the main - Skin diseases
Health. Concept of health, general state of health General condition of the body by quantity

1. The concept of "health", its essence and components

Human health is his main asset. Health cannot be bought for money. If you have lost your health, you cannot return it. You can endlessly swallow vitamins, pills, constantly heal: if harm is done to the body, then this is reflected at the genetic level. Health is not only a fully functioning organism, but also spiritual harmony. This is what is said in the interpretation health, found in the preamble to the Constitution of the World Health Organization (WHO): "Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, and not just the absence of disease or physical defects."

Human health is a multifaceted and multidimensional concept that is widely studied in the biomedical literature. Currently, various definitions of health are widespread, each of which emphasizes the importance of one or another aspect in a comprehensive description of this state of the body. However, all interpretations have in common the fact that it reflects the quality of the organism's adaptation to environmental conditions, represents the result of the process of interaction between man and the environment. It is also obvious that the state of health is formed as a result of the interaction of both exogenous and endogenous factors.

The most complete characterization of the concept of health is given in the definition of one of the founders of the science of health, Viktor Porfirievich Petlenko: "Health is a normal psychosomatic state of a person capable of realizing his potential of bodily and spiritual forces and optimally satisfying the system of material, spiritual and social needs."

Human health is a complex concept consisting of several components:

  1. Somatic health
  2. Physical health
  3. Occupational health
  4. Sexual health
  5. Reproductive health
  6. Moral health
  7. Mental health

Consideration of every aspect of human health is essential. First of all, you need to turn to somatic health.

Somatic health is the current state of organs and organ systems of the human body.

The basis somatic health is a biological program of individual human development. This development program is mediated by the basic needs that dominate him at various stages of ontogenesis.

The next element of human health is directly physical health on which performance and life expectancy directly depend.

Physical health is a state of the body in which the indicators of the main physiological systems lie within the physiological norm and change adequately during the interaction of a person with the external environment.

In fact, physical health is a state of the human body, characterized by the ability to adapt to various environmental factors, the level of physical development, physical and functional readiness of the body to perform physical activities.

Figure 1. Factors of human physical health

In modern science, it has been proven that not only physical, but also mental health affects the general health of a person and his activities.

Mental health is a state of well-being in which a person realizes their abilities, can withstand the stress of everyday life, be productive, and contribute to their community.

The basis of mental health is the state of general mental comfort, which provides adequate regulation of behavior.

Sexual health represents a complex of somatic, emotional, intellectual and social aspects of a person's sexual existence, positively enriching the personality, increasing a person's communication skills and his ability to love.

Reproductive health- it is a health component that determines the reproductive function of the body.

Moral health can be characterized as a system with the characteristics of the motivational and need-information basis of human life. The basis of the moral component of human health is determined by the system of values, attitudes and motives of the individual's behavior in the social environment.

Occupational health- This is a state that determines the effectiveness of a person's professional activity.

If we consider human health from the point of view of assessing internal potential, then it is reasonable to turn to the point of view of practical medicine, according to which there are three main human states:

  1. Health is a state of optimal stability of the organism;
  2. Pre-illness - a condition with the possible development of a pathological process in the body and a decrease in the reserves of adaptation;
  3. Disease is a process that manifests itself in the form of clinical changes in the state of the human body

Health can be considered as the biosocial potential of human life. It includes a number of components shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2. Components of the biosocial potential of human life

The biosocial potential of a person is based on vital energy discovered in 1936. It was discovered by W. Reich in 1936. Life energy is a structural formation, which, as the name suggests, includes biological and social components.

Table. Characteristics of the components of the biosocial potential of human life.



The potential of the mind.

Human ability to develop intelligence and be able to use it

Will potential

A person's ability to self-realization; the ability to set goals and achieve them by choosing adequate means.

The potential of the senses

The ability of a person to express their feelings congruently, to understand and accept the feelings of others without judgment.

Body potential

The ability to develop the physical component of health, to "realize" one's own corporeality as a personality trait.

Social potential

The ability of a person to optimally adapt to social conditions, the desire to constantly increase the level of communicative competence, to develop a sense of belonging to all of humanity.

Creative potential

A person's ability for creative activity, creative self-expression in life, going beyond the limiting knowledge.

Spiritual potential

The ability to develop the spiritual nature of a person.

Essence of Health Is the vitality of the individual, and it is desirable to quantify the level of this vitality. The well-known surgeon, academician N.M. Amosov. In his opinion, the amount of health can be defined as the sum of the reserve capacities of the main functional systems. These reserve capacities can be characterized by the so-called reserve ratio, which is the ratio of the maximum manifestation of the function to its normal level.

2. Factors determining human health

Human health, the occurrence of certain diseases, their course and outcome, life expectancy depend on a large number of factors.

All factors that determine health are divided into factors that promote health ("health factors") and factors that worsen health ("risk factors").

Depending on the sphere of influence, all factors are grouped into four main groups:

  1. Lifestyle factors (50% in the total share of influence);
  2. Environmental factors (20% in the total share of influence);
  3. Biological factors (heredity) (20% in the total share of influence);
  4. Factors of medical care (10% in the total share of influence).

Key lifestyle factors that promote health include:

  1. No bad habits;
  2. Balanced diet;
  3. Healthy psychological climate;
  4. Attentive attitude to your health;
  5. Sexual behavior aimed at creating a family and childbearing.

Major lifestyle factors that can worsen health include:

  1. Smoking, alcohol, drug addiction, substance abuse, drug abuse;
  2. Unbalanced quantitatively and qualitatively nutrition;
  3. Hypodynamia, hyperdynamia;
  4. Stressful situations;
  5. Insufficient medical activity;
  6. Sexual behavior that contributes to the occurrence of genital diseases and unplanned pregnancy.

The main factors of the external environment that determine health include: conditions of study and work, factors of production, material and living conditions, climatic and natural conditions, the degree of cleanliness of the environment, etc.

The main biological factors that determine health include heredity, age, sex and constitutional characteristics of the organism. The factors of medical care are determined by the quality of medical care for the population.

3. Lifestyle and health

Lifestyle- this is a certain type of human activity. The way of life is characterized by the peculiarities of a person's everyday life, covering his work activity, everyday life, forms of using free time, satisfying material and spiritual needs, participation in public life, norms and rules of behavior.

When analyzing a way of life, various types of activity are usually considered: professional, social, socio-cultural, household and others. The main ones are social, labor and physical activity. Being conditioned to a large extent by socio-economic conditions, the way of life depends on the motives of the activity of a particular person, the characteristics of his psyche, the state of health and functional capabilities of the organism. This, in particular, explains the real variety of lifestyle options for different people.

The main factors that determine a person's lifestyle are:

  1. The level of the general culture of a person;
  2. The level of education; material living conditions;
  3. Gender and age characteristics; human constitution;
  4. Health status;
  5. Ecological habitat;
  6. The nature of work, profession;
  7. Features of family relationships and family education;
  8. Human habits;
  9. Opportunities to meet biological and social needs.

The concept is a concentrated expression of the relationship between lifestyle and human health.

Healthy lifestyle unites everything that contributes to the performance of a person's professional, social and domestic functions in the most optimal conditions for human health and development.

A healthy lifestyle expresses a certain orientation of human activity in the direction of strengthening and developing health. It is important to bear in mind that for a healthy lifestyle it is not enough to focus efforts only on overcoming the risk factors for the occurrence of various diseases: the fight against alcoholism, tobacco smoking, drug addiction, physical inactivity, poor nutrition, conflict relationships, and it is important to highlight and develop all those diverse tendencies, which "work" on the formation of a healthy lifestyle and are contained in the most diverse aspects of human life.

According to V.P. Petlenko, a person's lifestyle must correspond to his constitution, while the constitution means the genetic potential of an organism, a product of heredity and environment. The constitution is always individual: there are as many ways of life as there are people. The definition of a person's constitution is still very difficult, but some methods of assessing it have been developed and are beginning to be introduced into practice.

Figure 3. Social principles of a healthy lifestyle

Analyzing the essence of social and biological principles of a healthy lifestyle, one can easily make sure that compliance with most of them is a prerequisite for the formation of a physically cultured person.

Figure 4. Biological principles of a healthy lifestyle

The lifestyle of student youth also has its own specific features associated with age-specific characteristics, the specifics of educational activities, living conditions, recreation and a number of other factors.

The main elements of a healthy lifestyle for students are:

  1. Organization of work (study), rest, nutrition, sleep, stay in the fresh air that meets sanitary and hygienic requirements;
  2. Striving for physical perfection by organizing an individual purposeful mode of physical activity;
  3. Meaningful leisure, which has a developing influence on the personality;
  4. Elimination of self-destructive behavior from life;
  5. The culture of sexual behavior, interpersonal communication and team behavior, self-government and self-organization;
  6. Achieving mental, mental harmony in life;
  7. Hardening of the body and its cleansing, etc.

Optimal physical activity is of particular importance.

For the body, physical activity is a physiological need.

This is due to the fact that the human body is programmed by nature for movement, and active motor activity should be throughout life: from early childhood to very old age.

Health and physical activity Are currently converging concepts. "Muscle hunger" is as dangerous for human health as a lack of oxygen, nutrition and vitamins, which has been repeatedly confirmed. For example, if a healthy person, for some reason, does not move even for just a few weeks, then the muscles begin to lose weight. His muscles atrophy, the work of the heart and lungs is disrupted. The heart of a trained person contains almost twice as much blood as the heart of a non-exercise person. It is no coincidence that all centenarians are distinguished by increased physical activity throughout their lives.

In reality, now there is such a situation that in modern society, especially among the majority of city dwellers, there are almost no other means for strengthening health and artificially increasing physical activity, except for physical culture. Physical exercises should make up for the lack of physical labor, in the motor activity of a modern person.

Many people, justifying their unwillingness to exercise, refer to the fact that they do not have enough time for this. In this regard, it is appropriate to recall the adage: "The less time you spend on sports, the more it will take for treatment."

4. Heredity and its impact on health and morbidity

Heredity is an important factor affecting human health, but not always the determining factor. The ability to lead a healthy lifestyle and adherence to the basic principles of environmental safety of life can significantly reduce the impact of heredity.

Heredity is a property inherent in all organisms to transmit to offspring the characteristic features of the structure, individual development, metabolism, and, consequently, the state of health and predisposition to many diseases.

By inheritance, signs of not only a normal, but also a pathological, painful state of the body can be transmitted. More than 2000 hereditary human diseases are known.

Figure 5. Distribution of parental genes

It should be emphasized that the signs of each of the parents in the child's body are manifested differently. The manifestation of hereditary diseases can occur throughout the entire period of individual development. A large number of hereditary diseases are known that do not manifest themselves at an early age, but at later stages of development. Hereditary diseases, as well as a predisposition to a number of diseases (peptic ulcer, hypertensive, cholelithiasis, atherosclerosis, etc.) are not as rare as long thought, but many of them can be prevented.

5. Healthcare and health

The current health care system is not able to preserve and strengthen human health, suspend or reduce the growth of morbidity.

Unfortunately, due to poor ecology and hygienic illiteracy in Russia, a decline in the level of health is noted in all age groups.

Of course, medicine, undoubtedly, is able to cure many diseases and often does miracles, saving a person from premature death. She has achieved great success in the prevention and treatment of infectious diseases, but the cure of diseases does not always bring health. In the human body, there is often a trace left not only from the transferred disease, but also from the treatment itself, saturated with mental, physical, chemical and biological factors that are not indifferent to health.

According to I.I. Brekhman, purely curative medicine is not the road that leads to the temple of health, no matter how much money is spent on treating diseases, there will be no more health.

If they continue to be satisfied only with the level of medical medicine and not deal with health as such, then the effect will be the same as when trying to fill a barrel with a leaky bottom with water. No wonder the rulers of the ancient East paid their doctors only for those days when they were healthy.

6. Health in the hierarchy of human needs

Health, in essence, should be the first human need, but the satisfaction of this need, bringing it to an optimal result is complex, peculiar, often contradictory, mediated and does not always lead to the desired result.

This situation is due to a number of circumstances:

  1. In our country, the positive motivation for health has not yet been sufficiently expressed.
  2. In human nature, there is a slow implementation of feedbacks of both negative and positive effects on the human body.
  3. Health in society, primarily due to low culture, has not yet come to the fore in the hierarchy of human needs.

So, especially among young people, various material benefits of life, career, success are recognized as a more important value. However, at an older age, most people recognize health as a global and important value.

The main motive for attending non-compulsory physical culture classes is strengthening and maintaining health.

It is reliably known that in a state of physical and mental well-being, health is usually perceived as something unconditionally given, the need for which, although realized, is felt only in a situation of its obvious deficit.

Is there a positive motivation for healthy people to stay healthy? It turns out that it is clearly not enough.

Firstly, if a person is healthy, then he takes it for granted, and does not feel his health, does not know the size of his reserves, his quality and care for him is postponed until later, for retirement or in case of illness. At the same time, very often people who are burdened with diseases, nevertheless, do not take effective measures aimed at eliminating them. Obviously, a person's concern for his physical and mental well-being is determined not so much by the level of health as by the person's personal attitude towards him.

Secondly, the attitude of others and public opinion is of great importance. Unfortunately, we do not have a high enough level of fashion for health. As before, those who care about their health risk being reputed to be eccentric, different from most people who are fatally indifferent to their health.

Thus, we have to admit that positive motivation for health is clearly insufficient. Many people, with their whole way of life, do not go to health, but from it. And the main reason is in the consciousness of a person, his psychology.

This implies the need to educate each member of society in relation to health as the main human value, as well as the development of the main provisions and conditions for a healthy lifestyle, the methodology for their implementation, instillation and development by people.

7. Influence of cultural development of personality on attitudes towards health

Is there a great connection between the cultural development of a person and the attitude towards oneself, towards one's health? People of different cultural levels can be sick. But the preservation and reproduction of health is directly dependent on the level of culture.

Recently, there have been many publications on the role of culture in human development. They note that a person is a subject and at the same time the main result of his own activity. From this point of view, culture can be defined as self-awareness, self-production of a person in specific forms of activity.

Very often people do not know what they are able to do with themselves, what huge reserves of health they have, that a healthy lifestyle can be cured and kept healthy for many years.

Thus, against the background of general literacy, people do not know a lot, and if they do, they do not follow the rules of a healthy lifestyle. For health, such knowledge is needed that would become being, habits. Attitude to health is a subjective category, but it can be an important objective factor in health. Focusing on health on the contrary, it motivates behavior, mobilizes health reserves.


  1. Brekhman I.I.Valeology - the science of health - M .: Physical culture and sport, 1990.
  2. Fundamentals of a healthy lifestyle for a St. Petersburg student // Ed. V.P. Solomin - SPb .: RGPU im. A.I.Herzen 2008
  3. Mental health. Newsletter // URL:
  4. Skok N.I. Biosocial potential of persons with disabilities and social mechanisms of its regulation // Sotsis. 2004. No. 4. P. 124–127
  5. Physical health. Newsletter // URL:

Our body has 12 systems. Each of them is respiratory, digestive, endocrine, etc. - has its own key indicator. Sputnik asked for a specialist in preventive medicine Ekaterina Stepanova talk about the most important parameters of the body, which are important to always keep under control.

1. Blood pressure (BP). For six billion of the world's population, it fluctuates within 120/80. Why - no one knows, but these are the numbers that allow us to be healthy and feel good. What is this pressure? Oxygen from the air dissolves in water and under this pressure enters the blood. This is the first most important indicator of our health! A change in blood pressure is a signal from the central nervous system. This is her SOS!

2. The number of breaths. It is equal to 16 in 1 minute. This is the norm for all healthy adults at rest. It is clear that activity, as well as emotions, make their own adjustments. Any changes in this indicator signal to us about problems in the respiratory system.

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3. Heart rate (HR). The norm is 78 per minute. What is this number? This is the optimal rate of oxygen travel through the blood, along with the blood from the lungs to the organ.

This is an indicator of the work of our cardiovascular system, which is responsible, among other things, for regulating the speed of water in the body.

These three metrics, when they are physiologically normal, make us feel good. You don't need a doctor to control them. It is worth sounding the alarm if:

  • pressure deviates from the norm 120/80 - we can start to hurt and certainly feel bad. Critical can be considered numbers close to 220 or, conversely, to 40-35. This is a reason to call an ambulance immediately!
  • when running, working, increased load, the number of heart contractions (HR) went beyond the permissible limit, then at rest within 2 minutes it should return to normal. This is how the heart works: it works for 0.5 seconds - rests for 0.5 seconds with proper breathing. There is no other way or it happens, but not for long ...

4. Hemoglobin. The norm for women is 120-140 for men - 140-160 millimoles per liter. What is this number? This is the amount of oxygen in our body, which is simultaneously and constantly. The amount of oxygen that is enough for all our needs. And even with a margin - if something happens to activate additional resources of the body. This figure should be constant, this is the amount that ensures our quality of life.

Hemoglobin is an indicator of the hematopoietic system, including blood oxygen density. If the amount of hemoglobin in the blood falls, then the number of respiratory movements increases. Shortness of breath appears, as a result, the number of heart contractions increases, blood pressure is disturbed and ... we are waiting for an ambulance!

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5. Bilirubin. This is an indicator of the toxicity of the blood by the number of processed dead red blood cells, since every day cells in the body are born and die. The norm is 21 micromoles per liter. It allows you to analyze the work of the digestive (liver, intestines) and excretory systems. Allows you to understand the body's ability to cleanse itself.

If the indicator exceeds 24 units, this indicates that the body begins to quietly die. All systems suffer - there is no life in a dirty environment.

6. Urine. Both quantity and quality are important here. Urine is a qualitative characteristic of water in the body. The physiological norm of urine excreted per day is 1.5 liters. In a healthy person, it is light straw color, specific gravity is 1020 g / l, acidity is 5.5. There should be nothing else in the urine. If protein or leukocytes appear in the urine, it's time to worry, the excretory system is malfunctioning.

7. Weight. The reserves of clean water and energy in the body are regulated, among other things, by hormones. In nature, the camel is a prime example. He tolerates multi-day hikes well, as before that he eats up a hump. And the hump is fat. During exercise, fat is broken down into water and energy, so fat is the body's strategic energy reserve.

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Like all key metrics, weight has health limits. For an adult, it is considered normal to have an indicator of his growth (-) 100 (+) (-) 5-10 kg. For example - if your height is 170 centimeters, then the maximum weight norms are from 60 to 80 kg. From birth to death, weight should be constant according to the age scale, except in explainable situations. Since all systems (organs) are adjusted and serve the weight rate laid down by nature, and not "nailed" by us. All the extra weight is overtime for the organs, which leads to faster wear and tear. As a rule, everyone who drinks little and does not eat enough foods that alkalize the body are overweight.

In the case of pregnancy, the female body is under stress, therefore, weight fluctuations after childbirth are possible, but all women know about this and help their body to bounce back.

Since by nature a man and a woman perform different functions, then their relationship with fat is also different. In women, fat is a depot of hormones that regulate the course of pregnancy; it performs a thermoregulatory function (protects the fetus from the cold); is a strategic reserve for mom and fetus.

This is not the case for men. Excess fat most often begins to be deposited in the waist area. It is difficult to remove from the body, as it has its own characteristics. This fat, depending on the amount, can be a sign of endocrine disruption or an incipient disease. Abdominal fat (stored in the waist - Sputnik) stores estrogens - hormones that antagonize male testosterone. This weakens masculine strength. Normally, a man's waist should be 87-92 cm.

We must not forget that with excess weight, internal organs suffer. They are also prone to obesity. Excess fat on the internal organs is one of the most toxic! The reproductive system is responsible for the constancy of weight.

8. Blood sugar... The norm is 3.5-5.5 millimoles per liter (according to WHO recommendations). This indicator determines the supply of operational energy in the body. That is, for every day. Glycogen is formed from sugar every day. It is needed for the energy of cells in order for the necessary chemical reactions in the body to take place. If the body is starving for several days, glycogen ends and the consumption of the strategic reserve begins. The endocrine system, including the pancreas, is responsible for the constancy of this indicator.

9. PH-acid-base balance in the blood. It is also called the concentration of the oxygen-hydrogen factor (alkali and acid). Resuscitators and cardiologists call it an indicator of the life of everything! The norm is 7.43. With a value of 7.11, the point of no return comes - death! In this case, it is no longer possible to save a person. With the numbers 7.41, the development of acute heart failure begins.

Unfortunately, in our country this indicator is not given the importance it deserves. In many countries, this indicator begins a conversation between a doctor and a patient - in order to understand the conditions in which a person lives, what he eats, drinks, how active he is, the doctor must find out the so-called physiology of life.

The pH-balance is the strategic numbers that the body will maintain in any way. If we do not receive a sufficient amount of organic (environmentally friendly) alkaline products from the outside, then the body will take from its beloved (teeth, nails, bones, blood vessels, eyes, etc.) the basic alkali metals Ca, MG, Na, K , and then an unpleasant development of events begins.

We are designed so that we can exist healthy only in a weakly alkaline internal environment. The entire body, all systems, but mostly musculoskeletal (joints, ligaments, bones) are responsible for the constancy of this indicator.

10. Leukocytes. The norm is 4.5 thousand × 10⁹. Our white blood cells are our individual protection. Everything that gets into our body (viruses, bacteria) will be destroyed. If there is an increase in all groups of leukocytes (monocytes, eosenophils, stab), this indicates that our security is violated and we are at war. And the higher the number, the more serious the situation. These are our defenders! Our border control! The immune system is responsible for the constancy of our defense.

At a body temperature of 42 ° C, life is impossible, but 35.4 ° C is not the best temperature, since a water crystal at such values ​​is unstable, like chemical reactions. 36.6 ° C - this is the temperature of the constancy of our chemical processes, the constancy of our life in nature! On the street the heat is 40 ° C, and we have 36.6 ° C, on the street - 50 ° C, we have 36.6 ° C, because we are healthy!

Our immune system is responsible for the constancy of our temperature. By the way, if you catch a cold and run out of your nose, that's great. Excreted from the nose is lymph and dead leukocytes. They need to be given a way out, do not organize a cemetery of leukocytes inside yourself, the first 2-3 days, vasoconstrictor drops are not needed - let the unnecessary drain out. Of course, this will cause some inconvenience, but it will reduce intoxication and lead to a faster recovery.

12. Cholesterol (total). The norm is 6.0 millimoles per liter. This indicator determines the fat content of water as the basis of all body fluids. It is responsible for the functioning of the nervous system, since the sheath of neurons (conductors) along which the impulse (signal) runs consists of cholesterol, and the cells of the main analyzer - the brain - are partially composed of cholesterol, it is the energy reserve on which the brain works.

Summing up, I would like to say: it is advisable to keep blood pressure, heart rate and respiratory movements of the body under control every day. Once every six months, you need to wonder how our body feels, whether it copes with life in the environment. To do this, you just need to pass tests and make the necessary measurements. If something is wrong, it is a signal that our biological machine is close to breakdown and needs service!

The central concepts of valeology and medicine are "health" (from lat. valetudo, sanitas) and "disease" (from lat. morbus, Greek. pathos), the interaction between which can be designated as "the unity and struggle of opposites." These are extremely complex, multilevel and multidimensional concepts. It is with this circumstance that, apparently, the absence of completely satisfying perfect definitions of these terms is connected to this day. Moreover, one can even come to seemingly opposite interpretations, if we consider them at different levels. In particular, from the point of view of philosophers, “disease” at the level of the individual can be defined as a violation of adaptive mechanisms, at a higher, population level, we can say that “disease” is adaptation, adaptation to new environmental conditions.

There are many definitions of the concept of "health", and each specialist interprets it from their own positions, based on the essence of the corresponding science. So, hygienists believe that health is the optimal interaction of the human body with the environment; physiologists believe that health is the ability to maintain homeostasis, i.e. the relative constancy of the internal environment of the body; philosophers and sociologists give the following definition: health is a state of optimal functioning of the body, which allows it to perform its social functions in the best possible way; or health is something more than the absence of diseases and injuries, it is the ability to work fully, rest, perform the functions inherent in a person, live freely and joyfully. And each of the definitions is legitimate, since in case of a health disorder, both the one and the other and the third take place. Health is both a medical and a social category at the same time, it is also a psychological, philosophical, economic, etc.

The generally accepted definition of health is given in the Constitution of the World Health Organization (WHO): "Health - it is a state of complete physical, mental (mental) and social well-being, and not just the absence of disease. " Unfortunately, this interpretation is not aimed at a quantitative assessment of health, it contradicts the current trend of changes in the health of the population, being calculated for the ideal version of health, and, finally, considers health only in statics, although this is a dynamic process of the formation of a growing organism and personality , changing throughout subsequent life. However, it is precisely this definition that is inherent in a holistic anthropological approach, which optimally reflects the combination of biological and social in a person.

It becomes clear that "health" itself can have various aspects, or components.

Physical health - it is not only the absence of diseases, but also a certain level of physical development (and its harmony), physical fitness and functional state of the body.

As defined by WHO mental (mental, mental) health is a state of well-being in which a person can fulfill his or her own potential, cope with normal life stresses, work productively and fruitfully, and contribute to the life of their community.

The criteria for mental health, as defined by WHO, are:

  • awareness and feeling of continuity, constancy and identity of their physical and mental "I";
  • feeling of constancy and identity of experience in similar situations;
  • criticality towards oneself and one's own mental production (activity) and its results;
  • correspondence of mental reactions (adequacy) to the strength and frequency of environmental influences, social circumstances and situations;
  • the ability to self-govern behavior in accordance with social norms, rules, laws;
  • the ability to plan their own life activities and implement these plans;
  • the ability to change the way of behavior depending on the change in life situations and circumstances.

It is also customary to highlight spiritual, moral and social health.

Spiritual health - it is a person's thinking system, his values, beliefs and attitude to the world around him.

Moral health is determined by those moral principles that are the basis of the social life of the reosnka, i.e. life in a particular human society. The hallmarks of moral health are, first of all, a conscious attitude to work, mastering cultural treasures, active rejection of morals and habits that contradict a healthy lifestyle.

Social health means the ability to communicate with others in a social environment and the presence of personal relationships that bring satisfaction.

In the report of the WHO Expert Committee on Mental Health and Psychosocial Development of Children, it is stated that the main condition for normal psychosocial development (in addition to a healthy nervous system) is a calm and welcoming environment created by the constant presence of parents or their substitutes. It is emphasized that at the same time, the child should be given more independence and independence, given the opportunity to communicate with other children and adults outside the home and provide appropriate conditions for learning. “Many children do not have such conditions,” the report states.

WHO experts, based on the analysis of the results of numerous studies in various countries, have convincingly shown that mental health disorders are much more common in children who suffer from insufficient communication with adults and their hostility, as well as in children who grow up in conditions of family discord.

These same studies found that childhood mental health disorders have two important character traits:

  • firstly, they represent only quantitative deviations from the normal process of mental development;
  • secondly, many of their manifestations can be viewed as a reaction to specific situations.

Thus, children often experience serious difficulties in one situation, but successfully cope with them in another. For example, they may have behavioral disorders at school, but they may behave normally at home, or vice versa.

In the majority of children, at one time or another, under the influence of certain situations, disturbances in the emotional sphere or behavior may appear. For example, there may be unreasonable fears, sleep disturbances, eating disorders, etc. Usually these disturbances are temporary.

WHO experts paid special attention to the fact that it is in childhood that mental health problems are more directly related to the environment than in other age periods.

In most cases, neuropsychiatric disorders do not appear suddenly, but have a long history of their development, manifesting themselves with certain problems of age-related mental development and, more broadly, with problems of personality formation. To recognize these problems in time means to warn not only once a twist of nervousness, but also manifestations of unwanted deviations in behavior and development.

It should be noted that the concepts of norm and health do not coincide due to the fact that damage that occurs at the lower levels of integration of the organism can be compensated by regulatory mechanisms of higher levels, which ensures health at the level of the whole organism.

The following levels are distinguished integration, or structural organizations.

  • 1. The simplest microsystem that combines the molecular, subcellular and cellular levels is a tissue functional element.
  • 2. The organ as a whole is an operating complex of simple functional elements.
  • 3. This is followed by specific anatomical and physiological systems (organs and transport and communication routes between them).
  • 4. Generalized functional systems - a combination of specific anatomical and physiological systems aimed at performing a function, achieving a useful result (theory of functional systems of physiologist II. K. Anokhin).
  • 5. The whole organism unites all the previous levels; it is with this, the highest, level of integration associated with the state of health or disease in a person, which are the result of the interaction of external factors (environmental, social, etc.) and internal (the state of various levels of integration).

The concept of "disease" is no less complex than the concept of "health". An analysis of the literature, in particular the Great Medical Encyclopedia, shows that attempts to define this complex category have so far also been unsuccessful. The above formulations are either too cumbersome, then they cease to be a definition, or they are very short, while the one-sidedness introduced by a specialist is inevitable.

The term disease is used in several ways:

  • in a narrow sense to denote a disease of an individual (coincides with the term "disease");
  • to designate the concept of "disease" as a nosological form;
  • in a broader sense to denote a generalized concept of a disease as a biological and social phenomenon.

In the basis of the definitions of this concept, researchers take various criteria. So, in the definition of R. Descartes (subsequently quoted by K. Marx): "A disease is a life constrained in its freedom" - the fact of disruption of vital activity is emphasized. Some authors use an even narrower criterion - impaired ability to work or well-being, which is not always the case with illness; others - allocate disturbance of homeostasis, disturbance of structure and function at the level of the whole organism, or disturbance of the balance of the organism with the environment. In particular, SP Botkin believed: "Any imbalance that is not restored by the adaptive ability of the body appears to us in the form of a disease."

Here is one of the most common definitions of the concept of "disease" in the literature: it is a state and process of interaction of structural and functional disorders and protective adaptive reactions of the whole organism, which arise under the influence of external and (or) internal causes, and, as a rule, lead to disruption of life. In this case, trauma (damage) is a special case of a disease that occurs under the influence of external factors.

In this definition, it is noted that each disease is a suffering of the whole organism, since the whole organism reacts to it, although sometimes it seems that local changes (trauma, boil) prevail.

Health and disease as a state of the organism are qualitatively different, but at the same time they are in dialectical unity. In most cases, there is no clear boundary between health and disease, norm and pathology.

There are so-called borderline or transitional states from health to illness, the study of which is a very important, but little-studied area. Otherwise, these conditions are called prepathological, prenosological, or premorbid, i.e. pre-painful.

“Pre-illness begins with a violation of the optimal interaction of the body with the environment. Deviations appear in some indicators (homeostasis is disturbed), although health is maintained at the level of the whole organism due to compensatory mechanisms. The transition from health to illness is characterized by a number of features, general and specific, characteristic of each patient and disease. The onset of the disease is associated with the lack of reliability mechanisms that maintain the state of health, in connection with which new mechanisms of life are activated, which already characterize the pathology ”(AM Chernukh, 1981). There are significant difficulties both in the study of prepathological conditions in an experiment on animals and in their recognition in humans - an important role is played by the development of new informative methods for assessing the functional state of the organism. A number of complex methods have already been created for the diagnosis of pre-disease states under conditions of overtraining in athletes, in conditions of work, monitoring the health of astronauts according to the degree of intensity of regulation of the heart rate (the method of variational pulsometry by R. M. Baevsky), etc.

According to I.I.Brekhman, most people are in this, the third, intermediate between health and disease, state.

All three concepts (health, illness and pre-illness) can be combined by the term "health state", which includes elements of each of them.

General characteristics of indicators of health status

The following conditions and factors affect the state of health of the population: biopsychic factors, working and resting conditions, living conditions, ecological situation and natural conditions in the place of residence, health care system, socio-economic and political conditions (Figure 11.1).

Rice. 11.1.

Criteria for health - the ego are indicators by which we can evaluate it. There are the following criteria indicators: a) health status of the population, or public health (demographic and medical-statistical);

b) indicators of the health of the individual (medical and hygienic).

Public health as a characteristic of members of society as a whole is not only a medical concept, it is a social, socio-political and economic category, as well as an object of social policy; it needs to be measured, quantified accurately.

We can judge the health of society but such demographic indicators as birth rates, mortality, natural population growth, average life expectancy, as well as medical and statistical indicators: morbidity - general, infectious (epidemic), non-epidemic, with temporary disability and some others. which are studied by a science called social hygiene. If the birth rate is high, the death rate is low, the members of the society live long and rarely get sick, we can say that the society is relatively healthy.

The main demographic indicators are usually calculated per 1000 people.

The coefficient, or annual indicator, of fertility is determined by the number of live births per year, referred to the average annual population in a particular territory, and multiplied by 1000.

Average annual population is the population as of January 1 of a given year plus the population as of January 1 of the following year, divided by two. Most often and most simply, the average population is defined as the half-sum of the population at the beginning and end of the year.

The mortality rate, or annual rate, is calculated in a similar way, but the numerator indicates the number of deaths per year.

The coefficient, or indicator, of natural population growth is defined as the difference between the birth and death rates or in absolute numbers - as the ratio of the difference between the absolute numbers of births and deaths to the average annual population.

An analytical assessment of the indicator of natural population growth cannot be made without taking into account the birth and death rates from which it was obtained, since the same increase can be observed at both high and low birth and mortality rates. For this purpose, you can use the table. 11.1.

Table 11.1

Estimated indicators of natural movement


A high natural increase can be assessed as a favorable phenomenon only with a low mortality rate. Low growth with high mortality is an unfavorable indicator. A low growth rate with a low mortality rate indicates a low birth rate, and it also cannot be considered a positive phenomenon.

Negative natural increase in all cases indicates a problem in demographic processes, which has been observed recently in our country.

Of great importance in the analysis of demographic processes is the differentiated study of the natural movement of the population by its individual groups, i.e. along with general, partial coefficients are calculated, among which age-specific coefficients are of the greatest importance, taking into account the significant influence of age on fertility and mortality rates.

Thus, the highest mortality is observed in the first year of life, especially during the neonatal period (the first four weeks) and, accordingly, the partial indicators of infant and neonatal mortality are calculated. The fertility rate is due to the presence of a larger or smaller number of women of reproductive (childbearing) age (15-49 years) among the population, therefore a special fertility rate is calculated - the fertility rate (total and for individual age groups of women), etc.

Life expectancy is a complex indicator of health status, which is a measure that accumulates age-specific mortality rates, as a result of which it is a more reliable indicator of public health than indicators of general mortality.

At present, in Russia, the average life expectancy for men is 59 years, for women - 74 years.

The state of health of an individual can be established on the basis of the subjective feelings of a particular person in combination with data from a clinical examination, taking into account gender, age, as well as social, climatic, geographical and meteorological conditions in which a person lives or is temporarily located.

A well-known specialist in the hygiene of children and adolescents, Professor S.M. Trombach (1981) proposed the following medical and hygienic criteria for an individual's health:

  • the presence or absence of chronic diseases;
  • functional state of organs and systems;
  • the level of achieved physical and neuropsychic development;
  • nonspecific resistance (resistance) of the body.

An individual comprehensive assessment of the health status of each child and adolescent ends with the definition of so-called health groups, which can also be used for young people.

Among the factors influencing the state of health, there are also risk factors for the development of diseases and health loss. Moreover, the most significant risk factor is the individual's lifestyle (use of psychoactive substances, unbalanced diet, harmful working conditions, poor material and living conditions, loneliness and social isolation, low cultural level); the next most important risk is the hereditary factor (predisposition to certain hereditary diseases). The ecological state of the habitat ranks third in importance in the group of risks, and the fourth place is taken by the health care structure (Table 11.2).

Table 11.2

Risk Factors for Disease and Health Loss

  • 1. Healthy, with normal development and normal levels of function.
  • 2. Healthy, but having functional and some morphological deviations, as well as reduced resistance to acute and chronic diseases.
  • 3. Patients with chronic diseases in the stage of compensation, with preserved functional capabilities of the organism.
  • 4. Patients with chronic diseases in the stage of subcompensation, with reduced functional capabilities of the body.
  • 5. Patients with chronic diseases in the stage of decompensation, with significantly reduced functional capabilities of the body. As a rule, children belonging to this group are not able to attend general children's educational institutions.

The assessment of the state of health is given at the time of the examination; an acute illness, previous illnesses, unless they have acquired a chronic form, the possibility of exacerbation, the stage of recovery, the likelihood of the onset of the disease due to heredity or living conditions are not taken into account.

The presence or absence of diseases is determined during a medical examination with the participation of specialists, the functional state of organs and systems is revealed by clinical methods using, if necessary, functional tests.

The degree of resistance of the organism is revealed by the susceptibility to disease. It is judged by the number of acute diseases, including exacerbations of chronic ones, over the previous year.

The level and degree of harmony of physical development is determined by anthropometric studies using regional standards of physical development.

The level of mental development achieved is usually established by a pediatric neuropsychiatrist taking part in the examination.

The health of the population is an important component, both for each state and for the planet as a whole. The modern health care system is able to support a person and bring him out of the state of illness, even with complex diseases. However, the health of the population depends not only on economic, social and medical indicators, the level of development of medical services in the country and the region. An important contribution to the health of the nation makes every person aware of responsibility and creates conditions for the development, formation and maintenance of a healthy lifestyle.

In accordance with the Charter of the World Health Organization (WHO) under health is understood "A state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, and not just the absence of disease and physical defects."

Wherein under physical health the current state of the functional capabilities of organs and systems of the body is understood.

Mental healthis considered as a state of the human mental sphere, characterized by general mental comfort, providing adequate regulation of behavior and conditioned by the needs of a biological and social nature.

Social healthunderstood as a system of values, attitudes and motives of behavior in a social environment.

However, the definition of the concept of health given by WHO experts does not reveal the purpose of its preservation and its importance for humans. From the point of view of the target function of health, V.P. Kaznacheev (1975) gives the following definition of this concept: “ Health it is the process of preserving and developing biological, mental, physiological functions, optimal working capacity and social activity of a person with the maximum duration of his active life ".

Based on this definition, the goal of health is: "to ensure the maximum duration of active life."

The analysis of the existing definitions of the concepts of health made it possible to identify six main signs of health.

1. Normal functioning of the organism at all levels of its organization - cellular, histological, organ, etc. The normal course of physiological and biochemical processes that contribute to individual survival and reproduction.

2. Dynamic balance of the organism, its functions and environmental factors or static balance (homeostasis) of the organism and the environment. The criterion for assessing the balance is the correspondence of the structures and functions of the organism to the surrounding conditions.

3. Ability to fully perform social functions, participation in social activities and socially useful work.

4. The ability of a person to adapt to constantly changing conditions of existence in the environment (adaptation). Health is identified with the concept adaptation, since in order for the system to be preserved, it must change, adapt to the changes taking place in the environment.

5. Absence of diseases, painful conditions and painful changes.

6. Complete physical, spiritual, mental and social well-being, harmonious development of the physical and spiritual forces of the body, the principle of its unity, self-regulation and harmonious interaction of all its organs.

It is believed that health assessment should be carried out in dynamics for each individual person, in accordance with his individual characteristics and current state. Individual health concept reflects the health of a particular person... It is assessed by personal well-being, the presence or absence of diseases, physical condition, etc. For a complete presentation, accounting for individual indicators of human health, eight main groups of indicators of individual health are currently distinguished (table 1), a significant part of them can be expressed quantitatively, which makes it possible to obtain the total value of the level of health, in addition, the dynamics of indicators of individual health will make it possible to judge the state and prospects of the health of a given person.

Table 1


Genetic Genotype, absence of dysembryogenesis, hereditary defects
Biochemical Indicators of biological tissues and fluids
Metabolic Metabolic level at rest and after exercise
Morphological The level of physical development, type of constitution (morphotype)
Functional The functional state of organs and systems: -norm of rest -norm of reaction -reserved capabilities, functional type
Psychological Emotional-volitional, mental, intellectual spheres: - dominance of the hemisphere - type of IRR - type of temperament - type of dominant instinct
Socio-spiritual Goals, moral values, ideals, level of claims and degree of recognition, etc.
Clinical No signs of illness

For an individual assessment of the health of children and adolescents, a grouping of children according to health conditions, developed by S. M. Grombakh and others, is used. The group is based on the state of the body's health, assessed by the absence or presence of functional disorders, morphological deviations, chronic diseases and their severity.

Highlighted the following health groups:

Group I - healthy;

Group II - healthy with functional and some morphological

deviations, functional deviations after the transferred diseases, suffering from frequent acute diseases, having moderate visual impairment;

Group III - patients with chronic diseases in a compensated state, as well as children with physical disabilities, significant consequences of trauma, which, however, do not violate adaptability to work and other living conditions;

Group IV - patients with chronic diseases in a subcompensated state that make it difficult to adapt to work and other living conditions;

Group V - patients in a decompensated state, invalids of groups I and II.

To characterize the health status of children and adolescents, the following indicators are taken:

- morbidity by referral is determined by taking into account all cases of diseases per year per 100 examined children and adolescents;

- health index- the proportion of people who did not get sick at all during the year as a percentage of the number of those surveyed;

- the number of frequently ill children during the year. This indicator is determined as a percentage of the ratio of frequently ill children to the number of those surveyed. At the same time, children who have been ill four times or more during the year are considered to be sick;

- pathological affection or soreness- the prevalence of chronic diseases, functional abnormalities as a percentage of the total number of those surveyed. It is revealed as a result of in-depth medical examinations.

Perhaps you will also be interested in an article about population (public) health and disease as a concept.
A huge number of methods are used to assess individual health. Besides measuring respiration and heart rate factors such as state of health, mood, performance, sleep, appetite, the presence of painful sensations.
There are also objective indicators for comparison with a previous condition or with regulatory characteristics:
- height and body weight;
- chest circumference;
- hand dynamometry;
- Body temperature;
- skin coloring and others.

Normally, the male pulse is 70-75 beats per minute, the female - 75-80 beats per minute. Of course, these indicators are very subjective, since a huge number of factors depend on the pulse (number of contractions), whether it is age (the pulse of newborns is 140-150 beats), physical fitness (the average pulse of athletes is 50-55 beats per minute) and many others.
To determine the heart rate at rest and heart rate during exercise, tests are done (for example, 30 squats). The heart rate is measured before and after exercise.

Breath-holding samples (average age 25-30 years):
- over 50 seconds on inhalation - good;
- 40-49 - satisfactory;
- 39 - unsatisfactory.

On exhalation: over 40 seconds - good, 35-40 - satisfactory;
34 or less - unsatisfactory.

Individual health is the health of every member of society. At present, the concept of health has a broader meaning than the absence of diseases; it includes a person's activity capabilities, which allow him to improve his life, make it more prosperous, and achieve a higher degree of self-realization.

Note that well-being concerns all aspects of a person's life, not just his physical condition. Spiritual well-being is related to a person's mind, intellect, emotions. Social well-being reflects a person's ability to live safely in a real environment (natural, technogenic, social). Physical well-being is associated with a person's physical capabilities, with the perfection of his body and longevity.

Thus, the well-being of a person is the defining concept of his health. A person's well-being depends on his physical, mental and social health. It is impossible to get a complete picture of a person's health without taking into account the degree of influence on him of mental, biological and social processes occurring in everyday life, and his ability to adapt to them. No disease is limited only to the body or only to the psyche. Man, unlike the rest of the animal world, is endowed with a creative mind and is a social being, which means that he has biological (physical), spiritual and social health. At the same time, the basis of health is more and more its spiritual component.

To prove the last thought, let us turn to the statements of the ancient Roman orator Mark Tullius Cicero. Here is what he wrote in his treatise On Duties: “First of all, nature has bestowed upon each type of living creature the desire to defend itself, to defend its life, that is, its body, to avoid everything that seems harmful, to acquire and obtain for itself everything necessary for life: food, shelter and so on. The common desire for all living beings to unite in order to produce offspring, and care for this offspring. But the greatest difference between man and beast is that the beast moves as much as his feelings move him, and adapts only to the conditions surrounding him, thinking little about the past and the future. On the contrary, a person endowed with reason, thanks to which he sees the sequence between events, sees their causes, and the previous events and objects do not escape him, he compares similar phenomena and closely ties the future with the present, easily sees the entire course of his life and prepares for himself everything you need to live. Man is primarily characterized by a tendency to study and investigate the truth. "

Spiritual, physical and social health are three integral components of health, which must be in harmonious unity, which ensures a high level of human health and well-being.

Physical health affects spiritual life, and spiritual control provides the necessary discipline to maintain physical health, and together they affect social health and ensure social well-being.

Physical health is ensured by physical activity, rational nutrition, hardening and cleansing of the body, a rational combination of mental and physical labor, time and the ability to rest, excluding alcohol, tobacco and drugs.

Spiritual health provided by the process of thinking, cognition of the surrounding world and orientation in it. Spiritual health is achieved by the ability to live in harmony with oneself, with relatives, friends and society, the ability to predict and model events, to shape the style of one's behavior.

Social health is the ability of a person to adapt in natural, technogenic and social environments. It is achieved by the ability to anticipate the occurrence of dangerous and emergency situations, assess their possible consequences, make an informed decision and act in a specific dangerous or emergency situation, in accordance with their capabilities.

A number of factors affect human health and well-being. Among them, the leading place is taken by the physical, social and spiritual.

Among the physical factors, the most important is the factor of heredity. Research shows the effect of heredity on almost every aspect of our physical health. This is a person's predisposition to certain diseases or the presence of congenital physical defects. The degree of influence of heredity on health can be up to 20%.

Among the social factors, it is necessary to highlight the state of the environment, the impact of various hazardous and emergency situations and the organization of protection of the population from their consequences, as well as the affordable level of medical care. In total, they amount to 30%.

The spiritual factor is the most important component of health and well-being. It includes the understanding of health as the ability to create good, self-improvement, mercy and selfless mutual assistance, the creation of an attitude towards a healthy lifestyle. It should be noted that encouraging people to lead healthy lives is a difficult task. Knowing what a healthy lifestyle is is one thing, but leading it is another. The person tends to repeat those behaviors that bring pleasure. At the same time, actions that are often harmful to health can give quite pleasant sensations for a short time. Choosing a healthy lifestyle requires a high level of understanding and commitment. Thus, the spiritual factor largely depends on the individuality of the lifestyle. Its impact on health is 50%.

In conclusion, we note that each person is responsible for their own health and well-being. Achieving a good level of health and well-being is an ongoing process in a person's life, which implies a certain life position and daily behavior. To achieve a high level of individual health, everyone should strive to develop a number of the most necessary qualities that contribute to the preservation and strengthening of health. This is, first of all, a conscious desire to comply with the norms of a healthy lifestyle, constant improvement of their physical and spiritual qualities, respect for the natural environment and its preservation according to their capabilities, instilling in oneself the conviction that the health of every person depends on the health of the surrounding natural environment.

You need to rethink your attitude towards personal health and understand health as a personal and social value.

Human health depends on the external environment (natural, man-made and social) and on the ability of a person to behave safely in everyday life and in various dangerous and emergency situations. This means that in order to maintain and strengthen health, it is necessary to constantly learn to anticipate dangers, assess the situation and be able to act adequately in the prevailing environment to reduce the risk factor for life and health, to form their own individual system of a healthy lifestyle that ensures spiritual, physical and social well-being.


  1. What constituents determine the general state of human health?
  2. What are the main factors affecting the state of human health?
  3. What is the role of physical factors on human health?
  4. What is the role of social factors on human health?
  5. What is the role of spiritual factors on the state of human health?

The task

Briefly state your understanding of a person's individual health and show the influence of physical, social and spiritual factors on him.



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