterus, and I didn’t know what to do or where to start. Began to study the information. I realized that muscles need to train! I was helped to train the muscles of the vagina jade eggs. I did everything according to the instructions. In short, a jade egg is inserted into the vagina and held there for some time. I bought a set of 3 pieces. She started from the smallest, as the muscles were very relaxed. Try it helps!

Osteopath and bioenergetic

If the uterus is not lowered much, then it can be lifted and the anatomical location can be restored with a special technique. It is said that together with physical therapy, the osteopath does wonders. Just need to look for a good specialist reviews.

There are also those to whom the bioenergetic has replaced the slightly displaced uterus. As they say, in war, all means are good, so you need to look for all the methods of treatment that can help solve women's problems.

These methods will be effective for the prevention of cervical wall prolapse, as well as for the treatment of prolapse on early stages. In other cases, surgery is required.

Uterus in the ring!

In more advanced stages, the problem is solved by placing a special pessary ring in the vagina. Pessaries come in various shapes and sizes, they are inserted into the vagina, support the uterus and prevent it from falling out. Pessaries need to be changed from time to time. This is done, of course, by a gynecologist.

We operate?

If the problem is started and is not removed by conservative methods, the doctor will suggest an operation to treat uterine prolapse.

Reconstructive intervention

  • A special mesh is inserted into the vagina, which strengthens the pelvic floor. The ends of the mesh are stitched to the sacrum and to the pelvic floor, and the uterus seems to fit into the mesh. Today, this operation is done without incisions and a scalpel by the endoscopic (laparoscopic) method - through punctures.
  • Women of non-childbearing age may be offered surgery to remove the uterus. About how to be held, the women's site site has already been told.

In the next article we will discuss in more detail how you can raise the lowered uterus folk methods. We will also share feedback from women who have successfully coped with this problem. You will also learn all about Kegel exercises and what other exercises you need to perform to put the uterus in place.

The female reproductive system is a complex mechanism in which all the details are closely interrelated. With age, hormonal disorders begin, which cause gynecological pathologies to appear. Prolapse - what to do in old age? What modern therapeutic methods are used to eliminate the pathology?

The reasons

After childbirth, with the advent of menopause, the tone of the muscles of the small pelvis weakens - the uterus begins to move toward the entrance to the vagina. This pathology is called uterine prolapse, there may be several types:

  • partial - the displacement of the uterus is minimal, the clinical signs of the disease are hardly noticeable;
  • prolapse - complete prolapse of the uterus;
  • rectocele - there is a mixture not only of the uterus, but also of the bladder;
  • cystocele - prolapse of the uterus, along with part of the rectum.

The main reason is the weakening of muscle tone and hormonal disorders. Loss can occur on the background of obesity, chronic cough and constipation. There are problems for women who, by the nature of their work, often have to lift heavy things.

There is a genetic predisposition to the prolapse of the uterus, in European women this pathology is diagnosed most often. The cause of the disease can be neoplasms in the reproductive organs, women with a degenerating uterus are at risk. Rarely congenital damage to organs that cause prolapse.

Important! Prolapse is more often diagnosed in women with a history of protracted labor and multiple pregnancies.

At the initial stage of the development of the disease discomfort  Do not bother a woman in a state of rest, appear with a strong tension.

Key features:

  • pulling pain in lower abdomen, lumbar;
  • defecation, bladder emptying, intercourse causes discomfort;
  • there is a feeling of the presence of a foreign object in the vagina;
  • violation of the menstrual cycle, the emergence of various kinds of heavy discharge.

Important! Prolapse of the uterus is often accompanied by incontinence of urine, feces, gas.

If you experience unpleasant symptoms, you must visit a gynecologist. The primary diagnosis is made after an examination on a gynecological chair - the doctor determines the degree of mixing of the uterus and nearby internal organs. Primary examination allows to exclude the presence of cysts and other gynecological abnormalities.

To determine the degree of development of pathology, ultrasound, CT scan, and colposcopy are prescribed. Additionally, you need to pass back and swabs from the vagina to the flora.

What to do with prolapse - treatment

Treatment of prolapse of the uterus in elderly women is carried out by conservative and surgical methods. At the initial stage of prolapse development, the problem can be fixed without surgery. To do this, use medications, massage, bandage, tampons - all these activities help to improve muscle tone.

Therapeutic treatment is carried out in the following cases:

  1. At the initial stage of the disease, the probability of returning the uterus to the site without surgery is quite high. To do this, use hormones, physical therapy and gynecological massage.
  2. As a supporting method, when it is necessary to prevent further movement of the uterus down. A special uterine ring is inserted into the vagina - it provides support to the organ. Additionally, it is necessary to fix the lower abdomen and groin area  using a bandage.

When therapeutic treatment is necessary to adhere to a special diet - do not eat foods that can provoke constipation. It is necessary to limit physical activity, not to lift heavy objects.


Surgery is the most effective method to eliminate prolapse. In the case of a severe form of pathology, complete removal of the uterus is performed during prolapse. If the disease is not at a critical stage, then with the help of special methods, the ligaments that support the uterus in their natural position are restored.

The operation in case of prolapse of the uterus in old age is performed by the vaginal and laparoscopic method. Depending on the degree of development of the pathology, the presence of other gynecological diseases, complete removal of the uterus can be made. Or during the operation, the surgeon strengthens the vaginal walls, shortens the muscles. Sometimes they place special implants in the form of grids that perform the function of supporting the skeleton for the uterus.

Folk remedies

Phytopreparations are an auxiliary, but not the main type of therapy for prolapse. Herbal Broths used for baths, douching, impregnation of tampons, taken orally. Natural remedies will help strengthen muscles, eliminate pain and other symptoms of the disease.

Effective medicine  when falling out - mix the crushed shells from five eggs with mashed nine lemons. Mix the mixture in a dark place for 4 days, filter. Take 50 ml 2 times a day, continue treatment until the end of the medication.


Herbal tea for omission is prepared from an equal amount lime blossom, lemon balm and ashberry. Pour 220 ml of boiling water 10 g of the mixture, cool in a closed container. Infusion divided into 3 servings, drink during the day.


Quince is one of best tools  to improve the muscle tone of the rectum and uterus. Pour 10 dried fruits with 100 ml of water, stew on the water bath for a quarter of an hour. Drink in the form of heat instead of tea 4-5 times a day.


Prolapse is often accompanied by inflammatory processes in the genitals. Anti-inflammatory decoction can be prepared from 6 g of inflorescences of viburnum and 240 ml of boiling water. Mix the mixture on the fire for 10 minutes, strain, take 45 ml of the medicine three times a day.

Oak bark

Oak decoction helps to improve muscle tone, eliminates inflammatory processes. Grind 70 g of oak bark, pour 2 liters of water, steep on low heat for 2 hours - this amount is enough for a few douching, you need to preheat the broth a little. The procedure is carried out daily for 3-4 weeks.


Smoke grass strengthens muscles well, is especially effective in the initial stage of the disease. Pour 6 g of crushed raw materials with 500 ml of cold water, insist 8 hours. Drink 120 ml of the medicine three times a day half an hour before meals.

Helps with the prolapse bath of pine nuts - pour 2 liters of boiling water 180 g of nuts, cook for an hour on low heat in a closed container, leave for half an hour. Pour into the bath, the duration of the procedure - a quarter of an hour, the water temperature all this time should be in the range of 37-39 degrees.


For the treatment and prevention of uterine prolapse, it is necessary to regularly do Kegel exercises, which are aimed at strengthening vaginal muscles. Simple exercises  will help restore muscles after childbirth, to avoid the development of gynecological diseases.

Exercise is based on the alternation of tension and relaxation of intimate muscles. When they are stressed, they need to be drawn in, fixed the position for 15–20 seconds, slowly relaxed. Repeat the tension after 5 seconds, you need to do gymnastics three times a day for 10–15 minutes, gradually increasing the duration of the tension.

In addition to Kegel gymnastics, you need to walk more, more often climb the stairs. Well strengthens the muscles exercise bike, exercise on the stationary bike, swimming.


Prolapse does not pass on its own, it takes a long time drug treatment  or surgery. Without proper therapy, a neglected form of pathology can cause severe complications.

What threatens the prolapse of the uterus in an elderly woman:

  • the development of endocervicitis, cystitis;
  • varicose veins;
  • the appearance of ulcers in the vagina and on the cervix;
  • pinching of the fallen uterus may occur, areas with dead tissue appear.

With the prolapse of the uterus, the risk of infection increases several times, contact bleeding, pressure sores of the vaginal walls, pinching of intestinal loops appear.

To avoid loss, it is necessary to eliminate postpartum injuries and tears in a timely manner, not to lift heavy objects, and regularly include products that prevent constipation in the diet.

Prolapse is a complex pathology that is often diagnosed in older women. At the initial stage, therapeutic treatment is possible, with a neglected form, surgical intervention is required, including the complete removal of the uterus.


Pathology such as displacement or prolapse of the uterus can affect women of any age. The highest percentage of visits to this problem to a specialist occurs in women over 40 years of age. This is due to the fact that the disease has a gradual and long-term development. Starting at the age of 30, only 10-15 years later it manifests extremely unpleasant symptoms.

   Causes of

Most often, the omission of the internal genital organs occurs due to loss of elasticity, as well as weakness of the ligaments and muscle tissue  pelvic floor. Complications that occur in prolapse are related not only to the uterus, but also to most of the surrounding organs, which include: appendages of the uterus, intestines, bladder, etc.

It is also important that for a long time almost asymptomatic,  Pathology can cause many problems during pregnancy in women.

therefore after the diagnosis of uterine prolapse, it is recommended to undergo a full treatment course and only then plan the pregnancy.

The main reasons for the development of the disease, as a rule, are a number of the following provoking factors:

  1. Heavy generic process. The prolapse of the uterus occurs after natural childbirth with complications, ruptures or after the use of obstetric forceps.
  2. Period of menopause. With age, all the muscles in the woman's body weaken, the process also affects the ligamentous apparatus of the pelvic floor, which is responsible for the normal location of the uterus and other genital organs.
  3. Regular constipation. The process of constant stress and straining leads to a gradual weakening of the ligaments. The nature of stretching and omission in this case has the same nature as the generic efforts.
  4. Excessive physical activity. Regular weight lifting can lead to many health problems, including the most common ones: hernia in women and uterus prolapse.
  5. Long, coughing. Cough, as well as constipation, leads to re-tightening, with the result that the intra-abdominal pressure increases significantly. Diseases accompanied by persistent, chronic cough almost always lead to a prolapse of the internal genital organs.
  6. Hereditary factor. Some structural features of the connective tissues and their elasticity can be predetermined even at the genetic level and transmitted along the female line. Therefore, women whose mothers and grandmothers have undergone this pathology should be especially careful and should be regularly examined by a gynecologist.
  7. The presence of some gynecological diseases. Ailments such as: ovarian cyst, fibroids or uterine fibroids, tumors can create additional stress on the ligamentous apparatus, gradually stretching it, this leads to the omission or complete prolapse of the uterus.
  8. Overweight. Obesity creates many problems in the body of a woman unbalancing the work of most systems. Along with cardiovascular diseases in women, prolapse of the uterus and nearby organs are also often diagnosed.

In addition to the above, such factors as fracture of the pelvic bones, genetic abnormalities of the anatomical location of internal genital organs, gynecological interventions, diseases accompanied by increased intra-abdominal pressure in women, hernia, severe pregnancy and childbirth can also be causes of the pathology.

   Stages of development of the disease

Grade 1 is the mildest form of the disease, but also the hardest to diagnose. The prolapse of the uterus in women is insignificant, and the cervical canal is still in place. Identify the disease when viewed in a gynecological chair is almost impossible, even if the patient begins to strain.

Grade 2 - the most commonly diagnosed stage of the disease. The omission of the uterus is noticeable with a simple examination by a specialist, even without the use of special tools.

Grades 3 and 4 are the hardest. The uterus can completely exit the vagina, these stages of the pathology are always accompanied by prolapse and eversion out of the vagina (or one of its walls), the displacement of the cervical canal, the walls of the rectum and the bladder.

Any stage of uterine prolapse requires immediate treatment,  as it threatens with many health problems in the future.


At the initial stage of uterine prolapse, the woman feels a slight pressure in the lower abdomen, painful intercourse during sexual intercourse is also possible small bleeding, not associated with menstruation. Often, already at this stage of the disease, there are difficulties with fertilization, however, the onset of pregnancy is not excluded.

In the process of further development of the disease, the effects of the pathology intensify and become more aggressive. Already in the period of the second stage of the disease, problems with urination are noted (difficulty, the need to push), and also the appearance of cystitis, pyelonephritis due to the pressure of the uterus on the urinary tract and urinary stagnation, urinary incontinence and constipation. In addition, intra-abdominal pressure increases and often the woman comes to a specialist’s appointment with complaints about the sensation of an internal tumor, which, when checked, turns out to be nothing more than a displacement of the uterus.

At the last stage, it is easy to diagnose uterine prolapse even independently. The consequences of the omission of internal organs are so significant that the uterus can be found outside. In this case, even simple walking begins to give the woman significant discomfort.   Lack of recourse to a specialist can lead to infection in the uterus, the formation of bedsores, the appearance of ulcers and cracks on the surface of the prolapsed organ.

Ignoring the symptoms of complete prolapse of the uterus,  It is very dangerous not only for the patient's health, but also for her life!

   What is dangerous disease

In the absence of timely treatment, very serious consequences are possible, which include:

  • lack of full sexual life;
  • development of signs of infertility. If at the onset of the disease, problems with conception are temporary, then at the second stage they may acquire the character of complete sterility;
  • poor circulation in the pelvic area;
  • development of tissue edema and stagnation;
  • cyanosis of mucous tissues is often noted;
  • there is varicose veins on displaced organs;
  • possible uterine and intestinal loop infringement.

Even a slight omission or displacement of the uterus gradually leads to complete loss.  In addition to the main reproductive organ, the cervical canal, the vaginal walls, as well as the intestines come out through the pelvic floor.

The consequences of the most severe form of the disease - prolapse, threaten the occurrence of serious complications that can become life-threatening. Internal genitals expose to risk of infection and development. inflammatory processes. The result of infection can be such difficult processes as abscess or sepsis, in which the uterus and appendages will have to be removed completely.

With a significant omission of the work and the surrounding organs, the intestine and bladder no longer fully function, which can lead to their full or partial resection. Such negative consequences can lead to complete disability in women and the loss of basic vital functions. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to the existing symptoms in time and start treatment.


The initial diagnosis is made when viewed in the gynecological chair. The specialist will conduct a cough and Valsalva maneuver, which consist in the request of women on examination to cough, tighten and hold their breath. The descent of the uterus, vaginal walls and other genital organs as a result of this procedure is an indicator of the presence of pathology.

A colposcopy and a series of the following examinations are then assigned:

  • cT scan;
  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs;
  • hysterosalpingography;
  • excretory urography;
  • urinary tank. seeding on the definition of microflora;
  • vaginal smear for the determination of purity;
  • diagnostic curettage of the uterine cavity;
  • scraping oncocytology and biopsy if necessary.

In addition to the gynecologist, an examination should be performed at the proctologist and urologist, for examination for the presence of rectocele and cystocele. A test for the extent of damage to the bladder, rectum and sphincter is also being conducted at these specialists. After identifying all the consequences of the disease, a complete clinical picture is drawn up and the necessary treatment is prescribed.

   Pathology treatment

Prolapse treatment methods are determined and agreed by several specialists. based on test results, the degree of uterus prolapse, the woman's age, the presence of comorbidities and some other factors.

Conservative therapies are possible only in the initial stage of the disease,  when nearby organs are not affected. In order to prevent further displacement of the uterus, the patient is assigned a number of physiotherapeutic procedures and prescribes a certain lifestyle, which has some contraindications for nutrition, physical exertion, sexual life, etc. Therapy with a slight bias is based on the following prescriptions:

  • use of special vaginal ointments;
  • therapeutic gymnastics;
  • gynecological massage;
  • hormone replacement therapy.

A special place in the prevention and treatment of prolapse of the uterus is occupied by specially developed Kegel exercises. A full set of exercises helps to prevent displacement, strengthen the muscles of the pelvic floor and tighten the ligaments.


The most effective and effective method of getting rid of prolapse and prolapse of the uterus at any stage is surgery. There are several ways to carry out the procedure, the most used are:

  • shortening, fixing and strengthening the ligaments that are responsible for holding the uterus;
  • ligament closure;
  • plastic ligament apparatus;
  • fixing of the descending organs with the help of alloplastic materials;
  • narrowing of the vagina;
  • complete resection of the uterus.

Complete removal of the uterus is carried out only in extreme cases when no other treatment can help. After the surgical intervention, the patient is recommended to undergo a series of physiotherapeutic procedures that will allow for faster recovery and return to a normal lifestyle.



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