the main - Home treatment
  What does lymph come from? System organization of functions. IP Pavlov - the founder of a systematic approach to the understanding of body functions. The role of the spinal cord in the processes of regulation of the musculoskeletal system and the autonomic functions of the body. X

1) What groups of illicit drugs are mentioned in the text (list these groups)?

2) What are the consequences for an athlete's health can cause anabolic steroids?

3) For what purpose does a weightlifter take in prohibited diuretics if it is known that according to the competition rules, the winner is the one who lifts the greatest weight with the least body weight of an athlete?


Sports records have reached the limits of human capabilities. Therefore, some athletes in order to achieve their goals, despite the legal and medical consequences, resort to unlawful pharmaceutical agents - doping. This term is used in sports not only in relation to narcotic substances, but also to any substances of natural or synthetic origin, which, as a result of their use, achieve better athletic performance.

The International Olympic Committee has banned athletes from using the following groups of drugs: stimulants, narcotic painkillers, anabolic drugs, diuretics, etc.

Some substances act on the nervous system as stimulants. These include amphetamine, ephedrine, caffeine and strychnine. Although their action is brief (excreted in the urine), they are often used by athletes. Some of these substances are part of the medicines used for colds, so athletes should clarify in advance whether the banal medicine contains banned substances. Stimulants used at maximum physical exertion, even in small doses, can lead to a persistent increase in blood pressure and heart palpitations, a violation of thermoregulation and heat stroke, drug dependence and mental disorders.

One of the most popular groups of doping agents is steroid hormones - anabolic steroids - synthetic analogues of the natural male sex hormone testosterone. They stimulate the absorption of proteins, increasing muscle mass, forming a male body type with a characteristic relief of skeletal muscles, which is supported by diuretics.

Uncontrolled use of anabolic steroids can cause mental disorders, liver failure, liver and lung tumors, dysfunction of the genitals. In addition, an increase in muscle mass does not contribute to improving the strength of the ligaments, and therefore increases the likelihood of tendon injuries. Typical androgenic anabolics - nandrolone, stanozolol, methanabol, etc.

Tissue fluid

Tissue Fluid - Interstitial fluid

Tissue fluid   - One of the components of the internal environment of the body.

Tissue fluid is formed from the liquid part of the blood - plasma, penetrating through the walls of blood vessels into the extracellular space. A metabolism occurs between the tissue fluid and blood. Part of the tissue fluid enters the lymphatic vessels, lymph is formed, which moves through the lymphatic vessels. In the course of the lymphatic vessels are the lymph nodes, which play the role of a filter. From the lymphatic vessels, the lymph flows into the veins, that is, it returns to the bloodstream.

The human body contains about 11 liters of tissue fluid, which provides cells with nutrients and removes their waste.

Education and removal

Plasma and tissue fluid have a similar chemical composition. Plasma is the main component of the blood and is associated with tissue fluid pores and the endothelium of capillaries.


Chemical composition

Tissue fluid consists of water, amino acids, sugars, fatty acids, coenzymes, hormones, neurotransmitters, salts, as well as cell waste.

The chemical composition of the tissue fluid depends on the metabolism between the cells of the tissue and blood. This means that the tissue fluid has a different composition in different tissues.

Not all components of blood pass into the tissue. Erythrocytes, platelets and plasma proteins cannot pass through the capillary walls. The resulting mixture passes through them, basically, is the blood plasma without proteins. Tissue fluid also contains several types of white blood cells that perform a protective function.

Lymph is considered an extracellular fluid until it enters the lymphatic vessels, where it becomes the lymph. The lymphatic system returns proteins and excess tissue fluid returns to the bloodstream. The content of ions in the tissue fluid and blood plasma are different in the intercellular fluid and blood plasma due to the Gibbs-Donnan effect. This causes a slight difference in the concentration of cations and anions between them.

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Tissue fluid transports molecules between cells and blood. This fluid consists of water and solutes that fall into it, probably from blood plasma.

The composition of the tissue fluid is constantly updated due to the fact that this fluid is in close contact with the continuously moving blood. Oxygen and other substances necessary for the cells penetrate the tissue fluid from the blood; the products of cell metabolism enter the blood flowing from the tissues. In addition to blood, lymph flows from the tissues, which also carries away part of the metabolic products.

In tissue fluids, SiOa forms a colloidal, rather than a true solution. However, the solubility of quartz established by Shereshevsky outside the body is true (molecular) and in human serum after 2 hours was equal to 12 12 leg / 100 ml, after 21 hour - 0 6 leg / 100 ml, after 72 hour - 0 7 leg / 100 ml.

The rest of the tissue fluid diffuses into the blindly terminating lymphatic capillaries and from this moment is called the lymph. Connecting, lymphatic capillaries form larger lymphatic vessels.

  Longitudinal section through the lymphatic vessel in which the internal valve is visible. | The human lymphatic system (From E.G. Springthorpe (1973. An introduction to functional systems in animals, Longman.

With the formation of tissue fluid protein molecules remain in the blood. Consequently, the blood becomes more concentrated, in other words, its osmotic potential becomes more negative.

Blood, lymph and tissue fluid form the internal environment of the body, washing all the cells and tissues of the body. This is achieved by the activities of a number of organs that supply the body with substances necessary for the body and the removal of decomposition products from the blood.

Tissue fluid enters the bloodstream gradually, and the blood supply to the tissues improves, although the hemoglobin concentration decreases. Hypoxia in acute blood loss requires the replacement of lost plasma, as well as red blood cells.

Blood, lymph, human tissue fluids are aqueous solutions of molecules and ions of many substances.

Blood, lymph, human tissue fluids are aqueous solutions of molecules and ions of many substances. Their total osmotic pressure at 37 C is 7 7 atm. The same pressure creates and 0 9% - ny (0 15 M) solution of NaCl, which is, therefore, isotonic with blood. It is often referred to as saline, although this term is currently considered unsuccessful. This is explained by the fact that the blood contains not only NaCl, but also a number of other salts and proteins, which are also osmotically active substances.

Blood, lymph and other tissue fluids of humans and animals have an osmotic pressure of 0 8 MPa. The same pressure has 0 9% solution of sodium chloride. Regarding blood, it is -: isotonic and does not cause any changes in the cells. Such a solution is called physiological. Saline is often used as a basis for drugs that are injected into the body.

If this ion in the tissue fluid is in an unbound state, then no change in its concentration will be observed. In the same case, when part of the ions is bound by protein, the ions will transfer from the dialysate to the tissue fluid until equilibrium is reached between the free ions on both sides of the membrane.

The concentration of proteins in the lymph and tissue fluid (an average of 3–32%) is about half the concentration of proteins in the plasma, because unlike urea, sugars, amino acids and some inorganic ions, proteins are not transferred through the cell walls. There are data indicating that the globulin fraction of the protein is synthesized in lymphoid tissues.

Histohematogenous barriers, while preserving the constancy of tissue fluid, retain the metabolites for rest, allow others to pass through, and contribute to the most rapid removal of third ones. Of course, they are not autonomous and isolated formations in the body. Responding sensitively and quickly to changes in the composition of the medium washing the outside (blood) and inside (tissue fluid), the impulses sent by the central and peripheral nervous system, they change, depending on the conditions, their permeability, increase and decrease it, adjusting the composition and properties of the immediate environment of organs and tissues.

Tissue fluid, fluid contained in the extracellular and peri-cellular spaces of tissues and organs of animals and humans. T. in contact with all tissue elements and along with blood and lymph is the internal environment of the body. From T. g. cells absorb the necessary nutrients and bring the products of metabolism into it. Chemical composition, physical and biological properties of T. w. specific for individual organs and correspond to their morphological and functional features. T. it is close to blood plasma, but contains less protein (about 1.5 g per 100 ml), another amount of electrolytes, enzymes, metabolic products (metabolites). Composition and properties of T. g. differ in a certain constancy (see homeostasis), which protects the cells of organs and tissues from the effects associated with changes in the composition of the blood. Penetration in T. from the blood of substances necessary for the nutrition of tissues, and the removal of metabolites from it are carried out through the histo-hematic barriers. Flowing from the organs into the lymphatic vessels, T. g. turns into lymph. Volume T. g. in a rabbit it is 23-25% of body weight, in humans it is 23-29% (on average, 26.5%). K T. g. many authors include cerebrospinal fluid, fluid of the anterior chamber of the eye, heart bag, pleural cavity, etc. Tissue fluid consists of water, amino acids, sugars, fatty acids, coenzymes, hormones, neurotransmitters, salts, and cell waste.

The chemical composition of the tissue fluid depends on the metabolism between the cells of the tissue and blood. This means that the tissue fluid has a different composition in different tissues.

Not all components of blood pass into the tissue. Erythrocytes, platelets and plasma proteins cannot pass through the capillary walls. The resulting mixture passes through them, basically, is the blood plasma without proteins. Tissue fluid also contains several types of white blood cells that perform a protective function.

Lymph is considered an extracellular fluid until it enters the lymphatic vessels, where it becomes the lymph. The lymphatic system returns proteins and excess tissue fluid returns to the bloodstream. The content of ions in the tissue fluid and blood plasma are different in the intercellular fluid and blood plasma due to the Gibbs-Donnan effect. This causes a slight difference in the concentration of cations and anions between them.

The composition of the lymph consists of cellular elements, proteins, lipids, low-molecular organic compounds (amino acids, glucose, glycerin), electrolytes. Cellular composition of the lymph is represented mainly by lymphocytes. In the lymph of the thoracic duct, their number reaches 8,109 / l. Erythrocytes of the lymphoma are normally found in a limited number, but their number significantly increases with tissue injuries; platelets are not normally detected. Macrophages and monocytes are rare. Granulocytes can enter the lymph from the foci of infection. The ionic composition of the lymph does not differ from the ionic composition of the blood plasma and interstitial fluid. At the same

A small amount of lymph contains all clotting factors, antibodies and various enzymes present in plasma. Cholesterol and phospholipids are found in the lymph in the form of lipoproteins. The content of free fats, which are in the lymph in the form of chylomicrons, depends on the amount of fat entering the lymph from the intestine. After eating in

the lymph of the thoracic duct contains a large number of lipoproteins and lipids absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract. Between meals, the lipid content in the thoracic duct is minimal.

Functions of the lymphatic system

The most important function of the lymphatic system is the return of proteins, electrolytes and water from the interstitial space into the blood. During the day, more than 100 g of low molecular weight protein, filtered from the blood capillaries into the interstitial space, returns to the bloodstream as part of the lymph. Many products absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract, and especially fats, are carried through the lymphatic system. Some

large molecules enter the blood exclusively through the system of lymphatic vessels. The lymphatic system acts as a transport system for the removal of red blood cells remaining in the tissue after bleeding, as well as the removal and neutralization of bacteria trapped in the tissue. In the implementation of this function, an active role is played by lymph nodes located along the vessels, which produce

lymphocytes and other important factors of immunity. If an infection occurs in any parts of the body, the regional lymph nodes become inflamed as a result of a delay in bacteria or toxins. In the sinuses of the lymph nodes located in the cortical and cerebral

layers, contains an effective filtration system that allows you to virtually sterilize infected lymph entering the lymph nodes.

Cerebrospinal fluid (syn .: liquor, cerebrospinal fluid) is a clear, colorless fluid that fills the cavity of the ventricles of the brain, the subarachnoid space of the brain and the cerebrospinal canal, perivascular and pericellular spaces in the brain tissue. It performs nutritional functions, determines the amount of intracerebral pressure. The composition of CSF is formed in the process of metabolism between the brain, blood and tissue fluid, including all components of the brain tissue. The CSF contains a number of biologically active compounds: hormones of the pituitary and hypothalamus, GABA, AH, norepinephrine, dopamine,

serotonin, melatonin, products of their metabolism. Lymphocytes predominate among cells of the CSF (more than 60% of the total number of cells) - normally 2 μl of cerebrospinal fluid contains

3 cells. The chemical composition of CSF is very close to blood plasma: 89–90% of water, 10–11% of the dry residue containing organic and inorganic substances involved in the metabolism of brain tissue. Total CSF protein contains up to 30 different fractions; the main part of it is formed by myelin and intermediate products formed during its decomposition, gly110

copeptides, lipoproteins, polyamines, protein S-100. CSF contains lysozyme, enzymes (acid and alkaline phosphatase, ribonuclease, lactate dehydrogenase, acetylcholinesterase, peptidases, etc.).

In clinical practice, the protein coefficient of Kafka CSF has an important diagnostic value - the ratio of the amount of globulins to albumin (normally, 0.2-0.3).

The physiological significance of the cerebrospinal fluid is diverse. The role of cerebrospinal fluid in maintaining the normal activity of the central nervous system is very significant.

First of all, the cerebrospinal fluid protects the brain and spinal cord from mechanical effects during shocks and tremors, i.e. is a kind of "hydraulic brain pad". The brain floats in this fluid (thus, its weight decreases from 1500 g to less than 100 g), reducing its true weight and protecting brain tissue from injuries to the skull bone.

Due to the corresponding movements, the liquid compensates for fluctuations in brain volume in different phases of the contractions of the heart.

However, it is also the internal environment, which regulates the absorption of nutrients by nerve cells and maintains osmotic and oncotic balance at the tissue level.

In addition, it serves as a kind of "sewage" through which products of brain metabolism, such as CO2, lactic acid salts, NH3, hydrogen ions, pass into the bloodstream, and the medium over which various substances are distributed throughout the nervous system.

Through the cerebrospinal fluid is tissue exchange in the central nervous system, ensures the constancy of the internal environment of the central nervous system, regardless of fluctuations in the composition of the blood.

Tissue delimiting blood and cerebrospinal fluid, perform a barrier function. This blood-brain barrier (BBB), provides uninterrupted flow of necessary ingredients from the blood into the cerebrospinal fluid and retains harmful substances.

Cerebrospinal fluid is involved in the nutrition of brain cells, in creating osmotic equilibrium in brain tissues and in regulating metabolism in brain structures. Various regulatory molecules are transferred along the cerebrospinal fluid that alter the functional activity of different parts of the central nervous system.

It maintains a certain concentration of cations, anions and pH, which ensures normal excitability of the central nervous system (for example, changes in the concentration of Ca, K, magnesium change blood pressure, heart rate).

cerebrospinal fluid

The cerebrospinal fluid also has protective properties (bactericidal), antibodies accumulate in it, acting as a protective immunological barrier.

It takes part in the mechanisms of blood circulation regulation in the closed space of the cranial cavity and the spinal canal.

It maintains constant intracranial pressure and water-electrolyte homeostasis, supports trophic and metabolic processes between the blood and the brain, transports biologically active substances from one brain field to another (for example, thyrotropic and luteinizing releasing factors).

Thus, by its characteristics, the cerebrospinal fluid is not only a mechanical protective device for the brain and the vessels lying on its base, but also a special internal environment that is necessary for the proper functioning of the central organs of the nervous system.

Thanks to the continuous mixing of blood and lymph, the cerebrospinal fluid, by means of some mechanisms and unknown physicochemical reactions, one might say mysterious, strictly guards its structure. All the countless functions of the brain depend on the integrity and completeness of the three streams and on the composition of the blood, lymph and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF).

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This topic belongs to:


General physiology. Physiological basis of behavior. Higher nervous activity. Physiological basis of human mental functions. The physiology of purposeful activity. Adaptation of the organism to various conditions of existence. Physiological cybernetics. Private physiology. Blood, lymph, tissue fluid. Circulation. Breath. Digestion. Metabolism and energy. Nutrition. Central nervous system. Methods for the study of physiological functions. Physiology and biophysics of excitable tissues.

This material includes sections:

The role of physiology in the dialectical materialist understanding of the essence of life. Relationship of physiology with other sciences

The main stages of the development of physiology

Analytical and systematic approach to the study of body functions

The role of I.M. Sechenov and I.P.Pavlov in creating the materialistic foundations of physiology

Protective systems of the body, ensuring the integrity of its cells and tissues

General properties of excitable tissues

Modern ideas about the structure and function of membranes. Active and passive transport of substances through membranes

Electrical phenomena in excitable tissues. The history of their discovery

Action potential and its phases. Changes in the permeability of potassium, sodium and calcium channels in the process of forming an action potential

Membrane potential, its origin

The ratio of the phases of excitability with the phases of the action potential and the single reduction

The laws of irritation of excitable tissues

The effect of direct current on living tissue

Physiological properties of skeletal muscle

Types and modes of skeletal muscle contraction. Single muscle contraction and its phases

Tetanus and its types. Optimum and pessimum of irritation

Lability, parabiosis and its phases (N.Ye.Vvedensky)

Strength and muscle work. Dynamometer. Ergography The law of average loads

Spread of excitation along bezkotnye nerve fibers

The structure, classification and functional properties of synapses. Features of the transmission of excitation in them

Functional properties of glandular cells

The main forms of integration and regulation of physiological functions (mechanical, humoral, nervous)

System organization of functions. IPPavlov - the founder of a systematic approach to the understanding of body functions

The teaching of PK Anokhin on functional systems and self-regulation of functions. Nodal mechanisms of the functional system

The concept of homeostasis and homeokinesis. Self-regulatory principles of maintaining the constancy of the internal environment of the body

The reflex principle of regulation (R. Descartes, G. Prokhazka), its development in the works of I. M. Sechenov, I. P. Pavlova, P. K. Anohina

Basic principles and features of the spread of excitation in the central nervous system

Braking in the central nervous system (IM Sechenov), its types and role. Modern view of central braking mechanisms

Principles of coordination of the central nervous system. General principles of coordination of the central nervous system

Autonomic and somatic nervous systems, their anatomical and functional differences

Comparative characteristics of the sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions of the autonomic nervous system

Congenital form of behavior (unconditioned reflexes and instincts), their importance for adaptive activity

Conditioned reflex as a form of adaptation of animals and humans to changing conditions of existence. Patterns of formation and manifestation of conditioned reflexes; classification of conditioned reflexes

Physiological mechanisms of reflex formation. Their structural and functional basis. The development of ideas of IP Pavlov on the mechanisms of formation of temporary connections

The phenomenon of inhibition in GNI. Types of braking. Modern view of braking mechanisms

Analytical and synthetic activity of the cerebral cortex

Architecture of a holistic behavioral act from the point of view of the theory of the functional system PK Anokhin

Motivations. Classification of motivations, the mechanism of their occurrence

Features of human labor in the conditions of modern production. Physiological characteristics of labor with neuro-emotional and mental stress

Adaptation of an organism to physical, biological and social factors. Types of adaptation. Features of human adaptation to the action of extreme factors

Physiological cybernetics. The main tasks of modeling physiological functions. Cybernetic study of physiological functions

The concept of blood its properties and functions

The electrolyte composition of blood plasma. Osmotic pressure of blood. Functional system ensuring the constancy of the osmotic pressure of blood

Functional system that maintains the constancy of acid-base balance

Characteristics of blood cells (erythrocytes, leukocytes, platelets), their role in the body

Self-regulation of the heart. The law of the heart (E. Starling) and modern additions to it

Humoral regulation of heart activity

Reflex regulation of heart activity. Characteristics of the influence of parasympathetic and sympathetic nerve fibers and their mediators on the activity of the heart. Reflexogenic fields and their importance in the regulation of heart activity

Blood pressure, factors causing arterial and venous blood pressure

Arterial and venous pulse, their origin. Analysis of sphygmogram and phlebogram

Capillary bloodstream and its features. Microcirculation and its role in the mechanism of the exchange of fluid and various substances between the blood and tissues

Lymphatic system. Lymph formation, its mechanisms. Lymph function and regulation of lymph and lymph flow

Functional features of the structure, function and regulation of the vessels of the lungs, heart and other organs

Reflex regulation of vascular tone. Vasodomotor center, its efferent effects. Afferent effects on the vasomotor center

Humoral effects on vascular tone

Blood pressure - as one of the physiological constants of the body. Analysis of peripheral and central components of the functional system of blood pressure self-regulation

Breath, its main stages. The mechanism of external respiration. Biomechanism of inhalation and exhalation

Gas exchange in the lungs. The partial pressure of gases (O2, CO2) in the alveolar air and the tension of gases in the blood

Blood oxygen transport. Oxyhemoglobin dissociation curve, its characteristic. Blood Oxygen Capacity

Respiratory center (N.A.Myslavsky). Modern view of its structure and localization. Automation of the respiratory center

Reflex self-regulation of respiration. The mechanism of change of respiratory phases

Humoral regulation of respiration. The role of carbon dioxide. The mechanism of the first breath of a newborn baby

Breathing in conditions of high and low barometric pressure and when changing the gas environment

Functional system that ensures the constancy of the blood gas constant. Analysis of its central and peripheral components

Nutritional motivation. The physiological basis of hunger and saturation

Digestion, its meaning. Functions of the digestive tract. Types of digestion depending on the origin and location of hydrolysis

Principles of regulation of the digestive system. The role of reflex, humoral and local mechanisms of regulation. Hormones of the gastrointestinal tract, their classification

Digestion in the mouth. Self-regulation of the chewing act. The composition and physiological role of saliva. Salivation, its regulation

Digestion in the stomach. The composition and properties of gastric juice. Regulation of gastric secretion. Phases of gastric juice

Types of reducing the stomach. Neurohumoral regulation of gastric movements

Digestion in the duodenum. Exocrine activity of the pancreas. The composition and properties of pancreatic juice. Regulation and adaptive nature of pancreatic secretion to food types and diets

The role of the liver in digestion. Regulation of the formation of bile, its discharge into the duodenum

The composition and properties of intestinal juice. Regulation of intestinal juice secretion

Abdominal and membrane hydrolysis of nutrients in various parts of the small intestine. Motor activity of the small intestine and its regulation

Features of digestion in the colon

Absorption of substances in various parts of the digestive tract. Types and mechanism of absorption of substances through biological membranes

Plastic and energy role of carbohydrates, fats and proteins ...

Basal exchange, the value of its definition for the clinic

Energy balance of the body. Work exchange. Energy costs of the body in various types of labor

Physiological norms of nutrition, depending on age, type of labor and body condition

The constancy of the temperature of the internal environment of the body as a necessary condition for the normal course of metabolic processes. Functional system to maintain the temperature of the internal environment of the body

The temperature of the human body and its daily fluctuations. The temperature of various areas of the skin and internal organs

Heat transfer. Methods of heat release and their regulation

Isolation as one of the components of complex functional systems that ensure the constancy of the internal environment of the body. Allocation authorities, their participation in maintaining the most important parameters of the internal environment

Bud. Primary urine formation. Filter, its quantity and composition

Formation of final urine, its composition and properties. Characteristics of the process of reabsorption of various substances in the tubules and loop. Secretion and excretion processes in the renal tubules

Regulation of kidney activity. The role of nervous and humoral factors

The process of urination, its regulation. Urine excretion

Excretory function of the skin, lungs and gastrointestinal tract

The formation and secretion of hormones, their blood transport, the effect on cells and tissues, metabolism and excretion. Self-regulatory mechanisms of neurohumoral relations and hormon function in the body

Pituitary hormones, its functional connections with the hypothalamus and participation in the regulation of the activity of the endocrine organs

Physiology of the thyroid and parathyroid glands

Endocrine function of the pancreas and its role in the regulation of metabolism

Physiology of the adrenal glands. The role of hormones of the cortex and medulla in the regulation of body functions

Sex glands. Male and female sex hormones and their physiological role in the formation of sex and the regulation of reproduction processes. Endocrine function of the placenta

The role of the spinal cord in the processes of regulation of the musculoskeletal system and the autonomic functions of the body. Characteristics of spinal animals. The principles of the spinal cord. Clinically important spinal reflexes

Oblong brain and bridge, their participation in the processes of self-regulation of functions

Physiology of the midbrain, its reflex activity and participation in the processes of self-regulation of functions

Decerebral rigidity and mechanisms of its occurrence. The role of the middle and medulla oblongata in the regulation of muscle tone

Static and statokinetic reflexes (R.Magnus). Self-regulatory mechanisms to maintain body balance

Physiology of the cerebellum, its effect on the motor and autonomic functions of the body

The reticular formation of the brain stem and its descending effect on the reflex activity of the spinal cord. Ascending activating effects of the reticular formation of the brainstem on the cerebral cortex. Reticular formation

Thalamus Functional characteristics and features of the nuclear groups of the thalamus. Hypothalamus. Characteristics of the main nuclear groups. Participation of the hypothalamus in the regulation of vegetative functions and in the formation of emotions and motivations

Limbic system of the brain. Her role in shaping biological motivations and emotions

The role of basal nuclei in the formation of muscle tone and complex motor acts

Modern idea of \u200b\u200bthe localization of functions in the cortex of the cerebral hemispheres. Dynamic function localization

Teaching IP Pavlov about analyzers

Receptor department of analyzers. Classification, functional properties and features of the receptors. Functional mobility (PG Snyakin). Conductor department analyzers. Features of afferent excitations

Adaptation of analyzers, its peripheral and central mechanisms

Characteristics of the visual analyzer. Receptor apparatus. Color perception. Physiological mechanisms of eye accommodation

Auditory analyzer. Sound absorbing and sound-conducting devices. Receptor department of the auditory analyzer. The mechanism of receptor potential in the hair cells of the spiral organ

The role of the vestibular analyzer in the perception and assessment of body position in space and during its movement

Motor analyzer, its role in the perception and assessment of body position in space and the formation of movements

Tactile analyzer. Classification of tactile receptors, features of their structure and functions

The role of the temperature analyzer in the perception of the external and internal environment of the body

Physiological characteristics of the olfactory analyzer. Classification of smells, the mechanism of their perception

Physiological characteristics of the taste analyzer. Mechanism of generating receptor potential under the action of taste stimuli of different modality

The role of the interoceptive analyzer in maintaining the constancy of the internal environment of the body, its structure. Classification of interoceptors, features of their functioning

The biological significance of pain. A modern view of nociception and the central mechanism of pain. Antinociceptive system. Neurochemical mechanisms of antinociception

Methods for studying the excitability of nerves and muscles


Experimental methods for the study of bioelectric phenomena. Galvani experiments

Chronic methods for studying the secretory function of the gastric glands in animals

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Passing through the smallest arterial capillaries inside the tissues under considerable pressure, the blood is filtered by the walls of the capillaries, and its liquid fraction enters the intercellular space. This forms a tissue fluid. If the pressure in the blood vessels of an organ is excessive, then there may be accumulations of tissue fluid (edema). Venous capillaries, in which the blood pressure is insignificant, on the contrary, suck fluid from the surrounding intercellular space. Between the blood in the capillaries, the tissue fluid and the lymph there is a continuous exchange of fluids and substances dissolved in it, and a dynamic equilibrium is established.

Lymph   formed from tissue fluid, per day it is produced in an adult about 2 liters. Lymph contains protein in the amount of 20 g / l, which is about 10 times less than in the blood. Lymph circulates through special lymphatic vessels. For its circulation in the walls of some lymphatic vessels there are smooth muscle cells that rhythmically contract and push the lymph in a certain direction. The most important mover for the lymph are skeletal muscle contractions, while the speed of lymph movement during physical work can be 15 times higher than that of a person who is at rest. In general, the rate of movement of the lymph is relatively small.

Lymphatic system   not having, unlike the circulatory central "pump" - the heart, is arranged according to another principle: the lymphatic vessels do not constitute a closed system, and in some zones converge in large numbers and form lymph nodes. Inflammatory processes in the body often lead to an increase in lymph nodes nearby to the inflammatory focus, since this is where the last stage of maturation of T-lymphocytes, which are necessary to fight microbes, passes.

The main function of the lymphatic system is the removal from the tissues of excess water and those substances that are not used by the cells there. In addition, the lymph transports the nutrients absorbed in the intestine, in particular fats. Another function of the lymph is associated with the activity of the white blood cells (lymphocytes), which are carried through the lymphatic vessels to all the cells of the body and to the places where pathogens enter the body.

An important role in immune reactions, especially in children, is played by the so-called lymphatic glands, scattered throughout the body. These include thymus (thymus gland), tonsils (tonsils), adenoids, appendix and a number of others. Most lymphatic glands, as well as lymphoid tissue in general, as they mature and form specific immunity, lose their importance and decrease in size, partially replaced by connective tissue.

The reaction of the blood system to training and exercise

Physical and mental stress of the body leads to significant changes in the composition of the blood and some of its functional properties. All these changes are adaptive in nature, but in cases of overvoltage they can reflect pathological processes resulting from the failure of adaptation.

White blood.   Under the influence of the usual school load, children experience a relative leukocytosis, that is, an increase in the number of leukocytes by an average of 24%. At the same time, the degree of their maturity practically does not change. Apparently, this characterizes the readiness of the body to face microbial aggression from the outside and with the accumulation in the blood of the decay products of the cells of its own body under the influence of fatigue.

Blood viscosity and erythrocyte sedimentation rate. Blood viscosity after training load usually becomes higher than before it.

At the same time, it may decrease if the initial values \u200b\u200bwere high. The magnitude of the ESR immediately after the lessons in most children of the lower grades increases, although about 30% of children do not show a similar reaction. If the initial ESR value has been increased, then under the influence of the training load, it may decrease.

Blood clotting   The study load stimulates a marked acceleration of blood coagulation, at least in children of primary school age (up to 11 years). With the onset of puberty, the spread of individual characteristics becomes so great that it is quite difficult to assess the effect of the academic load.

White blood. The reaction of white blood to physical activity depends on its power (intensity) and duration. In general, it is characterized by an increase in the number of leukocytes in the blood, but the degree of cell maturity and their predominant variety depend on the parameters of the load and the age of the child. The longer the load is performed, the more pronounced leukocytosis. Normalization of the blood is observed only a day after intense and prolonged muscular work (long-distance running, cycling races, etc.). At the same time, leukocyte destruction processes are activated, which remain elevated for 3 hours after the load.

Red blood.After a load, the number of red blood cells in the blood always changes, but the nature of these changes again depends on the intensity and duration of the load. If the load is short-term, there is a slight increase (8-10%) in the number of erythrocytes, which in this case leave the depot (spleen). If the load is long and tense - the number of red blood cells may decrease, that is, part of the red blood cells is destroyed, and after the cessation of the load, this process continues. At the same time, the formation of red blood cells in the bone marrow is activated, and a large number of young forms appear in the blood. Thus, after considerable physical exertion, the blood is “renewed”. Short-term load does not give such an effect. In children, these changes in blood are much more pronounced than in adults.

Blood viscosity and erythrocyte sedimentation rate.   A short or non-intensive load does not affect the viscosity of the blood, whereas long-term hard work leads to its increase, which lasts up to 2 days. In adults, a similar job may not lead to an increase in viscosity.

Under the influence of a short-term load, the ESR may accelerate in some children, while others may slow down. However, a continuous high-power load always leads to an increase in the ESR, which may remain elevated within 24 hours after the load. In adults, the magnitude of ESR returns to baseline faster than that of boys and girls.

Blood clotting   Muscular work causes a pronounced thrombocytosis, which in this case is called myogenic. This body reaction takes place in two phases: first, the number of platelets in the blood increases, and then their composition changes. In adults, usually the muscular load does not lead to the manifestation of the second phase, whereas the body of children and adolescents reacts to the load more rapidly and myogenic thrombocytosis quickly passes the first and then the second phase. This leads to a significant increase in the rate of blood coagulation. The adaptive meaning of such a reaction is quite obvious: the body prepares itself, as it were, for possible damage to the epithelial tissues and vessels in the process of intense muscular activity by activating various defense systems in advance.



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