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Yin yang concepts in philosophy. Yin and yang means a person and a woman. Ways to increase the level of energy Yin

A popular symbol, images on rich souvenirs, looking like a colo, divided by a winding line into two symmetrically arranged equal parts. The middle of the skin of them is also є gurtok, which means an eye of some kind, whose contours are surrounded by a splendid pivkol and hviley. What does yin-yang mean, for images of which it became fashionable in the rest of the years to embellish the wrong objects and apply yoga on the body at the sight of a tattoo? Chi helps this symbol to resist life's misfortunes?

Deyakі people take yogo as a kind of amulet, an amulet, and hang the image in a booth, behind the frontal slope of the car they wear it on their shoulders looking at the medallion, saying: "Yin-yang, save me." Nі, not for the invention of ancient China, the symbol, vin, shvidshe, є as a scientific scheme, which helps to better understand the day of the present world.

It was criticized by Marx and resonated with the fact that in it everything is turned upside down, operating on the understanding of "the unity and struggle of proportions." Be a magnet and our entire planet has two poles. Live the details of the subdivision on two stats. Understanding good and evil is also dualistic. Є light and є darkness. Sometimes with singing periodicity, the skin from the side changes to the length. Axis, which means yin-yang, the flooring would have been easier to create a graphic image of the unity of the spaces.

All religions, in their theories about the creation of the world, focus on the cob whole chaos, which precedes the creation of the universe, and in their past, they are in solidarity with theosophists. In the world, the change was divided into two halves, which compensate one for the other, the skin, reaching the maximum in its development, was sacrificed by the woman of the other. The round eyes symbolize the presence of the middle of the skin on the opposite sides of the germ of the future change, the front of the change of the phase path, which is called "Tao".

Peretikannya from one half of the stake into the other, as bi poednuє tsі two mutually indistinguishable parts, creating a whole. Trying to figure out what for the word "yin-yang" we should divide yoga into two parts. The black yin symbolizes the woman's cob, the white yang symbolizes the man's. Yin is intuitive and Yang is logical. Yin - and yang - life. Pivnich and pivden, cold and warm, plus and minus - the axis of which means yin-yang.

Philosophical sign of this ієroglyph on the floor is deep, which by itself is the sound of Marx's ringing at the address.

Significant harmony and equalness of natural forces - the axis of which means yin-yang. This concept is universal in its own way, it can describe the sovereign structure, and the system of proper eating. Vaughn may and social, and physical, and chemical science.

The ancient Chinese treatise "I-tsin", also called the "Book of Changes", interprets yin-yang like two sides of one burn, like one, but it is composed of two schilivs, which alternately hang like sleepy changes.

Yin-Yang is the main principle of the law of the All-world. Everything in our world is a physical object or a living thing to resemble the mutual energy of two cobs Yin and Yang. The energy of Yin and Yang is to work everything in our world unique and dissimilar one by one.

Jan- Tse active cob, fire, sun, heat, summer, sky, light, human.

Yin- Tse passive cob, water, cold, moon, earth, soft, dark, woman.

If in a person you transcend the energy of Yang, then you will be born a man, and if you transcend the energy of Yin, then you will be born a woman. To this, the energy of Yin-Yang is mutually supplemented, and at one time it is one and the same, and you can sleep well without each other.

Yin-Yang Taichi Symbol

Taichi which can be used in all feng shui books to describe the interplay of two cobs. Yang energy is the light area of ​​the symbol, and Yin is dark.

Yin-Yang Taichi Symbol

Cola to the Yin-Yang symbol means inexhaustible movement. Yin and Yang mutually blame, mutually depend, and constantly transform, one on another. One cob cannot be used without the other, a part of the other is removed from the skin. Like nothing to pass the day, and the day of the night. The people will end in death, and death will pass on to the people. Friends become enemies, and enemies become friends. Offended by the part, in one and the same time, they are rebuked by the post-yniy change and Russia. Maintain a balanced balance. Such nature is Yin-Yang, which shows that everything in our world is worthwhile.

The fundamental principle of feng shui practice is not to bring Yin-Yang, for the creation of a harmonious life flow in your booth. Therefore, when planning the interior of an apartment, it is necessary to obov'yazkovo vrakhovuvat qi factor Ying and Yang, even if the feng shui of your house can be balanced out of sight of these principles.

Factori vplyu Іn in the inter'єri booth- all screens, muted and dark tones, refrigerator, silence, distant accommodation in the house, room for recovery, bedroom, lounge, pivnichna side, toilet.

Chinniki vlivu Yang in the inter'єri booth— central air, full of music, working room, halasli road, bright and bright colors, head entrance, living quarters, lighting and dressing fittings, front, gym, outdoor side — everything that can be compared with active activity .

Appropriate to the basic principle of Feng Shui - harmony and balance of Yin-Yang, it is not necessary to work as an overworldly dark, gloomy, Yin. And then, just turn on the music and cover all the walls with different bright photo posters, you will create too much Yang energy, which will also be shkidly signified at the friendly Feng Shui bungalow. There will be an imbalance in both vipadas. Tse fundamental principles of Feng Shui and їх it is necessary to wear clothes.

Vicorist principles of Yin-Yang, we can vrakhovuvat recognized kіmnat, for example, in the bedroom will be more vikoristovuvat іnsk energy, muffled tone, low furniture, napіvtemyryava.

For a working office, it’s better to vikoristovuvavat factor Jan - tse brighter lighting, high furniture, light tone.

Ordering your house according to Feng Shui, for the principles of Yin-Yang harmoniously and gracefully, you will soon remember how you should be in the booth to help you yourself - in the bedroom you will have miraculous repairs and you will quickly gain strength, and in the working office or at the working table it is productive Effectively practice and quickly reach success on your right!

Attributes of Chinese culture have penetrated into the life of people in other lands. At the booths, you can see the talisman yin-yang. Let's take a look at the report of one of the most popular symbols, even if a lot of people don't think about its meaning.

History of the yin-yang symbol

Yin-yang takes its turns from the philosophy of ancient China. A handful of wines from the mountain. Aje, one of its halves, is always illuminated by the sun, and another one is in the shade at the same time. Early chi pizno ts_ parts are changed by months. With the rise of the light of the future, the sense of the symbol is transformed. Yin and Yang is the prototype of light and dark, hard and soft. More space is being added, such as sinter and cold, light and shade and others. However zavzhdi dwell on the vase.

Zgidno with the "Book of Changes", the whole world is composed of antipodes. People and Svetobudova, from one side, are driven in by opposite forces, from the other - the same whole. So, Yin and Yang is a symbol of unity and struggle of prolezhnosti. The proliferating parts are exchanged with their energies and become the strained energy of “Qi”.

Talisman meaning

Okremo Yang is seen as a symbol of the human ear, light, and Yin is the female ear, cold, inertness. The strength of the amulet is gained by the combination of the opposite sides, by the splendid foundation one by one
. Age in the dermal individual is proliferative.

The success of the special deposit in the presence of equal forces. In everyday life, the amulet will give harmony, we will accept the request of the kohannya and pobudovі kar'єri. Vіn posilyuє weak energy that prignіchuє more important. The most recent sign of the development of absolutely new features of special features and emotions.

Respect! The talisman Yinyan is a superior defender of the dark forces. Even if you only feel harmony in yourself, people stop taking negativity close to the heart.

Zvyazok Yin-Yang

Symbol є kolo, subdivisions with a wavy line into 2 absolutely equal parts. Kolo, with its blackness, means the inconsistency of the whole earth. The white side is Yang, and the black side is Yin.

The harmony of the symbol is based on the fact that the skin on the side includes a part of the proliferation. Small circles can be spun on the sign: white on the black part, and black on the white part, to that Yin and Yang are indistinctly connected with each other, they cannot be alone without one.

Important! The woman can change the energy of the night, and the man - the man. As soon as you go out of the way, then an unruly force appears in people and changes are made in the psyche of that body. Viraz tse know about health problems and emotional stress.

Talisman activation

In the rest of the rocks even more fashionable to wear this sign and robiti tattoo with a symbol.

However, in order to protect bringing mischief, we respect his attitude towards the vlasnik.

Without advance preparation, that activation of the veins is not effective. Having created a singing ritual, you can take away a strong pomіchnik. For the possibilities of wines, one should not act with other similar amulets.

Energy charging

A leather object, which the world has, may have its own unique charge. Some of them are marked with a minus sign, others - with a plus sign. Yakshcho virіb pridbano in the store of esotericism, cleanse the head of yoga with the energy of people, in the hands of such veins I have comprehended.

Charging amulet:

Yogo sled potrimat kіlka khvilin pіd faucet or zanurit in rose salt. Then let's charge the talisman with the energy of your elements. Usyogo їх 4: fire, water, rub that earth.

Depending on the sign of the zodiac, it is necessary to follow the advancing principles:

  • Fire signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius) can carry the amulet through half a candle 7 times.
  • Water signs (Ribi, Cancer, Scorpio) are the ones to sway with a bottle of water.
  • Povіtryany signs (Bliznyuki, Terezi and Aquarius) can smoke amulets with their favorite arable.
  • Earth signs (Taurus, Diva, Capricorn) can hold an object near the ground.

Important! Charge the amulet only early in the evening. This is a good hour to get angry at your deepest feelings and emotions, to think about Vichne.


To complete the ritual, it is important to choose the right day.

Important! Varto nobility, that all days of the day are divided into women - Wednesday, Friday, Saturday and people - Monday, Tuesday, Thursday.

  1. Sit down at the table and hold the talisman in your hands.
  2. In such a position, sit close to 10 hvilin and constantly think about the good: people are loved or the moon. Korisno dilitsya happy moments of life, schob nadali vіn privablyuvav seldom positive situation.
  3. Then pack the little thing in a piece of cloth, not a black color. Shove yoga in a quiet place for the day.
  4. For a stretch of the hour, fast with the talisman, share with him to get drunk. It's important, schob vіn having removed the energy of the future ruler.
  5. After all the rituals, keep the talisman with you.
  6. Like I’ll embellish, the amulet needs to be watched: clean and wipe it in time.
  7. For the support of energy with a talisman, it is important to speak at the hour.

Dovidka! It is not possible to put an amulet on display and give it to the hands of third-party people.

The image of the sign can be used on clothes, decorative elements, embellishments. Bringing this symbol to the boondocks, it is necessary to know its meaning and energy, as if you were carrying it. If a woman's and a man's cob begin to coexist in a person, his biofield becomes indifferent. There is a wall of its own on the path of all that is evil and filthy.

The Yin Yang symbol came to us from ancient Chinese philosophy. Vin means unity of lengths, dark and light, human and female beginnings. Tlumachennya and the name of the sign were changed by the stretch of the century, in different philosophical schools, new vistas were attributed to it.

How does the symbol look

The scheme of the symbol is simple. The head element is the column. This is a sign of the inconsistency of the eternal foundation of our world. There is a wavy line in the middle of the stake, as if subdividing it into 2 symmetrical and even halves. Their colors are contrasting: black and white. The stench itself symbolizes two dimensions, as if they interact with each other, creating a single whole.

Without a hitch, the signs of Yin and Yang make two ribs. From one point the stench is sounded, and from another extension. On the extended part there is an “eye” of the protile color. Zgіdno with one interpretation, tse means that Yn bachel the light of Yan's eyes and navpaki. For further explanations, the skin mark has a proto-leg bud. Symbols vpivat one on one.

The figures are not static, the stench is constantly collapsing on the stake. On the back of the field, the field is at the peak, and the black comes out, then the black is lifted, and the white is lowered. The back of the image showed a mountain, one shila like illumination by the sun, and the other near the darkness. The heavenly light is collapsing and the light is moving from one side of the hump to the other.

The old little ones of this sign are also growing. The stench is made up of a few kil, half black, half white. The central colo is absolutely white. So the images are sharpened, de “eyes” of the two opposite elements stick together at the central part.

The symbol is known to all of us, appearing in the era of Zhou Dun, if neo-Confucianism began to enter fashion. Some people write hieroglyphs on amulets that mean "Yin" and "Yang"

Philosophical meaning of the symbol

The sign of Yin Yang is the whole philosophy, as in China to sign the light-gazer of the mystical inhabitants. Power is founded on it, in return for the support of that family, religion. The system is already available for a thousand thousand. Zgіdno with a legend, it's eternal.

Trochs of history

The first riddles about the mysterious sign are known from the treatise "The Book of Changes" or "I-tsin", a kind of spelling in the 7th century BC. e. Deyakі sleddniki zvodnik yogo root to Hinduism and Buddhism, the stars of the Chinese took the idea of ​​three mandalas. Zgіdno zdnіm vchennyami, Іn and Yang symbolize svetobudova, cosmos and the main law of the unity of space. The stinks interact with each other, generating the mighty energy Qi.

The Chinese claimed that before the creation of the world, Chaos was created, and the energy of Qi was infused. Let's sweat the Earth and the Sky were divided. This moment and images on the two-colored emblems. Ale, in fact, won't be three-membered, even between the Earth and the Sky, there is a person, as the center of the light and day in their own two proliferant days. Vіd vzaєmodії 3 forces: Earth, Heaven and people - the vine of the whole world.

The symbol was recognized by і on 2 main Chinese philosophical and religious systems. Confucianism is associated with the human cob Yang. A rational system, how to improve the world through knowledge, tradition, firm reconciliation. Taoism is a mystical religion based on intuition and feelings. Won є vіlennyam zhіnogo cob.

Philosophical systems

The hip is a symbol of the letters of the letter of close connection with the physical world, the Japanese military dos has such a concept. Then the Chinese philosophy went along the path of metaphysical understanding of the unity of proportions.

Closely connected with the physical world of 5 traditional elements:

  • Into the fire;
  • Tree;
  • Earth;
  • Metal;
  • Water.

The first two are respected by the elements of Yang. The fire is spread at the center of the white part of the stake, the tree is at the tail of the Yan. The metal is rotting at the tail of Yin, and the Water is on top of the black half of the stake. The central line, which divides, may mark the Earth, which unites all the elements in a single whole. Sometimes five elements are placed on the tops of pentagrams.

From the metaphysical point of view 2 symbols mean protilezhnі verses and understand. Most of all, Yang is a human beginning, and Yin is a woman. Ale cі understand glibshі. Yang means:

  • light, sun, heat, pivden;
  • mountain, Heaven, height;
  • active human cob;
  • hardness, stone, impenetrability, strength;
  • rational thought;
  • unpaired, positive numbers;
  • beast dragon.

Symbol Ін мє інші alternate meanings:

  • dark, moon, cold;
  • valley, water, earth;
  • passive female cob;
  • softness, forbearance, weakness and submissiveness;
  • intuition, soul, mysticism;
  • boys, negative numbers;
  • tiger creature.

On the other hand, two cobs are assigned moral categories: good and evil, honor and virtue. But such a decryption should be careful. In China and Japan, Yin and Yang are not positive and negative as a person's suspіlstva. We need light and darkness, cold and warmth, intuitive and rational thought. These appearances complement one thing and create harmony in the world, so do not give moral assessments to them.

Feng Shui Symbols

The Yin Yang sign has a meaning and in Feng Shui, even if it is an old system of blocking the open space of a booth that was born in China. The main meta-victory of the symbol is to reach harmony among the inhabitants, to provide all the bagmen with an ideal balance between calmness and activity, invigoration and work, to induce kindness one by one.

Offended by the energy of all occupants, the house can be balanced. It's nasty, as if one of them is more oppressive. Ale, I’ll take care of the songs in the singing zones of the varto. The energy of Yang reminds me of the place, where people practice, mate. Її strength is important for the office, vital, kitchen. Emphasis on which cob to shy away from offices, on picking. Ін є in the areas of repair: bedrooms, bathrooms. The woman's cob is served at such public places, like hotels, resort hotels, saunas, spas.

How to activate 2 energies at the booth? Human active cob means:

  • Light renovation of walls, furniture, cream of pure white color.
  • Bright paintings in warm colors (red, yellow, light green).
  • Water is active: fountains, what to play, aquariums, images of the waterfall.
  • Anniversary, musical center.
  • Photos of relatives who are engaged in sports and other active speeches.

In the zone, the energy of Yin can be overwhelmed. Axis її symbols:

  • Refreshment in soft cold colors: blue, black, gray.
  • Pictures that depict mountains, valleys, desert, a calm lake, a night landscape.
  • M'yaki furniture with smooth lines without gostrih kutiv.
  • Dimmed light.

When choosing a place for everyday life, the booth is also to be vzahovuyut in combination of two energies. In the meantime, the river of the forest, the calm lake, the rate, the tsvintarya, the likarni. Yan - in open space, a series of mountains, highlands, office and shopping centers, factories, factories, mountain rivers.

Like a house to stand on the territory with passive energy, on yoga bagmen check bad luck, confusion, depression. When you need active infusions, it is important to know the calm. Mizh members of this family often blame welding, unreasonable, to make it worthwhile to steal the place, de є offending energy in equal numbers.

Talismany Yin Yan

The amulet from the images of Yin and Yang helps to know harmony in life. Vіn urіvnovazhuє offending energy and daily life. In the skin of a person, a person and a woman, rice, as a symbol of a talisman. The stench is expressed in a different way, independently of the article. As if to wear embellishment from the image of the Chinese symbol, there is a slight weakness and an affliction over a strong character.

The talisman is to be robbed with one's own hands, to buy and take away from gifts. The path of obsession has no meaning. Before that, yak dress up yoga on the vlassnik. Put the amulet at the pure dzherelnu water chi sil, trim there to improve the doby. Only the last of his wines become a good amulet of his ruler.

Also recommend your own ways of activating the skin sign of the Zodiac. Representatives of the fire (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius) need to simultaneously carry the talisman over the half-lights of the candle. For earthly signs (Taurus, Diva, Capricorn) pidide earth: lower the amulet at the miner for a ticket, or dig it up by the garden for 7 years. According to the signs (Bliznyuki, Terezi, Aquarius) recommend smoking 7 times and embellishing with arable land. Water (Cancer, Scorpio, Ribi) - 7 times lower into a bowl of water.

A pendant, a medallion, or a pidviska, is a great force, as it is roztashovuetsya closer to the heart of that energy center of the body. Vaughn strongly vplivaє on the physical and spiritual camp of the people. Earrings are suitable for women, and cufflinks for men. A ring or a ring is not the next option. To wear such embellishment on the fingers of one hand, which creates an imbalance. The bracelet is similar, but you can wear both 2: on the left hand and the right leg, or on the wrong hands.

Fahіvtsі s Feng Shui to please put a figurine, a coin or a keychain from the images of Yin Yang to the center of the apartment, in order to balance the energy of the booth. Won to protect all the inhabitants in the extreme nights in the vchinkah, the zavoї activity and empty space. Vіdnosini s_m'ї to enjoy, z'appear mozhlivіst virіshity folded food.

Recommend dressing a pendant made of gold with the Yin Yang symbol of the newborn child and mother on her neck. Todі zv'yazok mіzh posilitsya, and the little one grows calm and self-sufficient. Zakohani tezh often wear embellishment, breaking it into 2 halves. The solution is not far away: the sign is not to be broken. Like a couple, it’s more appropriate for a man to wear a woman’s symbol, and a woman wears a man’s symbol. So the two halves of one whole will be brightened up.

Yin Yang is our life

In our lives, some change others, we collapse from the nation to death through a whole series of transformations. In order to achieve harmony among the brethren with other people and with oneself, it is necessary to accept as diligently everything that is trampled, to try to let in various speeches and knowledge. For example, we can not manage in our diet without cold and hot food, tall and natural products, so mono-diet disrupts the internal balance and harms your health.

To achieve well-being, it is necessary to practice and be active. Ale postiyny pospikh, pragnennya success vysnazhu forces. really happy people are able to correctly spread their hour, add good vibes. The more we practice, the more time we need to seize for ourselves, sіm'ї, interfering with nature with greater forces. Pragne to radiate to a simple harmonious life, and not to transcendentalities.

To live according to the principle of Yin ta Yang, make sure to carry an amulet with you, it is easy to make your life happy. You can’t even get drunk with good speeches. It is barred to allow that anger in your heart. Please know the compromise in any situation and marvel at the problems of your opponent's eyes. The people of that woman cannot be forgotten, that in them there are insults on the cob, and also, it is not so important to reach the understanding.

Prihovany zmist іn ta yan

What does the yin yang sign mean

Legend of Yin Yang


People of foreign culture should not easily understand and accept Chinese philosophy. The symbolism looks rich with richness, like an exotic fairy tale. Ale, in the rest of the decade at Zakhodі, they began to choke on the old philosophical and religious system. They know hundreds of ways of spiritual growth and self-development, enrichment of the quality of life. To touch the whole zmіst that thin To the descent, more than one river will be assigned to yoga.

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About yin yang阴阳 (dark and light), wu-sin 5 行 (five first elements) and qi 气 (pneuma, ether) are widely expanded in . We are familiar with philosophical treatises of various schools, painting, landscape art, traditional Chinese medicine, various gymnastics and martial arts, Chinese cuisine, politics and other areas life.

The first natural philosophical statement about two cobs - yinі yang, and also about five pershoelements wu-sin prostzhuyuyutsya already in the images on neolithic ceramics IV-III yew. BC Imovirno, over the years, two independent traditions have come together: “heavenly” (astronomical-astrological) and “earthly” (mantico-governmental), as they looked, apparently, concepts yin yang and five pershoelements. Approximately V century. BC Among court astronomers and astrologers, a school of natural philosophers was born, which united them.

The texts of the school of natural philosophers have not reached our time, although there is a rich evidence that the stench was based on such a small width. Fragmentary її vchennya was written in such ancient Chinese monuments as “Shu jing” (“Canon of documents”), “I jing” (“Book of changes”), “Guo yu” (“Mova of the kingdoms”), “Lu-shi chun-qiu” (“Springs and Autumn of Pan Lu”), “Shi ji” (“ Historical Notes" by Sim Qian) and in.

Zou Yan (305-240 AD) is considered the main systematizer of the school of natural philosophers. Vin united two lines, which were based on the whole okremo: yin yangі wu-sin, and expanding them to the historical and political sphere. The geography and history especially influenced this.

hocha yinі yang were respected by the equal sides of the universe, proteo different philosophical traditions interpreted them in a different way. So, more appreciated yin. Tao was endowed with rich attributes, powerful yin: it is like water, fluid, attached, hidden, soft and pliable. Natomist, oriented to society, brazenly shying at yang, which looked like a guiding cob, an isolation of the "grace of Heaven"; yin respected by the ear of the cob, as if it were possible yang.

Yinі yang- The main binary oppositions. Really, it's richer. I will perekhuyu deyakі z them:

Frontal Heaven 선천 xian tian: Heavenly Heaven 后天 hou tian:
Light 阳 yang Temne 阴 yin
sky tian earth di
Creativity (Sky) qian Wikonannya (Earth) 坤 kun
Krugle 圆 yuan Kvadratne fan
Vіdsutnіst / nebuttya 无 at Appearance / buttya Yu
Bezmezhne 无极 wu chi Great Mezha 太极 tai chi
United 1 і Bagato 万 van
way Dao Strength 德 De
Base - canon, vertical 经 ching Kachok - apocryphal, horizontal 维 vey
Rukh 动 dun Calm ching
Three 三 sleigh Two 二 ep

pneuma 气 qi

Ієroglyph 气 qi may mean a lot. Russian my yoga can be translated like pneuma, ether, atmosphere, gas, air, breath, spirit, vdacha, temperament, energy, life force, matter and that other. Yogo outside is written to go to the image of a bet over sacrificial rice, what to cook: 氣.

Use light, light qi - 阳气 yang qi and dark, important qi - 阴气 yin qi. Zі svіtlih qi the sky is folded, їх mi vipromіnyuєmo, if possible. 3 dark qi a lot of matter is put together, for example, earth and objects.

One of the earliest texts, demystifying the riddle about the interplay of yin-yang and qi. "Mova of the Kingdoms" 国语 guo yu, which is dated approximately IV-III Art. BC:

At another river of Yu-van's rule in the area of ​​three rivers, Zakhidny Zhou became an earth coward.

Bo Yang-fu saying: Zhou is doomed ahead of time! For heaven and earth are not guilty of destroying their succession. If the sequence will not be finished, it will lead to embarrassment among the people. A bright ear of yang is found below and cannot be named; the dark cob іn prignіchuє yogo and do not let rise on the mountain - in the sight of tsgogo and vіdbuvayutsya earthquakes. Nini district of three rivers, having recognized the earthworm - the whole bright cob, having spent its splendid place and oppression with a dark cob. Like a bright cob, not there, as it should be, but below the dark cob, the river is drawn down. And if the dzherel vycherpuyutsya, the state may perish. Because the water and the land will interact with each other, the people will be provided with the necessary security. As water and earth do not interact, the people suffer from lack of wealth and are doomed to death.

At the old river I and Lo withered - and the Xia dynasty fell. Huanghe withered - and the Shang dynasty fell. Zhou's life force is surviving from that station, like the rest of the days of these two dynasties. Until then, the rivers are drained, but if it is so, then the rivers will dry up.

The reason for the power to lie in the river and the river. If the fire is ruining, and the rivers are hanging, then it’s a proof of the death of the state. If the rivers dry up, burn inevitably to collapse. Before the death of the state, no more than ten fates were lost - the whole number, for the sky turns into people once every ten fates, and it should become the very fate.

Three rivers withered, Mount Qishan collapsed. On the eleventh day, Yu-van recognized the blows. The capital of Zhou was moved to skhid. [From Hao's place, near Nina. Sian, in Loi, modern. Luoyang]

Five first elements 五行 wu-sin

Vidpovidno to the concept of five primary elements (or five elements, 5 wu-sin), at the basis of everything that exists there are five ears (vіrsh):

  • tree mu,
  • fire 화 ho,
  • earth (grunt) 土 that,
  • metal jin,
  • water Shui.

Ієroglyph 行 syn to walk in the image of crossing the road. Russian my yoga is often translated as “row”, “line”, “ruh”, “walking”.

The five first elements are not the first substances, but the symbols of that quality, behind which the objects and manifestations of the world stand. Five pershoelementiv є spawned yin yang yaki tai chi ta of the Boundless 无极 wuji:

Zagalna scheme of roaring the world

Tao generate one, one people two, two people three, and three people create a mustache. Mustaches to wear yin and yang with oneself, napovnі tsі і establish harmony (“Tao-de-jing”, §42).

The coils of the vchennya about the five elements are old. So, for example II yew. BC already there was a story about "five sides of the world" u-fan无方 ta "five winds" u-hair dryer无风. So, in the text “Shu jing”, in the division of the “Great Law” it reads:

The first cob is water, the other is fire, the third is wood, the fourth is metal and p'yate is earth. The nature of the water is constant - but it is wet and flow down; fire - burn and rise uphill; trees - bending and straightening; metalu - succumbing to the splendid inflow and changing; the nature of the earth lies in the fact that it receives crops and gives birth. Those that are wet and flow down, create salt, those that burn and rise up the mountain, create heat; those who bend and straighten, creating sour; those who are subordinating and changing, creating a master; those who receive crops and give birth, create licorice. ("Shu Ching", chapter "Great Law")

In this urivka, an older sequence of five primary elements is presented: water - fire - wood - metal - earth. The second sequence, which has become zagalnozhivannym, mi zustrіchaєmo, for example, in the work of "Chun-qiu fan-lu" ("Rasi litopisu Chun-qiu"), immorally written by the famous Han philosopher:

Sense of five elements

The sky can five elements.

The first is called wood, the other is fire, the third is earth, the fourth is metal, and the fifth is water. Wood is the cob of the five elements, water is the end of the five elements. Earth is the center of the five elements. Such їhnіy order, appointed by Heaven. Wood generates fire, fire generates earth, earth generates metal, metal generates water, water generates wood. Tse [stosunki, similar to vіdnosin] father and son. The tree is planted with evil, the metal is right-handed, the fire is planted in front, the water is in the back, the earth is planted at the center. So the sequence of the vіdnosin "father - son" is expanding. To this, wood takes away water, and fire takes away wood, earth takes away fire, metal takes away earth, and water takes away metal. [Tі elements, yakі] give - tse fathers, and yak_ accept - tse blue. [Those elements that take the position of the fathers], through their camp, mush [the elements that take the position of the blue]. Tse - Way of Heaven. If the tree grows, then the fire will live yoga. If metal is in the world, water takes yoga. The fire brings joy to the tree, the lively yogo for the help of the light cob, the water overrides the metal, and the mourning is done for the help of the dark cob. The earth, [just like a sin chi piddaniya], to serve the Sky, drawing all its fidelity. In this rank, five elements - five positions of the most important blues and the most important ones. [Ale those who] are called five elements (wu xing), chi not [at the same hour i] five five items (wu xing)? To that stink th won such a name.

Thoroughly sage bugging [the nature of the interplay of the five elements]. To that I give more [respect] love and less - strictness, to that I am generous with eating [and brewing] the living and amulets with the droths of the dead. [Tim himself vin] vykonu the attributes of Heaven, [as if], being a son, pikluєtsya [about his fathers] in a proper order and live [їх], then vin is likened to fire, which brings joy to a tree. [As a proper rank] to wear a complaint about the father, wine like water, overpowered metal. [As a proper rank] to serve the sovereign, then wines are likened to the earth, which shakes Heaven. Such people can be called [Uzgodzhenii z] Rukh [Five Elements].

In Russian, skin from the five elements strictly follows its own order, with different skins from the five elements, it develops its own zdіbnosti.

To this, a tree, like rotting at the gathering, gives rise to springs, fire, which rozes on pivdnі, gives rise to lita, metal, which rozes at sunset, gives rise to similar autumn, that water, which is rozted at the beer, gives rise to such winters. To this tree panuє over the people, and metal - over death. Fire burns over heat, and water - over cold. Come on, and people will invariably strive for their order, and busy services will invariably reveal their own vibes. [It would have given b] to the roses of Heaven.

The land occupies the central camp. You can call [all the people] "vogkistyu" of Heaven. The Earth is the helper of Heaven, yoga hands and feet. [Benefits and generation] strength її - povna i ryasna. The earth cannot be sprіvvіdnіst zі pіvіdіdnіst zі rіght іѕ аlѕо one season, аlе еvеn аnує іn іt's p'yat elementіv i all chotiri pori rock. Metal, wood, water and fire, wanting to and mum their functions, but they can’t vikonati independently in the Earth, like before, like sour, salty, hotter and hot like] licorice is likened to the basis of the middle of the five, the earth is the head of the middle of the five elements. The breath of the earth - the head middle of the five elements - is similar to the licorice [fatty] middle of the five relishes, it is necessary for the adoption [the spirits of the other elements]. From the point of view of the middle of the vchinkiv, there is nothing more valuable, lower fidelity. [Because here the good power (de) of the earth is manifested.] Nayvischa s human ob'yazkіv can not be called [simply] a service. Such is the share of the first minister. Nayvischa from heavenly bindings cannot be called [simply] supremacy. Such is the share of the Earth.

Quoted for the known: Old Chinese philosophy. The era of Han. M., 1990. S. 125-127. Ієroglіf syn (“vchinok”) is written in the same way, yak i sin u bіnomі u-sin. Zahid in rich cultures is associated with statements about death. Possibly, it is connected with the idea of ​​the sunset, the "death" of the sun at night. In ancient China, the desert lands were a constant dzherel of insecurity: impenetrable mountains hung there, the tribes of qianiv (ancestors of the Tibetans) robbed the stars.

Elementiv wu-sin sing songs of color, pore rock, sides of light, internal organs, smakovі vіdchuttya, mythological іstoti thinly. Wu-sin ohoplyuє micro- and macrocosm. It is important that you change in one, change into another, investing in one element, we change the entire system. So, for example, if a person wants to improve his health, he needs to pay respect not only to those who are in the middle, but to those who are away from him: she’s alive, at the time of fate and finish her active, what to wear, etc.:

Іsnuє kіlka schemes wu-sin. One of them is tied with a binding on all sides of the light:

Схід symbolize tree, spring, young yang that in. Pivden- fire, summer, zrіly yang that in. Zahid - metal, autumn, young yin and etc. Pivnich water, winter, mature yin etc. Center - earth, pіznє summer, transition yangyin.

Here there is a great geographical determinism.

Guess what otchuvalo in ancient times. on get off- endless foxes of the valley of the lower flow of Huanghe. Element immediately - wood, color - blue green. Youmu shows youth, spring, wind ... The Jade Dragon is on the way.

on pivdnі- the speck of the sun, the elements of pivdnya - fire, yoga color - red. This is the color of joy, happiness, summer. Traditionally, Chinese brides were dressed in red spring costumes. Pivdni vіdpovidaє fiery Phoenix.

on come in China has been given the most beautiful mountain peaks of Asia. At the front, if they saw different kinds of metal and other korisn kopalin. That Sunset was supported by metal. For the Chinese, for a long time, the associative people had gone out of trouble - warrior tribes lived near the mountains - the ancestors of the Tibetans. And the cold snowy peaks marked the color. white. Sound cold winds, the color of the complaint, autumn. The White Tiger, which guards the cordon of the world of the living and the dead, is witnessing the approach.

Pivnich associated with water black in color - there, on the pіvnіch view of the Great Chinese plain, an unknown dark river flowed (not like the Chinese Amur to sound like heilongjiang黑龙江 - river of the black dragon). Pivnich also symbolized the winter that month. But not the color of the complaint - the color of the hidden transformation (similarly before, like a bribe, nature wakes up, but to melt in one’s own wakefulness and growth of the spring). And to that time, the Chinese women wore black-coloured robes. On the pіvnochі live Chorna tortoise chi hidden warrior Xuan-wu.

I found the earth. Tse centerїй відпідає Zhovty color. This link is easy to understand: soils in Pivnichny China - forest, yellow color (composed of pressing the most important particles of sand brought by the wind from the deserts of Central Asia). The center is supported by the Zhovty Dragon, which symbolizes the imperial power. And then there is one more association: makeup.

Five pershoelementіv perebuvayut at the vіdnosinakh of mutual generation and that podlannya:

  • Vіdnosini spawn: wood → fire → earth → metal → water → wood.
  • Vіdnosini podannya: wood → earth → water → fire → metal → wood.

On the scheme below, the system of the identification of elements is given wu-sin, as well as a sign of mutual generation (according to the stake) and mutual support (p'yatikutna zirka).

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