the main - Female excreta
  Green red highlight. Acute inflammatory stage. Green discharge in women: acute inflammation

The nature and intensity of vaginal discharge is one of the signs of reproductive health in women. The norm is considered to be a small volume of colorless or white secretion. For this reason, green discharge without unpleasant smell   and itchiness becomes a cause for concern.

Etiology of green secretions

Most often, such secretions are associated with inflammatory processes within the reproductive system. They can be triggered by bacterial infections. They lead to an increase in leukocytes in the structure of the microflora, which give it an uncharacteristic color. These pathologies include:

  • bacterial vaginosis;
  • colpitis;
  • trichomaniasis;
  • gonorrhea;
  • inflammation of the fallopian tubes and ovaries.

Depending on the characteristics of the course, each of the diseases may be accompanied by smell and itching, and it can do without these obvious and disturbing symptoms.

Bacterial vaginosis

One of the common pathologies with these symptoms. It manifests itself in violation of microflora, which creates conditions for the active reproduction of pathogenic bacteria. Favorable conditions for the development of pathology are:

  • antibiotic treatment;
  • installation of intrauterine device;
  • the use of vaginal preparations, tampons;
  • promiscuity in sexual life;
  • neglect of hygiene requirements;
  • regularly recurring stressful situations;
  • acclimatization;
  • reduced immunity and hormonal disruptions;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • sexually transmitted infections.

In this disease, green discharge may be the only symptom that is disturbing, especially in early stages. Possible symptoms can be a peculiar smell of "rotten fish", pain when urinating, during sexual intercourse and after it.

Colpitis or vaginitis

It is not an independent disease, it represents clinical manifestation   other diseases. Pathogens and conditionally pathogenic microorganisms can be causative agents. Unpleasant symptoms may develop in the background:

  • streptococcal infections;
  • intestinal;
  • urinary tract infections (trichomoniasis, thrush, mycoplasmosis, chlamydia, tuberculosis).

Favorable factors for development are weakening of the immune system, damage to the mucous membrane, the reaction to medications   and allergens. The course of the disease may be accompanied by:

  • redness and swelling of the external genital organs;
  • nagging and pulling pain in the lower abdomen;
  • painful intercourse;
  • frequent urination;
  • high fever.

Symptomatology is especially pronounced when the disease is exacerbated or when a specific form (gonorrheal, trichomonas) occurs. In the chronic variant, the signs are less visible, the disease may develop asymptomatically.

Trichomaniac infection

The pathogen enters the body through sexual contact, it is possible infection during a visit to the pool, other options for domestic infection are not excluded. Till two weeks proceeds without the expressed symptoms. The first signs are often confused with a cold. genitourinary system. Yellow-green secretions appear at the chronic stage and have a frothy consistency. They are complemented by:

  • false urination to urinate;
  • pain and burning during intercourse;
  • redness of the genitals and adjacent areas.
The danger is aggravated by the invisibility of symptoms at the early stages of development, which often leads to serious complications (tumors, infertility, premature birth, infection of the fetus).

Gonorrhea or clap

Belongs to the category of venereal, infection occurs through sexual contact. The risk of infection increases with disorders of the genitourinary system. There are several forms of leakage, the most dangerous of which is asymptomatic. In women, the latter is manifested in half the cases. This leads to a gradual defeat of the uterus, ovaries, fallopian tubes, peritoneum. With upward inflammation accompanied by:

  • temperature rise under 40 °;
  • disruptions in the menstrual cycle;
  • vomiting and vomiting;
  • diarrhea

They complement the typical symptoms of the acute form of the disease in the form of painful urination, pain sensations   in the lower abdomen, swelling and ulcers on the mucous.

Inflammation of the fallopian tubes and ovaries

Predominantly a disease of young women, especially characteristic of the initial stages of sexual life. The risk of disease increases with:

  • frequent change of partners;
  • constant douching destroying the microflora;
  • use of intrauterine device;
  • violations in the process of childbirth;
  • surgical interventions;
  • sexual intercourse during menstruation.

Often the result of sexually transmitted diseases, endocervicitis and other diseases. Signs are:

  • lower abdominal pain;
  • temperature, chills, rapid pulse;
  • painful intercourse;
  • problems urinating;
  • nausea and vomiting.
  In the absence of systematic treatment under the supervision of a physician, it is fraught with sterility, ectopic pregnancy, other disorders during pregnancy, difficulties in the process of childbirth.

Diagnosis and treatment

Since the symptoms of these diseases often coincide, complex diagnosis is necessary for accurate identification of the pathology. It includes:

  • standard examination by a gynecologist;
  • analysis of the collected biomaterial;
  • ultrasound study;
  • the use of PCR, to determine the causative agent in the latent phase of the disease.

The treatment regimen is selected according to the results of diagnosis, taking into account individual peculiarities and tolerance drug preparations. The most commonly used antiseptic and antibacterial agents, which are complemented by immunostimulants.

Preventive measures

Most of the listed diseases are characteristic of women of child-bearing age and turn into serious problems for the reproductive system. This increases the importance of preventive measures that reduce the risk of unpleasant, painful, and sometimes fatal consequences of infection. These include:

  • mandatory use of contraceptives, in the absence of regular partners;
  • control of hormonal balance;
  • adherence to known hygiene rules;
  • regular observation by a gynecologist.

It is important to remember that timely access to a doctor significantly speeds up the healing process, makes it less painful, avoids dangerous complications.

The female body is a complex system with many different mechanisms. If any symptoms that indicate the development of any problems appear, you should contact the doctor and not try to self-medicate and self-diagnose. For example, the occurrence of incomprehensible green discharge from the genitals of a woman should make her alert and seek advice from a good specialist. In most cases, this pathological phenomenon signals the development of a disease.

Discharge from the vaginal cavity is the secretion of the genitals. These substances are composed of epithelial cells, as well as mucus, synthesized by the glands of the uterine cervix. Normally, the discharge allows the fair sex to protect against infectious lesions, in addition, they are designed to moisturize the vaginal walls.

During puberty, the appearance of vaginal discharge indicates that the girl will begin menstruating in about a year. The specificity and amount of secreted directly depends on the hormonal background of the woman, as well as on whether she leads a sex life. In addition, the characteristics of the discharge are also influenced by the phase of the menstrual cycle, because their number increases markedly during ovulation and shortly before menstruation.
Causes of green secretions

This unusual phenomenon can be triggered by the development inflammatory process, localized in the uterine cervix, as well as in the fallopian tubes, or in the ovaries and vagina. The secretions are colored green due to the high content of leukocytes in them, so this phenomenon is called leukorrhea. In most cases, this condition develops after a bacterial infection.

It is known that it is pathological vaginal discharge   most often are the main symptom of most gynecological ailments. What is often said greenish highlightshaving a cheesy structure and not characterized by an unpleasant smell?

Yellow-green and greenish discharge color sometimes indicates developing trichomoniasis. Quite intense discharge of the cheesy structure may be a symptom of colpitis or bacterial forms of vaginosis.

It should be borne in mind that the color and other characteristics of the vaginal secretion can not be regarded as a defining symptom in the diagnosis. The same symptoms often talk about a variety of pathological conditions. The main cunning of such similarity leads to the fact that whites are taken for dysbacteriosis, while a serious infectious lesion is ignored, and this is fraught with serious problems for female health. To accurately determine the causes of specific secretions, conduct laboratory research.

Consider in more detail the most common reasons for which may be greenish cheesy discharge   without smell.


This ailment refers to diseases transmitted during intimate communication. Both partners suffer from it, but brighter symptoms are observed in women. In addition to specific secretions (which are often characterized by foaminess), the patient also observes a noticeable reddening of the genital organs and feels pain during intimate communication and urination.

After confirming the diagnosis, trichomoniasis is treated with antibiotics from the metronidazole group. In addition, physiotherapy can be used, the use of immunomodulators and other means of additional exposure.


This disease is considered to be very common in gynecological practice and is an inflammation of the genital organs. It may develop due to infection or bacteria, as well as from allergies and mechanical damage. In addition to specific secretions, the ailment makes itself felt by redness of the genitals, sometimes also by pain during urination and during sexual intercourse.

Treatment of colpitis involves the elimination of the causes that could cause it - either the treatment of the initial disease, or the elimination of the allergen (washing or hygiene products). In addition, the patient must refuse to wear too tight and synthetic underwear.

Bacterial vaginosis

This disease is known to many under the name Gardnerellosis, and more recently also related to sexually transmitted diseases. But in fact, it has a non-infectious nature and develops due to changes in the microflora of the vaginal cavity. It can provoke douching procedures, the use of some intravaginal contraceptives and condoms (for those means of protection, which include 9 nonoxynol). Sometimes gardnerellosis develops after a fall in immunity against the background of pregnancy, consumption of antibiotics, or because of.

Treatment often involves taking antibiotic drugs, drugs for immunotherapy. The doctor may prescribe both oral medications and formulations for local exposure.

Be attentive to the signals that your body gives you. If you notice some specific non-typical discharge for you, consult your doctor. After a thorough examination and collection of material for analysis, the specialist will determine whether you have a reason for concern.


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The secreted mucus from the vagina is a special exudate containing dead cells of the epithelium and mucus, the synthesis of which is performed by the glands of the cervical canal. Depending on the factors affecting the body, and certain periods of the cycle, the nature of this secret may vary. He may acquire unpleasant smell, change its consistency and color (under different conditions it may be yellow, pink, brown, white, etc.). But the most dangerous are consideredgreen discharge from womenbecause in 90% of cases they appear when infectious inflammatory processes develop in the reproductive organs that require urgent treatment. Since the lack of adequate therapy can negatively affect a woman’s ability to bear and give birth to a healthy child.

Green vaginal discharge   may appear in girls and in adult women, even after the onset of menopause (approximately 45-55 years old). The reasons for this are a great many and conditionally they can all be divided into two large groups - non-pathological (that is, physiological) and pathological. Consider each of them in more detail.


If a woman began to celebratehighlight greenyou should not panic. Perhaps the reason for this is the very natural processes that occur in the body as a response to various "stimuli". Their role can be different factors, but the most common of them are:

  • Long-term use of antibiotics, leading to changes in the vaginal microflora.
  • Neglect of personal hygiene.
  • Wearing tight underwear (most often it causesgreen discharge in girls).
  • Apply liquid soap or gel for intimate hygiene, which is composed of many flavors and fragrances.
  • Injuries to the vaginal mucosa.

Quite often yellowgreen, odorless   appear in girls and women as a result of injury to the vagina. Contribute to this can:

  • Instrumental gynecological examinations and examinations.
  • Rough intercourse.
  • Incorrect use of tampons.

In girls green mucous discharge   mainly appear 1-1.5 years before the onset of the first menstruation. This is due to the restructuring of the hormonal background, reduced immunity and changes in the vaginal microflora.

Important! Once and for all to get rid of problems with secretions and violation of the cycle - use the unique therapeutic phytoampons. After using phyto-tampons for 3 weeks, more than 90% of women reported significant improvement in health. Almost 60% of them completely got rid of their problems, the rest (as a rule, in the presence of serious stages of the disease) significant progress in treatment was noted.

But most often the appearancegreenish secretions in womencaused by a banal allergic reaction that occurs on cosmetics, sanitary napkin, underwear, depilation cream intimate zone, lubricants, etc. Moreover, the appearance of allergies is often confused with infectious diseases, since its occurrence in most cases is manifested by redness of the labia majora and burning. But in this case, as a rule, other symptoms characteristic of allergic reactions. For example,heavy dischargefrom the vagina can be supplemented by a runny nose and a rash of the type of urticaria.

Symptoms and treatmentallergic reactions are different. And in this case, an important role is played by the cause of their occurrence. To do this, you will need to carefully analyze your actions and remember what new you have used in the past few days and eliminate it from your life.

Greenish odorless   women also often celebrate before menstruation. Although in most cases they have a yellowish tint, they may appear light green in poor light. Discharges before and after menstruation (can be observed for several days) arise against the background of hormonal jumps in the body and do not require special treatment.

It should be noted that the vaginal secretion of a greenish shade may also appear on the 7-21 day cycle. And the reason for this again are hormonal changes. After the end of the month the body begins to prepare for ovulation, which is also manifested by an increase in the number of secreted vaginal secretions. And after the ovulation period ends (it happens duringsecond   part of the menstrual cycle), preparation for menstruation begins. All these processes are accompanied by an increase and suppression of certain hormones, which provokes the appearancelight green secretionslike snot women have no smell.

"In secret"

Have you ever suffered from problems with your menstrual cycle?
  Judging by the fact that you are reading this text now - problems still bother you. And you know well what is:

  • Copious or scanty clots.
  • Chest pain and lower back.
  • Unpleasant smell.
  • Discomfort when urinating.

Perhaps it is more correct to treat not the effect, but the cause? Follow the link to the interview with the chief gynecologist Leyla Adamova, as she recommends treatment ...

To provoke the appearance of physiological vaginal secretionsodorless greenishthere may be various factors. Their distinguishing feature is that they never provoke the occurrence of unpleasant symptoms (only an allergy can be accompanied by itching). Therefore, if you find yourself having a yellowgreenish vaginal discharge like snot without odor and itchthat stand out in very small quantities, there is nothing to worry about. But to visit a specialist and pass all the necessary tests still worth it. Since very often some infectious diseases   at the initial stages of their development are asymptomatic and can only be identified by laboratory research.


With the development of pathological processes in the organs of the reproductive system almost always appearodorous discharge. It can be different - sourish, sweetish, rotten, etc. The causes and treatment of them are different. And before we talk about what to do when there is a green dischargewith the smell of womenneed to be considered in more detailwhy they may appear.

So speaking of green secretions in women and causestheir occurrence should first of all highlight such diseases as:

  • Bacterial vaginosis.
  • Trichomoniasis.
  • Salpingitis, which is characterized by the development of acute or chronic inflammatory processes in the fallopian tubes with the involvement of the ovaries
  • Thrush.

Bacterial vaginosis is a disease in which pathogenic microflora is activated in the vagina. Most often this happens under the influence of such factors as:

  • Undergoing a long course of antibiotic treatment.
  • Reduced immunity.
  • Stress.
  • Improper nutrition.
  • Frequent douching.
  • Diseases of the reproductive organs of the inflammatory nature.

With the development of bacterial vaginosis mayappear both yellow and thick limehighlight. They have an unpleasant odor and cause irritation.on the labia. And if you notice that you have such a discharge and there are similar symptoms, you must go to the doctor and treat the disease. Otherwise, it can give complications to the pelvic organs and cause impairment of reproductive functions.

Liquid frothy greenish highlights   always indicate the development of trichomoniasis (with the disease may appear dirty-green discharge). This disease is an STD and requires immediate treatment. Its distinctive feature is the occurrence of symptoms such as pain during urination and hyperemia of the genital organs.

Salpingitis is another disease characterized bygreenish hues. Most often it occurs in women afterfifty   years old. During its development, the fallopian tubes are affected, and the ovaries are often involved in the inflammatory process. Depending on the severity of the disease, in women from the vagina maystand out   not only a greenish slimy secret, but alsodark -brown. In this case, the selection is always accompanied by strong painful sensations   in a stomach. To verify the diagnosis, it is necessary to make an ultrasound.

And another disease that can develop in both an adult woman and a smallgirls This is a thrush. With its development appeargray white or green cheesy discharge. They may smell   sour milk or kefir. Thrush develops against the background of the activation of Candida fungi, which causes a changevaginal microflora. There are also several reasons for this:

  • Hormonal disruptions.
  • Acceptance of antibiotics.
  • Use of the vaginal suppository.
  • Poor immunity.
  • Stress, etc.

With the development of thrush always appearcheesy discharge and itchingin the crotch. At the same time there is a constant feeling of moisture, which is caused by abundant excretion   cheesy secret. It should be noted that this disease can occur not only in the fair sex, but also in the newbornboy   The reason for this is the infection of the child at the time of passage through the birth canal. Therefore, if a new mommy noticed a curd discharge from the genital tract in her baby, she should urgently show it to a specialist.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to completely cure thrush because Candida fungi, which are provocateurs of this disease, are part of the conditionally pathogenic microflora of the vagina. Everything that doestreating   the doctor in identifying thrush, it prescribes therapy aimed at eliminating symptoms. If the negative factors that contribute to the activation of Candida fungi will continue to affect the body, the curd discharge cango again

It should be understood that when pathological processes occur,stand out vaginal discharge is almost always supplemented by unpleasant symptoms. With theircolor   gamma can be different. According to doctors, colorless are normal.discharge of odorless women. If they change their color or consistency, then this is already a serious reason for going to a doctor and undergoing a full examination.

Female secretions differ in character and color depending on the reason for these secretions. Green discharge should definitely alert the woman and make go to the doctor, because it is almost always the cause of the disease.

Vaginal discharge is the secretion of the female genitals. The secretions consist of epithelial cells, and mucus, which is secreted by the glands of the cervix. They are needed to protect against infection and wetting of the vaginal wall. Usually vaginal discharge occurs in girls a year before the first menstrual period. The type and amount of vaginal discharge is determined by the hormonal background of the woman, sex life and the phase of the menstruation cycle. Before menstruation and during ovulation, the amount of discharge increases.

Causes of green discharge in women

More often green discharge in women, they are caused by inflammation in the cervix, fallopian tubes, vagina, or ovaries. Green discharge from women is due to the fact that they contain many white blood cells. This phenomenon is called leukorrhea. Usually, green discharge from women is a sign of a bacterial infection.

One of the main symptoms of almost all gynecological diseases is pathological vaginal discharge, but it is impossible to establish a diagnosis based solely on the properties of the discharge. Symptoms pathological secretions   from the vagina the following:

  • beli - the selection of a specific color, often more abundant than a simple vaginal discharge on different days of the menstruation cycle.
  • discharge of any color after, during, before menstruation or in the middle of the cycle, which are accompanied by unpleasant sensations - burning of the genitals, specific smell of discharge, pain in the abdomen.
  • the occurrence of pink, bloody, dark secretions   from the vagina before and after menstruation, or the appearance of heavy bleeding in the middle of the menstruation cycle.
  • a change in the usual amount of blood excretion from the vagina during menstruation — the discharge dramatically decreases, becomes very heavy or painful.

Green discharge in women appear when so-called. bacterial vaginosis, which is slightly isolated in a series of gynecological diseases - let's take a closer look at why.

Pathologic vaginal discharge are signs of sexually transmitted diseases, tumors, inflammatory processes in the female genitals.

Bacterial vaginosis

Green discharge may indicate bacterial vaginosis of the vagina - this is one of the most common reasons for women to consult a gynecologist regarding specific vaginal discharge. Causes of bacterial vaginosis is not only infection from the sexual partner, but also excessive or insufficient hygiene measures that are performed in the intimate area, long reception, low the immune system, pregnancy, stress.

In bacterial vaginosis, the composition of the vaginal microflora is disturbed. As a result, the number of conditionally pathogenic microorganisms increases, and very often they are found in analyzes. At the same time, the number of lactic acid bacteria decreases, normally constituting ninety percent of the normal microflora of the vagina.

Gardnerella usually present in the vagina in small quantities, but they do not cause any sensations. With the increase in the number of Gardnerell, bacterial vaginosis appears, which already needs treatment.

When Gardnerellosis discharge most often gray-white or green. They have a peculiar fish smell, and they peel off the films. Often when it occurs, itching, swelling of the external genital organs, irritation. This may include burning and pain during urination, discomfort   when having sex.

It must be clearly understood that bacterial vaginosis needs treatment, and the sooner the better. The problem is that over time, gardnerella more and more destroy the normal flora of the vagina, which also increases the possibility of contracting sexually transmitted diseases and makes it difficult to treat the vaginosis itself.

Gardnerellosis is treated in 2 stages. First, with the help of antibiotics, Gardnerella itself is destroyed. Then, using exclusively local methods, the normal microflora of the vagina is gradually restored.


2nd common cause   the appearance of women with green discharge is trichomoniasis. Recently, more and more trichomoniasis goes away without any special symptoms, and this complicates its detection. Because with minor green secretions, barely perceptible irritation of the external genital organs and itching, the woman rarely see a doctor and concentrates on strengthening hygiene procedures. So the process of diagnosing a disease can take a very long time. And trichomoniasis is confirmed exclusively by laboratory diagnosis.

Acute inflammation

Including yellow and green discharge are peculiar to a particular bacterial excretion   in the vagina, fallopian tubes or ovaries. In this case, the selection is abundant. If the inflammation is chronic, there will be little discharge, but they will still have a greenish color.

Moreover, such inflammatory processes as salpingitis and adnexitis may also be accompanied by fever, pulling and dull pains   lower abdomen. With acute salpingitis and adnexitis, the body temperature can rise very much, so the woman will have to go to the doctor. Very often, these inflammations are treated in stationary conditions.

With chronic salpingitis and adnexitis, body temperature can rise to 37–37.5 degrees, and is accompanied by a slight weakness. However, this condition can last for a long time, until the woman goes to the doctor and begins to treat a chronic disease, or until a complication appears that will force her to take up treatment.

The presence of atypical vaginal discharge should alert every woman and become a weighty argument for consulting a specialist. However, you should not panic in advance, as they can have a very different consistency, color, smell and profusion. Let's try to find out in more detail why the greenish highlights appear?

It should immediately be clarified that the appearance of smears is just a reminder to a woman that maybe her body is not all right and it would be time to turn to a gynecologist. If we talk specifically about such anomalies as greenish vaginal discharge, in most clinical pictures they are accompanied by discomfort in the genital area, namely, burning, itching and irritation of the mucous membrane. However, only in some cases they are a single alarming symptom.

How not cool, but to understand the cause of this anomaly can only knowledgeable specialist on the basis of previously performed laboratory studies. According to the extensive medical practice, there may appear due to the inflammatory process of the reproductive system beginning in the female body. Thus, vaginal lesions are diagnosed as vaginitis, cervix - as cervicitis, ovaries - as adnexitis, and inflammation in the fallopian tubes is called salpingitis. It should be noted that the nature of the discharge will be excellent for each of the above mentioned diseases.

So let's start with vaginitis. is common in gynecology, and this is not about an infected partner (although this is also not excluded), but about the inappropriate fulfillment by the woman of intimate hygiene, prolonged use of antibacterial drugs and weakened immunity. In the latter case, it should be remembered that pregnant women are more often susceptible to weakening of the protective functions of the body, respectively, greenish secretions often occur on the background of vaginitis. What caused this pathology?

Gardnerella - pathogenic microbes that violate the habitual microflora of the vagina, massively destroying beneficial lactic acid bacteria. In such cases, greenish highlights are thick, sour smell   and abundantly stand out from the vagina. Urgent need drug treatmentotherwise the risk of sexually transmitted diseases increases significantly.

In inflammations and vagina diseases such as salpingitis and adnexitis, respectively, develop acutely. With such diagnoses, the greenish discharge is odorless and mostly scanty, but, in addition to the discomfort in the lower abdomen, the patient's temperature with such symptoms may increase. In such cases, obligatory medical participation in therapy is required, self-treatment is unacceptable.

In addition, greenish may indicate the presence of trichomoniasis, which, due to poorly perceptible symptoms, for a long time goes unnoticed, gradually acquiring a chronic form.

Whatever of the above diseases develops in the female body, it is quite simple to determine it, you only need to do a urinalysis, the results of the study which will help the gynecologist to prescribe the appropriate treatment. So, if a large number of leukocytes prevails in the urine, then it becomes extremely clear that greenish excretions are characteristic feature   inflammatory process.

It is necessary to clarify that if the detection of this anomaly occurs during pregnancy, the future mom should not be light-hearted about her health and that of the future baby. Therefore, it is imperative to visit the local gynecologist to tell him about the problem.

Greenish discharge is quite productively eliminated with the timely response of the patient.



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