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How to protect yourself from the flu. How to protect yourself from the flu and colds this fall? How to protect yourself from a viral infection

1. Wash your hands more often and longer.

This is the simplest prevention of respiratory viral diseases. A study by the US Navy Research Medical Center, during which 40,000 participants washed their hands 5 times a day, showed that the incidence of respiratory diseases decreased by 45%. And researchers from Columbia University in New York have found that one-time and quick handwashing is not enough to “wash off” germs. Wash your hands twice with soap and for at least 15 seconds.

2. Wash often.

Wash bed linen more often; during an epidemic, change towels in the bathroom and in the kitchen every 3-4 days. Wash in hot water to kill viruses.

3. Touch your face less with your fingertips.

On average, we rub our eyes or nose, or scratch our face 20 to 50 times a day. It is better to do these not with the tips, but with the joints of the fingers: they have viruses and bacteria on them. that get on the skin from door handles and other surfaces, accumulates less.

4. Get vaccinated.

Ego is the best way to prevent flu. It is better to vaccinate in the fall, but it is not too late to get vaccinated in winter. Vaccination is primarily indicated for people over 65, as well as for those who suffer from kidney, heart or diabetes, pregnant women, people with weakened immunity.

5. Use paper towels.

Place them in different places so that they are always at hand. They are convenient for wrapping door handles and taps in public places where microbes accumulate. If you feel like sneezing or coughing, you can always cover your mouth with a tissue. Do not cover your mouth with your palm during a sneeze or cough. This is how bacteria migrate to our hands, and we transfer them to different objects - and to other people.

6. Fight bacteria.

Carry antibacterial wipes and hand cleansing gels with you, and remember to use them. Usually, colds are not transmitted by airborne droplets, but through handshakes and objects that the carrier of the infection touched.

7. Use a humidifier.

Dry air is an ideal environment for cold viruses. Use a room humidifier, the main thing is to change the water in it every day and clean it every few days.

8. Be less nervous.

People who live in constant time trouble, are a lot nervous and worried, are much more susceptible to colds and flu: stress gradually undermines the immune system. Learn to relax, do yoga, master the basics of meditation.

9. Eat live yogurt daily.

According to the latest research, it helps to get sick less often. And a recent review of ten studies by Korean scientists found that consuming yogurt within 3 months after colds and flu helps protect against these viruses.

10. Go to the sauna.

Australian scientists have been closely monitoring the health of a large group of people for 6 months. It turned out that those who visited the sauna weekly were 2 times less likely to get colds than those who did not go to the sauna. Perhaps the hot air is killing the bacteria. In addition, paired procedures have a positive effect on the immune system, which also helps to avoid colds.

11. Be careful with antibiotics.

Due to widespread use, antibiotics are rapidly losing their effectiveness. The more and more often we take antibiotics, the more likely it is that at the right moment they will not "work" - smart microbes adapt and become invulnerable.

We buy antibiotics without a doctor and use them at the beginning of a cold, "so as not to get sick," to lower the temperature. This is not only dangerous, but also pointless: viruses cause colds and flu, and antibiotics only kill bacteria. Strong immune cells are a powerful barrier to viruses. One of the most effective and simple means of strengthening them is the well-known fish oil. The omega acids in its composition make the cells of the immune system literally invulnerable.

12. Keep your nose warm.

The colder it is outside, the more we get colds and flu. Scientists have proven that exposure to low temperatures on the nose reduces the body's resistance to viruses that are found in the nasal passages. The simplest thing is to cover your mouth and nose with a scarf. But keep in mind: Coarse wool can be irritating, choose scarves made from soft wool or cashmere.

13. Get enough sleep.

Adequate sleep is the key to strong immunity. Numerous studies have found a link between lack of sleep and an increasing incidence of 1 colds.

14. Engage your taste buds

Drinking warm drinks is considered a panacea for colds. But keep in mind: not every drink is effective. It is best to choose drinks with a pronounced taste, such as juices, fruit drinks or tea with honey and lemon. They promote the production of saliva, reduce nasal discharge and relieve sore throat and coughs.

13. Move more.

Sign up for dances, go to the pool or fitness, go for a walk. Scientists monitored the well-being of a group of women for 12 months. It turned out that women who did physical exercises 5 times a week for 45 minutes were 3 times less likely to have colds than less mobile women.

14. Drink green tea.

15. Change your toothbrush every 2-3 months.

This advice of dentists is neglected by many, but in vain: over time, a toothbrush becomes an ideal home for bacteria. It is also best to replace the brush after you have had a cold or flu to prevent re-infection.

16. Eat garlic.

Its bioactive substances fight viruses and strengthen the immune system. Of the 146 volunteers who participated in the study, some took tablets with garlic extract every day during the winter months, others took placebo, that is, tablets that did not contain any medicinal substances. As a result, the former were much less likely to have colds, and if they did, they recovered faster.

  • Graft

    ARVI (acute respiratory viral infection), which everyone is used to calling the common cold, causes more than 200 subtypes of different viruses: rhinoviruses, coronaviruses, adenoviruses, bocaviruses. Vaccinations against them, but the case is usually limited to a low temperature, runny nose, cough and general malaise. The flu virus can cause more serious illness and more often lead to life-threatening complications, but vaccination is the most reliable way of prevention. The average flu vaccine is 60 percent effective, which is not much, but if you do become infected, the disease will be easier than in unvaccinated people. Vaccination is especially important for people from, which include:

    • young children (over six months and under four);
    • women who are pregnant or planning to become pregnant;
    • people over 50;
    • people with chronic diseases (for example, asthma, diabetes, heart disease, liver, nervous system).

    Usually doctors advise to get the vaccine before the beginning of the flu season, however, you can still get vaccinated now, antibodies to the virus will appear in two weeks. Do not be seriously afraid of the unwanted consequences of vaccination. There is a chance that you will face pain and redness at the injection site, less often there is headache, muscle pain, fever, but all this will not last more than a few days.

    There are quite clear contraindications to vaccination; they can be determined by a list of special questions (which is for adults and children). Everything else should not become a reason to postpone the vaccination, but some Russian doctors, due to a lack of knowledge, put bends for mild infections, anemia, or even such false diagnoses as dysbiosis or perinatal encephalopathy.

    It makes sense to give preference to foreign vaccines. Domestic developments contain immunomodulators, they have less antigen, and although it is believed that this does not interfere with obtaining a sufficient immune response, there are no confirmatory studies.


    Infection with SARS and influenza occurs when the virus enters the mucous membranes of the nose, mouth or eyes, and people often touch their face with their hands without realizing it. Therefore, in order to stop the spread of microbes and protect not only yourself, but also those around you, you should:

    • Try your best not to touch your face with dirty hands and wash your hands more often with soap and water (the process should take 15 to 30 seconds). If there is no soap or water nearby, a disinfectant gel will suffice. It is also better to wash more often.
    • Sneeze and cough correctly, covering your nose and mouth with a paper handkerchief (then discard the handkerchief right away), or in the crook of your elbow so that droplets of saliva with viruses do not fall on objects that other people touch with their hands. The sick person can wear medical masks, they help protect others from saliva drops. But a healthy person does not need a mask, only respirators of the FFP2 and FFP3 classes protect against the influenza virus.
    • Avoid close contact with sick people and stay at home with the flu. Specialists at the American Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) believe that you can return to your normal life 24 hours after the fever has subsided on its own (no need to bring the temperature down with drugs). With ARVI, a person is especially contagious for the first 2-3 days.

    Preparations, dietary supplements and folk remedies

    Previously, it was believed that garlic has antiviral properties, for many years there was talk of preventing the common cold with the help of vitamin C and echinacea, but the effectiveness of all these remedies has not been confirmed by studies.

    The drugs that are popular in Russia against influenza and ARVI can be divided into three groups. Some of the drugs (Kagocel, Arbidol) have not proven their effectiveness and safety - there are no qualitative studies. Others are homeopathic remedies, such as "" or "Oscillococcinum". There is also Tamiflu and Relenza, they work against the most dangerous type A influenza, but they should not be used alone as a prophylaxis - the potential benefits outweigh the risks of developing adverse events, in addition, the symptoms cannot be accurately diagnosed with influenza (it is responsible for symptoms in about 5-15 percent of cases), and test strips to determine the subtype of the virus are practically not used in Russia. And there is not a single medicine that can protect against ARVI and cure colds.

If the temperature outside the window begins to drop, and the breath of autumn is felt in the air, then the flu and cold season is not far off. Unfortunately, there is no surefire way to avoid catching a cold or flu, but with our tips, you can reduce your risk of these diseases in the fall and winter. We've put together the most important information on how to prevent colds and flu, and what to do if you do get sick.

What we know about colds and flu

Colds and flu cause similar symptoms and are more common during the winter months than other times of the year. But these diseases have important differences. For example:

  • Influenza can only be caused by its viruses, while colds can be obtained as a result of infection with various viruses.
  • The flu can be prevented with a vaccine, but there is no vaccine for the common cold.
  • Adults get colds on average two or three times a year, and flu only once every five years. Children are more likely to get flu and colds.

How to distinguish between diseases

However, when you start to experience familiar symptoms, it can sometimes be difficult to figure out whether you have the flu or a severe cold. It is very difficult to rely on symptoms alone, but there are some clues to consider. Here are some ways you can tell if you have a cold or the flu.



Symptoms develop gradually

The disease manifests itself suddenly

Fever is rare

Fever is very common

Common symptoms are nasal congestion and sore throat.

Nasal symptoms are very rare

Pain and aches in the body are not common, and their manifestations are quite mild.

Pain and body aches are common symptoms.

Complications are very rare

The person may develop serious complications, including pneumonia or bacterial infection

The only way to know for sure what you have is to see a doctor and have a check-up.

Flu vaccines

Many doctors claim that getting a flu shot every year is the best way to protect yourself from getting sick. The vaccine can be administered to children aged 6 months and older, as well as to all adults.

How to avoid infection

A flu shot can lower your risk of contracting the disease, but it will not protect you from a cold. However, there are still some things you can do to reduce your risk of catching a cold and provide additional protection against the flu.

Here are some tips for preventing them:

  • Wash your hands often. Use soap and water and wash for at least 20 seconds. You will be surprised to find out how many people do not wash their hands properly.

  • If soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer that contains at least 60 percent alcohol.
  • Get enough sleep. Research has shown that lack of sleep is associated with an increased risk of catching a cold or flu.
  • Exercise regularly. According to a 2010 study, exercising regularly can reduce the risk of catching a cold and the duration of its symptoms.
  • Stay out of the way: Studies have shown that particles of the influenza virus breathed out by a sick person travel at least two meters away.

  • Wear a mask if necessary. If you are caring for someone who has the flu or a cold, using a mask can help reduce your risk of contracting the disease.

Medicines for colds and flu

Alas, there is no surefire way to completely avoid catching a cold or flu. And therefore, despite all your efforts, you can still get sick this fall. Most people with a cold or flu try to heal on their own without the help of a specialist. In general, it is recommended that you drink plenty of fluids and rest if you are sick.

Alternatively, you can try the following:

  • Antiviral drugs for influenza. They are only recommended for people who are at risk of serious complications from the disease. The “high risk” group includes people aged 65 and over, pregnant women, young children, and people with certain medical conditions.
  • Pain relievers. Ibuprofen and acetaminophen can help manage pain and fever.

  • Nasal sprays or decongestants. They can help with nasal congestion.
  • Antibiotics should not be taken as they will not help with colds or flu.
  • Many people take vitamin C supplements when they get sick. However, there is no evidence that vitamin C will shorten the duration of a cold or help relieve symptoms.
  • You should see your doctor if you find it difficult to breathe; you have a high fever; the fever lasts five or more days; you experience sudden dizziness, severe or persistent vomiting; your cough lasts longer than 3 weeks.

How to avoid spreading colds and flu

There are several steps you should take to avoid spreading the common cold or flu to your friends and family:

  • Stay home while you are sick and avoid close contact with others, such as hugging, kissing, or shaking hands. If you have the flu, stay home for 24 hours after your fever has gone.
  • One study published in 2012 found that people with the flu must stay at home for four days after all symptoms have disappeared. Only then do you risk infecting others.

  • Wash your hands often, especially if you cover your mouth when you sneeze or cough.
  • Disinfect surfaces that you touch frequently.

It is no secret that during a flu epidemic, virus infection occurs mainly in public transport. At rush hour, both the healthy, who are in a hurry to work, and the sick stand very close to each other. Someone will definitely start blowing their nose next to you, or even sneezing and coughing all over the cabin. It’s not surprising if, after a few days, you feel that the flu has reached you.

How to avoid getting the flu?

Some people think that it is almost impossible to protect yourself from infection. But it is not so. Here are some helpful tips on how to reduce the risk of infection on public transport and other crowded areas.

  1. Leaving the house, lubricate your nose from the inside with oxolinic ointment or ointment with Viferon, special anti-cold balms or just boric petroleum jelly. Infection most often occurs through the nasal mucosa, on which viruses in the air settle. Covered with "grease", the nasal mucosa becomes almost immune to viruses, they die, not having time to penetrate further along the respiratory tract.
  2. Try to avoid places where there is a lot of dust - most viruses settle in it.
  3. Carry a handkerchief dipped in lavender, wormwood, or fir scented oil and apply it to your nose occasionally, especially if someone is sneezing or coughing nearby. The substances contained in these oils kill germs.
  4. While traveling in transport, keep in your mouth a piece of calamus root, a clove, just a peel of an orange or lemon - this will also help to destroy the viral particles "flown" into the nasopharynx.
  5. Try not to touch your nose, lips, eyes while traveling in transport. When you come home, immediately wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water, rinse your mouth with tincture of calendula, propolis or chlorophyllipt. The germs that cause colds often get on the mucous membrane of the nose, eyes or mouth from hands that have previously touched handrails, handles, doors, which have gotten the smallest drops of saliva or phlegm of a sick person.
  6. At work, try not to talk for a long time with people with colds (among our compatriots there is a category of "hard workers" who, demonstrating their hard work, come to work completely sick and infect everyone else). Do not be afraid to offend the person and do not risk your health, it is better to explain to him or her in a friendly or humorous manner that it would be better if he or she was treated at home.
  7. Eat a clove of garlic or a salad with fresh onions in the evening. This will help you strengthen your immunity and deal with microbes that have nevertheless entered your body.

What products should be used to prevent influenza?

As you can see, all these tips are pretty simple. Of course, their observance will require some attention and foresight, but nevertheless, getting sick with the flu is much more unpleasant than leaving home, making sure that in your purse or briefcase there are the necessary things to comply with "safety measures." In order not to forget to lubricate your nose, you can, for example, put a tube of balm or oxolinic ointment in a prominent place in the hallway. By the way, it is useful to lubricate the nose and children going to school or kindergarten.

What medicines will help with the flu?

If there is every reason to believe that you have nevertheless caught an infection, then when you come home, take precautions - take an aspirin tablet and 2 rimantadine tablets (read the contraindications carefully or consult your doctor!). Interferon in the form of nasal drops is also a good tool for the prevention and treatment of influenza. Before going to bed, make yourself warm milk with honey, or simply eat a spoonful of natural honey without drinking anything. Most often, it helps to wake up healthy the next morning and not remember the cold and flu, and if it happens to get sick, it is as easy as possible to transfer the infection.

Some get sick with the flu for several days, while others take longer and with severe complications. In total, there are three types of influenza virus, which are characterized by endless variability, while protecting themselves from the flu and its consequences is within the power of everyone.

What is the flu and what is its danger?

Influenza is an infectious disease that anyone can get. The causative agent of influenza is a virus that gets from infected people into the nasopharynx of others.

Most people only get the flu for a few days, but some get more serious, possibly severe illness, and even death.

With the flu, existing chronic diseases are aggravated, in addition, the flu has an extensive list of possible complications:

Pulmonary complications (pneumonia, bronchitis). Pneumonia is the cause of most deaths from influenza.

Complications from the upper respiratory tract and ENT organs (otitis media, sinusitis, rhinitis, tracheitis).

Complications from the cardiovascular system (myocarditis, pericarditis).

Complications from the nervous system (meningitis, meningoencephalitis, encephalitis, neuralgia, polyradiculoneuritis).

To avoid possible complications, it is important to timely prevent influenza and properly treat the disease itself.

The flu usually starts suddenly. The causative agents of influenza, viruses of types A and B, are distinguished by their aggressiveness and extremely high reproduction rate, therefore, within a few hours after infection, the virus leads to deep lesions of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, opening up opportunities for bacteria to penetrate it.

Flu symptoms include fever, temperature 37.5-39 ° C, headache, pain in muscles, joints, chills, fatigue, cough, runny nose or stuffy nose, pain and sore throat.

Influenza can be confused with other diseases, so a clear diagnosis should be made by a doctor, who also prescribes treatment tactics.

What to do if you get the flu?

At the first symptoms, the patient himself needs to stay at home, so as not only not to infect others, but also to start treatment in time, for which it is necessary to immediately consult a doctor. To prevent the further spread of infection, the sick person must be isolated from healthy persons, it is advisable to allocate a separate room.

Parents! In no case do not send sick children to kindergarten, school, cultural events. With the flu, it is extremely important to stay in bed, as with the disease, the load on the cardiovascular, immune and other systems of the body increases.

Self-medication for influenza is unacceptable, and it is the doctor who must diagnose and prescribe the necessary treatment appropriate for the condition and age of the patient.

For proper treatment, it is necessary to strictly follow all the recommendations of the attending physician and take medications in a timely manner. In addition, it is recommended to drink plenty of water - it can be hot tea, cranberry or lingonberry juice, alkaline mineral waters. You need to drink more often and as much as possible.


At a temperature of 38 - 39 ° C, call a local doctor at home or an ambulance team.

When coughing and sneezing, the patient should cover his mouth and nose with a handkerchief or tissue.

The room where the patient is located must be regularly ventilated and wet cleaning there as often as possible, preferably with the use of disinfectants acting on viruses.

You should limit your exposure to the flu and use a medical mask or gauze bandage when caring for them.

How can you protect yourself from the flu?

According to the position of the World Health Organization, the most effective remedy against influenza is vaccination, because it is the vaccine that provides protection against those types of influenza virus that are most relevant in this epidemiological season and are included in its composition.

The introduction of a vaccine into the body cannot cause disease, but by producing protective antibodies it stimulates the immune system to fight infection. The effectiveness of the influenza vaccine is incomparably higher than all non-specific medications that can be taken during the winter months, such as immunomodulators, vitamins, homeopathic remedies, "traditional medicine" and so on.

Vaccination is recommended for all groups of the population, but it is especially indicated for children from 6 months, people suffering from chronic diseases, pregnant women, as well as people from occupational risk groups - medical workers, teachers, students, service workers and transport workers.

Vaccination should be carried out 2-3 weeks before the onset of an increase in the incidence, vaccination can only be done in a medical institution by specially trained medical personnel, while a doctor's examination is mandatory before vaccination.

There are few contraindications to getting the flu vaccine. The flu vaccine should not be done in acute febrile conditions, during an exacerbation of chronic diseases, with an increased sensitivity of the body to egg white (if it is part of the vaccine).

Having been vaccinated against influenza, you protect your body from the attack of the most dangerous viruses - influenza viruses, but there are still more than 200 types of viruses that are less dangerous for humans, but can also cause SARS. Therefore, during the period of an epidemic rise in the incidence of ARVI and influenza, it is recommended to take non-specific prophylaxis measures.



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