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The Church of the Most Holy Theotokos: take note of the traditions in Autumn. Holy Mother of God: Prikmeti, sings and greetings 21 Veresnya Revival of the Holy Mother of God

Rizdvo Holy Mother of God to be one of the most common Orthodox Church saints and may have a date - 21 Veresnya according to the old calendar. For the new style of Christmas celebration on Sunday 8th and is designated as Catholics. per folk habits All day long, I have a special natural strength, and allow the weather to change.

history is holy

Formerly holy bulo is entered in the church calendar in the 4th century. The basis for this is the reference about conception and people in Nazareth Divi Mary, mother of Jesus Christ at the childless in the old days of the bet of Ioakim and Anni.

Maybutnі daddies already started to fall into the minds, for that, among the Jews without the prospect of being familiar with the disgrace of God. One day, the priest to the temple saw the gift to the Lord from Ioakim, who invoked him in safety. It was a great pity for the righteous Ioakim and I went to the wilderness, I prayed sincerely.

The Archangel Gabriel appeared at the empty place to pray, who, having spoken for the good of the good news about the daughter's maybut, and so he called her Mary. Also, I have seen that through Mary, the whole world will be granted salvation.

The Day of Merry in Orthodoxy will be determined immediately after 9 months of the day of the Holy Mother of God Conception of the 22nd breast, and trivially lasting 5 days (from 20 to 25). At the end of the day, the church services and liturgy are completed. Have a whole day of unprecedented bets to ask the Lord to show the falloffs, and the vagitni - light and bright curtains. Svyatkuvannya is not vipadaє for the post, so you can live if you have products.

Folk traditions and rituals

Among the people, it is sacred to knit with an ear of corn, and I call it the Little Most Pure or Lady (Osenin).

From the very wound of the woman she went to the river, she was hanging. It’s better to say that the river water in the whole day will keep you young, and for the children of the river, the bathing will help you to go. They brought the church to the church, put candles, wrapped them in quilts on the paper, and put notes with the letters. As soon as the leaf was burnt to the ground, then the Mother of God the Viscona is ready to pray.

At the holy gentlemen, they cooked mushrooms with mushrooms, they treated them all, went to the booths, and handed them out to the chicks. Dividing the wives with the people, honoring the more symbolic ones, the Lord could overwhelm the woman without slumping. If she generously distributed the prepared food, then God will not skimp on children and prosperity.

The guests were not asked for, but they came with gifts: as if they were savory on the tables, then the gentlemen at home gave garnishing khustka. If it’s dumb, then the choloviks symbolically overshadowed the batig, and they wondered about the woman gotuvati. It’s not overwhelming, but the Lord has finished the booth himself.

Holy Rizdva of the Most Holy Theotokos, having entered the family, that young people with a pie baked in a baked way brought their daddies. The squad over the shattered odyagu zmіtsnyuvala belt with the letters R and B, which symbolizes the name of the saint. Belt vvazhavsya amulet from the pristitu. Kryhti from the pie brought by the young was brought into the hliv for the sake of death and the ailment of thinness.

Prior to the holy villagers, they vypikali khlibtsi, which were later consecrated in the church and distributed to loved ones. A number of pieces were stored for home ikoni. People brewed, for the consecration of the bread, they had power, and in the event of ailments they hammered a small shmat and gave health to the ailing one. They washed it down with blessed water.

At the entrance to the hut, little children were doused with holy water, and they were cleaned up from the front. The old fire in the furnaces was extinguished and ignited a new one, symbolizing the cleansing and coming of a new life. The old odyag was burned.

Take note for the gardener at the Rizdvo of the Most Holy Theotokos

All silskogospodarsky robots finished up to the end of the hour, the onion season would come, if they were picking a tsibulya. The villagers also cooked until winter bdzholina vuliki and mowed wheat. The stinks dyakuvali Diva Marya for a generous harvest and asked for help in the coming season.

From the completion of the Polish robots, the people were tied: "To the Most Pure - in the field it is pure" and "Come the Most Pure, if it will be pure and pure." Sponsored for the weather:

  • If the weather is holy, then the autumn will be warm and sleepy until the end of the day.
  • As soon as you can see the glimpses before the svitanka, it will be chilly, and there will be few boards.
  • The misty wound was falling, as the fog was growing rapidly - the weather in the nearest days will be minuscule.

Among the people, it’s as if it’s high on the holy birds, then the cold will not come soon, if it’s low, it’s soon enough to check the frost. If from the very bottom of the forest, then the weather will continue for 40 days, and the weather will be even colder and more cold.

pid bag

The Divine Mother of God is not included in the list of sovereign saints and on a working day, albeit people who are vryuchayut for being beautiful in a whole day are not important robots. For a gardener, it is sacred - a garny ghost to keep pace with the weather, for the nobility: if you grab the winter-growing trees and trees, and for the gentleman, you can glimpse the guests and greet the style, so as to please the old ones and those close to you with sweet salty feasts.

For a long time, people knew that they can feel strong by energy days, in which they can carry out all kinds of rituals and rituals. Until such days, a lot of Orthodox saints are known. It was not the Victims of Victims who became the Holy Mother of God. It is sacred to mean 21 cutaneous heather. Sleepy bagato, knitted for tsim during the day. The article describes efficiently effective rituals for all types of life.

Oberig for family

Holy 21 Veresnya (Holy Mother of God) vipada for an hour, if all the robots go to the end of the day. Our ancestors brought snip with the left spikelets of wheat to the dodoma, serving as a talisman family happiness from the ugly nasty.

Have a whole day of light, you can also create an oberig for a booth with your own hands. For whom you need to know:

  • spikelets of wheat;
  • on gilochki gorobini, kalini and їli;
  • church candle;
  • red thread;
  • Trochi holy water.

Take a beautiful bunch of pererakhovannyh vishche gilochok. The center of composition has a blame. Zvyazhіt otrimaniyu bouquet with a red thread. Read the prayer "Our Father" and sprinkle the oberig with holy water. Attach it over the entrance doors.

With a hand of rock, oberig will seize your booth from the nasty one.

Rite of passage for vikonanya bazhannya

Viconati your memorial bazhanya will help you with the ritual. To do this, you need to know:

  • mnіst zі with holy water;
  • line of green color;
  • three grains each from the young apples, leaves and birches (it is guilty to leave nine grapes).

Grow a bunch of golden twigs and tie it with a green line. Sprinkle water on this holy and say:

“I am a servant of God (im'ya) got up vrant, picking up the little bits from the trees. I was ringing in one bouquet. I want to ask the Lord if I’m glad: what is it more beautiful for me to make, what is my world in my life? Give me the All-Seed Vidpovid, I will be clear to you, a lot of rock. Let me be happy, and life can be like a snake. amin "

Guess the best bazhannya. Now you need to know how to bear fruit and bury a bunch of apples with it. See you goodbye, even sooner your world will come back.

Zakhist from psuvannya and prіrіtu

To cleanse it out of psychosis and prejudice, as well as in the form of human hatred and inadvertence, you can do it with a bit. On the 21st of spring, it is necessary to cut off the throat from the tree, having asked for a certain vibration from the new one in your words for those who brought him to bear.

Bring the gilki gorobini to your home. Place 3 pieces on the skin podvіkonnі. To grow a small bouquet and pin it over the entrance doors. Gorobin's entire offensive risk will capture you as a negative one.

For the help of this tree, you can learn, hto naviv damage to you. If you see someone from the know, then the Rise of the Most Holy Theotokos is just an hour, so it will be reconverted. Pick a drop from a tree. Pour the part with you and put it in the water, and arrange it in a bouquet with small roses and hand it over to the battered one. If the berries in your bouquet wrinkle and wrinkle earlier than yours, then wait for them. To turn people’s negativity, don’t let your eyes go to your house, saying at the same time:

"Let him turn evil to the one who is to rob him."

Rite of passage on a shvidka

If you have a long time to go out, ale the cavalry do not cry out for a long time, for even if that one doesn’t succeed, then try to carry out such a rite on a shvidka while at the Rizdvo of the Most Holy Theotokos.

To carry it out, you will need to cut off a line of the line and tie it with a red thread, a circle. It is necessary to pay attention to the metal department and to the fire, saying that the twig will burn:

"Yak shvidko vogon yde on a stake,

So smartly I zustrіnu my maybutnogo cholovіk.

To make a wine of my proposition, nareshty,

I go with him for a week.

Amin. Amin. Amin ".

If you burn out a bit, if you have lost it, you need to take wine on the street and develop it after the next day, saying:

“I’ve started drinking for the third day,

I enjoy love in my life.

Bula is single, and soon I will become a legal squad. "

Vvazhaєya, scho stretching 12 months to carry out the ritual, the girl obov'yazkovo vyde zamіzh.

Love spell on the Rizdvo of the Most Holy Theotokos

Descriptions of the ritual of signs for the appointment of the named. As long as you already have kokhaniy, but it seems that you are not so strong, as if you wanted to, then try to carry out the whole ritual of love magic.

For the rite of passage you need to know a kokhan shirt and a bowl of dzherelny water. At night at 21 spring, read the serpent on the water:

Let yourself be pissed off by the water and vitrized by the kohan's shirt. Put a piece of wardrobe on top of your pillow before you turn it over.

Rizdvo of the Most Holy Theotokos: it is impossible to work on a whole day

Yak and in the great church is holy in the whole day, not really pratsyuvati. As far as possible, all home help is holy in advance, or to put it in the dark.

It’s impossible to eat meat and alcohol during the day. Varto to pass the ferry.

Do not weld and do not judge anyone, consider the physical options.

21 relatives are going to get out, to sit in a quiet home environment and mature.

Rizdvo of the Most Holy Theotokos: video

The Church of the Most Holy Theotokos is again the name of the holy, which is the Orthodox Church for 21 Veresnya.

Yak vіdomo, tse sacredly be celebrated until the number of two and ten (twelve of those who were most holy).

The celebration of the Most Holy Theotokos means the triumph of Viri over ailments and misfortunes, a manifestation to the mother of Jesus, the mother of Jesus, the mother of God, the people of herself great women for the whole history, more and more I have appeared as a miracle, so the very same and when I have come to see the sin - Christ.

All day long, I have a good time, I’ll go to church services at once, and I don’t take on the importance of the robot. I will tell you about those who can work in the whole day and in all of whom everything is right.

The History of the Holy Mother of God

The Mother of God of Our Lady of the Mother of God and Ever of Mary is the most sacred of the Church, as in Orthodoxy there are up to the twenties. Holy erected by the Church in the 4th century. Nagadaєmo, it’s about the divine holy 21 heres.

An old friend of a couple, Ioakim and Anna, lived near the Galileysky town of Nazareth. The stench was even worse than pious and righteous, a little more rocky could not have a child. Once Ioakim at the Great sacredly gave a gift to the Lord God in the Jerusalem temple. If the priest didn’t want to accept the gift, he would be childless, and the children respected the blessings of God. Knowing about it, Anna burst into tears. Having battered a nest in the garden, in which little birds were squealing, she thought: "Bring the birds to the children, but we have no such joy in the elders." An angel appeared before her and said: “Thou shalt conceive and people. Blessed daughter of all. Through Her, the blessed God and all earthly peoples are rejected. Through Her, Poryatunok will be given to all people. Іm'ya Їy bude Marya ". With a sound angel appeared and before Joachim. Nine months later, Hanny's daughter was born. The people of the Most Holy Theotokos motivated Ioakim to bring great gifts and sacrifices to God. Winning the blessing of the high priest, priests and all people for those who have received the blessing of God. The Church is called Ioakim and Anna the Godfathers, to which the Most Holy Daughters of the Divine Mary are born, Jesus Christ.

Silent feast of the Holy Mother of God 21 Veresnya is expected to be distinguished with great trepidation.

The Holy Name of the Holy Mother of God the Mother of God, is it possible and varto robiti on a whole day

Christians have long gone to the Mother of God, they became a common beginning between God and the human race, and they asked her for a blessing.

The Theotokos is sacred in writing, they are denoted in places, and churches were consecrated in honor. Holy temples (throne) beckon to pass through the divine services and the next meal after him. Obov'yazkovo vlashtovuyutsya obid, de all relatives go to the round table.

It is also sacred to traditionally become a saint for a woman's saint, if a woman has a taste for a prodovuvachku family. Win, obviously, dormant the ancient Aryan holy Porodil, since our ancestors were catching up to the opikuns of the fields and thriving, didam-ladiv.

Women, in some of the dumb children, should talk about and ask the people - "Theotokos prayed for all of these children." Women also take over the service in the church, and during the divine service they ask people to talk to them. It seems that prayers before the Most Holy Theotokos of Maybut mothers about the health and happiness of children, on which stench are checked, in the whole day may be especially powerful.

The celebration of the Most Holy Theotokos is meant as a holy, holy joy. That in the middle of the day they did not praise, they did not post, but when they prayed in the temple, they took the fun of the decoration.

It is also a sacred holiday that the last term has been prepared for the "charming" evil. Respected, who selected from Pershim (Assumption of the Most Holy Mother of God - 28 sickle) and other Most Pure Saints love herb, especially the power of lads before the girl (cholovika before the woman) and navpaki.

Three days of the Holy Mother of God the Mother of God can be dominated by the matchmakers until the day. Also, on a whole day, we wish you good luck and go to the decoration with the family.

For a long time, too, in the Rizdvo of the Most Holy Theotokos, women started drinking early in the morning on the water. Vazhalosya, if a woman in tsei day to be absorbed by water until a dream, then the beauty will be saved until the very old age. And for healthy health, children were doused with water on the porous.

The same day the onion tea was repaired - the gentlemen were cleaning up the vegetables from the beds. And at the Rizdvo of the Most Holy Theotokos, the Gentlemen, they took the whole harvest, and at the end of the hour they repaired the gotuvati bjil until winter - to clean up the vuliki.

At the end of the hour, call on the cold one, to that, until the Other Most Pure One, I will increase the Vicopati to cartophil and sow the land with livestock.

It is not possible to work at the Holiday of the Most Holy Theotokos

Do not get busy with the important physical practice: do it at least on the robot around the house, in the garden and in the city;

If you sit with all the seven for the style, you cannot sit down on the pidlog. As soon as the bread was consumed, it was given to domestic critters.

It is also impossible to cook with loved ones and confrontation with those who are close to you (as the situation is close to critical, try to be virgin be-like spiritual moments in a peaceful way);

On the day of the Holy Mother of God, your guilty butti are clean. Do not move your voice to close people - tse sin. It is also impossible to bail out evil people, or think about someone is rotten.

We have a day to see fasting: meat and alcohol are hardened.

Take note of the holy Mother of God:

Persha the Prechista came - nature namisto, the Friend of the Prechista came - took an unclean mosquito, came the Third Prechista - became a dibrova without a leaf.

The Prechista came - the trees were clean, and the Intercession came - the trees were bare.

Prechista - the potato is pure.

The Prechista came - brought the unclean elders.

Successful livelihoods, and a friend - watering boards.

As soon as the weather on the Rizdvo of the Mother of God will be sleepy, it will be warm and clear, without bright boards. As soon as the sky will be frowning on a whole day, then we will come with the boards.

As soon as the dvchina is ready to accept the meeting, then it is all about wooing in a whole lot.

Schob will unite "evil eyes", work hardening and ailments, burn old odyag and swell up in the Holy Mother of God.

Yak vіdznachayut holy Rizdvo Bogoroditsі

Repairing the capital, the Mother of God of the Mother of God became of great importance, as great is holy. It’s all day long, in the Christmas dress, to come to the churches, to start the service. Glorify all the beautiful day, if the Lord has given people the hope to come to the Savior's lights. They also baked special khlibtsi with the letters "R" and "B", which meant "The Mother of God". Svyatkovy khlibtsi were handed out to all family members, put on the ikony, and deciphered until the Rise of Jesus Christ. Respected, that the sick people could help the sick people, they were given to everyone who was told by the sickness.

In the middle of the light, holy Orthodox people go to the churches to pray to the Mother of God. To that smut, it is not unmistakable to go to death - to go to the church on the Rizdvo of the Most Holy Theotokos.

Sozdvo Holy Mother of God Sunday 21 Spring 2018 is a great chance to ask your fathers for vibration. Obov'yazkovo is necessary in the tse to sacredly pray for їхнє health.

In the homeland of the skin, in honor of the saint, a great style was adopted. Our ancestors esteemed that the lord's bagatsha would go to the Rizdva of the Most Holy Theotokos, so that the harvest for the coming rik would be bountiful. Do not forget to give a tribute to nature by putting cats on the glass with apples, pears, plums and grapes. As the harvest was great, it was sacred before that there were two tizhni.

In 2018, the Holy Mother of God of the Orthodox Church celebrates 21 Veresnya. The date of the rock does not change. The Mother of God is a great great sacred church fate (the rest of us will get involved in the Assumption of the Mother of God). a website about history, sense and traditions of the Holy Mother of God, that it is possible and that it is not possible to work in the whole day.

Anna Zaykova

What about the Mother of God?

21 Veresnya (8 Veresnya according to the old style) Orthodox sainthood is even more important - the people of the Most Holy Theotokos, the mother of Jesus Christ. Diva Marya was born in the homeland of the righteous fathers of Joachim and Anni.

The birth of the Mother of God is described not in the Evangel, but in the Proto-Evangel of Jacob, written in the II century. By the same token, the Christianity lived only until the other half of the 5th century. About the price of the magazine "Foma".

At the holy Rizdva of the Theotokos, I will go to church services, get ready to receive and receive communion.

Rizdvo of the Most Holy Theotokos: folk traditions

The birth of the Theotokos in the people's testimony came to Saint Osenin. The sense of the podiatry is as follows: polovi robots end, let go, life go into the onset stage.

Autumn svyatkuvali 21 spring, on the day of autumn rivnodennya. Early in the day, the women went to the shores of the waters, to create the mother of Autumn with bread and jelly: the stinks whipped up the meal, slept on the food, danced and grails, seemingly pravmir.ru. The image of Autumn was angry with the image of the Most Holy Theotokos, and before her they were turned like this: "The Most Holy Theotokos, you see, you see, springs, from those who come, sanctify my life!"

How can you be at the Rizdvo Bogoroditsi-2018?

Spring 21 in 2018 rotsi - tse p'yatnytsya, a sunny day. In honor of the holy Rizdva of the Theotokos, you can have a ribu in full. Ale tim, hto fasting is not possible in the living of meat, dairy products and eggs.

Mikhailo Khaustov

How can you not be in the holy Rizdva of the Most Holy Theotokos?

The Church to rejoice at the holy Rizdva of the Theotokos is not overwhelmed by various appearances and primes. For example, in the Internet write that as a woman on the 21st to see a tribute to the mercy, it can clutter up the hopelessness or failures in the family life. Orthodoxy podbnі prikmet vvazhayut zabobon.

Isnu widened, ale nevirna dumka, but in the Orthodox Church (and including in the Rizdvo Bogoroditsi-2018) it is fenced in the city, shiti, robity tidying up. It's not like that. It is recommended to dedicate a Christmas day to God and to spilkuvannyu with loved ones, even though such a possibility is not, there will not be people.

In the Orthodox Church, the Holy Mother of God is not required to be spiteful, to bark, to bark with those who are sick.

In the church, the Orthodox saints (like and in the last days) utrimate all kinds of spiritual and magical rites. To all in the church, it is unambiguously negative.

I nareshti, you can’t sicken with alcohol. Orthodox is holy - the ghost is for prayer, spiritual union with God, and not for a boisterous saint.

The Church of the Most Holy Theotokos, yak and the Church of Christ, is one of the most important Orthodox saints. With the triumph of the tying of important traditions, which are guilty after the trimmuvatisya of the skin of the Orthodox Christian.

On the 21st Sunday in the temples of our country, there will be held a ceremony of services in honor of the People's Great Mother of God. The very same day, Diva Marya was born, who for the year gave the Holy Savior - Jesus Christ.

The Church of the Most Holy Theotokos, as and the first church holy, has its own tradition. For a long time ago, people were shaking and getting caught up. For those who are young, the day is especially spiritual strength.

Women and girls on Sunday 21 March were early in the morning. Vazhalosya, that a woman will be absorbed before the sun, and the beauty will be saved until the elder. If a girl is not indispensable for a girl to fit in, then she will be wedded to a whole ric.

The youngsters called their fathers on a visit. Vazhalosya, that the daddy was guilty on the whole day, give joy according to the dignity of the nominations and the nominated. The young squad was preparing a svyatkovy feast and welcomed the guests. As the pirogue was cooked, then the cholovikov were handed a batig, and they were guided to the squad for the dish they had bought. Having shown his own name, yak vіn veda the empowerment at the podvіr'ї. At the end of the day, the holy guests were happy, the stench was handed over to the young and presented for the hospitality.

For women in Central Asia, it is a sacred tradition to open the church, to put a candle to the Most Holy Theotokos. They wrapped the candle around with papier, on which they wrote their prokhannya in advance. Yaki bazhannya to burn, that is, there will be vikonani. All the bazhannya burned, which means that all the funnels will be there.

Mark on the Rizdvo Bogoroditsi

Krim tradition, as the bulo needs to be trimmed, the holy bulo is tied with no line national prikmet, Great is the part of those who hate it, wait a minute.

It’s hard to know that it’s a cold winter, in the whole day they sped over the birds. As the stench floats low and walks one to one, they chilled out the cold winter, they floated high in the sky - warmth.

If the wounds are foggy, it means that the weather will be dull in the spring, and if the sky is cold, then it will be dry and cold.

Vazhalosya, scho in the Rizdvo Bogoroditsa Sonce and Misyats to play as khovanki. At three o'clock it was the main day, if the evening of the day was the first day of the night. The day was shorter.

Women who cannot be sent to Rizdvo, who ask, have been encouraged to come to the nearest future for the people of children. This is tied to the special symbolism of the holy and the meanings of the Mother of God in Orthodox culture, as she became the patron saint of mothers and motherhood.

It was not only our ancestors who gave respect to important church podіyas, but in this hour, people were put in charge before the Orthodox saints. All day in churches and temples you can beat up rich people, if you came to pray, ask Holy Divi for vibachennya, blessed and, very well, healthy. Take care of yourself and your loved ones і do not forget to push the buttons і

19.09.2017 04:23

The Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos is one sacred in honor of the blessed and pious Divi Marya. Itself in ...



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