the main - Diseases of the heart and blood vessels
Computer courses for seniors, training for elderly people - from the first acquaintance with a PC to a confident user! Internet for seniors: a whim or necessity of a PC for seniors

What are the benefits of the Internet for seniors? How to “make friends” of grandparents with the Internet? Why are old people afraid of the Internet?

Nursing Homes Network

Issues discussed in the material:

  • Why the Internet is good for seniors
  • How to "make friends" a grandmother or grandfather with the Internet
  • Why are old people afraid of the Internet?

It is mistakenly believed that the Internet for the elderly is a completely useless and unnecessary thing, because it is almost impossible to teach grandparents to use it. This opinion, in fact, does not correspond to reality, as evidenced by the examples of people who were able to help their elderly parents to master the computer. Moreover, it only benefited pensioners. In our article we will tell you how to properly introduce old people to the worldwide network.

The Internet is subject to criticism and debate with noticeable consistency. This pattern is no longer surprising to anyone. Why is this happening? Most often, the Internet is blamed for the fact that because of it:

  • people read less, go to libraries and cinemas less often;
  • virtual communication began to take out live conversations and conversations.

However, these criticisms are more likely to concern the younger generation and children. If you think about another category of users - elderly people after 50 years, it becomes clear that they can become very experienced users of both the computer and the Internet. As a rule, they differ from the younger generation in this matter in that they are able to rationally spend time on the Internet. Elderly people should not be reminded of the value of a temporary resource. They try to organize their day in such a way as to have time to walk in the fresh air, visit friends, work in the country, look into a hobby club, and in the evening still have time to discuss family issues with the children via Skype. Pensioners prefer to read traditional printed publications bought at a kiosk, they also try to regularly purchase books and visit libraries. On the Internet, older people love to read news and receive information.

According to research by scientists, thanks to the regular use of the Internet, elderly people experience moral satisfaction, realizing the fact that, despite their age, they were able to master new technologies, study the necessary programs and processes. In addition, there is evidence that when older people are online, they have a reduced risk of strokes, and the aging process slows down altogether. Thus, the impact of the Internet on retirees is becoming overwhelmingly positive.

The Internet helps seniors earn a small income. This earnings is not only a cash addition to the pension, but also helps to feel important, to feel fulfilled and in demand. For example, some older people sell knitwear or embroidery on related sites. In addition, they can write custom-made articles or give online lessons via Skype. All this is an absolute plus of the Internet.

Employment at the computer for retirees has a lot of advantages:

  • Wider social circle.

For many, retirement is accompanied by the fact that a person is, as it were, shielded from the outside world. He lives in his apartment, goes to the same shops, and his communication is limited to a very narrow circle of acquaintances. For many old people, visiting visits, like talking on the phone, can be inconvenient or too expensive. Communication of older people via the Internet can be free and expressed, both in writing and orally, in the format of a video link that connects with friends or relatives living in another city or country.

Among the pluses is new acquaintances on social networks, on sites, forums, in interest groups dedicated to cooking, literature, various types of art, travel. In virtual communication, the age and appearance of the participants in the dialogue are not important. Much more important is what a person says and what knowledge he possesses. In addition, you can make a virtual visit to any world famous museum. Most often, the sites are designed so that the user can see the museum from the inside in real time and seem to be there.

  • It is easier to take care of your health.

It is worth noting that it is on the Internet that information about charlatans who sell fake drugs or have a bad reputation in medical circles usually becomes available earlier than other information resources. For example, if you are advised to purchase some kind of miracle cure, and you doubt its effectiveness, just enter the name of the drug in the search bar, and it will immediately become clear what you are actually being offered.

  • Life is getting richer.

The paradox is that, thanks to the advent of the Internet in the lives of older people, they are starting to visit public places more often. Having got acquainted with the announcements of upcoming events, they instantly order tickets to the cinema, theater, and exhibitions. It would seem that only yesterday the pensioner was sitting at home, but today he is happy to be published.

  • Brain training.

Thanks to the development of new opportunities, intelligence is developing well, the level of which may decrease slightly with retirement. Scientists have found that when a person masters a computer at the age of 50, his brain cells work faster, new connections of neurons are created. All this helps to fight age-related memory impairment, trains intelligence and increases the speed of thinking.

The Internet is the best option for finding the book you need or half-forgotten poem. On the network, you can watch TV shows and films without advertising, and you can simply scroll through the news without listening to the already annoying TV presenters.

The best prices for elderly care services in Moscow and the region!

  • Solving certain household issues.

In addition, the Internet for a pensioner is also an excellent opportunity to pay for an apartment and utilities, order medicine or food. In bad weather or on days when you feel unwell, taking advantage of these benefits is especially valuable.

Today everyone who wants it has access to a computer. The younger generation gives preference to improved models, and the outdated ones are given to their parents. It turns out that the Internet for the elderly is in the public domain, but not everyone can use it correctly.

Thanks to the network, retirees manage to spend their leisure time in a very exciting way. In online mode, they are available for solving crosswords, playing chess, watching any TV series and television programs. You can also gain new knowledge and communicate via Skype with relatives.

Many seniors have appreciated this application and consider it to be a kind of video phone. (Skype is a program with which you can communicate with each other in real time, while seeing the interlocutor, no matter where on the planet he is).

Elderly people do not find it difficult to learn how to handle any gadget. Some of them can master quite complex technologies, which sometimes younger users cannot cope with. However, many elderly people experience difficulties where they need to remember a clear algorithm of actions, and in such a situation they need outside help.

The best way to start teaching computer art to older people is from a tablet. Often, when it comes to a computer, there are problems with how to turn it on and off, how to use the mouse. It is much easier for older people to remember how to turn off a gadget by pressing one button. They also remember the rules for charging the tablet just as quickly. However, it is worth choosing large-sized devices for seniors, with a screen diagonal of 10 inches. We advise you to install a Wi-Fi router at home and abandon the mobile Internet, which has its own limitations.

Initially, be prepared for the older student to need constant attention and advice. You shouldn't tell him about several functions at once. It is better to choose a measured pace of learning. A pensioner should master the type of IP-telephony that you use, because then he will not worry about the cost of calls. As soon as the elderly person masters telephony, you can proceed to the story about the rules for using search engines. This is important because in 99% of cases, older users need the Internet precisely to find the information they need and for online calls. After that, you can start mastering the rest of the operations and teach the pensioner to use the computer on his own.

First, show the older person how to turn the computer on and off. In order to avoid multiple repetitions of the same algorithm, we recommend that you write all actions on paper in the form of a numbered list and leave such instructions next to the workplace.

Do not frighten grandparents with stories that if you turn off the computer incorrectly, then irreparable damage will occur, otherwise they will be very worried. Reassure them and explain that in case of an error, nothing terrible will happen, you can try pressing another button or try again. When it comes to learning, it is important not to feel intimidated and to try new things with joy.

We recommend that you prepare your desktop in advance, namely, remove irrelevant shortcuts, folders and files, leaving only what will be needed by an elderly person. Give each label a name in Russian. Leave only the necessary bookmarks in the browser, show the elderly person how to use them.

To make the pensioner more interested in a new hobby, install games that are well known to him, including solitaire, chess, crosswords, etc. In them speed is not important, so you can thoughtfully make each move. Tell your relative about the rules of the game, stay close for a while and enjoy his first successes.

Leave the shortcut of the Internet browser on your desktop and put it on autostart, which will enable the search engines "Yandex" or "Google" in automatic mode. Show the elderly person how to use a search engine, where to enter a query, how to open and close the necessary resources afterwards. For older people, this skill is easier if they are told in advance what points to pay attention to. Most often, older people are interested in news, recipes, favorite films, embroidery, summer residence, conservation, collecting, TV programs, crosswords, medicinal herbs. Delight is guaranteed to a pensioner when he realizes that the forecast is being told not only on TV, and for the secret of the recipe for strawberry mousse, you no longer need to contact a neighbor.

Be sure to install the Skype or agent on your computer and add in advance to the contact list the numbers of people with whom the elderly person maintains regular communication. These can be children and grandchildren, friends and acquaintances, neighbors and former colleagues. Tell us how to make calls over the Internet. Explain that this way you don't waste money on your phone. It will be good if you configure the automatic inclusion of these programs.

Don't be annoyed if an older person calls you all the time with the same questions. Just calmly explain to him all the algorithms of actions again. It is possible that your relative is simply lonely and thus he tries to make up for the lack of attention to himself.

Elderly people in most cases are afraid that because of their ignorance they will accidentally break something in the computer. It seems to many that they cannot master the basics of computers and the Internet. However, this is not at all the case. The relevance of the Internet to older people is enormous. Today, many retirees easily manage to take computer courses, work at a computer and even receive some kind of income from participating in online projects. The internet is definitely beneficial, especially for the elderly.

The solution to most problems and fears is found immediately after the pensioner is explained and told all the advantages of a computer and the Internet. Often, older people have to deal with typical difficulties:

  • "I am afraid that I will not be able to study the computer."

The Internet for seniors over 70 is something scary and incomprehensible. Often, old people are firmly convinced that it is simply impossible to master a computer at their age.

We advise you to talk with an elderly relative on this topic. Tell him that until a few decades ago computers were available only to narrow specialists. However, today everyone can afford the technique, because its management has been simplified, its reliability and practicality have increased. You don't need to be an experienced technician to start using a computer.

The Internet itself has changed. It has become more organized, it has its own system and orderliness, which allowed even users without any experience to understand all the subtleties.

  • "I'm used to reading letters on paper, not on a screen."

Reading from the monitor is a common problem in older adults. The habit of reading on paper and the discomfort for the eyes prevent the elderly from enjoying the process.

Today, this difficulty is easily solved due to on-screen settings, thanks to which you can make the font larger, adjust the balance of brightness and sharpness of color, and also organize and save the desired bookmarks in the required order.

  • The problem of using the keyboard.

The keyboard causes a lot of difficulties for older people, because it is not easy for them to use the keys. In this case, you need to teach them how to properly handle the mouse, because it is easier to work with. When it comes to typing, it all depends on practice. The more the retiree trains, the faster he will master the keyboard.

  • Mouse control.

The modern world is so progressive that even preschoolers can quickly master the computer and the Internet. Seniors are also free to become experienced users.

Mastering the Internet for seniors over 80 should start from simple to complex. To begin with, let the grandfather or grandmother just play some kind of game where you need to do simple mouse manipulations. It is enough to play a couple of games, and the skill will be mastered.

  • It is scary to master the new large amount of information required to work with a computer and the Internet.

This assumption is an absolute delusion. To master a computer, a pensioner does not have to memorize all the components and wisdom of using the Internet by heart.

Just think - a person drives a car without even knowing what parts are under the hood, how they function and how to repair them. The same applies to computers - only a basic set of knowledge is enough for a pensioner. Indeed, often to solve the most difficult, at first glance, problem, a simple reboot, which does not require the help of a specialist, is enough.

Nursing homes in the Moscow region

The network of boarding houses for the elderly offers nursing homes, which are among the best in terms of comfort, coziness and are located in the most beautiful places in the Moscow region.

We are ready to offer:

  • Comfortable nursing homes for the elderly in Moscow and Moscow region. We will offer all possible options for accommodating a person close to you.
  • A large base of qualified personnel for the care of the elderly.
  • 24-hour care for the elderly by professional nurses (all staff are citizens of the Russian Federation).
  • If you are looking for a job, we offer nursing vacancies.
  • 1-2-3-bed accommodation in boarding houses for the elderly (specialized comfortable beds for the recumbent).
  • 5 meals a day full and dietary food.
  • Daily leisure: games, books, watching movies, walking in the fresh air.
  • Individual work of psychologists: art therapy, music lessons, modeling.
  • Weekly examination by specialized doctors.
  • Comfortable and safe conditions: comfortable country houses, beautiful nature, clean air.

At any time of the day or night, the elderly will always come to the rescue, no matter what problem they are concerned about. All relatives and friends are in this house. An atmosphere of love and friendship reigns here.

In our age of digital technologies, it is impossible for the modern generation to imagine life without a computer. A personal computer has long ceased to be a luxury or an object of use for the elite; now it is a necessary technical gadget, an assistant that allows you to keep up with the times. Children grow up with gadgets, so for them computer literacy is absorbed naturally, but their grandparents have problems with it. It is easy for elderly parents to buy a computer, but not everyone is able to teach it to use it, since it takes a long time and a lot of patience. But this does not mean that the road to the world of information technology is closed for the older generation. Learning computer literacy for retirees is a complex science that requires skill and practice. Best of all, special computer courses for retirees cope with this task, where experienced teachers know well how to present this or that material to older people. We invite you to enroll in our computer literacy course for seniors from the CODDY school in Moscow. This course is a full-time course, adapted to the capabilities of people of retirement age who want to master the basics of computer literacy and learn how to use the Internet.

Computer courses for senior citizens. Why is this needed?

Mastering a computer opens up completely new opportunities for people of retirement age:

  • Read news, weather forecast or TV schedule without buying newspapers and magazines.
  • Watch your favorite films and programs at a convenient time, and not what is shown on TV.
  • Communication on thematic forums with people who share your interests.
  • Search and download the necessary information.
  • Find relatives, classmates, classmates, colleagues with whom you have not seen for a long time on social networks and chat with them via video chat.
  • Free Skype communication along with phone calls for a monthly fee.
  • Make an appointment at the clinic or find out which pharmacy in the city has the necessary medicine and where it is cheaper.
  • Buy a ticket for an event of interest, for a train or plane.
  • Pay utility bills and make purchases in stores without leaving your home.
  • Advanced users of retirement age become video bloggers and their own YouTube channel, where they can share their experience, becomes an excellent assistant for them and a source of additional income - more on this on the course.

And even if some possibilities at first seem very difficult, novice elderly users master basic skills on our course without any particular difficulties. The main objective of the course is to teach the basics of using a computer and the Internet. Classes are divided into blocks-modules, each of which is devoted to a specific topic. Computer literacy training for pensioners begins from the basics, with general concepts, without complicated and abstruse terms, without "water" and gradually moves on to more complex issues, all this is accompanied by compulsory practice. Classes are held at a calm pace, study groups are completed exclusively by age, which allows our grandparents to be liberated among their peers and to learn the material more efficiently and with interest.

The curriculum includes all aspects of working with a personal computer and the Internet necessary for novice users. The training course consists of 3 blocks, covering such topics as the components and control elements of a computer, applications and explorer built into the operating system, working in a text editor, working with the Internet, navigating and searching for information on the global network, communicating via e-mail, instant messengers and social media, safety regulations and more.

Computer courses for pensioners in Moscow are effective practical training in working on a computer in small groups, an accessible presentation, a comfortable environment, and a friendly atmosphere. By enrolling in computer literacy courses for seniors in our school, you acquire only specific applied knowledge and practical skills, without wasting time studying abstract and unnecessary theory.

Based on the results of training, you will be able to:

  • confidently work on a computer using all its functionalities;
  • easy to navigate in the controls of the PC and its desktop;
  • independently install programs and useful gadgets;
  • perform operations with files and folders;
  • work with documents in Microsoft Office Word;
  • find the necessary information on the Internet and save it on your computer;
  • work with USB drives;
  • communicate via email and social networks;
  • take full advantage of free messengers;
  • protect your computer and learn the rules of safe behavior on the Internet.

And this is not a complete list of opportunities that our computer courses for retirees will open up.

Do you want your personal computer to become your friend and reliable assistant? Forget your age! We are waiting for you in the classroom and will be happy to help you open up new opportunities for communication and self-realization using information technology.

How do we understand that the student has mastered the program?

During training, we evaluate both the practical side of the question (how to do this?) And understanding the topic (why and why).

Students demonstrate their knowledge by solving problems in their own way, explaining algorithms in their own words, helping classmates correct mistakes, and creating presentations on their completed projects.

To keep up with new technologies, get a job, or watch your favorite TV series, you need to know how to use a computer. Retirees with an active lifestyle can learn computer literacy in specialized courses.

An elderly person may need the Internet much more than teenagers.

There are several ways to learn:

  • group courses;
  • online courses and services;
  • self-study through books and video lectures.

First of all, a pensioner may be afraid of a new one, believing that he can cope without the Internet. In fact, training takes little time. The main thing is to interest the elderly person, to talk about new opportunities.

Why does a pensioner need computer courses:

  1. Active mental activity is resumed, which prevents many diseases of the psyche and brain.
  2. This is a quick way to find answers to questions, from recipe for patties to TV program.
  3. The ability to independently use technology will improve mood, self-esteem and boredom for an elderly person.
  4. Now you can get a job, get a promotion, and work online.
  5. If friends, relatives are at a great distance, communication via Skype will help brighten up the separation.

Attention! During training, you can not shout, swear at an elderly person. You need to competently answer repetitive questions, if necessary, write down the step-by-step instructions on a piece of paper.

How to make learning comfortable:

  1. Allocate a personal computer that will only belong to a pensioner. Then he will be able to organize all the folders on his own, he will be more daring to press buttons.
  2. There should be a minimum of programs on the desktop. While the student will master the standards, he does not need fancy games, applications.
  3. Create a shortcut for the browser on the desktop. Dock all necessary windows in the browser. It can be news, Yandex search engine, YouTube, mail.
  4. Perhaps an elderly person will be more comfortable learning "the old fashioned way." Then it is better to start a notebook where the main steps will be spelled out, and it will also be possible to independently record the key points.
  5. Regularity can move mountains. If you work with a pensioner once a month, nothing will work. It is better to submit new information every day, but in small portions.

Free computer literacy courses

Charity computer literacy courses can be found in almost any city in the Russian Federation. Education is carried out in libraries, internet clubs, schools and social centers.

The state is interested in the active life position of pensioners, therefore Article 76 of the Law "On Education of the Russian Federation" guarantees free development of courses, certification and employment of persons of retirement age.

For example, the "Electronic Citizen" program will allow you to remotely master a computer. You just need to study the course of video lectures.

What types of training exist

It is possible to study for free. But you need to choose which of the methods will be productive for each retiree. It is very easy to study online, with the help of courses, enroll in a charity group or study the issue on your own.

Online services

If courses and groups have a limited flow, then Internet resources provide an opportunity to choose training to your liking.

Electronic citizen

The "Electronic Citizen" program is supported by the state. It is aimed at leveling the playing field for those who have not had time to master the capabilities of the computer, the Internet. The program also helps to register on various services that will make life easier for pensioners, for example, the State Services website.


YouTube is a great resource for free education in any field. It is enough to enter in the search line "computer literacy", "computer training from scratch", there will be dozens of videos and playlists on this topic.

Virtual Computer Academy for Seniors

The site is under the direction of Sergei Avdevnin. He was amazed that grandparents were willing to pay money to register a mailbox. Therefore, he created a free project in the form of a site where you can get answers to popular questions.

Important! If you have any question related to your computer, you can enter it in the search box. Usually websites have step-by-step instructions with pictures and tips.

Group training

Various charity courses are held in groups. Such courses can be found in retirement clubs, libraries, at schools, etc. Courses are easy to find on the internet.

As an example, group courses for Moscow residents:

  • "Free Internet Literacy Course for Seniors"- training in payment for housing and communal services, online shopping, skype, for registration you need minimal computer knowledge;
  • "Nets of all ages are submissive"- free courses from MTS, where more experienced users teach beginners;
  • computer education training center- computer literacy classes are held regularly from 10.00 to 12.00 on weekdays.

In every city you can find tons of groups, both paid and free.

These courses teach:

  • basic computer skills;
  • search for information on the network;
  • registration in social networks, mail, skype;
  • using online banking;
  • registration on the website of the State Service;
  • studying antiviruses, ways to protect your computer;
  • online entertainment, multimedia.

The peculiarities of pensioners and their needs must be taken into account. New information is regularly repeated and applied in practice. There are always more experienced users in the group who will help in a difficult situation, set them up for further study of technologies.

Individual training

Teaching a computer individually is one of the most difficult ways, because you will have to overcome personal fears and insecurities, and in case of a mistake, you need to look for answers yourself.

However, this training has its advantages:

  • own rhythm of work;
  • selection of sources you like;
  • no need to leave home, spend money, etc.

Reference! For the initial stage of learning, it is better to master the tablet. The computer is difficult to shut down and using the mouse is difficult.

First, you need to learn basic skills in using the device. Then go to browser and search terms. If a pensioner can find the answer to a question on the Internet, he will independently learn not only computer literacy, but also any hobby.


Learning from books and textbooks is most understandable for older people. New information can be re-read an infinite number of times, fixing it in memory.

It is better to purchase several tutorials by previewing each of them. Even simple tutorials can seem confusing. You need to find your own level, from which it will be easy to start learning without someone else's help.

List of popular self-help books:

  1. Ivan Zhukov - "Computer and Internet from scratch."
  2. Marina Winner - "Computer and laptop for those who are over ... A simple and understandable tutorial."
  3. Alexey Gladkiy - “Internet for 100%. A detailed tutorial: from a "teapot" to a professional. "

Video tutorials are more visual aids, because "Naked" theory will not save the beginning student.

Free video courses can always be found on YouTube by the corresponding search query.

YouTube channels that can help you learn:

  • computer academy;
  • Sergey Chernykh - a computer for beginners;
  • Andrey Sukhov's channel will help to master the basic programs.

Don't download unknown courses. The file may contain viruses. In the initial stages, it is better to give preference to online services.

Overview of the Neumek course and the ABC of the Internet

Neumeka and the Alphabet of the Internet are online courses of the same name, sites where basic programs and their functions are clearly explained.


Neumeka is suitable for any level of training. Each lesson has pictures that complement the new material.

The site is divided into 3 blocks:

  • computer for beginners;
  • computer work;
  • training programs.

When going to each section, subsections open where the user can select the question of interest. It is also possible to study the site sequentially, from 1 block, 1 subsection, gradually moving on.

Step-by-step instructions for the course:

  1. Go to the site, choose the one you are interested in from 3 sections.
  2. Open a question of interest.
  3. Read the article carefully.
  4. Repeat all the steps that were described in the article on a computer.
  5. Repeat if necessary.

Advantages of the course:

  • detailed information;
  • there are pictures;
  • step by step training;
  • analyzed both the basic skills of computer literacy and the development of sites, social networks.

Cons of the course:

  • for active users, the information will seem too simple;
  • the site design has not been updated for a long time;
  • to choose a new lesson, you need to constantly return to the main menu.

The ABC of the Internet

The ABC of the Internet is courses for retirees and people with disabilities who want to learn how to work on a PC.

The project is supported by the Pension Fund of Russia and Rostelecom.


  • with the help of the program, pensioners are socialized;
  • the basic course consists of 14 chapters, each of which deals with a specific topic in detail;
  • there is an advanced course of 7 modules, which is suitable for more advanced users;
  • there is a version for the visually impaired;
  • the lesson can be downloaded or watched online.


  • the lessons consist of articles and images, there are practically no videos;
  • to learn with the help of this site, you need to have at least some PC skills.

Learning new things means not getting old. Seniors are able to lead an active lifestyle, read the news, watch TV series, and even run their own culinary blog. Thanks to the provided courses, you can become an active Internet user in 2-3 weeks, learn how to work at a computer.

Elderly people are increasingly using computers, gadgets - smartphones, e-books, laptops. Not all retirees can master computer literacy on their own. The state helps to learn to work on a computer for free.

Why retirees need computer literacy

The ability to use a computer is necessary for work in other areas of life:

  • Education. With the help of a personal computer (PC), pensioners have access to online libraries, receive knowledge remotely, and participate in master classes.
  • Healthcare. Citizens make an online appointment with a therapist, specialized specialists on the clinic's website.
  • Employment and part-time work. Elderly people learn new professions, earn money. They write texts, course projects, work as tutors, make translations.

Studying a computer for retirees - the ability to easily communicate with friends and family, find like-minded people, view photos, carry out correspondence.

Having access to the Internet, you can send applications to government, private organizations. It is convenient for pensioners to pay for purchases in the online store, housing and communal services, duties and taxes.

How to master for free

Computer training takes place in different ways. The easiest one is to ask for help from friends or relatives. If this is not possible, consider other training options:

  • Online via the Internet. The method is suitable for those who have a basic level of knowledge of working with a computer, knows how to use the Internet, skype (Skype). For classes, you need to choose a training program, for example, web programming or computer graphics, register on a specific site.
  • Offline. The method is suitable for advanced users and retirees with basic PC skills. For training, you need to download a course from the Internet, write lessons to a USB flash drive or CD-ROM. The advantage of this method is training at a convenient time and anywhere.
  • According to textbooks and tutorials. The option is suitable for people who have never used a computer. To learn how to work on a PC, you need to buy books from a store or borrow from a library.
  • Circles and sections, which are formed with the support of the bodies of social protection of the population. The main advantage is classes in small groups, where you can always get answers to questions from the teacher.

Online lessons

The country has adopted a state program to support the training of pensioners. Territorial bodies of the Pension Fund of Russia (PFR) on the basis of schools and libraries, together with IT companies, conduct classes for unemployed elderly people. All courses are free of charge, their listeners are recipients of old-age or disability insurance pensions. The purpose of the classes is to form basic knowledge, learn how to work on a computer, use state information resources.

Since 2006, an accessible program "Electronic Citizen" has been operating in Russia to teach computer literacy to pensioners and other socially unprotected segments of the population.

Students are given a set of teaching aids. Upon graduation, senior citizens can take the test and receive an international certificate.

The ABC of the Internet

This joint project was created by the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and OJSC Rostelecom. The main task is to teach pensioners and people with disabilities the basics of working with computers and the Internet. Official site - You can learn how to work on a PC for free. The course is taken online or a textbook is downloaded.

After training, retirees can use the Internet, request certificates and documents, make payments, search for and perform work. If necessary, you can ask questions and get clarifications from the methodologists.

It is easy to test your skills on the site if you go to the "Test Questions" section.

The main objectives of the training course:

  • Obtaining skills in working with computer equipment.
  • Socialization of elderly citizens, organization of their leisure time.
  • Ensuring the right to receive public services in electronic form.
  • Motivation to acquire new knowledge.

Virtual Computer Academy

The main goal of the project is to help older people get used to the digital space, to show that a computer for retirees is a means of leading a fulfilling lifestyle.

  • operating system Windows;
  • text editor Word;
  • Photoshop;
  • work on the Internet;
  • creating your own website;
  • social media.

Where to study in Moscow

In 2014, Rostelecom and the Russian Pension Fund (PFR) signed an agreement on cooperation in training pensioners to work on a computer. The purpose of the agreement is to improve the quality of life through training in computer literacy and working on the Internet, as well as helping the older generation in obtaining public services in electronic form.

As part of the implementation of the agreement in 2014, Rostelecom and the Pension Fund of Russia prepared a special educational manual for the elderly, "Internet ABC". The manual was developed by educators, psychologists-gerontologists and IT specialists. The course program is constantly evolving, and the textbook is supplemented with new modules and relevant information.

The manual can be used as a self-study guide when working on a computer and on the Internet, as well as a textbook for specialized courses on computer literacy for pensioners, which are held throughout Russia. The electronic version of the textbook "Internet ABC" is posted on the training portal It also contains visual aids, presentations for each topic of the textbook, useful links, methodological recommendations on the peculiarities of teaching older people, the necessary technical equipment of classes.

The first courses under the "Alphabet of the Internet" program were held in 2014 in Bryansk, Volgograd, Vologda, Stavropol and Tula. Special computer courses were organized for the classes. In Nizhny Novgorod and the Nizhny Novgorod region, the social protection authorities have equipped and provided 128 computer classes for training in the "ABC".

In November 2015, the program was presented at the Russian Center for Science and Culture in Yerevan. As a result of the event, materials adapted for Russian-speaking pensioners living in the Republic of Armenia appeared on the Azbuka portal.

The Internet portal is visited monthly by over 20 thousand users, 8433 people are registered in the "Teacher" section. Since 2014, more than 305 thousand pensioners have taken part in the program, of which about 55 thousand people in 2019. In addition, the regions of the Russian Federation use the materials of the program in the framework of their own projects. So, for example, in the Tyumen region there is a program “Expanding the horizons”, which takes into account the methodological developments and recommendations of the program “Alphabet of the Internet”.

The training is divided into two courses: basic - for novice users and advanced - for those who have already mastered the basics of working on a computer and the Internet. In 2015, modules were published that tell about the choice of a home computer and additional equipment for it, recommendations are given on the use of social networks and regional Internet services: sites of regional authorities, enterprises providing housing and communal services. In 2016, the Azbuka portal published materials on financial Internet literacy, job search on the Internet and programs necessary for employment. In 2017, modules were developed for working on tablets and in video communication programs. Today, the site has published materials for seven modules of the extended course of study.

Online seminars for teachers and organizers of courses on the "ABC of the Internet" have become a significant contribution to the development of the project. The first seminar was attended by listeners from 13 regions, in the seminar, which took place in May 2019, more than 1400 representatives of regional ministries of social policy, employees of libraries and various social institutions, university professors from 51 regions.

The release of the "Alphabet of the Internet" is a charitable project for the company: the preparation, publication and free distribution of the textbook allows to increase the number of pensioners who can use computers and work on the Internet, to facilitate older people access to electronic government services and social services.

In support of the "Alphabet of the Internet" project, an annual contest "Thank you to the Internet!" Participants of the V All-Russian competition in 2019 submitted over 4.5 thousand applications from 79 regions of Russia. This is 23% more than in 2018. At the same time, 81% of the work came from residents of medium and small cities, as well as from rural areas. The oldest participant is 95 years old. 63% of the entries were received from pensioners who completed training in specialized courses - 37% of pensioners studied independently, incl. according to the program "The ABC of the Internet".

You can download a free textbook and teaching materials on the portal



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