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  Treatment of the umbilical wound of the newborn: what is necessary for this and how the procedure is carried out. Treatment of the umbilical wound in the newborn.
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Before approaching the child, wash your hands with hot water and soap (household level). Mother’s hands should be unadorned, nails shortly cut and filed with a nail file.
1. Take a cotton swab dipped in boiled water.
2. Wipe the face of the child with blotting movements.
Changing diapers
Disposable diapers should be changed when they become wet and dirty. During the first month of life, it is necessary to change diapers about 10 times a day. It is better to do this before going to bed, going out for a walk, before feeding, or immediately after it, after waking up.
Washing away
1. Adjust the water temperature (check by hand).
2. Put the child back on his left forearm.
3. To wash the baby under running water.
4. Dry with blotted diapers. Important!
. Rinse only under running water 37-38 ° C.
. Girls rinse just front to back.
. Be sure to wash away after an act of defecation, after each urination DO NOT flush.
Natural processing algorithmskin folds:
. wash hands (household level);
. Wipe all the folds in the following order:
- BTE;
- cervical;
- axillary;
- elbow,
- wrist;
- popliteal;
- ankle;
- inguinal;
- buttocks;
. wash your hands (household level).
You can not squeeze the cream or pour powder on the body of the child, since in this case the volume of the substance will be unnecessary and can clog the pores, which will lead to the formation of diaper rash.
Healthy processing algorithm umbilical wound :
- wash hands (household level);
- dip a cotton swab in a 2% solution of hydrogen peroxide;
- soak the wound;
- soak the wound with a 1% solution of brilliant green with a new cotton swab
- soak the wound;
- wash hands (household level).
Umbilical wound process daily 1 time until complete healing.
Hygienic bath
1. Wash the bath with hot water and soap, rinse with boiling water.
2. Put on the bottom of the bath diaper, folded several times.
3. Pour water at a temperature of 36.5-37.0 ° C (in order to avoid water vapor, pour hot and cold water alternately).
4. Dial a water jug ​​with a temperature of 36.5-37.0 ° С for washing.
5. With the left hand to support the child under the back and the back of the head, with the right hand - the buttocks and thighs.
6. Slowly lower the baby's legs and buttocks into the water.
7. Submerge the whole body of the child into the water (the water should reach the nipple line).
8. With the left hand to support the head of the child above the surface of the water.
9. Wash your hair with baby soap.
10. Wash the whole body using a flannel diaper (especially carefully wash the folds in the neck, in the armpits and groin areasbetween the buttocks).
11. Turn the child upside down.
12. Sprinkle clean water from a jug (during bathing, the water for washing cools down to 34-35 ° C).
13. Wrap the baby in a soft warm diaper (towel) and dry with blotting movements.
. The first hygienic bath can be carried out to the newborn immediately after discharge from the maternity hospital if the umbilical wound has been reduced and processed.
. Soap to use 1-2 times a week.
. A healthy newborn is bathed daily.
. It is better to bathe in the evening, 2 hours before the last feeding.
The processing algorithm of the scalp with gneiss:
- abundantly moisten a cotton swab with sterile vegetable oil;
- to process the scalp of the child’s head in the place of localization of the gneissus with blotting movements;
- wash the baby's head, carefully removing the crust.
If you are not able to wash off all crusts while bathing, repeat the procedure for several days.
Ear processing algorithm:
- Prepare tight cotton flagella for each ear;
- moisten the flagellum with sterile vegetable oil;
- to move it by rotational movements into the depth of the ear canal by 1-1.5 cm.
It is strictly forbidden to clean the ear canal with hard objects (cotton swabs, for example).
Baby Foot Care Algorithm:
- treat the cutting part of the scissors with alcohol;
- cut the baby's nails: on the arms - round, on the legs - straight.
. Fingernails should be cut as they grow, but at least once every 7-10 days.
. Cut nails need small scissors with rounded or curved ends.
1. Carry out on a soft surface.
2. The child must be at rest.
3. Grind some baby oil in the palms.
4. Movement - from the center to the periphery.
5. Stages: face, chest, arms, stomach, legs, back.
Examination of the oral cavity
1. Open the mouth by gently pressing on the baby's chin. In the absence of pathological changes of the oral mucosa, the toilet should not be held!
2. In cases of thrush, treat the mucous membrane oral cavity   cotton swab dipped in a solution of baking soda (1 teaspoon per cup of boiled water). To do this, the pharmacy must purchase sterile cotton wool and use it exclusively.
for treating the mouth. But to carry out this procedure is possible only after consulting a doctor. If you have signs of thrush, you should contact your pediatrician.
Eye treatment
Eye processing algorithm:
- wipe the eyes from the outer corner of the eye to the inside with a cotton swab dipped in boiled water (use a separate tampon for each eye);
- dry your eyes with sterile dry cotton swabs.
Nose treatments
Nasal processing algorithm:
- Prepare a tight cotton flagellum;
- moisten the flagellum in sterile vegetable oil;
- rotate the flagellum deep into the nasal passage by 1-1.5 cm.
It is strictly forbidden to clean the nose with dense objects (cotton swabs, for example).

The content of the article:

After the baby is born, the umbilical cord, which connects the mother and the child during the pregnancy, is crossed by the obstetrician, fixed with a brace from below. Just a few years ago, the residual part of the umbilical cord was removed directly in the maternity hospital, on the second day of a newborn's life. At the time of discharge, the woman who gave birth received medical instructions for the care of the baby's navel. Currently, everything looks different. Let's look at how modern pediatricians advise that an umbilical wound be treated.

The World Health Organization (WHO), in its recommendations from 1999, called for the umbilical cord stump to be maintained until it is itself rejected. The basis of this was the numerous studies that as a result revealed that with long-term processing of the umbilical cord residue, the process of its separation was delayed.

Based on these data, babies are discharged from the hospital with the remainder of the umbilical cord, which is independently rejected during its first two weeks of life. Each case is individual. For some it happens on the 5th day after birth, and for someone on the 15th day, it depends on the density of the umbilical cord. The processing of the umbilical cord is included in the morning toilet of a newborn baby.

In order for the mummification process of the umbilical cord to proceed without infection, it is necessary to strictly observe the following rules for caring for it:

2. When using a diaper, ensure that the umbilical region remains open. To do this, tuck the diapers in front, or make it round the necessary depth of cut.

3. Healthy newborns should not handle the umbilical zone until such time as the umbilical cord remains.

4. It is mandatory to bathe your baby in boiled water and regularly spread it on his stomach. Neither the cord nor the rest of the umbilical cord will interfere with these procedures.

5. As soon as the rest of the umbilical cord disappears, it is necessary to leave the child with an open tummy, in the “supine” position, in order for the umbilical wound to dry out.

6. To process the navel of a newborn can be brilliantly no more than once. Brilliant green solution is applied directly to the navel, the skin around this area can not be affected.

Need to know!   Newborn clothes should be made from high-quality natural fabrics that will provide air access and will not cause diaper rash skin cover   baby In order not to injure the navel, it is advisable to use sliders with a weak elastic band.

Parents should be attentive to the umbilical healing process. If the slightest change in the form of discharge, redness or swelling should consult your doctor, a pediatrician. After the doctor examines the child and makes the necessary appointment, it is necessary to fulfill it.

Step by step procedure for the care of the umbilical wound

As a result of the fall of the cord residue, a wound is formed, which may bleed slightly. Further, in the wound crusts are formed, having a yellow-brown color.
In order to avoid the occurrence of a bacterial infection (and the above-mentioned crusts are a favorable environment for this), it is necessary to treat the umbilical wound area once a day, after evening bathing.

For hygiene procedure   would need:

Hydrogen peroxide 3%;

A solution of brilliant green alcohol 1% (brilliant green);

Cotton sticks;

Cotton swabs;


This procedure should be carried out every day. It is performed as follows:

• 3% hydrogen peroxide solution pipette;

• drop a few drops in the umbilical wound;

• blot excess solution with a cotton swab;

• two fingers, very gently, push the edges of the baby's navel;

• using a cotton swab previously soaked in hydrogen peroxide solution, gently clean the umbilical wound from the crusts formed;

• blot the navel with a cotton swab. The wound should dry out;

• Dip a cotton swab into the brilliant green and smear the wound or drop a few drops from the pipette into the navel, the surrounding skin should not be affected.

Important!   Before carrying out the procedure it is necessary to thoroughly wash your hands and observe sterility.

Possible complications during the healing of the umbilical wound

Approximately, the healing time of the umbilical wound is twenty days from the date of birth of the baby. That is, by this time the wound is delayed. During the healing process, insignificant secretions are possible. They may be bloody or light.

Anxiety symptoms are:

1. Color of selections with green or yellow shades.

2. Unpleasant smell   emitted from the umbilical wound fluid.

3. Inflammation and swelling of the skin of the umbilical region.

These symptoms, it is possible infection. If they do occur, an urgent need is to consult a pediatrician, as navel inflammation in newborns is a serious disease that may require antibiotics to be taken orally or topically in ointments.

Umbilical hernia in a newborn baby

This complication is not uncommon in newborn babies. Caused by muscle weakness abdominal cavity   baby Manifested in the form of a tubercle in the navel area with tension or crying. This is due to the release of a fragment of the intestine through the existing hole. Most often disappears on their own, without the help of doctors.

Surgical intervention is indicated in the presence of an enlarged opening in the abdominal cavity of a child and for large sizes. umbilical hernia. To hernia is not increased in size, and it would not have to operate, you must try to avoid long baby crying.

help reduce the umbilical wound and its rounding; prevention of infection of the umbilical wound.


falling off of the umbilical residue, the formation in its place of the umbilical wound.


SAFETY: do not leave the child unattended on the changing table.

POSSIBLE PROBLEMS: anxiety of the child, bleeding wounds, serous or purulent discharge, skin hyperemia around the wound.


a set of sterile sticks with a cotton swab in the Kraft package or Bix, 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide. 95% (70%) alcohol, 5% potassium permanganate solution, trays for equipment and used material, gloves, disinfecting solution, diaper.

V   Algorithm of simple medical services.

Preparation for the procedure:

  1. Introduce yourself to the mother, explain the purpose and course of the upcoming procedure, get informed consent for its implementation.
  2. Treat your hands in a hygienic way, dry them, wear gloves
  3. Process changing table des. with a solution, put a diaper on it.

Execution procedure:

  1. Put the baby on the changing table.
  2. Unwrap the baby, unroll the inner diaper, without touching the baby's skin with your hands.
  3. Inspect the umbilical wound. In the presence of skin hyperemia, bleeding wounds, swelling, discharge, tell your doctor without treating the wounds. When dry umbilical wound conduct its processing.
  4. Treat the bottom of the umbilical wound with a sterile wand moistened with 3% hydrogen peroxide, carefully stretching the edges of the wound with your index finger and thumb.
  5. Dry the wound bottom with a dry sterile wand, also stretching its edges.
  6. Treat the 95% (70%) frame with alcohol with a sterile stick.
  7. Treat the wound - extinguish with a stick with a 5% solution of potassium permanganate, without touching the skin around the wound (so as not to cause skin burns). Each of the used sticks dumped in the tray for the used material.
  8. Cover the baby, put it in the crib.

End of procedure:

  1. Remove the diaper from the changing table, handle the changing table des. remove the gloves.
  2. Dispose of used materials.
  3. Treat hands hygienic way, dry them.
  4. Make a record of manipulation in medical records.

NOTE:    process the wound daily until it is epithelialized.

It does not cause such a number of questions in young parents as the treatment of the navel of a newborn child. In the absence of due attention through the unstressed blood vessels of this place, which recently connected the baby with the mother, it is easy to carry the infection. At the same time, there is nothing difficult in providing proper care for the navel of a child, and we will gladly tell you how to do it right.

The first days in the maternity hospital

After the baby was born and took his first real breath, the staff of the delivery room performed the intersection of the umbilical cord in two stages. At the first stage, two special Kocher clamps are placed on the umbilical cord, one of them is placed at a distance of about 15 cm from the baby’s tummy, and the other is several centimeters. The area between the clamps is treated with a 96% alcohol solution and the umbilical cord is cut with sterile scissors. The umbilical cord is again treated with alcohol and at a distance of 5–7 mm from the anterior abdominal wall impose a special peg with a retainer (Rogovin bracket). In some maternity homes, the umbilical cord is tied with silk thread. Then the umbilical cord residue is cut at a distance of about 2 cm from the bracket, the slice is treated with 5% solutions of potassium permanganate or iodine.

In the few days that mother and baby spend at the maternity hospital, the nurses of the pediatric ward closely follow the process of the natural death of the umbilical cord, they also process the umbilical wound in the newborn. As a rule, the umbilical cord residue is processed, and then the wound, twice a day after washing the baby. First, the wound is disinfected with 96% alcohol solution, and then burned with a strong solution of potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate) or brilliant green (brilliant green). In the wards of the joint stay of mother and child, women have the opportunity to learn how to properly handle the vulnerable spot.

In most cases, the umbilical cord remains dry and falls off independently on the 3-5th day of the baby's life, but in some maternity hospitals it is surgically cut off on the second day after the baby is born. In this case, a tight sterile dressing is applied on the wound, which is loosened after 2–3 hours, and after a day is removed.

Regardless of the tactics of the medical staff of the hospital in relation to the umbilical cord, after the death of the latter, an umbilical wound is formed, for which the mother takes care of the house on her own. It takes from one week to three weeks to fully heal.

Caring for the navel of a newborn at home

Treatment of the umbilical wound at home is not very different from the procedure carried out in the hospital by nurses. For all the necessary manipulations will need:

  • 3% hydrogen peroxide solution;
  • brilliant green or potassium permanganate;
  • gauze tampons or cotton swabs;
  • sterile pipette.

We draw the attention of young parents, already frightened by the word "sterile", that if you use hydrogen peroxide in a normal bottle with a wide neck, then to pick a few drops you really need a sterile pipette. Its glass part is well washed and boiled for several minutes in water or placed in a sterilizer along with baby dishes. Reduce the hassle of a bottle of peroxide with a narrowed neck, which allows you to drip the solution directly into the wound.

Some mothers strongly recommend that less experienced parents use not potassium brilliance for disinfection, but potassium permanganate. Motivating this by the fact that the processing of the navel with potassium permanganate dries the wound and, unlike green leaf, it never leads to a wet navel. This statement is unreasonable, with the correct use of brilliant green, which lubricates the wound (and not use the whole bottle at once), it has the same drying effect as the solution of manganese salt.

The practical necessity of using sterile tampons, flagella and sticks is in question. Manipulations with the use of these simple devices are carried out in the wound in the presence of hydrogen peroxide, so purchase what you are comfortable with and not necessarily marked “sterile.” One thing is for sure - you cannot use lumpy cotton wool! There are many villi in it, which can “get stuck” in the wound and provoke inflammation.

The algorithm for processing the umbilical wound is as follows:

  • After bathing, the baby is placed on the back of the changing table (or other furniture that performs this function) and a few drops of hydrogen peroxide are dropped into the wound. When using this drug is a chemical reaction - peroxide softens the crusts that cover the wound, after which they are easily removed. In addition, the reaction produces a lot of oxygen, which is detrimental to many microbes.
  • After the hydrogen peroxide stops fizzling and foaming, gently collect the crusted crusts with tampons or chopsticks. This manipulation is done carefully, removing only those remnants that are on the surface. It is impossible to climb deep into the wound!
  • Now you can “talk” with your baby for a few minutes, show him rattle toys. During this time, the wound will dry out and it will be possible to lubricate it with potassium permanganate or brilliant green. It is important to lubricate the wound, prevent staining of the skin of the abdomen around the navel, otherwise you may not notice the redness of the umbilical region of the skin in case of infection of this area, which means you will not be able to seek help from a doctor in time.

The absence of hissing and foaming when using hydrogen peroxide indicates that the umbilical wound healed. If the wound has not lasted for 2 weeks (and there are no signs of infection), then pediatricians often recommend further treatment of the navel with chlorophyllipt. Alcohol solution of this drug has excellent antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties.

In addition to direct treatment of the vulnerable place with disinfectants, it is recommended:

  • In the period before the umbilical wound was tightened, use special disposable diapers with a cut for the navel or tuck in the usual ones.
  • Leaving the baby to lie on the back without clothes, it is useful for his overall health and to maintain dryness in the umbilical wound.
  • Do not apply a band-aid or bandages on the navel. Under them, the skin does not breathe and the navel gets wet from the newborn.
  • Often there is advice - until the umbilical wound heals, bathe the baby in boiled water with a solution of potassium permanganate, calendula decoction, oak bark, chamomile. We have already written about the ambiguity of the opinions of specialists on this issue in the article. If you have doubts about the quality of tap water, and your baby has no skin problems, it is not forbidden to add a few crystals of potassium permanganate or some weed that you have tested.
  • Pay attention to the appearance of the umbilical region: redness, swelling, the presence of pus - signs of infection; protrusion of the navel may indicate the presence of an umbilical hernia; navel, "weeping" more than a month may be a symptom of an umbilical fistula.
  • If the baby has urinated and got itself on the tummy - be sure to wash it and blot with a clean, dry towel. The treatment of the navel with drugs is not required in this case, although many mothers are reinsured and after washing they wipe the wound with alcohol.

Proper care of the umbilical wound will lead to its rapid healing. Remember that failure to follow these simple guidelines can lead to the development of omphalitis - inflammatory diseasecaused by infection of the umbilical wound. Any change in baby's navel appearance and / or appearance unpleasant smell   should cause immediate medical attention. Be responsible, careful and vigilant!

With such a procedure as the treatment of the umbilical wound of a newborn, all the young moms face. Of course, if the doctor did this, then everything would be very good. But alas! The treatment of the umbilical wound of the newborn will lie on your shoulders. When the umbilical remnant disappears from the crumbs, a small wound surface forms, which becomes the “entrance” for most infections. That is why the baby's navel should be thoroughly cared for. Let's see what needs to be done and how the umbilical wound is treated in a newborn. First, find out what is required for such a process:

1. Cotton swabs (sterile).

2. Zelenka (one percent).

3. Sterile gauze napkins.

4. Hydrogen peroxide solution.

Treatment of the umbilical wound of the newborn, the algorithm of

Such actions are recommended to be carried out once or twice a day, preferably before feeding in the morning and after evening bathing. After about two weeks, the wound should dry out and heal. during this period it is recommended only in boiled water and only with addition (add only before the procedure). So:

1. Wash your hands well.

2. Stretch the navel edges with the thumb and forefinger of your left hand.

3. Lubricate the edges of the umbilical wound with a cotton swab (dipped in hydrogen peroxide solution).

4. Take a dry cotton swab and dry the baby's wound (you can take a cotton swab instead of a wand).

5. Process the place with green paint.

6. Apply a sterile cloth on the umbilical wound.

Most mummies do not even know where the baby is taken immediately after birth. The answer is quite simple: for processing and inspection. Important is the fact that the first - the most important moment. After all, your crumb has just appeared and, like all adults, needs elementary rules of hygiene. Let's consider in stages how the treatment of newborns. Divide it into four stages:

The first stage is the most important and responsible

Aspiration of the contents of the oral cavity and nasopharynx. This is done in order to free the above places from the accumulation of mucus, which can interfere with the normal breathing of the baby.

Second phase

Baby At this stage, the eyelids are rubbed with a dry and sterile cotton swab.

Third stage

Prevention of umbilical cord bleeding, umbilical sepsis. Doctors put two clamps on a certain area of ​​the navel and cut them with sterile scissors. The remaining wounds are treated with 96% alcohol.

Fourth stage

Prevention of pyoderma. The baby’s skin is treated with a cotton swab dipped in petroleum jelly and vegetable oil to remove impurities and moist lubricant.

Let's sum up

Processing the umbilical wound is not difficult, but requires attention from the parents. After the obstetrician solemnly gave you your baby for the first time, he also gave you all the “powers” ​​to take care of the baby. Do not forget about the most simple and care steps for your child. The main thing - do not be afraid! And then you will succeed!



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